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About PrinceJose270

  • Birthday September 13

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  • Character Name
    Kagura Delimoni/Gusiam Jusmia
  • Character Race
    Woof Elf/ Dark elf

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  1. From atop a karst full of shrines, Gusiam sat just afront of what was three various shrines, one featuring a white wolf, one a blackened with wings, the third was a wolf baring pure red stone. Yet as the Shaman had offered hisprayers to each, he was intterupted by one of his clan members. Yet as the Patriarch heard the words of recent, the horned ker could only laugh softly. not of arrogance, no. who knows why he laughed. "Well, If they do not know of us. The ones who was with Dak'ir and the Sanctum, the one who taught the way of Ker in renalia.. The ones who aided in founding Nor in almaris.. It is upon their own fault which i do not blame, however. For they plea to the ones to know, yet fell on deaf ears upon one who was willing to share history. One who offers history, yet ignore. To claim one is ne Maehr, despite born both from ker. To use the term taint as an execuse, for when one who was able to talk to the moon goddess when no one else could. The young truely have found bliss in ignorance, Yet if they make such promises, how true does such words meet" Before long, the shamans eyes would look up, within the darkness he was only met with the eye of the full moon. A frown almost forming. "Vira'ker, Renalia, Nor'Asath, Nor'Vaelyn... It is a cycle that still hurts worse each time. If this plea to voice is some mere attempt to restart the accursed cycle of rapid rise and fall. One should ensure to sever that cycle."To that, the shaman once more prepared for his walk to the moon realm. leaving the note simply besides him. The Jusmia had well already offered his voice once, no point in being ignored once again.
  2. The movement stuff i cant really see as a good thing implimented there are a few videos and studies that show full plate men sprinting into battle and were made as well to account getting on and off horses as fast as possible. Sure you cant do backflips. But you can do pushups and jumping Jacks. Non-magical range can already do deadly stuff to people in full plate, be it crossbow bolts or bokin arrows *ment* to deal with armored foes. Ranged folks also shouldnt be fighting within 4 - 8 blocks of someone or there is a significant tank to rush mentality. Get the highground or be far enough away. As for the last system, i dont remember if its implimented, but isnt there a system already in place for players to emote twice then roll? Overall dont see the need for the additions in a realistic standpoint, if you wanna shoot at an armored guy. Get an advantage and use proper equipment. <Ac and plugins when>
  3. one day i hope to try to interact with ze event. also best of luck Azdromoth and xan people in the screen :D
  4. I still remember the one time these new fangled ritual devils said "We cant do deific magic." Whilst myself having been around even before the actual feat requirement was just stairing at them with questions. Honestly, the Link to the Devil FA should just be we within the redlines, or at least referenced. Cause i'd had 2 devils confused on which lore to follow.
  5. Once more did missive and letters would reach the entrances of many human, elven, dwarven and orc lands. The same golden anorum pinned missive was there on display, yet one can notice it was not just their, but from their guard houses or palace equivilent. A singular fine parchment of paper which adored golden ink in writing. Stating the following in each of their unique script that fit the race's cultures. To the lands of Aevos, I have done what many could not. The one who terrorized, the true evil that had given Devils a bad name.The one who started this whole fiasco. The one who dared to speak her honeyed words and forcefully converted those of Aevos into other Devils. To the people of Aevos; I tell you this. The one named Sermi, The Pitiful servant of the Inferi, has fallen to my blade. She had dared to enter my territory, under the identity of another. She was apprehended, with information provided by one of her victims, Leoni Chevalier had sealed her fate. Sermi had no regret for her actions. Her intent was to sow chaos within the world. Yet she had no time to beg to her greater inferi for saving, and the depths of the Moz shall be her home. The items on her person have been reduced to dust that was scattered by the wind. Her head had been severed and her corpse was burned under the moonlit sky to be scattered within the sea. To the humans: The one who took your people just to curse them has fallen, but no doubt those that still serve the inferi will attempt to sow chaos in her stead. I say that they are next if any are caught within my sights. As they always had been. I ask the people of Aevos not to Judge Devil-kind just by their looks. I ask that you instead judge by actions. As many of you are taught to do with your own kind. Remain vigilant or dark times will always come looming in corners. Allow ones willing to do their best to keep the people safe. Signed, The Infernal Slayer, The Redeemed of Arcas
  6. From the lands of many, of human, elf, dwed or orc. One may find a notice upon the boards or the front of their gates. One bearing a cloudy, golden seal that one may find that to be not of wax, but of a thin layer of Anorum with a pin just behind it. Allowing what missives to be read for any and all to see. Yet to each land It they were offered a copy with a different form of handwriting. Some more fluent to even their own cultures texts. To the decendents of Aevos, from both friend and foe. From allies to mutual aids, for years I've watched the topics upon the status of Devils be flung around. Some as Darkspawn, others as innocent who have gotten the short end of the stick. For centuries the Devils had been quiet, living themselves in solitude upon many. But now, from one the world wishes to punish all. Punish all on assumptions and lack of information. So I, a devil who's lived longer than most had even to understand us. Shall educate the decendents of the four brothers so that there is some form of light on the confusion. Firstly, and this is the simplest case. Devils are not Darkspawn, Until recently those of cursed decent only bear the infernal looks of those touched by Iblees. But otherwise of Xan barring us from his halls and power, we are no different than you or your kin outside of looks. It is the people themselves who choose their path to follow Naz are the true enemy. Secondly, There is no cure for us, but we can be redeemed. Xan himself has indeed turned their back on our souls, even to those who one day try to serve him. Yet the other great entities accept those bearing such poor fates. Those I've called The Redeemed, for they still aid the realm of decendency despite their looks. Instead of taking covered assumptions by look, allow them to show their actions even against the infernals that had time and time again threatened decendency. Thirty and possibly the most important: The actions of one do not dictate the desire of all amongst us. The one name that has been going around by the name of Sermi, one who has been turned dares to ask those who condemn them. I Laugh, I laugh at the one who points the sword to the world and expects those who desire not much but peace for themselves to follow in her ways. She has no allies against the other devils, for it is she and her alone who plot to sow nothing more than conflict. Sermi is no more different than the hundred of infernals I've slain. So to the people of Aevos, to the Decendents of the four brothers. I proclaim this. Sermi does not speak for all devil kind. If seen by our kin she will experience a fate worse than death. Do not punish the ones who only wish to seek peace and aid. Do not punish those Redeemed by the willing higher powers that allow them. The death of the Inferi-lover Sermi will not see any sympathy from myself or others. To Sermi, I offer only a fate to you. You walk a path and path alone, and your attempts at honeyed words fall upon deaf ears. You claim aid to decendency and they had betrayed you, so you in turn make the rest of us suffer? May your soul dissolve to the winds of the soul stream when your life expires. To Decendents of Man, Elf, Dwarf, and Orc, Allow the redeemed to keep to their peace, as that is the only thing they desire. Their deaths are likely what Sermi truly wishes. Let the one who is so bold to attack decendentcy be fed to the wolves of the world, but allow the rest to do what they can to continue aiding decendency, to those who had not deterred such for centuries. Signed, The Golden Moon Devil - Hunter of Inferi, Slayer of Darkspawn, The Redeemed of Arcas
  7. After having a lovely meal with his wife, Gusiam read the note given to him. Before he laughed, a laugh so hard it echoed within his own home within the dead of night. The Devil could not help but be a bit amuse at the attempt. "So, the smoking cannon herself, the one who put all devils within this state, is now asking to rally under them? That is some irony that is...Truely Ironic in this case. I bet the others are laughing their asses off as well from this." Before long, Gus took a moment, he at first neatly folded the letter, as his ramblings continued on. "They claim we are abandoned but we can be redeemed, true, we had not a means to return ourselves. I could never understand these new transformed devils after all. Reality does not hit them the same, they are not born into the hardships that had been overcome many times by the older ones. Yet the one that drew a sword at the world and expect those that suffer now to gain from it. Please .... This devil, It seems even they have lost their way, One can only hope that they can be redeemed before one hunts them down." To that, the shaman had went back to tending to his shrines. Continuing his simple life, yet those eyes remained looking down at the lands beyond.
  8. Gusiam Jusmia was about to reply before the vision of the prophecy had hit. With his Wife he was silent. Just as confused, just as funning what ideas of what is to come."Yes..." Before the shaman would let out a soft breath before returning. "A great danger slowly approaches....." Before trailing off his words.
  9. @_mady07 Might i throw in the idea of a boat plugin?
  10. For the love of god we need cooking and brewing plugins. As for magical Plugins, they dont even need to do such beyond visual aspects. Having an alchemy plugin that is able to turn herbs into resources, then resources to potions would make things much easier. as well as make it so that way regents arent just generally wasted. And as for Varients. It would be wonders to add things like carts added However, for skill plugins the only thing i can suggest so we dont got a nexus or vortex 3.0 or surge. is not to make it purely mmorpg grinding or something with exhaustion. But having to make weapons by hand or able to steal non-soulbind items would be an interesting thing.
  11. Upon one of the karsts, the ker was preping to get a new line of custom weapons and potions down to his little shop he managed within the Haense lands. Yet as one of his informants had offered his rather grave news, the beings's smile slowly turned into a soft frown, his body going still for a moment, as those eyese were the only thing moving, he read word for word of what this declaration was. as soon, upon the karst, there was a rumble that came from Gusiam's raged, the result of exuding such agressions as stone trembled upon reading that last declaration. "Two hundred years? No, possibly more... Three, at least kings who had all had the thanks of calling me friend.."Gusiam said, as a pure look of dissapointment was on his face."Had it not been I who had aided in sealing of the undead curse within the attunland? Had it not been I, when besieging the Mori infested lands of Fenn, did my voice not shatter it's very walls. Was it not I whomst saved countless necromancer plagues and infernal brandings of your people. Yet this is the reward for such service?" As the Devil spoke, he looked to his features, before a laugh echoed though the charsts walls. bouncing around their walls in all directions. "Do they not know that us devils are born to this fate? That we are No different from decendents aside from looks?..." Then he paused, only to shake his head. he had his friends, even as a diplomat he was excited to greet this new king, initally at least. "Leonid, Marian, The Colborns. and the others i've aided or save, I hope you at least visit. Now knowing I cannot aid you now with being threatened to be put to death... Aleksander, my friend. I hope the skies give you relaxation and remain abliss from these mortal affairs." With that, Gusiam simply went back to work, now having to shift around his priorities. Yet he only muttered one thing last. "I hope that they still survive strong with this ruler... and not forget my final fortune i gave to them."
  12. With the current freeze on shamanism as a whole. I thought it would be interesting to spark a simple debate on Elemental v Animist to try and better prepare future writers of the lore for if/when such freeze is thawed out. Either flushing out Animism in the future or reverting back to how Elementalism worked with fixes to prevent it's shelfing. Keep things civil, please.
  13. Bandit in #s "YOU THERE STOP!"He says in shout distance. The adverage person with common sense. *Turns around and sprints till disengages. and they too far to do anything* Jokes aside, its equally hard to proform attacks in #s and realistically halting someone 3-5 chunks far from you
  14. Infront of his old shrine, Gusiam would kneel, only stopped by one of his automaton messangers. though he had finished with his prayers, his eyes read the contents... at first, nothing to truely comment. Before the shamans eyes loomed at the ''recommendation'' that was offered, and soon, a small "Ha..."Was formed, before the old shaman would turn to a low cackle of laughter. "Childish bicker? ... Is that what it is aclaimed to now.... lives lost, land siezed... All a child's game i see. Then one must question that the thought of a elven empire is akin to the same. Think about it." As he ranted, the only one there was his messanger, but he did not mind chatting to them. The ker taking the second to light up a cigar before he'd remotely rant. "Say this Childish bicker was passed along and swept under the rug, Tell me, would this stop personal grudges? What about the cultural diversity? Are they saying to unite the tree protective ames, the ancesteral worshiping ker to fall in line with those of purity? those who are void touched, the thill? Not to mention that history is destined to repeat itself..... One calls for an empire, lasts for a land or two but by internal struggles or the unity of other decendents it crumbles and most of the time it's the former. One claims extinction yet the most blood i've seen upon elves were from elves...in this land no?" The ker then paused, puffing a bit of smoke within the air. "Don't even get me started on who would dare lead such head racking duty... what was the saying... that malin was the only king? Yet now one screams that we deserve an Emporer?.... You'd get better luck and practicality with a elven coalition then a elven empire. True, we had an empire but that was a different time...... A different age, why repeat history with something so impacticle." The ker then placed his cigar to the paper, right along the corner as it slowly turned alight. "Oceans rise, empires fall, they are temporal...never eternal. I can forsee peace within every mali, for the sake of the true king. Yet never unity, as that is no different then asking all to condem their centuries of hard work." With that, the shaman would only watch the missive burn to ash. Before going off to the rest of his worship.
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