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Everything posted by TheCapybara

  1. “Always hated him- dumb knight... and I still do hate him since my wrongful imprisonment. So hopefully he dies and perishes from this world like the rest of the villains walking on this realm. Not a true knight, just a glorified hound of the mad king.” Alyssa commented to herself within the safety of her estate far off within the southern lands of Alamaris- simply drinking tea and nibbling on some freshly made, Chocolate Chip Cookies. The woman had a wide and warm smile on her face while they threw the notice into the roaring flames- after she threw the news of joy into the flames- the Seregon grabbed another cookie to nibble on with her tea.
  3. Lmao! Nice April Fools joke! So funny! Tehe- XD- Smh- Oml! Ok! We all been bamboozled- rick-rolled!
  4. The extremely distant relative of Tatiana vas Ruthern- Natalya vas Ruthern- is confused as they cannot read yet or write yet, the Ruthern girl, simply commenting to herself while eating a chocolate bar near the Carrington Lemonade Stand in Providence. "Wat is this?" After the small child made her comment of the paper in confusion- she would toss it into her miniature messenger bag, now, asking one of the d'Arkents running the stand, how to make- Lemonade.
  5. Madame Braun would find the notice and smile- but then her brows furrowed while she sat at her desk- not getting an invitation from her own worker. After so- the Lady Seneschal would write to Otis- her Head Butler. "Dearest Otis, my Head Butler. Where is my invitation? To your wedding? The most special for any child of GOD! Sincerly, Madame Braun, Lady Seneschal of the Augustine Palace." The message written to her head butler would have a smilely face at the bottom. More saying at the bottom. "Congratulations dear- I will be there. You were always my favorite Butler and I am so proud of you." After the message was finished- she'd send a messenger to send it to the young man. As this happened- the Lady Seneschal took a sip from her tea and then a bite from her cookie tray- having a grin while doing so.
  6. - - A young ‘aheral stood near the beaches of the druid's grove. The woman took a deep breath and looked up the night sky with her amethyst eyes into the starry night filled with such mystery and many unknowns for a descendent. The Seregon would question to herself in a sorrowful way- what is her life now- who is she? Her life was so joyful, she knew what her life was, she knew it all and what to do. But now they simply walk the empty beaches alone. Without friends- alone- no one to comfort her and embrace her. Friends- pushed them away or they left her as she slowly went mad. The girl- the woman who walked upon the sandy beaches would look into the crystal clear waters- empty and alone. As she looked down- she would question once more… What is her life now? Who… who is she? The Seregon she once knew was gone- all gone- her joy- her family- her heart. She didn’t know what to do. She tried to get new friends- new family. But so far it failed and only seemed awkward. Even when a certain ‘aheral said they are friends and he is there for her. She still felt alone- heartless. Finally- after minutes of thinking- looking at her reflection of a ruined life- she would simply leap her body into the sea. Embracing the warm and empty feeling of the waters- knowing that she had lost her mind… there was no Alyssa anymore but only madness. She tried to fight off these feelings since she came back to Haelun’or. She knew she could never impress her mother or any friends she made. She knew deeply inside- she is impure. Impure to the core- she doesn’t think and believe her people’s way ever or before. - As the frail and pale body sunk down- she would struggle to breath- closing her eyes- seeing the bright moon before doing so. But then- she would hear a voice inside of her head. The voice of first her brother- telling her to open her eyes and get out- then her haelun- then her father… only a small voice but heard it loud. As she heard this- she would try to get all the way up to the beaches… but couldn’t she was losing too much air and was drowning in the empty sea and beach- where no one would see her demise. But then- she heard- the voice of her friend- Margaux. As she heard her friend’s voice within her head- the same friend who she felt like she lost after an argument after an event which drove to these actions. She would push and force herself forward to get onto the sandy beach. As she went to land- she violently coughed out water- looking back into the sky- as the water dripped down onto the dry sand- tears would forum to come out from her purple eyes… Letting out a cry as she would finally break… her mind- cracked and her heart. Broken. As this ‘aheral wonders. Who is she- is she even worth it… but on this night- she knew she was worth it. -
  7. Alyssa Seregon would drift into the night- deep In her dreams of the bright starry nights in the Korvassain deserts. Simply sleeping. Sleeping hard like one’s heart after betrayal and hurt. The ‘aheral would be unknowing of it all. All of the- pain and betrayal of this tragic. Horrid. Night.
  8. Goodbye dude- Hope you do well in whatever you will do in your life or what you are doing in your life.
  9. "Bit-hes be stupid." Commented the youthful Alyssa Seregon while preparing cookies within her house, singing a peaceful hum while having a silly grin upon her face. The 'aheral then would place the pan inside of the roaring oven with her baking gloves- afterwards, the Seregon would toss the article into the flames, keeping up her villainous smile while doing so.
  10. A young, mali’aheral simply slept inside her wool sheets, on their bed- a bed which was placed near the roaring flames to keep herself warm form the cruel winter. The woman, unknown to the chaos of outside and around Haense, Alyssa Seregon, dreams meeting or seeing this Paladin again. But, would that truly happen? No. It wouldn’t.
  12. “More news!” Said a small servant girl, squeaking, to the smaller lady Seneschal. As the lady seneschal would hear of this, she would grunt as she would wave her hand for the little one to hand her the article. As the maid gave her the article, Madame Braun, commented to the poor dear in a kind tone “Thank you dearie.” After minutes of reading the article, the woman threw the article into flames, simply plopping her head onto the desk of her office, muttering under her breath with a somber tone. “Lord please have mercy on me, my loved ones, my home and friends. It seems like everything is just going more down hill the second I became lady Seneschal of the Augustine Court.” Once the woman stopped speaking, she would rise her head once more to get back to her work.
  13. "Hm..." Alyssa Seregon said with a curious tone - but, after a couple of seconds of looking up and down on the words written down, she'd toss the notice into the flames. The mali'aheral seemed to simply not care of the affairs in Elvenesse. After she would toss the notice into the roaring flames, within her nice and cozy home, located in Karosgrad, she'd take a sip from her tea and then a bite of a random cookie from the array chocolate chip cookies on a plate which was place onto the side of her desk.
  14. Seregon Therapy Services A depiction of an enlightened orenian woman, reading a book [1810] Introduction Karin’ayla lliran, I am Alyssa Seregon. My current place of residence is in Karosgrad, Haense and I like to bake cookies, read about the void and historical events. But! Enough about myself. I, dear reader, wish to inform you of my therapy services. I had wished to do something like this for quite a while, I was inspired to do so since seeing one of my brother’s many mental scars. After years, since an event happened, I knew there were others like him, scared from traumas of the past. So, in the year for the imperial calendar, 1810, I shall be opening my therapy to all! From Haense to Sutica, I will be opened to offer my services to anyone who needs the help to find a way to triumph from their scars or other problems within the mind. My Services There is no amount of money you will need to pay for this, it is free, as I think it is simply silly one must pay to get themselves help for something they are having difficulties solving. My address is May’s Ally IV, Karosgrad Haense. You will need to send me a bird for when we can set up appointments and such for the services for Seregon Therapy. But, sadly my house is not big enough for a long chat for such, so! I do advise that if you call for my services, that you at least have a private area in mind inside of your house. But worry not, I will try to get a building within Providence, Karosgrad, or Varhelm. So for now, as written above, I do advise you to find a private place within your residence. Additional Information As listed above, my place of residence is May’s Ally IV, within the capital of Haense, Karosgrad. If I do not pick up the bird swiftly, I am most likely off doing my studies, practicing my water evocation, or simply sleeping. So I would advise you to simply send the bird off to my mailbox, or use a mailman to send the message to my location of residence Sincerely, Alyssa Seregon
  15. "Must it be time to show myself once again into the silver city? Shall it be the worth to do it?" Alyssa Seregon questioned herself while looking at the notice with a raised brow, but simply after a couple minutes, the mali'aheral grew a grin, commenting once more with a more cheerful and confident tone."I guess it shall be worth it, I have been to deep with my studies."
  16. I am so glad that you are just spewing it all out and sharing your feelings! its healthy and normal and needed for someone to do so in certain times! I really hope that you do well and have some fun and relaxation during you break. Again, be well and your the best!
  17. "I- ok, time to ask my brother why his deity accepts- how to say- weridos, like this." Alyssa Seregon commented with a cringe, simply throwing the notice into the flames of her house. After she did so, she would then write a bird off to her brother, an other, paladin of Xan. Once the mali'aheral finished writing the letter, she would tie it to an owl's talon and send it off to the cold skies of Karosgrad, all the way to the warm skies, where her brother would be. Minutes later - the mali'aheral would simply be seen through windows, reading books of the void and water evocation and eating blueberry muffins with warm, lemon, tea. @Cypher_nicus
  18. “Time to ruin the Elvenesse reputation in Providence!” Alyssa Seregon commented with a grin, seemingly joking as she spoke. Afterwards, the mail’ would simply put a wide, red, X, with their marker. The woman would be marking off the whole realm of Elvenesse to visit or to travel to.
  19. "Time to help a friend." Alyssa Seregon commented with a sigh and sorrowful tone, seeming to be very sadden with these news. The mali'aheral would then call for a carriage ride, for about couple days or even a week, after they called for a ride - the woman would then start to pack her clothing, books, and such. Once the Seregon had finished packing her clothing and other important items, she would then whistle for the carriage and took off minutes after getting on, to the star of the Holy Orenian Empire, Providence. But she did not come to merely sight see, she came to comfort, a friend. Minutes had only passed after she left and the woman did remember to send a bird! So the woman would swiftly stop the man upon the carriage to swiftly write a compassionate and deeply serious letter to her helvetii friend. Once she had finally finished writting such a letter she would tie it up to an owl's talon and sent it up to the cold airs and off to her friend. After she did all of these actions, swiftly, she would then clap her hands for the carriage to ride off and continue to Providence.
  20. Rudi on the LOTC forms :



    1. AnonymousAlexa


      what can I say? haense strong with legislation 💪

  21. "OK.. so they insult a dead person first who had left young daughters, so I heard. Then accuse someone of high things, such as having an affair! Gosh, this lady seems to be a real somebody for talking sh*t behind peoples back and not showing up themselves to say these things." Alyssa Seregon commented, while sipping her evening tea within the safety of her home. The mali'aheral seemed just confused about the article and the many topics this mad woman rambled about. But after seconds of reading over the article, three times, she would throw it into the fire and went back to her studies. After minutes of going into her studies, she would comment to herself with a but of a curious tone and a raised brow, looking towards her pet Karin and saying "Maybe this is an undead seeking to cause chaos? Cause they do have a trash mouth." She'd say, letting out a small chuckle, then went back to her work once more.
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