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Everything posted by BonesOfTheEarth

  1. Why is there a need to get that far into detail? Why overexplain something that’s simple? The magic is for those of good nature who follow order, and give their focus entirely to the void. Dark mages don’t fall into this category. The general argument that “Spooks need to be treated like everybody else” is generally dumb and your replies seem to fall under that twisted line of thinking, unless I pull out a monocle and become an english teacher picking apart your replies. Your replies are geared towards allowing the lines of other magics to be the judge on if they can learn celestialism as well. Would you argue that shades get to decide if their magic is compatible with paladin magic? The magic requires a heavy focus on itself, on both the mind and soul. You’re nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking, let them do their thing. Any magic can claim what they are and are not compatible with. They’ve given a reason, just accept it instead of demanding more than is necessary.
  2. You can’t logically opt to play a dark mage and then cry that you’re not included in good-based things.
  3. Frick! I was waiting to outbid at the last second, my dumbass forgot
  4. It just occurred to me that the lore games due date was removed entirely...

  5. Current rules are a little iffy on combat default. It claims that once it’s decided, it’s locked in as such unless everyone agrees otherwise – Regardless of if more people show up to bring the number of participants above 10. The wording is a little odd but that’s how I’m reading it. Is this right or wrong? A lot of people tend to read things how they want it to be and not how it’s actually written.

    1. E__V__O


      Similar to how if PvP starts new parties cannot engage/change the ruling. I believe it is a bit different to CRP where new members can join though once combat is chosen unless an argument arises and a moderator rules PvP it stays to CRP.

  6. Last time I saw a runesmith use exactly this was them forcing that time into RP conflict and basically making a mountain of stone on someone. If it’s allowed to be used in combat, please give it RP times.
  7. Unpopular opinion villainy applications were a good concept. Granted many things were/are “Good concepts” and are ruined by poor execution. Wasn’t around for them either so I don’t share any bad experiences.

  8. My pet peeve is people collecting last names. I don’t have a reason, it just annoys me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skyrunner


      What you find it weird that people on this server keep adopting people well into their adulthood?

    3. squakhawk


      i also have a problem with this, my homie really be named “firstname “the dude” lastname-lastname-lastname”

      i have a greater problem with people given multiple characters in some form or position of power and playing none of them, just collecting them 

    4. monkeypoacher


      adopting several large, adult sons to grow my dynasty

  9. @Literally any Dev/Admin Can someone restart the server? It didn’t last night, and that axed my plan of horse-breeding. Would have had the perfect amount for an event tomorrow but now I can’t breed :C

    Also noone else can breed my horses either, gonna make a dev thing about that one.

    1. 501warhead


      We’re working on getting automated restarts fixed again. We had some changes on the back end of the server a week or so ago that broke automated restarts.

  10. I sat here for an hour trying to translate that blackspeech and got met with edge, what the heck bro :C
  11. “What an interesting name. ‘The Black Hand’, in the tongue of dark creatures.” Was all Lefkos had to say on the matter, smiling and placing the notice onto his wall of sweet memories.
  12. Three things of note @Jake!: -In writing a weakness to Paladin magic, you’ve failed to give it an actual weakness. Paladin’s only have a single damage-offensive spell, and your effects of how it hurts Azdrazi are essentially the exact same as what the spell does in its natural state; a lot of pain, and a lot of burning. There are other combat spells, though they are not necessarily damaging. Did you mean that these other spells would hurt if an Azdrazi touched them as well? Or that the previous spell dealt more damage than it would normally? -In slight continuation of the first point; Paladin Mists only know what we know, so you should have no bonus damage or whatever dealt to you if you are disguised and we aren’t aware that you are an Azdrazi. -Your rule on Azdrazi doing magics allows Paladin-Azdrazi. I’m going to assume this wasn’t on purpose. Azdrazi are ******* dope though so good luck, I like them
  13. Wish there was some way to protect horses. I’m not arguing that horse-thievery shouldn’t be allowed, but maybe paying some obscene amount of mina to have like 1 horse per player that can’t be stolen. So we can actually ride them places and be able to get off without them wandering away or some rando immediately hopping on them and running... Kinda like how nexus breeding worked I guess. Just a thought.

  14. How big can you make a T3 charter with the shovel?
    Same with T2

    T1 is 50

    1. E__V__O


      T1 – 50.

      T2 – 100.

      T3 – 150.

    2. Crevel


      Hey mate, here’s a link with information regarding the charter system.


    3. NotEvilAtAll


      0 blocks by 0 blocks

  15. Imagine stabbing someone with a rusted bloody dagger and pming them “You have aids now, PK in a few rp months please”

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. frill


      aids doesnt last that long if exposed to air, u inventing magic aids

    4. AlphaMoist


      Aides breaks techlock...

  16. Sweats in izkuthii fr though I’m 90% sure Llahir is an unknown daemon in character, and there’s already a playerbase of magical creatures that derive their power from Llahir
  17. Is voidal shifting the action of an emote? I argue yes, so you can’t shift and stab someone in the same emote. Only people I see argue otherwise are the users of the magic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ford


      Dishonored-tier gameplay but I think it’s plausible. Did you get ganked by someone doing this lol

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      Nah lol just saw someone walking around who I know does it to others

    4. E__V__O


      Should ask the ST what they think.

  18. The split party fight that recently happened against Yusef, Holfa, and Neilu ******* HIPPY. Kind of weird not seeing her depressed No. I’d call myself an EPIC gamer. He literally never was. Lefkos hates vas. Shades cannot be good... Soon(Tm) “When lefkos was” “Was”
  19. Yeah lol I haven’t done one of these in a really, really long time. I always mean to and only remember when I see someone else has made one, and then I don’t want to because it feels like I’m copying them. But here we are. Hmu any question, any topic, I’ll answer. Will it be an accurate answer? Depends on the question.
  20. Yeah man idk, I feel you. My student I think I had never once asked for a lesson
  21. https://gyazo.com/2b50d0d94aabdc86a86b44367b8aa47f HMU On discord @ Will/Fury#3108. Basically need a barn built, and that’s it for now. A few other buildings too depending on costs, will pay in mina and all that. Specifics to be discussed in private.
  22. Don’t they already have villainy blacklists for just overall poor villainy? Could you not get blacklisted for some instant kill attempts out of the blue?? I like banditry. I’ve never had much problem with it, and if i get in a pickle I can usually offer to pay(Voting every day is short, easy, and gives a good healthy coin purse) – And if I’m not an *******, I might get ignored next time too instead of banditted, and get a good chuckle out of watching someone else get gassed. That’s my general bandit experience. Are the GM’s too scared to blacklist people who do one liners? Or are they not allowed to do this? I don’t see much of an issue with the rules as they are, but rather the fact that they’re literally not held as standards by the ones who are meant to enforce them.
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