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Everything posted by EmiliainWonderland

  1. SURNAME: Ruthern FIRST NAME: Ceceliya RESIDENCE ADDRESS: Moere Trail 3 YEAR OF BIRTH: 1878 Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Commonwealth of the Petra: Yes ((MC NAME)): Aehmi
  2. "That's not the important part Lottie, this man is a terrible terrible man! Mon amour's sister was once involved with this man before he left her for another man. I have no qualms with homosexuality, for you know well that I favor both genders, but the way he went about it and hurt others to achieve it? Despicable." Replied that very friend to Laetitia.
  3. Agnes smiles, remembering fondly her time at the University of Velec some 5 or so years ago! 3 to 4 years after it's opening, and ALL of the tedious classes she went through to learn languages.
  4. Eryane for one is happy for her daughter, and if she HAD heard what others were saying. She didn't care, as to her, her daughter was a blessing. Its not as if she'd ever been the first or last cousin to have a child with another. In fact most human nations marry their own relatives.
  5. "I generally don't like bastard d'Azors." Eryane Rhodon declared, sitting with her legs crossed, peering over the disownment papers. "Now see my dear Laetitia, no matter who's side they're on, as cousin Maria has written, no d'Azor is a good d'Azor!" She said to her daughter. @Majesticpasta
  6. Eryane is amused by the whims of children. "Ah, to be a child again." She mused to her daugher, Laetitia. @Majesticpasta
  7. Fleur groaned at the news. "Of course had a bastard!"
  8. "That's my girl!" Eryane said, fixing her red hair into a bun, while grinning ear to ear for Laetitia. Meanwhile, Agnes was excited to finally meet her cousins. She nervously adjusted her dress, looking at her mother. "Do you think they'll be happy to meet me?" @Blah_26
  9. The Disappearance of Eryane Rhodon de Rosius ╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗ “Let them remember the me who was a terrible woman.” Her words were filled with venom, spite. “When you write those letters, think about your life choices when you write each letter. Now listen to me, many people here need you, you'll have to strive and stay strong. Now, think of it. If you really were genuine with your feelings towards me, think about how I'd feel, or how I'd be, or the fact if you do it I will not forgive you.” Emir replied. Though the words fell on deaf ears. “The problem Emir, is I feel nothing right now. No love, no sadness, no grief. I feel empty.” She replied, looking right through him. “And you'll be happier without me.” “You do feel it, you just want to numb it. Think about it, use your brain more, and trust me you'll find an answer, and that's bullshit.” He called out to her. “No, I really don't feel anything.” She said coldly, though he was right. It was all bullshit, Eryane felt everything. Sadness, pain, misery. She wished it would all be over that she could run away from her feelings, her life. Start over. So she did, she wrote letters to those she loved She made her way to Lurin, where she had gone once before. “Mika! Good to see you. I need your assistance.” And thus, Eryane Rhodon de Rosius no longer existed, and in her place was a woman completely different from the one she was before.
  10. "My congratulations to him." A dull voice spoke, hearing the news sometime later. A small smile fell to her lips, though it was short-lived.
  11. Plot Emi_Sohma nearby Da_Emps and them (Reason: I've been in human rp forever, please help)
  12. Eryane gasped at the situation. "Faking a child's birth order to try to put a male as the heir... despicable. They will do anything to not have women rule, won't they?"
  13. Eryane is confused after she sees his research. "Honey? Why Honey?"
  14. "My dear, there is still much you do not know. Our friend has killed the Knight Paramount and your father is likely dead too." Eryane drank, pretty sad right now.
  15. Eryane looked at the missive with spite and disgust. "You are no family member of mine. I pray you rot in the void for your sins against my family and friends. God is watching, Lauren's, and he is displeased with you breaking the vows you made time and time again."
  16. Eryane sighed, hearing another loss. "I did not know you long Livia, but GOD rest your soul." The woman was still heavy with grief over the news of Emir possibly being dead and it weighed on her heart.
  17. "I still don't understand what they're thinking. But if they're happy, I guess?" Eryane Rhodon sighed at her daughters getting married on the exact same day, to brothers.
  18. "Rest in peace to those we've lost. You're a brave girl." Commented Eryane Rhodon.
  19. Eryane Rhodon is not even ashamed! She is getting on in years and has been unmarried for too long, what's an old girl got to lose trying to befriend someone?
  20. Eryane wheeled her around Balian. "And you'll finally get to meet the rest of our family."
  21. Eryane Rhodon: Hearts and Minds 11th Godfrey’s Triumph, 1909 ~The Knights of Petra conversing in Castle Moere circa 1909~ As the trial commenced, Renilde didn't show as much as Eryane wished she did. Perhaps if this was settled peacefully, none of the events would've occurred that lead to the deaths of friends and family. As soon as Eryane stepped foot into the Castle Moere, it was clear others weren't far behind, for it seemed the Ferrymen had made their way just after she arrived. She was prepared to leave, yet it was nice to see the faces of her friends and family during such a hard time of conflict, so she lingered. Perhaps if she hadn't, she could've lived a life oblivious. The Castle was taken over in a flurry of swords, axes, and arrows. The sound of rushing flames and draconic roars emanate from other rooms. Eryane tried to flee, a neutral party in the ongoing affairs, but was quickly detained. At first they told her she was free to go, before another ferryman, Avalloc, found her and captured her. She witnessed these mercenaries attempt to detain a monk before Cardinal Viktor bravely raised his hand, calling upon their sense of faith to spare him. They were eventually let go to assist as medics to assist the dead and dying. As the day stretched ever onwards, bound on the floor and unable to move, Eryane heard the shrill screams of Constanz' supporters and ferrymen all fighting for their lives. The sounds she heard broke her heart yet she tried to distract herself nonetheless. Screams of children, screams of her darling niece Evangeline with no way to know if she was dead or alive. A body was dragged in, Wings, as they called him. He came to fight. Eryane was proud of the man's spirit and willpower. She knew Wings too was likely just as heartbroken over Evangeline's cries. Though she witnessed none of the deaths, she knew many had occurred. The one she did witness was the thing that truly broke her heart. Ser Arthur de Lyons. The man was dragged in by the priests and the Cardinal. Trying to keep him alive, they did everything they could. Eryane watched as the men surrounded him before they all came to a common conclusion. Ser Arthur couldn't be saved… The man succumbed to his wounds, burnt and bloodied. As the medics moved away, she saw the body. She stared in disbelief at the man who had helped her in one of her hardest times, dead before her. She could not show weakness. She would not show weakness. Instead, she continued her conversation with her captor. Awaiting whatever fate had in store for her, she signed the holy cross over herself. In her heart she whispered what she knew was now true… "Glory to the rightful Archduke of Petra, Constanz of Balian."
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