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Everything posted by SimplySeo

  1. Former child soldier-turned war criminal, Jorvin Starbreaker approves this message.
  2. Buy my boy's amazing skins. this is a threat.
  3. I mean at this point I thought it was accepted knowledge that it is impossible to fight a traditional war on LOTC. Unless they ever sorted it out.

  4. Well this is about what I expected and yet I am still disappointed.

  5. What do you mean they aren't Skaven.


    I already entered the launch codes dammit

  6. Who else hyped as **** for Warhammer 3? That Khorne trailer was dope.

    1. HurferDurfer1


      it looks fly af

  7. Tor'sjorvath was a busy port on the best of days, that much was obvious now more than ever. With the conflict with Oren, the naval yards were bustling with sailors, soldiers, and shipyard workers, laboring to finish the production of new Destroyers for the conflict. The merchant's district wasn't much better, Elven, Sutican, Dwarven, and Norlandic ships all came in and out, crowding the harbor as they onloaded and offloaded goods. It was a good deal more busy than Jorvin remembered it, as during his time, the town wasn't much more than a naval base, used to crack down on piracy in the southern sea. Here and there, Jorvin recognized some of the vessels, namely those used in the exodus fleet, all those years ago. Jorvin frowned deeply as he mused. The years had not lessened the embarrassment, or the shame of his disappearance. He had failed them, there was no two ways about it, coming to terms with that for a man as proud as Jorvin was impossible, and admitting it, even if just to himself felt worse than a knife to the heart. There was dark humor in that, for a man who had seen as much as he had, one would think wounded pride would be the least of his injuries. But, he was still a Dwarf, and there were fewer more proud than him. Still, it was a comfort to see that they had flourished in his absence, that the Kingdom he had helped build would push on, though its founders had long since left. He was the last one, he thought. Utak had vanished, Gimli, wherever he was, was in a better place. Fimlin no doubt earned his retirement tenfold, and as for the rest? Time, war, and wanderlust had taken them. All of this and more he dwelled on as his ship came to port. It was not the ship he had left on, his own vessel was sold many years ago, instead it was a simple merchant ship, not even Dwarven in origin, its crew was made up mostly of Northlanders, and only the occasional Khazad. As the ship came into port, Jorvin let his mind wander one more time, first dwelling on his son, who he'd left at his home in the north...Either Jorvin would return, or the boy would follow him in time, whichever it was remained to be seen. Then, he allowed himself a single moment to think of her. That pang of guilt returned, and so he pushed out the thought, slung his rucksack of supplies over his shoulder, and finally descended the gangplank. His chainmail rattled with each step, and at his belt, an old, time-weathered hammer hung. Gods willing, he'd put it to work soon enough. Urguan needed him still, that's what he told himself. The reality was likely the other way around. So, without further hesitation, he made his way for Kal'Darakaan.
  8. Also, there was a lot of people I fell out of contact with. If you want my new discord send me a msg.

    1. ronin_champloo


      Yo.. hit me up bro spoon#6154

  9. Also has anyone made a Mongolian culture yet I'd still love to try playing a nomadic horse archer type character.

  10. I'm not dead, just creatively dead. I just wanted to check in on some peeps here. I still feel bad for leaving the way I did, but with all the time away I've had, I've really come to realize how severely the politics and OOC feuding had come to impact my mental health. Though I grant that I've never been really good at dealing with that stuff myself.


    Still, I miss my peeps on here, genuinely. I hope y'all are doing well.

  11. SimplySeo


    We never had that drink. Take care of yourself.
  12. How does one write the biography of a character they played for two years straight without it being bloated. I'm already at 5 pages and I haven't even gotten to the **** I did as King.

    1. Varstivus


      Keep it to the essentials, the actual major beats of the story. Not every interaction you have had is important to the character, even if it felt epic at the time

    2. Treaty


      Just skip everything and go to the god killing, nothing else matters

  13. Good enough @DrHope

    1. DrHope


      hah! good to see you around, Grudgebearer


    1. Luciloo
    2. Valannor



    3. TheCapybara
























  15. This year I learned the importance of mental health. Here's to a better year, and don't forget to take care of yourselves.

  16. Yo I love sharing themes 'n shite. Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker Ambient Born during the darkest period of Dwarven history, and having fought tooth and nail to not only maintain the honor of his clan, but also to see the Grand Kingdom restored, Jorvin is grim, stubborn, and prideful bordering on arrogance. Because of this I chose the theme of House Aeducan from Dragon Age, since the Dwarves of that franchise are also a race that has no shortage of pride, strength, and grim determination, despite teetering on the brink of extinction. The connection is also notable due to the cutthroat nature of politics among the DA Dwarven nobility, seeing as Jorvin has done plenty of questionable things on his journey to becoming, and holding the title of Grand King. Combat This one requires little explanation. Jorvin's public persona, (especially during war-time) is heavily based off Thorgrim Grudgebearer, High King of the Dawi of Warhammer Fantasy, who the Dwarves of LOTC borrow heavily from. Having fought for over a century against the foes of Urguan, Jorvin has marched to war against every race at least once, as well as leading Dwarven Throngs against Undead, Voidal Horrors, Demons, and the very Gods themselves. So it kind of had to be a theme from Warhammer Total War, didn't it?
  17. Give me something for the pain and let me die.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. squakhawk



    3. sergisala


      are you okay man?

    4. Gemini


      Hope you’re doing okay!!! ❤️ If you need to talk to someone feel free to PM! 

  18. I lived *****.

    1. Valannor


      The Return of the King

  19. "Ah've not seen any of tha' lot in damn nearing fifty years. What's tha' point in this?" Comments Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker
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