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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. simplest way imo would be to simply add a disclaimer below the initial rule such as something along the lines of: "Being involved in combat entails that both parties are actively attacking one another, including magical spells of any type. Simply spectating combat does not count towards combative involvement." that way it covers the ground of whether or not being within range of combat or spectating or even being caught in the crossfire counts as involvement. but yes I do recall this being an extensive issue. I can't speak on how frequently it happens now, but I do know players who did this those few years ago still actively play the server (feel free to DM) not sure how strong of an opinion other people have on this so it's not like I'll throw a fit if it doesn't make it into the rules but I just thought it's worth at least mentioning
  2. also I know this is really really late (I forgot to comment for over a week) but among the other amendments/alterations I presume will be made, can we get some consideration towards what constitutes as being "involved" in combat before a vote may be had to PVP, potentially even if it simply entails that a person needs to be actively fighting back before they can be legally involved? if you played at any point during 2016-2019 you know how much of an issue it was where people would emote *throws rock at bystanders, slashes sword across crowd, emotes in your general direction* in an attempt to force pvp by involving these players in their emotes and going ((okay that's 8 status up :D)) I shouldn't really need to explain why it's shitty, but it's a very easy change to make that I think will offer an extra layer of assurance that this rule can't be taken advantage of in such a way if raids are to become common again @Spoopy_Duck
  3. id like to point out that this SS is a lair that's explicitly described to be abandoned and no longer in use on the sign out front and for the first few months of map launch has consistently kept its gates open when in-use other than that godspeed
  4. it feels like server culture is shifting in a direction of utter non-interactionism. stick to yourself, RP in your own house, idle circle sprinting, afk standing, and gates that seem to be closed more and more often with less and less compensation originally i thought this was just a me issue and that i wasn't trying hard enough, but over the months ive been asking friends and people within my circle, many concurred that RP is dreadfully sparse. any doubt i still had left upon seeing that 173 people think the RP quality on the server is either meh, bad, or terrible according to the recent mod polls this means that RP is underwhelming, disappointing, what have you, to a large portion of active players. I can't speak for everyone, but personally it feels like RP momentum started off ridiculously slow at the start of the new map, when normally it's the opposite. it SHOULD be the opposite. new maps should be the opportunity to reinvigorate RP, but instead we see now that a lot of players are disappointed with the current sphere of server RP I sometimes check /locals for either myself or to tell some poor guy in ooc who asks the nth "where's everyone at" of the day. what I see is maybe 2-3 places with more than 10 people, and the rest of the 15 or 20 nations/settlements barely breaking 2-6 people. this has been consistent since the start of the map it feels like. despite this map being far smaller than almaris, RP feels more spread out and sparse than ever and of the few places that show up as active on /locals, you go there, and see absolutely no one because they built a colossus ******* 300x300 godzilla city for a community of maybe 30 active people, so every time you go to a city that shows as having 12 people, need to play where's-waldo to even find them. an easy solution to this would be to regulate how large cities can be built, especially considering how we now have an even smaller map than almaris, because there's not a single community on the server that needs to have a 300x300 city for a brief period, I think it was at the start of map launch, it felt like every nation gate was open, but now we're at a point where many if not most of these places keep theirs closed 24 hours of the day and you're lucky if someone comes by to run you through. i'm a little disappointed that we never got to see a rule that moderates gate traffic, even though I remember a poll being issued on the subject maybe a year ago during almaris that would enforce gates can only be closed when a player is there to man them, in which they'd otherwise need to be open. i think that this would be an wonderfully effective rule to apply to communities that advertise themselves as RP hubs (edit: islamadon also makes the point that people probably do this to not have to deal with raids. I think a fun little social-experiement would be to enforce that raids need to be issued with an hour's notice and see how it influences how often gates are open/closed) anything else it feels like is just people not wanting to interact anymore, whether they're standing afk or zoning out while MC sprinting around a fountain in the square. of course the easiest solution would be for me to just say "just emote at them," but when the person you're emoting at doesn't even seem like they have a modicum of interest to interact, what even is the point of trying with them part of me is disappointed we don't have impromptu ET events anymore. not just the ones that are part of larger, grandiose eventlines, but ones that are small, one-off encounters that would serve to incentivize interaction among the people who experience it and give them something to build off. guards consolidating their brotherhood after fighting a monster together, people telling one another about the odd trader in the city recently, etc. i understand why things are the way they are, but i think people severely underestimate how much RP potential these surface-level events can have in the long run. the average player isn't going to be experiencing these large-scale and deeply complex eventlines, and i think more effort should be made to deliver RP to the average person lotc is what you make it, that's always been a principle of the server, but the avenues of RP we currently have feel strangled and bottlenecked into either the slim chance you come across an eventsite or find RP you're genuinely invested in, and my interest in the server has severely, severely waned over the last few months because of it it might be a bad take, i don't know, but i don't think the solution to this is adding mechanical avenues of gameplay, such as quest boards with NPCs or mob killing regions. not saying they're inherently bad, just that they're genuinely not what we need right now. people want rp. people want player-on-player interaction, not RPG styled or whatever plugins, which I feel like will be the immediate instinct-solution that comes to mind. if people wanted that they would go to wynncraft i'm not saying we should spoon-feed people RP either. i'm saying we need to create avenues of interaction for the average player and incentivize RP
  5. loud minority btw

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AnonymousAlexa


      @itdontmatta  what happened to the polls being anonymous?

    3. Rigorous


      As much as I dislike CRP default, if the consensus is to keep it, I'm not going to impose anything else on anybody else.

    4. itdontmatta


      @AnonymousAlexaif you read the post you can see that I made a false statement. I plan on running a few statistical analyses on the responses. 

  6. there are some instances where people genuinely just don't know that the slur they're calling this fantasy race of elves is an irl slur and I think it's a bit of a knee-jerk response to go "oh my god what the **** he's racist he's spreading hate speech oh my go-" (obviously this depends on whether the person changes the behavior or not...) other than that what is there to discuss? if its recognized as a slur and is bothering people enough to make a report then it should be pretty cut and dry
  7. To me it's a very obtrusive element to enforce upon people in which RP interactions are now to be perceived as time-skips, time warps, or what have you. It creates this gaping plothole where characters cannot so much as acknowledge the very real RP happening around them, despite it being physically there a couple of blocks away in a world that's otherwise interactive and tangible, with players themselves being the most influential tools of interaction the server has. It also doesn't account for the RP of the people who had been spectating up until that point and them in situations where they need to now suddenly ignore the fight that they've been previously RPly acknowledging for 14 minutes. Like I said I know options here are limited, but I don't see the harm in allowing players the liberty to be RPly reactive to an ongoing RP interaction vs completely OOCly prone, even if it means the rules don't allow for them to influence the interaction. With this comes the expectation that players take the mantle of creativity and think of an RP reason as to why their character isn't partaking in this fight. Maybe a guard decides to usher bystanders away, secure the perimeter, or search for wounded civilians who may have been caught in the crossfire, etc. It's not perfect but this at least allows for people to interact with RP in a world that should be as interactive as possible.
  8. I know our options are really limited when it comes to group fights, but this is a really jarring rule that could 100% benefit from being reworded. Based on the replies, it reads like players are supposed to pretend this fight is completely non-existent RPly, like while this fight is happening you're supposed to keep on with whatever you were doing before (which I'm really hoping isn't the case). Is that right or wrong?
  9. if we got a magic plugin what kind of players do you think would suddenly show interest in magic and why do you think they'd be interested
  10. does this mean we can finally give builders, lore, and event ST different colors on the in-game tab
  11. Young Galahad's eyes light up to the prospect of exploring the motherland of magic.
  12. mr bright you need to put up a formal seer application as a follow-up to this RP post, which can be found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forms/53-feat-application/ the LT can't do anything for you or approve you as a seer without it. for the "teacher's MC/RP name" part, just write "Vaasek"
  13. “Hchh!” The icy gales of the mountain suffocated every breath Castiel took, coupled with the thick sludge of trepidation that seemed to weigh him down like bricks. He hauls himself through the crags of a steep ridgeline, and though he tries to step with precision, his heel keeps randomly catching on a rock. It sends him staggering every few meters, which only seemed to contribute to the all-encompassing pit in his stomach. When he falls, he can’t hold back last night’s offal. He sputters and hacks into the ground, breath coming and going in little more than fleeting gasps. Here, at least, he won’t suffer the shame of being seen in such a pathetic condition. Though his mind unrelentingly raced, the whistling wind reminds him how truly alone he is up here. The ridgeline is a desolate place, and so he allows himself the moment of composure he desperately needed. Shakily, Castiel lifts his head, realizing he’s reached the crest of the mountain on a long plane of scratchy grass. Any semblance of the forest below is shrouded by a veil of thick fog, the canopy just barely seen poking through the blanket. He begins to slowly walk. The acolyte's words rattled in his head like a church bell, and he stifled the instinct to mull them and the pain that they brought. But some part of him knew better than to so readily believe this was a problem worth fleeing from, that it was a problem that could be snuffed beneath the heel of pleas and mercy. “When you said you wished to run away, young Prince,” a venomous voice coos. “Is this what you had meant?” The question inspires the memory of an ebony-haired witch in a drooping cowl, who stared with a devastating mix of betrayal and disbelief that made Castiel wish he had never spoken. Since then, he had tried to convince himself that the idea was a mere delusion. That it was never truly viable. But the possibility lingered like the aftertaste of a foul meal. Now, it was even more tempting than ever. “Not like this.” he replies. “Not in a way that’s humiliating to confess to.” "Is it any less humiliating otherwise?" "No." “Then it’s a macabre ending to what were highs of your prowess. That you now walk the crest of utter despondence, with little promise of rebound.” “We have friends and allies.” he protests, as though clawing for what little hope he could strangle from the situation. “We can find help.” “And why, Castiel, would they so quickly flock to the aid of a runaway Prince? You know better than that. And I know that when the world is dead and dark, they would have you buried beneath the rubble of it all if it meant one less craven bastard for them to cater to.” The serpent always had a way of lacing his words with riddle and prose, but he says it’s because Castiel has a habit of taking things at face value. That he needed to learn to look past the words themselves and instead focus on the merit of them and who they came from. It’s this notion that leads Castiel to a terrible, wretched idea that sends a shiver down his spine, that this serpent very well may seek to coax him right into the arms of inhumanity. This one time, he decides not to jump to conclusions, but he wished he had when the words were spoken. “What are you saying?” “That there is a sacrifice to be made, Castiel. A macabre, inhumane metamorphosis calls to you...” A pang of dread clamped his throat like barbed wire. “... And if you see fit to deny the end of all things infernal, then what is it that truly hunts you other than fate itself?” To most people, the word “King” means a life of luxury and wealth. It means succession and adoration, something a child fantasizes for himself in play-pretend. To Castiel, this word means something much different. Kinghood is not a mere ascribed status or titleship, but instead inspires a deep, core-churning fear in him. It’s the embodiment of all things immoral, cruel, and selfish, and it’s these very concepts that beget things of nightmares. The reality was, he had a choice between the jaws of something corrupt and the zeal of something bloodthirsty, and he didn’t want to have to pick between either of them. As foreboding his options are, Castiel reminds himself the consequence of choosing neither at all and what would happen to everything and everyone he had. He loathed the idea of being cornered like a rabbit, and if truly mustering the gut to do something about it was not viable, then his refusal to have his legacy die in cowardice would be. “Perhaps, young Prince, this is your opportunity to squander that wretched abomination Siegmund. Seize his vie for glory. He is undeserving of it. And once the hounds on your tail have lost the scent, sic them on him.” Castiel knew the serpent knew how to pick his mind, but it didn't make the idea any less desirable. Like something fulfilling, something powerful sat on the tip of his tongue for years, but he could never speak it aloud. To confess that, deep down, Kinghood is a status to hunger for would relinquish any semblance of trust his peers had for him — a trust they did not have for Siegmund. That's what made them different . When everything logical and sensible would put Siegmund at the top of the hierarchy, Castiel's reluctance to acquire his status kept him ahead of the game. Perhaps he could have convinced himself of this before, but this is a different timeline. Now is not the time to consider the perception of his peers or Siegmund's standing. Now is a time to consider what is tangible and real, and right now, what is tangible and real will not show mercy in the face of deliberation. The thought sent a shudder down his spine. "Pick your poison, Castiel."
  14. 1. yes absolutely, you can just off-screen kill her or have her disappear, its totally up to you in that regard 2/2a: /menu is how you view your persona overview. this is where you can switch and PK personas. to switch personas, just click on whichever player-head, and to PK, you want to shift + right click on the player-head of the persona 3. lurin is the closest descendant of sutica on aevos currently. the path there is a bit unclear so you may need to either ask staff or another player for help getting there 4. can't say I know of many merchant groups at the moment :( 5. if you need in-game help, you can make tickets for either of the following staff teams: /sreq (story team, for lore or world questions), /creq (community team, usually for navigating places, knowing which places have players, or help with commands), /modreq (mods, also for commands or general server questions) 6. N/A I dont play a halfling hope this helped
  15. if that's all you're gathering from this conversation you need to re-read the thread and everything that's been said on here. maybe even reconsider your perception of RP as a whole while you're at it because "wuh vampires are being treated as second class citizens :(" isn't the issue being pointed out
  16. chilly down with fire gang!

  17. this is a not great mentality to have by virtue of implying that the average non-magic-non-creature player shouldn't have to pursue a story or engaging RP the way CA creatures are expected to. CAs and magics might have more unique flavorful tools at their disposal but not having them should never exempt players from the expectation of pursuing an engaging story. also reinforces this elitism mentality of darkspawn only being shitty plot devices meant to give MY ooc nation community RP and I don't WANT them in my community OOCly and I wish they'd just not be allowed to interact with the rest of the server because I don't WANT them here OOCly so I'll just filter them so I never have the chance of interacting with one for more than 5 minutes
  18. i ask that people approach this conversation in good-faith because this topic has a tendency of being perceived as some petty darkspawn cope (i dont play a corcitura). also as a disclaimer I'm speaking in general of personal encounters I've witnessed and accounts I've heard of and not the posts linked on this thread at face value it's really easy to look at an amendment like this and immediately interpret that the only purpose it serves is to let corcitura hide away perpetually undetected, but this is a a conversation I feel is long overdue for the quality of RP. recently it's become a rising "go-to" solution in multiple communities to filter corcitura through gates by salt-testing them, wherein this immediately exposes them as being a dark creature. in past conversations I've had with people about this, the main argument seems to be: "it's the logical thing to do RPly," and while that might be true, we need to consider that what is most realistic is not always the most RP-friendly. we should be encouraging avenues of RP that drive exploration and player interaction, something that these one-off darkspawn gate test interactions actively subtract from. what this accomplishes is the 2 minute IC-gloating of a vampire's killing vs the much more prolonged barring of possible interaction before it even has the chance of happening consider back in 2016 when holy mages had the ability to darkspawn test with holy flame that only harmed darkspawn. consider people being forced to stick their hands in holy braziers when going through the gates in cities. consider why this was removed and consider now how we've come full circle to the repetition of corcitura being filtered through every eternally closed-gate in an attempt to completely prevent them from interweaving with communities in the first place and how it makes even trying to be creative in how you meet your feeding quota a drag I dont exactly think this amendment is a good solution, but another potential solution I had in mind would be for the corcitura salt-weakness only being applicable while they're transformed, denoting them as a revealed dark creature. this allows them to retain salt as a tangible weakness while removing the possibility of egregious gate-testing or impromptu patrols who just "happen" to approach you asking to cut your palm. this could even be coupled with an amendment stating that one corcitura cannot feed on the same person within x time as to encourage them to interact with new faces instead of the same player over and over again in the case this amendment is made
  19. Hello Mordhaunt,
    I write to you today with a sincere request.
    I see you currently play a  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast  and would like to express my greatest interest in playing a Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast.

    please write back to me if you are willing to bestow me with a  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast. thank you

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter


  20. "What is that? What are you chewing on now?!" a pale gentleman storms towards the fetid imp before snatching that parchment from its mouth. In an attempt to discern the tattered paper, he squints, soon realizing the contents of the missive. Darkspawn Filth "... Nevermind. You can keep it." only after crunching it into a crinkled ball, he lazily tosses the paper back towards the creature.
  21. be the edgelord you were always meant to be

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    3. Java17


      Thanks unwillingly 

    4. Morigung-oog


      Conceal those feels

      Don't let them show

      Edgelord go!

      Edgelord go!

      Can't hold back the cringe anymooooore

      Edgelord go!

      Edgelord go!

      Channel angst and slam the door!

      I must care

      My parents the orcs did slaaaay

      Let the goons rage on.


      The lore never bothered me anyway.

  22. qotd: what kind of moral compass does your character have? this could include their general perception of the world, other people, moral dilemmas, etc

    1. ColonelKuehl1


      Netseth: His morality shifted constantly having probably done more with his life than most Elves even beyond his age. He started out being far more upstanding, though his rule made him jaded if not a hint more ruthless. Overall though he has a pretty simple world view, often finds people fight over stupid things and goes more by a mentality of "Hey dude, you disagree with me I disagree with you and thats cool, but if your disagreement is to obnoxious ill beat the shit outta you and it wont be a close fight." So more laid back, not afraid to bite back when needed XD


      As for Zavar my Goblin um um... pancakes. 

    2. Morigung-oog


      Valindra: Originally a gremlin who wanted nothing more than to live a fulfilling life, she has become jaded, warped and selfish. Set in motion when she joined a group of mercs on Axios, she slowly became less lawful, more chaotic and resorted to petty banditry. This only worsened on the side of respect for people when she became an Izkuthii, as she no longer carried any sort of compass when it came to non-lethal villainy, though was kept on a short leash with the lethal side due to the PK Clause. Upon losing Izkuthii, Valindra joined up with Haelun'or and became used to the concept of taking lives, though always saw what she was doing as selfishly necessary, using reasonings of 'Because they were a threat' to 'because I needed to set a precedent'. Celia'nor encouraged her chaotic behaviour until she returned to Haelun'or, where she is once again kept on a tight leash. 


      Right now, Valindra views herself as little more than a tool in the hand of those who command her, and uses this excuse to get away with her string of crimes with little to no remorse. Due to the way she has been treated in the past [countless betrayals of her trust], she tends to view everyone as fair game, believing that they will all one day betray her on account of matters she considers trivial.


      Tl;dr, Alignment wise, Valindra varies from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil at the best of times, though when she is grounded, she can drift into Neutral and [very rarely] good tendencies.

    3. Mannamannaa


      ...For Kor'garr? Find Out IRP.


  23. qotd: who is a player/character that's helped mold or influence the development of your own character, for better or worse?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. amongus


      gamerdude09's duncan is actually the reason my character's a bard >:) i was a lil noob looking for something to do and his book club RP had me writing poems as a joke and it just kinda stuck with the character.

    3. Air


      Lhindir's character Khroll shaped my current main Ante'ahern to be a proper alchemist from a young age and molded a lot of his views. The rp build up was great and some of the most fun I have had on this character.


      And an honorable mention is Diogen's fw, when he instilled a deep fear of frost witches onto the aforementioned character due to keeping him prisoner in Serheim for a few irl days and forcing him to eat people. Wasn't as impactful but the mental scarring it gave him became a reoccurring problem for him in roleplay which I had fun with.

    4. Acostrob


      MCVDK's Demitryus. He met Ifan at one of his lowest points in life, and set him on a straight path. Of course this path did not include anything good, but it served a great deal in how Ifan grew as a character, and ultimately it has led him to where he is now

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