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Status Updates posted by Tigergiri

  1. I can’t call you buff anymore- they think I’m talking about buffsanta

    1. Rip and Tear

      Rip and Tear

      The British Buff is much more popular than Canadian one

    2. Nooblius


      you could call him something else that rhymes with buff

  2. redacted cause i got in trouble

    1. Sykogenic


      this aint it chief

    2. Borin


      excuse me this sounds like taking rp into ooc! dont approve. big smh.

    3. Laeonathan


      Wow, how dare you! So rude!

  3. Remember Olog dumb can’t use magic 

  4. spotify is down twitter is having problems discor is down I REFUSE TO GO BACK TO SKYPE AND TEAMSPEAK 

    1. Ramon


      twitter having problems sounds like a blessing

  5. If any new player human or elf would like to be part of a a family or seed Please shoot me a message! Ill help you out <2

  6. Two days left on this auction

    1. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      can you do something on my skin for me i'll paypal you 40$

  7. when your friends messaging you that the muffins report is top 15... XD  

    1. Fireheart
    2. HogoBojo


      Very well written report indeed.

    3. rukio
  8. The one everyone cant stand away from teh shelf, the one with the worst accent of your life. give it up for DEVIKA 

  9. You know.. Mods can confirm your worries on a tos or not.. no need to point fingers at people.  

    Never be afraid to report anyone we got you ❤️

    1. Salvo


      Toes? Worries on toes?


      You know what to do.

  10. its almost seems like someone has an ulterior motive..  Imagine  trying to victim  blame- and get everything to 18+.  espcially after this movement  came after i told someone they couldnt say something in rp... HMMMMM... 

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @L0rdLawyeri was perfectly within my rights to warn you. Just because you quote one rules  doesn’t mean you know them all. Under chat rules 

      Do not discuss controversial topics or potentially offensive subjects regarding religion, politics, or adult content in public channels.
      I warned you not say explicit rp and asked you to use a different word. Which you then replied with the tos and banning all minors so you could say that. How in the right mind would anyone think that is ok for you to do much less try to brush under the bridge? 

      I agree 13 is a strange age and maybe 15 or what not might be better but when it comes to it too minecraft is a child game so banning all the minors much less trying to keep them out to prevent people is a way to do thinsg but it’s just a single way. That everyone seems to be jumping on to cause they don’t know what else to do. It’s a difficult situation yes that we all need to face. But it isn’t ok for you to start going on about it so you can talk in rp about explicit rp or the likes of it. All because I told you no. 

      but you are completely right we should be screening everyone that comes through for parent permission and actual age being there. We do need to double down on some things to make it a safer place

    3. Salvo
    4. L0rdLawyer




      The situation you are referring to is not the cause of the #lotc18+. The cause of #lotc18+ is because I believe the administration and moderation are not responsible for the failures that stem from poor parenting of the minors of lotc. 


      LoTC is an 18+ server already. 


      Indeed. The adult themes of the server aren't safe for our youth. Which is why the administration must make a choice. 


      Either ban all adult themes and become a true 13+ server. Or restrict access to all minors to keep them away from these inappropriate adult themes and pedophiles, doxxers, and ddosers. We can't keep leading the sheep, if it only results in slaughter. 

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
  11. Imagine thinking couldn’t be me

    1. LithiumSedai
    2. Salvo


      post feet unless you're female

  12. .. riddle time? Riddle time Riddle time! Im lazy and i do not wan to find the score board. BUT RIDDLES


    Spawned without seed, produced in ways of wonder, I load my sweetened breast with floral plunder; Kings’ honeyed fare grows gilded through my flair. Sharp spears of fearsome war are what I bear, And I beat - handless! - craftsmen’s metalware.

    1. Fireheart


      I refuse in protest for not posting score board :(

  13. its reserved purging hour... If more then 24 hour old your about to lose that spot 

  14. anyone need a child played 👀

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malaise


      Come home, Savoyard.

    3. LatzMomo


      Sure, hit me up in forum dms if you want a fun character, building a fam

    4. Javert


      come play a Hyspian

  15. Y’all have one more hour for voting 

  16. i regret nothing 


  17. Damn your skins holy cow <3

    1. jihyunah


      Thank you so much! I never really posted my skins before but it was about time that I do! :D


  18. Throw back to where i drew an entire comic for my druidism trials then my Guide LEFT ME @Kaelan

  19. holy is that Toffee? my favourite medical bud

    1. Toffee


      hiiiiiii 💖

    2. Tigergiri


      @toffeeglad your back <3

  20. hello yes i am person. would person want person?

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