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Everything posted by BonesOfTheEarth

  1. Being, if you're manipulating ice we can stop you from manipulating it further. Like if you have an ice sphere just floating we'd make it drop to the ground, but if it was being thrown we could not stop the force already behind the throw. I think. Also I hate the fact we're losing our second souls still, but I like everything else :)
  2. Papers make their way around Axios, showing a list of items and descriptions! "Each item here is meant to work with eachother, yet are equally as useful individually. It took a great deal of time to create this many, and each items bidding prices begin at 500 mina. Minimum increase is 100." ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/1fc2a2cb7fd4dafc11373c059c70857f A helmet aimed to stop pesky mental mages from bothering you! The ward can be turned off when you're not using it through a simple command that will be given to however buys it! Current Bid: 500 - Afilion ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/56a33b4170f82ed3a3645217681cfa5b A chestplate. Ever been mad because of that one shot kill magic called electrical evocation? It wont hurt you anymore! This is turned on and off by tapping the gem twice. Current Bid: 500 - None ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/3d891863aba0cad3c2e262cd973f14f9 A set of leggings aimed to form wind around you! This might make those that mindlessly run up stumble back. Nothing too complex. Current Bid: 500 - None ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/5465038b525bae0e671c493d208c8dcd A set of boots that shoot spikes. What more needs to be said? Current Bid: 1000 - Dewlox ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/03b24e923a76b2327b3583471ff0e6e8 Flaming meteorite sword. Sexy ****, proper warhawkian craft. Current Bid: Sold! ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/760dc7ba0762367bbc588747bf3420b8 An arcane bash shield! Its pretty resilient against sword strikes and weightless, and bashes people. Blunt force sucks though. Current Bid: 700 - Afilion ------------------------------ https://gyazo.com/ed13ad97efa36659fd88be11a72f216f An amulet to calm the wearer, perhaps giving clarity in a fight? How you use this is up to you. How it was made also shouldn't be questioned. Current Bid: 1200 - Darkelfs ------------------------------ Bidding ends in exactly three elven days.
  3. isnt this like already a thing? I was taught being told you needed the help of another mage to enchant with said magic. Unless its about that thing someone totally didnt slip into the guide?!?!?
  4. My point stands. If its so minor, just yknow.. Not be involved in that way? Partake in the event. ET are free to change things whenever, and its not very smart to plan out every little thing in an event that you arent the ET of, so I'm sure any good ET will keep it fun for you.
  5. I get that you're trying to make eventlines, and they're normally ok ideas - But take this to heart. Try not to make every suggestion revolve in some way around your character!
  6. Thalrian smiles, settling down both of his kin into the infirmary - The rescue mission a success.
  7. Also your examples dont show :)
  8. *thinking back to how dark arts users almost always **** on holy magic users in a fight outside of like 2 or 3 competent ones No room to complain
  9. I've been looking at your forum name for almost a year now and I only just realized that the last bit of it is just "Trinn" backwards.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitto


      actually trinn backwards is weak

    3. Ducklingator


      fury go to bed

    4. Trinn


      I regret logging back into my forums account.

      also mitto what : ( 

  10. May god save your rep-post ratio

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BonesOfTheEarth


      But he has a long way to go to bring his rep up even more

    3. fighting evil by moonlight

      fighting evil by moonlight

      fury_fire more like fury_leave

    4. BonesOfTheEarth


      Dorian more like BOREIAN hah gotem

  11. "You know the temple sells them for 300 mina right? And Sutica sells them for 100. You should really rethink your marketing plans."
  12. RP Name: Thalrian Lennox MC Name: swgrs_fav_lich (until Fury_Fire returns) Known Arcane Arts: -Mental Magic -Telekinesis -Transfiguration -Earth Evocation Position Desired: Student When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Anytime.
  13. I cant be racist if I hate everyone equally

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Violino


      Do you hate me? I SEE HOW IT IS FURY!

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      No. Gotta like that black booty yknow

    4. MyNameIsMason
  14. Hello my name is furyfire and i am here to make an admin shitpost

    1. Slayy


      get in line

    2. Kiiwi


      Since all the Game Moderators left can I be a Gm????????

    3. fighting evil by moonlight

      fighting evil by moonlight

      actually, you're fury_fire

      nice try kid B-)

  15. Ladyrebecca more like spams my notifications

    1. LadyRebecca


      This is what happens when you follow an FM

    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      >following an FM in 2017



  16. Day six,



    I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It grows closer with each passing moment.. I wonder, how long has it really been? I look at the date on my phone, wondering.. Has it really only been six days? It feels as thought years have passed without LOTC. Am I sane anymore?

    1. EdgyMagey
    2. Slayy


      Fury you are so dramatic

  17. I like how everyone says in a straight up magic only fight a holy mage would beat a dark mage. Dark mages have void magic, which holy does not stop.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blundermore


      Also because there's like 30 different types of dark magic or creatures or groups present, quite a few that Holy magic cannot actually affect anyways, then they can mix these different dark magics and creatures together, then they can mix in voidal magic as well. 

      Yet apparently Dark magic is the underpowered element here according to some people? 

      Also the amount of dark magics that simply have an event style 'win button' where they can just cast a massive spell and win and there's nothing the holy magic users can do about it either. Siege level spells and rituals that holy magic simply does not have any sort of counter to because we're constantly getting held back by staff teams that would rather make sure we can't do anything past play vs play interactions. 

      A lot of what holy magic is simply isn't creative, but the problem is any time we try to add any sort of creativity to it we're met with "This dark magic already does that". It gets quite difficult coming up with new an interesting things that are also unique and not taken by another magic or creature or group when dark magic is so heavily stacked in the different varieties of it. 

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      I agree with some of that. I by no means think holy guys get the short end of the stick. They've a public backing most of the time, and lots of other help provided to them. I just think they as well need a buff, or at least the capability to freely mix voidal magic with deity without "demi ascended" needed or any of that stuff. But even then I dont think many holy people are fans of that idea

      Also, with my earlier post on this p r e m i u m status update. Wish it could be more of "Hey, there's something that's a gray area and undefined in our magic.. Guess we'll say we can do it unless LT tells us no" rather then "Hey, it's a gray area. Better stay away from that for the time being!"

    4. Genetic_Mutant


      I think staff (certain teams) shouldn't be allowed to play dark or holy characters cause of the ooc animosity.

  18. Day five,




    @Sky does not love me. @Kikiyami bullies me. What is life?

  19. Nekkore, GM? Insanity.

  20. Day four,



    I went on an expedition to datecraft with @Zoslore and @garretta706


    I am now banned.

    1. Slayy


      Come play bed wars with me

    2. Parker


      xd time to take all your girls on lotc

    3. flipside


      Don't associate your crimes with me, Fury

  21. Day two,


    It's hell. My provisions have run out, @Zoslore is my only savior with murder mystery on hypixel. I havent eaten all day. Send help, I need my LOTC fix. I cannot function in society.

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