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Status Updates posted by MCVDK

  1. Following are all nations currently implemented on the server:
    - The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    - The Kingdom of Norland

    - The Kingdom of Balian

    - The Kingdom of Numendil

    - The Kingdom of Aaun

    - The Commonwealth of the Petra

    - The League of Veletz

    - The Grand Principality of Aeltarys

    - The Principality of Stassion.

    - The Viceroyalty of Hyspia


    - The Principality of Celia'nor

    - The Crown of Amathine

    - The Silver Empire of Healun'or

    - The State of Nor-Velyth


    - The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

    - The Union of Gortrek


    - The Rexdom of the Iron Horde


    - The Halfling Realm of Dunfarthing

    - The Serene State of Lurin

    - The Unified Domian of Vortice


    AWAITING IMPLEMENTION (has enough signatures on the forums):

    - The Principality of Vlachia

    - The State of Ravenswood

    - The (2nd) Cove of Nevaehlen


    Nations implemented: 20

    Nations awaiting: 3

    Nations total: 23



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. seannie


      the orenian rebirth cycle has been broken by le evil haenser agenda and we can no longer maintain the nation ecosystem 

    3. greygre


      LOTC is truly a microcosm of the cyclical nature of history

    4. Nooblius


      Feel like they should mandate realms to grow from the ground up and not just manifest into existence. I think biggest change needed is to people's player habits- as I think the tendency to RP being a noble in several families across several nations (or maybe worse, multiple nobles within the same nation) leads to this sense of spreading out really far. As far as I can tell, the human and multi-race realms are the most severe offenders.


      Not to mention that some of these places have multiple RP hubs within them. Amount of large-scale RP hubs is even bigger.

  2. Who do I pay to teach me PvP?

    1. drfate786


      You can pay me 5000 Minas and I may or may not get you in touch with the boogeyman. 

  3. What do you all do when you hit absolute boredom and you feel like there is nothing to do with your mineman tips? Whats the secret?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Apotolofo


      I play raft LOL

      Or I find a good book to read. 

      Or I listen to a bunch of niche music. 

      Or I take a nap.

      Or I paint something. :D

    3. subatomic


      Play destiny 2 and devote thousands of hours into getting better gear (while also devoting thousands of more hours into LOTC)

    4. Zolla_


      do something else other than lotc, i havent actually played lotc for more than 8 hours the past 3-4 months



    1. TreeSmoothie


      ur cookie banner is making me hungry omfg

  5. Thanks for saving our forum, Mr. Lyon. You are a God.

    1. forwhatpvrpose


      : - 3


      It is a work in progress.


      If anyone notices something broken, DM me please with details, screenshots, etc.


      In time I will have a formal process for bugs/feedback.

  6. Looking for people with knowledge of the earliest history of the Church of the Canon (all the way back to start of the server).


    Please hmu if you have any historical accounts to give. 

  7. Thoughts and prayers with the Danish people (my people) and the victims and relatives of today's shooting 🙏🏼



    1. Linde


      My thoughts and prayers to you, brödrafolket 

    2. Samler


      Thank you

  8. Update the dynamap!!

  9. If you are interested in politics in the Empire and wanna try it out, then I highly suggest taking a look at this!


    1. TreeSmoothie


      DraGonDays113 told me to say the Union smells

  10. I've recently gotten into the ideas of construct creatures and character (Golem, Sorvian, Atronach, ect.) and I though I'd ask if someone is actively looking for their creations to be played. Hmu on discord: MCVDK#9258. 

  11. When will we be told what to do with item tranfers? I want my RP items with me man 👀

  12. I sorta want a secondary character I actually wanna commit to. Anyone got any interesting character ideas / character I can yeet? (Feel free to hmu on Discord if you want to be private about it lol)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stump


      ^ This except play one of my Sullas. We have 10,000 prestige per character, so that’s like, 50,000 prestige as a house.

    3. MCVDK


      @Starryy Sullas? Do tell more!

    4. Stump


      Well you see, it all started in 2012 when Mithradites decided to play a mad scientist archetype...

      Nah, they’re a (in my very biased opinion) quirky high elven family that I’m trying to grow which needs level-headed rpers to pull off well. I’m preeeetty sure you’ve got my Disc, but if not hit me up at stump#1433 and I’ll attempt to seduce you- OR, at least try to help find a place where you will have fun if not!

  13. Any reconmmendations on a nation/group to join? I haven’t been here for a few months so some suggestions would be appriciated.

  14. If anyone makes Hou-Zi skins - shoot me a DM.

  15. Kinda looking for a new group/playerbase to join. So if you think you got something interesting (relating culture and such). Hit me up.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. sophiaa


      Wood Elves and Gladewynn. Plenty of culture already there and coming soon. I’m happy to have a conversation with you about it anytime! sophia#6666

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      I miss Merry Applefoot. May he rest in Knox’s heaven.

    4. Forestdwarfman


      May Grorsmashia rest behind Dungrimm’s gate.


  16. Looking for someone who can make me a goblin skin – Paying mina (MCVDK#9258)

    1. StarGazzer


      msg me on discord

  17. Rest in piece our true Marvel Hero – Stan Lee, you shall be missed

  18. Still looking for good skinner – Paying mina. MCVDK#9258


  19. Looking for human skinner, willing to pay fair amount of mina. MCVDK#9258

    1. Mapleveins


      Skinning humans is illegal. I’m calling the police

  20. Looking for prEmiuM noble human roleplay.

    In all seriousness, if anyone have any neat small characters that needa be played in a nice human (noble) family. Hit me up. MCVDK#9258

    1. _pr0fit


      You can play Billy the Bread Vendor jr. if you want.

    2. rukio


      try nordengrad

    3. Narthok
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