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Everything posted by Priceflash

  1. The Dwarf Urguan I would appear at random with a force of heavily armored security, all appearing short in state. "Dear friends and fellow dweddahs, I, Urguan I, stand before ye today wid a ‘eavy ‘eart, troubled by da news dat ‘as reached me ears. Fer centuries, da Canonist Church ‘as been a plague upon our society, bringin’ sufferin’ and turmoil to all who fall under its twisted influence. An’ yet, despite all ov da ‘arm it ‘as caused, it remains a powerful an’ influential force, ‘ailed by many as a beacon ov righteousness an’ faith. But I say to ye, me fellow dwarves an’ all other noble races, dat da Canonist Church is nothin’ more dan a corrupt an’ insidious institution, driven by greed, power, an’ a desire to control da masses. Dey claim to serve da will ov their false gods, but in truth dey serve only their own interests, manipulatin’ da beliefs an’ fears ov da people to suit their own agenda. An’ wot ov their so-called "saints," dem whom dey claim are blessed by their gods an’ worthy ov our adoration? Look at da example dey ‘ave set fer us! Sister Helena, a Frost Witch masqueradin’ as a nun, allowed to ‘ide among us in plain sight widout fear ov discovery. An’ yet when she is finally exposed, she is punished not fer ‘er deceit, but fer ‘er true nature - a nature dat da Canonist Church claims to abhor. Is dis da kind ov justice dat we, as a society, wish to uphold? Is dis da kind ov hypocrisy dat we wish to propagate? I say no. It is time fer an end to da sufferin’ dat da Canonist Church brings upon us. It is time fer us to turn away from their false gods an’ embrace da one true deity - Yemekar, da savior ov our people. Yemekar is a deity ov truth an’ justice, a god who does nay discriminate or deceive. He does nay demand dat we blindly follow ‘is teachings, but rather encourages us to seek knowledge an’ understandin’ fer ourselves. Yemekar is a god who will guide us towards a better future, a future free ov da corruption an’ manipulation ov da Canonist Church. I urge ye all to join me in dis call fer change, to stand up an’ speak out against da Canonist Church an’ all dat it represents. Togeda, we can create a society based on da principles ov truth, justice, an’ equality. Togeda, we can build a future worthy ov our people."
  2. Anthromorphs are sexualized and sex has no place on my christian minecraft server. Especially with animals.
  3. This is dumb af yall gonna make me act up Damn yall got me fr i aint even read the post
  4. Let me expose them to their family and ruin their life for you hmu im scarier
  5. A very darkly dressed Urguan I crawls out of a hole, reading the pamphlet. If one were to look closely through the slits of armor, they would see tears forming around a slightly glowing eye. He clutches the paper tightly, letting out a ear shattering cry "NARVAK OZ URGUAN" At that, he would return to his hole in the ground. Whatever was on the schedule today, is no longer.
  6. As lotcs most banned player, I will address this post. I think as a player you want 100 percent want an admin ban over a moderation ban if its something crazy because mods vote on certain ban appeals and u can get caught up in hell if ppl don't like you or your image. Personally, the mods will never unban me. Plus, getting unbanned on lotc is not that hard unless you can't appeal correctly or did something really bad. Even then, the entire staff team will turn over and eventually you can get unbanned. Where there is a will, there is a way. I think nation leaders and staff members should go through a more transparent process when being subject to bans and discipline due to the nature of the positions and integrity to the server. Edit: Also i think its funny some people saying years ago it used to be better becaues did you play bro 🤣 Those admins perma'd u for whatever way moreso than now, very little transparency on anything, even mods could easily remove u off the server. Its a lot more fair now. If urasept and shift was still admins some of ya'll would be in the trenches
  7. You're overthinking it. Literally just talk to people. That is how you make friends. Have a genuine interest in them and find people who seem interested in you. In game, start roleplay with someone random. Do it consistently, and you'll have a friend. If you look weird or act weird, people are going to think you're weird. So, at least try to conform a little. In 2022 you can stylistically do whatever as long as its put together and your not a furry. (This pertains to real life especially) Be nice and respectful. Be self aware. Sounds like you got some anxiety fam, i'd address that. Your thought process probably is something lie: What's wrong with me why can't i make friends is it me? In reality: You have anxiety talking to people and therefore you won't make friends because you don't talk to them. It's probably not anything you said or did, but the fact that you aren't interacting. Stop overthinking it.
  8. I am going to take the position that it is not reasonable for administrators to proactively try to enforce rules, or assume the intentions of players. First of all, this entire server is one big ooc scheme. Trying to deliberate who's ooc'ly scheming is stupid, because we all know the High Elves went on their discord, ooc'ly complained, ooc'ly did everything, and did not try to do anything ic to save their nation. They had faith it would be dealt with ooc and it was. I do not believe trying to stop a dead nation like haelunor from being taken over by a more active population is 'Killing the high elves'. I do not think that is 'killing a playerbase'. I think behavior that would warrant a ban might include ooc'ly discluding players from roleplay based on who they are, or refusing to participate in roleplay. I think that having an ooc motivation and acting within the rules is quite frankly not against the rules, and is inherent to every player. If you can't accept that we are real people with real motivations and that flows into the game, we are never going to get anywhere. I am going to make an educated guess based on my interactions with the staff teams of lotc. The admins arbitrarily decided to protect Haelun'or, albeit using justification from new and existing policies. It's obvious why --its a retirement home for a bunch of ex staff, or old players, all of whom have staff connections and influence. If they were really interested in roleplay, they would defend their city and save it. High Elves, believe it or not, can rally better than ive seen krugmar do some maps. From the evidence I have seen, staff members have interoplated private and public conversations of those opposed to Haelunor (which occurred, typically over ooc mediums whether that be pms, ooc chat, or discord) to be something they dislike. While no real rules have been broken (although i dare say high elven players have broken more rules by avoiding rp), head staff were tasked with eliminating the threat. So, admin team takes a arbitrary vote and nukes players off the server based off evidence presented by biased individuals because they're busy and have no time to take a holistic approach. As a player i do find it funny how many people calling the current admin team and head staff tyrants or w/e cuz honestly, try playing lotc 10 years ago. The status quo was completely arbitrary decisionmaking, a random gm might wake up and feel like permaing you today, you can literally insult a gm in ooc and get gatted off the server. Yall living in a bubble grow up And play the game, let it be a game and stop taking things off the server. The type of ooc hostility presented in this thread is exactly what @itdontmattashould be aiming to prevent, not the takeover of haelunor. A well aimed but short sighted attempt at curbing ooc hostility, it is evident that admin intervention is only going to generate more negativity on both sides. Letting this run its course would of resulted in a case that has proper evidence, a clear rulebreaker, and an obvious result. There's a reason the fbi waits when they know a crime has been committed and they know the perpetrator, and its to collect evidence. I think the staff team should work on compliance with existing rules, transparency, and accountability so it is easy for players to audit how exactly a decision was reached. Otherwise, it's always going to be players v staff, playerbase v playerbase.
  9. i think the potion effects should be increased to more like 1-2 minute for the weakest drink and 15 for the absolute strongest aged drink. itd be more fun, make rp more fun, etc.
  10. pvp is roleplay wowj cope and seethe
  11. unironically going back to 1.8 timers and readding diamond armor would probably be more fire
  12. "I dont want to rp the production of my drink" "It would kill this rp" Make that make sense
  13. I suggest a persona time requirement, perhaps 40 hours (in line with what is required to join a warclaim). By doing this, new players do not run off to freebuild immediately, cities will suffer less of an activity burn, and build quality will (presumably) increase. Then, there will also be no excuses to say "but i didnt know the rules!!?!1" in regards to freebuild bc you just played 40 hours. Also, road to 500 kekw MORE TIME PLAYED = METRICS lets go team!!!!!
  14. well i can think of one person.... 😈
  15. Lol u definitely got banned for something more than "didnt want to play a plant person" for 2 weeks way to deflect your ban and divert your energy to another person being unbanned. Its a game it seems like you needed the time out based on this post. You're boutta be back in 2 weeks guaranteed
  16. funny af to me how ppl will dog on mercenaries for not rping when they post  big rp posts and do in game rp, and minas or die used to be allowed on lotc lmfaooo yall dont even know what its like fr!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LatzMomo


      Some people are just willfully ignorant because it fits their agenda

    3. Priceflash


      @NotEvilAtAllppl are dumb asf bc if ppl wanted factions theyd go play hcf or something if they wanted to dunk on ppl theyd hop on badlion unranked ppl here for a reason! im saying bro fr and pvp has been linked with minecraft rp since 2011 i played on some of the first roleplay servers period! 

    4. tasty_cheesecake


      the last time i rpd was when i put eternalsaturn in a cage and sold her back to the stauntons for 15k

  17. And on gang this is the one right here these kids don't know what it was like back in the day you better hope your enemy dont got a pocket gm or ts admin perms bc your ass getting whacked! If someones being toxic to u block em on god
  18. Ima be honest chief i stopped reading and laughed when i read "conflict should never, under any circumstances, spill into OOC drama". Sir, what server have you been playing on? When has that ever been the case? Believe it or not, real people are invested in and have power over their characters, everything that you do IC is going to have an OOC consequences and vice versa. Anyone that denies that is delusional. I've been roleplaying on minecraft for over 10 years now and lemme u tell u what, there isn't really anything you can do. It's human nature.\ The only way staff can moderate this is mind control. Trying to police OOC toxicity is gonna result in tons of casualties only for the same exact thing to keep happening. "Exclusively Oren, because of all the other roleplay communities, while having their divisions, at least get along on an OOC level" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME BROTHA.... Like, you fr? Half these communities on lotc having toxic splits bianually. If you want to actually make a difference instead of just being a virtue signaling, rep farming npc, propose a solution.
  19. I do wanna say that I don't think the onus should be on players to create fun for others. If someone simply wants to participate in roleplay and not create it, I think that's very reasonable. Given this is a roleplay server with like 200+ active players online at a time depending on the time of day, I would expect there to be some sort of roleplay occurring. I do think the onus should be on the server, its directors, and its staff. If players can log onto their nation capital at peak and there isn't any significant roleplay they can actively participate in, that's an issue. If everyone's afk, there's a reason. Now, what's the actual issue? I think there's a lot of reasons, but I think some of it comes down to pure avolition. There's absolutely no motivation to do anything. The economy is driven almost by complete out of character means and no roleplay is required (i don't considering running a command or going to voting websites roleplay, im willing to bite that bullet). As a result, there is little reason for individual actors to actively participate in the economy. Individuals can also create their own roleplay items using commands that are as good as any other, so there's even less of a reason to seek out someone else, especially outside of your circle. My detractors may say "how is an economy integral to roleplay" & "minas isnt roleplaying" but let's imagine a scenario. Picture this: food is free, the government gives you more than enough money to survive every month for free. You can buy a house, pay your rent, and live very comfortably. Employees at every shop are robots that are capable of saying phrases but not responding or holding conversations. What do you picture yourself doing? Honestly, would you still want to pursue a job or business? Would you want to do more than watch videos on your phone in bed all day and order doordash? Would you realistically see yourself going out into the world and participating in wider society every day, or do you see yourself spending more time with your family and friends? Do you think you'd be more active & seen in society in the current era, or in this scenario? Even if your stance is still "you could still go and do it" or "i would", how many others do you see willing to go to the same lengths as you? The server has been moving in a direction away from gamification, away from real player-driven economies, away from player responsibility & agency, away from mechanics, away from conflict, and as a result, there is less and less incentive to engage with others as well as less dynamic roleplay opportunities. I think the admins and other staff are too concerned with optics of their decisionmaking to make choices that will actually benefit players.
  20. lol i genuinely think this is the funniest most out of touch post ive ever read on lotc. First of all, what OOC grind is happening right now? Vortex has been removed, it is in fact very boring for anyone who would like to grind on anything -- the amount of grinding you have to do for anything has been reduced to an absolute minimum. The fact that you think 'Orenian mods' are abusive and biased really says something. Even I have to admit that the staff team has definitely work on protocols and making sure the team members aren't acting out of line. Can they make questionable decisions sometimes, absolutely. But the idea that in 2022 there are orenian mods out to get you is really funny (the idea that oren represents some sort of pvp nation in 2022 is also really funny). I'd be willing to go as far as saying pvp goons as we historically think about them are a rarity on lotc these days and most people on the server do a fair amount of text based roleplay. I also think it's really bad faith to say people who want to pvp and utilize warclaims are somehow not roleplaying in the process. "don't need to RP with people who aren't going to be respectful towards you, like PGing, or metagaming, or just a unsavory OOCly." And here it is folks. The smoking gun. "Don't rp with people you don't like ooc'ly or you have predispositions about". Way to post a crazy paragraph to completely contradict yourself. I don't believe there's a real reason to avoid roleplay with someone unless you're ooc'ly busy, or a person is legitimately harassing you via OOC means. If someone powergames or metagames, call a moderator. If someone is violating you, call a moderator. What you just described is exactly the opposite of what that theory in that magazine suggests. Anyways, I think the true answer to this thread is that people are more inclined to roleplay when there's something interesting going on, or conflict. Most people would rather be doing something else than chatting with a rando over a fake beer for 3 hours while they wait for something to happen. People who are text rp purists who don't believe lotc should be a certain way have been trying to remove all gamification from the system for quite some time. As a result, there isn't much to but sit there. The people who once might have been engaged in something substantive have nothing to do, and they aren't gonna magically stay tabbed in to do roleplay if there's nothing engaging. There's a point where I'd rather be sitting there in real life talking to real people instead of doing the same thing in roleplay. There has to be something going on to entice me (as well as most others), otherwise the priority the server has is lower (as it should be, This is minecraft!).
  21. Alright delete the lore and story team and replace it with the tech team
  22. As of late, the story team has adopted a policy that they aren't running player requested or locally targeted events anymore. If their job is basically going to be lore team + we do events (sometimes), I think it makes more sense to separate the two. I believe running local events for different communities is integral to the wellbeing of the server and the Road to 500. In addition, I think a separate event team (with different leadership) may benefit both teams significantly. I believe a separate event team with less lore supervision would result in more compelling, less restrictive content. What is not compelling is huge landscarred story team dragon events where a dragon runs through the land but is on hiatus and is largely irrelevant. We need a large dedicated team working on events for the server and whatever is going on now is not working. Amen.
  23. On some level yeah, but on some level everything is decided OOC because your character doesn't actually exist. You're in charge of their decisionmaking, etc. Everyone on the server is meant to be a on a level playing field anyway, afaik a T5 mage isn't supposed to have a crazy advantage over a good warrior. There's obviously a suspension of disbelief when we open a GUI on lotc, we can extend that to other things as well. Your immersion isn't being ruined because you pressed E so I find it hard to understand how left clicking is either besides "I dont wanna learn". Once upon a time, every major roleplay server had pvp heavily integrated into it (and on all of these servers even lotc, magic was like 1000x more powerful.) If your whole nation cant pvp then maybe its time to rp training your army and make them engage in some combat exercises! If you don't wanna do that type of rp, accept that your army is about to be terrible and succumb to military threaats.
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