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Status Updates posted by lemonke

  1. @FlamboyantTyrant  The things you ask to be  fixed  have been fixed less than a day. Would you like to move your slow ass and put the witches back into the Lore malg or do you want yet  to wait? Since you've  still a lot of pieces to review. This whole situation is a bullshit. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      @FlamboyantTyrant i love and appreciate what you do, even if sometimes i don’t see it that way at first!!!

    3. Harri


      u dont get to complain when he made us wait more than a year for a reply to our lore ROFL

      then put us right into the lore games less than a month after being accepted LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

    4. lemonke


      Ik, even the witches had a re-write that was held there for a year without news. . but alas, We can’t do anything about it.

  2. Honestly why do you people care if we use guns?.. 

    You absolute buffoon, smooth brain.  Because they're not lore accepted and they break the techlock. I know Oren in someway wants to win; because y'all are too much mentally slow to do it normally without breaking rules, but at least try to make the situation less  worse for you or don't say random shits to look smart. You enormous jackass clown. @Dyl

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lemonke


      @seannie ‘Immortal elven mage’ zzzz. y'all are so repetitive, but all right. i guess, just go around and break rules and use cannons. if you really like it.  and if you can't make the lore accepted, it's your fault. find a way to make things balanced,  but in the end; i really don’t care.

    3. AlphaMoist


      @seannie sorry to break it to you chap, but elven mage rpers arent the ones shooting you down. It’s two admins who don’t even play on the server. You’re just being immature and hostile to a playerbase that literally has nothing to do with the gun decision. 

    4. lemonke


      He’s saying about ‘Elven mages’. because they raided Haleun’or with cannons and muskets(or even normally and always failing),  Lmao. i guess he’s just salty.

  3. Ballista philip  the true lord of the craft,,,

  4. All hail Neridraza

    1. Songwitch


      ofc YOU would worship the only female dragon............

    2. lemonke


      The other is a paladin/white-knight wannabe and Azdromoth is Azdromoth(a deathwing larper). There aren't many choices.... u stupid fwitch. Not my fault if the last one has the most interesting concept betweem the other two, in my opinion @VictoriaMinaj

  5. Considering the post is locked, I'm not sure where to say it, but if twi did such things, I would definitely pull her ears If things and I could trust your 'words' on this but you know better than I do that the voices spread across this server are overly dramatic from time to time, especially coming from unnamed groups. I had my experience with twis and disagreements(a lot of them) but I can't believe outright someone's say without any proofs being shown.


    Could you please explain why the moderator wasn't warned about this situation and allowed the small group of admins to handle it? Why the many other groups can continue to do their ooc shenanigans and don't tell me guys you don't have any proofs cause It can be seen from miles away by anyone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      There's an entire post regarding twi and kiwi trying to destroy haelunor over ooc shenanigans...

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
    3. UnBaed


      how can i stop getting pinged for status update replies i already regret this and dont care to comment more

    4. lemonke


      Kiwi was banned from Celia'nor group for those precise reasons(harassing and the like) even by Twi herself. Let me read this post, show me things or otherwise I cannot give an opinion that could give you right.


      Furthermore, Haelunor is not innocent in anything since we are throwing names now. ESPECIALLY for OOC shenanigans

  6. Egirls are powerful, careful they've the power to get you banned!!! Wish I could be one 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lemonke
    3. ScreamingDingo


      tl;dr e-girls deserve genuine execution

    4. lemonke


      Yeah, we know what are we talking about here, Joel,, 

  7. hi

    1. Traveller




  8. Hi:3333333

    1. Diogen


      H-H-Hiiiiiiiiiii >.<

  9. I need an answer from a LT: Will even other voidal magics and others have 5 slots student like shade's and animii's? 

    1. AlphaMoist


      if people in Voidal magic are getting grandfathered in, yeah. But I doubt people will need to be grandfathered into void magic

    2. lemonke


      Understood and thank you , just curious. I'd like have 5 slots

  10. If anyone would be interested to play an Automaton CA: Fooldude#7120

    contact me on discord! I'm mainly looking for new players or people who seek opportunities. 

    1. Shadow2k


      italian moment

  11. Lore games still up then,,, 

  12. omg omg, is that Sauron the wight?!

    1. christman


      who told you

    2. lemonke


      I metagamed..... stupid Sauron...

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