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Status Updates posted by FlemishSupremacy

  1. :( Why so much downtime

  2. **** trebuchets, allow TNT cannons.

    1. Heero


      ah. finally, a man culture i can get behind

    2. Auriel_


      you play a dangerous gambit
      but one i support

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      imagine one of these being used on a city lol

  3. Elfkilleridiots.thumb.png.59d1dc99d845fb64940ea5d28d11e8fa.png

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      ngl we all got a good laugh, especially this one 



    2. Harri


      i feel you'd get more out of this if you didnt use leo's character for the elf

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      it was actually tau's character, but all the welves are all carbon copies


  4. https://files.lordofthecraft.net/maps/ you might be able to find Vailor in here, not sure if it’s the version with al-wakrah


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      Yeah it seems to be down, maybe something to do with the recent forum troubles... 😞 this is kinda a pain for me, too.

    3. CrazyBigSpiders


      It looks like they killed the old machine that forums + misc stuff used to run on. Forums got migrated but they might not have migrated the other services.

      Edited by CrazyBigSpiders
    4. Your Stepdad

      Your Stepdad

      I got the map bro. Message me on discord Boom#0009

  5. 16photos.png.f8bd3f3c1a17378b81a8466b13b14585.png


    1. Pond


      *brother of Morlak'lak takes Rexdom as Morlak was slain

  6. 4fde6366580516679234746dc26ba71f.png

    Did they just have the GM's OOCly evict an entire city...?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      And why would you sack the city if it's safely in Oren hands... Sacking your own city? Pfft. What of the people who want to keep living there?

    3. octofishie


      Sadly I seriously doubt that any residents will want to continue living there as the vast majority of Courlanders are loyal to Vege and any who wish to stay will be living in an empty city, which will be really exciting rp for them.

    4. Chaw


      There's about 3 courlanders who support draeris. All that Draeris has done is turn a popular rp hub into a dead place.

  7. 90a888165e56955ab72a50cd6fc0195e.png

    @Fireheart Here, this was done before the warclaim. It should provide the evidence needed for our victory.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Why don't you put the correct skin on first?

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      Correct skin was actually on, just the prefix was still there.

  8. @Llir

    Maybe if you had asked for opinions before you started implementing massive changes, you wouldn't be swamped with complaints now.

    I hope that's a lesson learnt.

  9. @Llirthe relog timer should probably go. You say it was only an issue due to lag, but can you be sure lag won't be caused in future battles, and the same will happen?

    1. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      @Llir is a qualified DevOps engineer and has real work experience, I am sure he knows what he is doing. Sure DevOps is not programming work but it is almost the same work as he does here, and he has done a bunch Java work in the past. As a développer, surely, he could check how the timers and various elements are dealt during a warclaim, he would be able to check how many threads are created as the server manages the various elements but it's fairly complex work that could lead to a few warclaims being laggy if he has to install a few Linux/Java things to monitor the things going on.


      It is truly an impossible task to tackle and @'ing him is surely not going to help when the only experience you have in coding is that tutorial you followed on youtube 2 years ago.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      chill man, he's just asking a question

  10. And so the rains weep o'er their halls, those lords of... Evreux. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kingnothing


      more like theelvenspaz

    3. Taketheshot


      Spaz? Not really.

    4. FlemishSupremacy


      Help! Goosey is harrassing me again!!! 

  11. Anyone ever notice how there seems to be a correlation between having a lot of gms in a single nation, and that nation’s gms being biased? 
    We’ve seen it time and time again;

    wood elf gms

    haelun’or gms 

    oren gms


    If one faction has a bunch of gms, they feel safer as they have a bunch of people to back them up.


    @Braxisstop stacking the GM team with too many people from the same nation.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti
    3. Anore


      Markosi sure does give a lot infractions to members of the ISA for being a biased moderator. Maybe blame it on the current set of raid rules the server has that makes it impossible to easily follow raid rules while also trying to have realistic war scenarios, rather than blame a moderator who has given the same type of infractions to both sides of the conflict because he’s following protocol.

    4. squakhawk
  12. Ban reporting someone over being banned from a discord, jesus christ

    1. J33xt101


      It be like that sometimes.

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