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Everything posted by Birdnerdy

  1. Funny that the majority of those crying "muh setting" roleplay nonhumans or spellcasters who have access to the absurd powers of magitech. Whose setting exactly is at stake here? Which playerbase and race were the first to advocate for firearm lore? The human playerbase of Oren. Your rp is just as insular as ours. Most humans spend their time with other humans, elves with elves, dwarves with dwarves, etc. How many human rpers did you see criticizing or proposing retcons to magitech lore because it our violated our "theme?" Why are you so anal about what our roleplay could look like? The fantasy genre is as expansive and varied as the name implies, the invisible marked boundaries that you lot refer to don't exist anywhere within film, games, or literature. Our interpretation of fantasy is just as valid as yours.
  2. https://gyazo.com/2a718bc9d3c3b87488ab533db5bb0d98


    damn norland roleplay really makes me think

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brawms


      Heh, show you're own face, question mark?

    3. _pr0fit
    4. Pando_


      what was removed :pp

  3. The Ancap dream is alive in Somalia brothers

  4. will somebody explain this new forum rule to me

    1. Birdnerdy
    2. mitto


      what you crying about nerdbirdy

    3. Birdnerdy


      legit rp post that was hidden

      got it fixed though xoxo

  5. WHAT THE **** 


    who removed my post on yoppl's permakill post

    1. Birdnerdy


      answer me FM *****

      I ******* dont even know why explain yourselves 

  6. Would you rather: The Library of Alexandria never being burned, OR the Roman Empire never existing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      keep the library cuz Rome still got their ass's handed to them at the Battle of Yarmouk


    3. WuHanXianShi14


      glory to byzantium the shield of christendom for 700 years

    4. overlord2305


      Library never burning down, 

  7. 1. Kovachev 2. Kovachev 3. Kovachev 4. Kovachev 5. Kovachev
  8. tbh the tahmasian GM exodus was the best thing to happen to lotc in a good while. With the swamp properly drained of negligence, we seen to be on the rise!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elennanore


      Except for the GM Team is even more useless... :(

    3. monkeypoacher


      here's hoping :) 

  9. smh orener idiot. when we shitpost, it's for fun and memes. When you shitpost, you're just salty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__
    3. Raomir


      smh idiot waldenian using logic

      my bad i mean AESTERWALDENIAN haha got u

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      aestershima was an inside job

  10. Uninstall the dev team 

  11. *canNot see thread as he is banned
  12. mission failed, we'll get em next time


  14. Shortcut: Take the boat labeled "Haense" from spawn. Should take you right to it.
  15. Pavel the monk shrugs. "As long as they understand they are under the command of the Bishop, there's no harm to be done.
  16. Sandy, why can't we look the other way?

  17. ./r send in the spider monkey

  18. /pets view doesnt work lmao

  19. why do mojang's servers have to go to **** on the day of a warclaim...

  20. Anyone else getting an error when they try to log in?

    1. wolfdwg


      minecraft servers am down

    2. _NotChris


      some times, but keep trying to log on and it should work

  21. I may not be happy that oren lost today but the end of the warclaim was lagless so if the techs can keep that up this war might actually be fun

  22. who won? who's next? You decide!

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