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Status Updates posted by JuliusAakerlund

  1. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Skippy


      Jaden, seb is perma banned. We grind our own items, and in addition I was uninvolved with seb completely. It's also unfair to call dwarves dupers, when many human groups and even orc groups are also known for their duping shenanigans. Thx!!

    3. LPT


      Perhaps I have been absent or oblivious to the dupers of other nations which is highly possible. I do go for large periods of leave however I have seen more dupers come from the Dwarven nation than any other. It is possible that humans have done it, and Orcs , but even if they did it just as much as dwarves the conversation is about Alc fire, not who dupes the most.

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Derailing conversations are great, I simply thought that moment in the war should be highlighted. As one of the servers more known merchant and grinder i'd love to tell you duping is something only one group does. I personaly have never partaken in such behaviour but I can tell you from experience all sides of any groups on the server has dupers. Honestly I care not for the nerf on alch fire, I really saw no problem with it earlier except for the duped ones as it hurts the interests of the server. 'Tis what 'tis.



    Whoever redeems it first gets it, i've got no use for it <3.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ark


      haha jk havent redeemed it yet, just asked him on skype. It's star wars battle front, i don't really want it


    3. JuliusAakerlund
    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      after this is over, we should all go cyber.

  3. What was your first thoughts when you woke up this morning guys and girls? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund


      Personally I awoke calmly taking a deep breath as I was rendered with a feeling of satisfaction knowing I had the whole day off and I could spend it in my own little corner of hell, noteably it seems like the caretakers had upped the antey as they had proceeded to defile my hell into my worst nightmare. Overall i'd say that is quite a accomplishment no?

    3. Vege


      was thinking about how good it is that Jeremy Corbyn and the snp have risen to power and how the combination of the two has destroyed the left and made the Labour Party unelectable in the short to medium term securing power for the tories to ensure economically motivated decisions rather than politically motivated decisions designed to capture labour votes

    4. argonian


      it'll be hilarious when the snp lose their second referendum



    Another game code, but this one is personaly my favourite out of the 10 more coming later <3.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Salvo


      what was it

    3. Kim


      ur toyin with too many feelins here boy

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Crysis 2 ultimate Edition

  5. Grinding?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      i opened like, 27 or so a long time ago, got 2 recipes lol

    3. JuliusAakerlund


      Yeah got lucky myself recently aswell.

    4. Salvo


      What'd you get

  6. Wake up, get on, cut trees for 5 hours. There is nothing better that I love to do <3.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund
    3. JuliusAakerlund


      @ManOfRespect When I go hardcore mode I end up cutting wood or mining for 36+ hours. I'm... rather addicted to say the least.

  7. Feel free to read this and tell me what you guys think.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund


      So what did you think : )?

    3. Kim


      not bad not bad, keep it up dude

    4. iris1612



      2/10 needs more grinding


  8. My phones discord below for anyone that wants to catch up.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yaldabaoth


      He has awoken

    3. Hephaestus


      Nigh, is his slumber no more.

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Gang gang, hit me up on discord if you haven't already goys and gals. @Sorcerio @Mojo @Hephaestus

  9. Ave Siegrad, Ave the North, Ave Barbanov long may his rule remain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stevie


      Ave is from the chivay empire hahaha get rekt

    3. osumanduas


      hey mirtok!!

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Meanwhile in Siegrad progress continue as per usual.

  10. 70ZC2-TK4K0-AL3B2


    Last one until I get back to my appartment later today, have fun <3.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund


      Who am I kidding i'm feeling the christmas spirit and I have plenty more where that came from.



    3. Sythan


      The code is wrong or somethin :C

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Have this code instead then : )



  11. So anyone know why our world is currently stuck in a perpetual Night/Day depending on where you are? I've watched the moon be in the exact same spot for 20 hours....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund


      The night is getting depressing and the occasional spasms of the moon on LoTC is getting awkward.

    3. bumblefina


      The ET's tend to forget to turn the sun back on after events. I usually just modreq

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Yeah since this post they turned it back on about 5 minutes later, so suppose we've succeded in what I wished to accomplish. But thanks for the advice either way Shannon.

  12. The feeling when you are grinding and the server restarts, you put your face to your keyboard and sob for a good three minutes. Then the server comes up you wipe them up and realise it was all just a horrible nightmare.

    1. Birdnerdy
    2. Nolan_


      Change your profile picture, it upsets me

    3. JuliusAakerlund
  13. To grind or not to grind is definately not the question!



    1. Angmarzku


      Stop grinding

    2. LPT


      i'LL GRIND YOU! ;  )

    3. JuliusAakerlund
  14. I haven't gotten involved with the whole Pyro vs Rebecca thing nor am I going to, but i'd like to state that the picture of Rebecca has surfaced several times that day in several chats not just Haense, Haense being the largest I know of to have it shared. I have also seen this picture in several places a few months back and over the past months, I feel like calling out another group by name in a very heated discussion where only a single person, in that chat that isn't directly a member of Haense is a stretch too far.


    I've never wished harm upon anyone on Lord of The Craft nor have the vast majority of Haense players, we are a close group of friends and friend groups than enjoy RPing just like the next guy. I think this whole debacle is honestly one of the things that shows why we don't get a lot of new players to stay.


    I know plenty of people wants you to pick a side in a fight but in some fights picking no side is the right choice, there were obvious wrong doings on both sides. Boundaries were breached by Pyro and Ski there is no excusing the behaviour Pyro is banned Ski will more than likely be punished as well. I'm not happy to see either of them have this moment, nor am I happy to hear that a member of our community had a picture shared of them. Sure it may have very well been publicly available and so much is the case. It is hard to stay protected or anonymous on the internet so is the modern day.

    Pyro is banned, Joey is banned and Ski king is being looked into move on.

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      wtf Julius why did you not add me to the list of banned players!!

    2. Pinochet


      hey good on you for disclosing this information

    3. JuliusAakerlund


      @Nathan_Barnett36 I donno, i'm tired man and I don't see the need to add all names involved in small petty parts of a bigger drama.

  15. When every warclaim post of the current year is named something entirely OOC related and memey, really makes you think man.

    1. Raomir


      Silly Julius, there is no place for thinking on LoTC

    2. B


      makes u look cooler didnt u know julius lol

    3. JuliusAakerlund


      Sorry I forgot

  16. My VIP rank on the forums was removed for some reason. Haven't been around for a good while so not sure if I missed something? Anyone that can help?

    1. Myleres


      “/freja sync” in game and that should help you out :) 

    2. JuliusAakerlund


      @Kuila unfortunately I don't have access to a PC atm but ty anyway 😊

    3. snoopie12


      Heya, sorry Im late. But you can DM me to get it sorted. snoopie12#8195

  17. Siegrad is love, Siegrad is life.

    1. IrishPerson
    2. Travista


      B-bb-but Shreck is love... Shreck is life...

  18. @Sporadic Are the Minotaur trophies not up yet or is there another reason why they aren't present on the trophy list? Also i'd like to thank you for all the hard work you and your team does, I quite enjoy a lot of the updates and even though I don't agree with all the changes a lot of these changes are a welcoming sight for certain.

    1. Sporadic


      uhm i forgot

    2. JuliusAakerlund


      @Sporadic I think you forgot to add the bogbeast tongue, unless that was removed from the equation I haven't hunted them for quite a while so I suppose that could be possible. Thought i'd give you a headsup just incase.

  19. I'm having withdrawals from the lack of grinding, where are you my resource island Q.Q

    1. Birdnerdy


      right in the feels man

    2. Textarea


      i've been grinding on world of tanks since i'm banned on lotc lol

  20. R4WE L2L5 7L6W UR28 9CZJ

    I heard we liked fantasy around here, so I brought some squary enixes as a present, something about it seems very final. Hmm.

    1. JuliusAakerlund


      This one needs to be redeemed on a site which seemingly has a facination with squares!

    2. JuliusAakerlund


      Some people said it was hard to figure this one out so i'll spill the beans.  Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn redeem it on Square Enixs's site!

  21. That moment when you make 5 stacks worth of potions.

    1. JuliusAakerlund


      Nah legit or quit.

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