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Status Updates posted by SimplySeo

  1. Seeking sinners who are halfway decent with armors and possibly fur cloaks n such. Price range is 300-400 per skin.

    1. khovend


      send me a dm on discord dixie 


    2. SimplySeo
  2. Man folks, I just don't know what to do on LOTC these days, y'know what I mean?

    1. Laeonathan


      Not really, there is soooo much to do for me... something's always fun is making a char in a completely different group then what you're used to. Getting out of dwarves really helped to regain my fun for LOTC. Dwarves are a very special group RP wise and kinda dead in my timezone. There's a whole bunch of things I wanna do... Farfolk, Elf, Spook, Halfling... I also noticed the moment I decided to actively make friends in my timezone and rping with said friends its soooo much more fun. Honestly, I barely had more fun then on the last 1 month. A big mistake I did was play in the same group ALL THE TIME. First I only hung out in Oren for a year, then I was with dwarves only. Having different char in many different places is just a way better choice for me personally.

    2. Narthok


      do something cool

  3. Anyone else crash whenever they enter Adria?

    1. TheCapybara


      Sorry! You didn’t pass the vibe check!

    2. Laeonathan


      youre not cool enough I guess

  4. @ibraheemc2000You have Janissaries, I have Crusaders, we should hang out.

    1. ibraheemc2000
    2. DrHope


      First templar Janissary when


  5. im not a realm leader can u remove it from my forum profile pls

    1. _RoyalCrafter_


      Once a king always a king

    2. TheosVult


      Still "realm leader"...
      Bro really is Numendil's Immortal Lord Emperor

  6. Mynebor had an 18+ channel

    1. Werew0lf



    2. UnusualBrit


      Righteous crusade against the khorvadics

  7. Someone give me the tea on the exogens situation I never liked him.

    1. Rigorous


      Cgv tends to be issued for impropriety or major harassment or some combination of the two 


      I won’t speak on his current ban, but himself and several others were banned for some nasty shit by me in November 2022– ideally, they shouldn’t have been unbanned. One of the other players who did that with him is also CGV’d for some freakiness 

    2. SimplySeo


      Thank you, I was wondering what went down.

  8. My brother bought an entire ******* box of eggs and it has taken up most of the fridge for about a week now. I've been making omlettes for the entire family for the last four days and I'm only half way through all these goddamn eggs.


    Why does one man need so many goddamn eggs.

  9. There’s a new Clamavi De Profundis song and it’s about vikings and I just felt the need to share this.


  10. Trying to come up with Norse-sounding surnames is hard when you take into account they didn't use surnames.


    Writing is hard.

    1. Sham404


      Put -dottir or -sson on the end of a normal name or give them a name based on a nickname such aa Lothbrok meaning hairy britches



  11. Relatively new here and don’t quite know how to navigate the forms yet, can anyone tell me when the map change happens? I want to know how to prepare

    1. Fishy


      The map change should happen in roughly a month or two. When there is a release date a thread will likely be posted under the News section of the forums.
      You don’t really need to prepare for the map change as items and minas are reset. My best piece of advice is to find a group of friends to play with once the new map is released.

  12. Looking for a new community to join? Interested in a close-knit group of fun-loving RPers? C’mon down to Kal’Varoth and make a Dwarf today!

    1. SubscriptShark2


      preferably a frostbeard right?

  13. All this conflict blacklist stuff is whack, yo. Hella whack.


    But that’s just my opinion

    1. Kanadensare


      hella whack yo

  14. Mineman politics can turn good people into assholes, y’know that?

    We all just sometimes need to take a breather, step back, close discord. Listen to music, watch the news, spend time with family, something that ain’t mineman.

    1. NotEvilAtAll



  15. For this Christmas my niece gave me the flu.


    Give me something for the pain and let me die.

  16. Good enough @DrHope

    1. DrHope


      hah! good to see you around, Grudgebearer

  17. We stan Thorgrim Grudgebearer

  18. How we doin lads and lasses.

    1. Sorcerio


      Still building the wall of my house 😔 

  19. I lived *****.

    1. Valannor


      The Return of the King

  20. Also, there was a lot of people I fell out of contact with. If you want my new discord send me a msg.

    1. ronin_champloo


      Yo.. hit me up bro spoon#6154

  21. Who else hyped as **** for Warhammer 3? That Khorne trailer was dope.

    1. HurferDurfer1


      it looks fly af

  22. Anxiety is a *****


    How are y'all

  23. Why is everyone so angry.

  24. My ancestors are smiling at me Imperial, can you say the same?

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