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Everything posted by Balthasar

  1. Hey there. Welcome to LoTC. Hope you’ll have a good time, if you need a hand with anything don’t be shy 🙂
  2. I swear, I had the map download link somewhere
  3. Yes. But I think it should be handcanons and not say, for example muskets. These should be experiment and dangerous weapons that could blow up in the users hands.
  4. Can't say that I agree with a chat filter. I understand why, but I think there are other less severe methods to fixing the issue or you could just have nothing, and let these 'children' know that over-swearing is not appreciated in the community. I understand protecting a youngsters innocence, but I'm sure that they've already seen worse
  5. sup lord vandalore

    1. Balthasar


      smh couldn’t even reply to an old friend 😞

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      awkward didnt see this...

  6. is this a message for everyone to know that courland is coming back?
  7. is that a kingdom come deliverance picture?
  8. Balthasar


    somehow it reminds me of the adunians. it must be that snow elf and highlander part. but i find it odd how they literally cannot thrive in an environment which isn't wet or cold, for example i live in a damp environment, but i can certainly stay in places that are warm, for example. all in all, i like it anyways
  9. Sudden existence, isn't that all of the server lore?
  10. if you want to, go ahead and give it a try. Feel free to add me on discord; Balthy#6909
  11. Hey there, I'm looking for someone who is able to make a skin similar to this; https://gyazo.com/3d2a191b64c87e6d24802342baa0f1e0 While I don't need the hair, the armour itself is what I would like to have created. While I do not have the Mina to pay whoever should take up the task, I have the ability to pay you in cash via paypal Send me a private message if you're interested.
  12. Another has been brought before fire and offered the ring of blood, and has accepted.
  13. Under cultures most likely. Here's a link; https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/590-cultures/
  14. As I recall there is a place called the faroe islands. Coincidence?
  15. One has been brought before fire and offered the ring of blood, and has accepted.
  16. Honestly, I think this would be a great addition to the aenguls. +1
  17. love seeing some less serious submissions, this is great!
  18. The Fraternal Circle of the Virtuous Blood ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The Fraternal Circle of the Virtuous Blood is an organization of like-minded individuals. The Circle, as it is more commonly known, was formed with the premise of raising Humanity to where it once stood. While other organizations take on a militaristic approach to purging the lesser races, the Circle does not often take up their arms, rather it has a ritualistic and ceremonial method of completing its duties. The roster of the Circle is a closely guarded secret, but through time and unlawful disclosure, a loose hierarchy has been made known. At the head of the order stands the Elect-Master, under the Elect are the Masters, and the regular members of the Circle are called Selectmen, finally the lowest are named Initiates. With the lack of filled positions in the Circle, Aspirants to the Fraternal Circle, must seek out a Master to join. Aspirants to the Circle must simply fill out the form below and hide it under the large marked rock by the Imperial Palace courtyard in Adelburg. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ thanks to elder scrolls for name idea
  19. Mc name: Salier Rp name: 'Cynan' Gender: Male Age: 40-something Skype: captain_falcon_2 Known magics: None, seek to learn alchemy Biography: Born in the Crownlands, raised in the crownlands. Enlisted in the Military, still serve it as an officer.
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