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Status Updates posted by DahStalker

  1. this is just a thought idk if anyone else agrees... but my fav type of woman archetype is the woman is strong through her femineity, rather than being strong due to being more masculine. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laeonathan


      my favorite one is the one who's name doesnt start with h.

    3. Netphreak


      I like turtles.

    4. DahStalker


      @Charles The Bald they call me Andretta Tate

  2. opinions on demon slayer movie pls

  3. I just baked a tres leches cake and feel powerful. What r ur guys favorite things to bake?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DahStalker
    3. TreeSmoothie



      my aunt would always make it for me :(

    4. TheCapybara


      Tes leches 😁

  4. will u b my valentine?

    1. Laeonathan


      u forgot a letter with the options yes, no and maybe.

    2. Werew0lf


      with ur mom

    3. DahStalker


      54 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

      with ur mom

      I'm my own mom. So I'll c u @ 6 

  5. i hope madone plays the princess consort of reinmar

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sondher


      😥 my time is up

    3. Gandhi


      coolcod typa beat

    4. DahStalker


      2 hours ago, sondher said:

      😥 my time is up

      nawh bro I read that post there's 2, and ur my number 1 😳

  6. my reputation says I'm divine. all you mfs without 3 dots.. Don't acknowledge me anymore. We aren't the same

    1. Crevel


      You should get good and improve your rep ratio. Rep ratio is all that matters in this cursed place.

  7. what was the honeycomb hideout

  8. how have u been sir

    1. shiftnative


      Great..! I'm married, working full-time and playing classic Everquest. Waiting for Counterstrike 2, Hytale, Diablo 4 and hopefully an MMO that holds my interest..! I've been working on a single player minecraft build here and there (you can find it in my earlier recent status's) how about you?

  9. dear staff, please ******* with my feelings with next map building, ur playing w my trust. Pls open the servers,  


    Sincerely, pollo

  10. shartee come back

  11. all i want for christmas is donald trump nft cards

    1. Unwillingly
    2. MeteorDragon
    3. Traveller


      Hello everyone. This is Donald Trump.

      Hopefully your favourite President of all time. Better than Lincoln, better than Washington, with an important announcement to make. I’m doing my first Official Donald J. Trump NFT collection right here and right now. They’re called Trump Digital Trading Cards. These cards features some of the really incredible artwork pertaining to my life and my career. It’s been very exciting. You can collect your Trump Digital Cards just like a baseball card or other collectibles. Here’s one of the best parts, each card comes with an automatic chance to win amazing prizes like dinner with me. I don’t know if that’s an amazing prize but it’s what we have. Or golf with you and a group or your friends at one of my beautiful golf courses, and they are beautiful. I’m also doing Zoom calls, a one-on-one meeting, Autographing memorabilia and so much more. We’re doing a lot. My Official Trump Digital Trading Cards are $99 which doesn’t sound very much for what you’re getting. Buy one and you will join a very exclusive community. It’s my community and I think it’s something you’re going to like and you’re going to like it a lot. They also make perfect gifts, so you can buy them with your credit card or crypto. All you need is an email address. Go to CollectTrumpCards.com and buy your Trump Digital Trading Cards right now before they are all gone and they will be gone. This is my first Official Trump Trading Card NFT collection and you get a chance to meet me. Go to CollectTrumpCards.com right now and remember Christmas is coming and this makes a great Christmas gift.

  12. i ask this out of curiosity-.. why is it i feel like that people who are good at politics, event-planning, and other forms of minecraft diplomacy seemingly always taken advantage of? I say this out of observation and no specific reason. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Islamadon


      Group builders put the collective ideal before themselves. In order to meet said collective ideal, these group builders must interact with other players in order to develop a base. Ambitious people around them do not care for the greater ideal and instead only desire personal success or self aggrandizement. Thus, the selfish actor in pursuit of their personal goals, will take advantage of the group builder's selflessness.

      Edited by Islamadon
    3. Booklight12


      I'd also add that most people who actually study political theory try to create long term collective good, as opposed to power politick. Simply put, LOTC's meme culture rewards power politick and disfavors the high politics that political theorists try to emulate. Though, it should be known that most people who practice power politick IRP or OOCly are shortlived as the practice focuses on short term personal clout, as opposed to uplifting ones foundation and creating a change that lasts. So it's all a perspective thing, power politicians may appear the most successful in the immediate, but in the long term; their foundation always crumbles. This leaves the people who practice high politics the opportunity to pick up those pieces and further strengthen the position they've already carved out for their community.

      Edited by Booklight12
    4. Sakrat



  13. looking for ppl interested in humble and relaxed farming rp

    1. Greehn


      come to acre!

    2. ibiou


      acre acre acre

  14. where heph, where chaldees

    1. femurlord


      Chaldees got removed, heph left

  15. the whole club lookin at her 

  16. papi pollo lore changes:

    * all races r incapable of reproduction

    * all chars r mature at 18

    * stop being weird 

    1. Laeonathan


      the world could be so simple.

  17. hello mister ouity sir


    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Hey there hope you're doin well :)

  18. @GargeradYou have no idea how much I will miss you. I tried to save you, we all did. I love you man, you were one of the real ones. RIH

  19. u look beautiful 2day :3 x3

  20. how did i become a  mc criminal while i was at red lobster 

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