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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Chorale__

  1. Looking for Lumberjack tomes. HMU in the PM's, boy's.

  2. Show some love!


  3. Nation leader: "fight for me"

    Me: "can't make it to the wc"

    Nation leader: "god you're such a c*nt"

    Me: "Sorry you feel that way."

    Nation leader: "you can get the **** out, fa*got."


    Courland, it looks like i'm back to the competent side!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DragoonCrow


      Maybe you are one?

    3. Jonificus


      cant even handle being called bad things online [Laughter intensifies]

    4. Chorale__
  4. @Gusano Arentonio what happened toyour nice big red admin tag ??? this makes me sad please explain!

    1. garentoft


      this is what happens when people don't put posts on the ******* slideshow


    2. Chorale__
  5. Looking to buy some gold horse armor. Nothing more than 500-600 minas. Contact me in-game or leave a reply. Thanks.

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      I have gold horse armour which is for me

  6. -OOC- Minecraft Name: Chorale_ Skype (Preferred, not required): You've it. Nexus Professions: Lumberjack. Will this be your main?: Nope, I've other characters to play. -IC- Name: Fitonor de Fontaine-Elmpool Race: Human of the Heartlander sub-race. Age: 50 Where do you live?: The Crimson Hold Combat skills of note, such as a former mercenary?: Fitonor was a Knight before the fall of Oren, and served Oren as an officer of the militia, ranking at Ensign.
  7. I'm in the market for iron axes. Hmu, and i'll buy a few from you.

  8. My meme collection, kiddos.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      it only counts if they're good

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      Will you play my cow @Chorale_?

    4. Chorale__




      What gender, age, and nationality? How thicc does it have to be, as-well? I mean, just for skin-making purposes.

  9. I demand that we bring back the Bryophites.

  10. I just need a head re-done for my priest. Here's a reference picture. I know that this man looks meme-y but this is legit, I actually need a head done for my priest. -the glasses +grey eyes
  11. I used to love LotC so much. I used todaydream in school about coming home to get on and RP. 


    Now it's just, "I can go 2 weeks without playing easily. Maybe i'll come back to 10 banned players and a few corrupt staff members being removed from their teams."

    This whole staff thing needs to stop immediately. Corrupt staff members should be removed. There should be a trimonthly vote about whether or not a few members that have had problems with the player base should be impeached or not. That's my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chorale__


      5678 we need to start and discriminate!

    3. Genetic_Mutant


      Ok yeah I agree it's getting rather annoying with the whole player vs. staff ordeal and of my four months of being on LotC it doesn't seem to end. I agree that it needs to stop but since I'm misinformed I don't know much beyond that.

    4. MagicMonkey_


      Omg, This is true but I love LotC still, and I daydream in class to play it ;-;


  12. The FM's can censor anything that says something bad about their team or anything that says bad things about staff without warning, but I can't even get a damn application from a year ago hidden? Sad!

  13. rest in piece lyon

  14. Someone send me an update on human RP, I've been quite inactive since myna

    I keep seeing things on the forum's about a Emperor Regent for Oren? Idk, maybe it's just a meme but eh.

    1. TinyBiceps


      human roleplay is dead go home

    2. overlord2305


      C grade wannabe game of thrones rp


  16. when you've a biology project you've supposed to have been working on since September and you still have 3 section's to go, before the due date Friday but you want to write a creative writing entry and do nothing else.

  17. is aladyyrebeka a girl or byo

  18. One of you WT people should move this down to "town's and fortresses" section on the main page. 



  19. i need to get to 500 posts aahhhh

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      there is a reason why off topic game posts are made like "Rate the person above you" etc js

  20. @Gusano Arentonio

    How do you feel about Vaynths' advice?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chorale__


      @Vaynth, Let me finish the sentence for you.


    3. Vaynth


      Oh dear lord. I'm crying. Stop the madness.

    4. Chorale__
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