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  1. Goblin Child Skinner Competition (Ended) Make a skin for a 5-year-old goblin boy named Bubbee. Skin color should be Grimmer’Lak Green. Prizes 1st Place – 600 iron ingots + 12 diamonds 2nd Place – 400 iron ingots + 8 diamonds Participation – +5 rep on the Lord of the Craft website. Rules Submissions must include a download for the skin Skins should be made from scratch Skins must have 64x64 dimensions and be made for the Classic player model (4-pixel arms) Skins must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on April 19th, 2019 Extra Information Reply to this thread with your submission. The image of the skin or download link should be included in your post. @Potts244 is the person who wants a goblin child skin. After you’ve made a skin, you can ask him questions about which parts he does and doesn’t like (eye color/face/tusks/hair/clothes/etc.). He will probably be the person who picks the winners after the competition ends. The participation prize will be awarded to everyone who submits a skin that matches the subject. Prizes will be handed out on April 20th, 2019. Participation prizes might take multiple days to hand out.
  2. ‡‡ Methods of Contact for Commission Discord: Avyrice #3407 Twitter: @Avyricee (Twitter has more art to view as well!) Real money only! No minae! (I'm sorry for the small images) Head Shot : $10 Half Body : $16 Full Body : $22 +$5 for coloured Head Shot : $16 Half Body : $25 Full Body : $30 +$10 for each additional character Head Shot : $25 Half Body : $36 Full Body : $45 +$10 for each additional character Backgrounds can be simple or flat for no extra charge Head Shot : $32 Half Body : $45 Full Body : $60 Illust. (w/ complex bg) $70 - $90 +⅓ orig. price for ea. additional chara. Two-Sided Sheet (Left) $45 It can be a front and back too. Ask about additions. Original Sheet (Right) $57 Includes a full front, two chibi outfits, mouth and eye view, as well as a back segment. $45 This is guaranteed to have a half, full, and a headshot. Additions are up to Avalanto! (Trust me, you’re going to love the work!)
  3. Skinner Competition (Ended) RuneScape Jester Outfit I want the RuneScape jester’s outfit as a Minecraft skin that could be pasted on top of other skins. Here’s the jester outfit I’m talking about: Prizes 1st Place – 500 minas 2nd Place – 400 minas 3rd Place – 300 minas 4th - 6th Place – 100 minas Participation – +3 rep on the Lord of the Craft website. Rules Submissions must include a download for the skin The skin must resemble the RuneScape jester outfit Skins must be submitted by 11:59pm PST on April 5th, 2019 Extra Information You don’t need to provide a face for the skin. The costume (with hat) is the only thing that matters. The hat doesn’t have to exactly match the RuneScape outfit, but it should match the red/yellow color scheme. Submissions that have the hat connected over the head are preferred. Skins for the Classic player model are preferred (4 pixel arms). You may submit a Classic and Slim version of the same skin. All standard dimensions for skins are accepted. Examples: 64x32 and 64x64. The participation prize will be awarded to everyone who submits a skin that matches the subject. Prizes will be handed out on April 6th, 2019. Participation prizes could take multiple days to hand out.
  4. Name: Rivádh Daeynore Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Age: 83 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Description: Rivádh stands roughly five foot seven, with deep bronze colored skin. While his normal hair is a dark auburn, Rivádh chooses to dye it an ivy shade of green in devotion to his wooded homeland. Eyes of gold, some elven merchants have claimed due their resemblance to two shining coins. His usual attire consist of an long indigo tunic, matching hood decorated with black feathers just above the ears, two gold bracelets, and pair of well traveled tan leather boots. On his shoulders, Rivádh carries large back pack that contain his tools of the trade, and basic traveling supplies. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* History: Rivádh grew up in Dominion of Malin with his father and mother. His childhood for the most part was a pleasant one, except for time he fell ill from handling a poisonous tree frog by mistake. Now he refuses to handle any form of amphibian, and tries avoid them in general just to be safe. During his youth, he would watch his parents come and go from their sacred duties at shrine of Kwakwani. Rivádh’s father worked tirelessly as one of the watchman for the shrine, while his mother was an acolyte there. When not serving at the shrine his mother spent much of her time making pottery to sale in the local market place. As he got older, Rivádh helped his mother with glazing and painting the unfired pottery. Though he enjoy this greatly, yet he soon found his true calling. Raising his brush to canvas, he began his journey of painting people and world around him. Even with some nature talent, it took Rivádh several years to earn some level of mastery in his craft. After the Dissolution of the Dominion of Malin, he left his hometown to further study of the lands and people beyond. Returning only recently to his homeland, visit his friends and family there. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Other Notes: Tends ramble on when intoxicated. While not a heavy drinker, he will not turn down a drink offered by a friend. While he doesn’t hate dwarves, he finds many of them to be uncouth beings. Though he won't openly admit it, Rivádh does greatly admire dwarven architecture. Suffers from Ranidaphobia (fear of frogs).
  5. That’s right, I made a map of the most important place in all of Arcas (LotC v7.0). The resource pits area is northeast from the wheat farm in Cloud Temple. Up = East Cloud Temple Resource Pits (much better than resource island on previous maps) Acaia Log Pit Andesite Pit Birch Log Pit Bone Block Pit Clay Pit Coarse Dirt Pit Dark Oak Log Pit Diorite Pit Dirt Pit Granite Pit Gravel Pit Jungle Log Pit Oak Log Pit Prismarine Pit/Dark Prismarine Pit/Prismarine Brick Pit Quartz Block Pit Red Sand Pit Sandstone Pit Snow Block Pit Soul Sand Pit Spruce Log Pit Terracotta Pit White Wool Pit
  6. Skin REQ I need a skin for my character (elf). For more details, contact me on discord (Bany#4241) . Remember what I will pay.
  7. Alright lads and laddet’s I’m bored, so in my own effort to combat AMA’s I’m running an art competition. Pretty simple post really, but don’t click off if you’re a trash artist, I’m gunna give one of you lovely MS Paint artists some gold coins for your trouble. Sooo let’s see uhhh. . . I rewatched infinity war again recently, so why don’t we try a Thanos theme’d LOTC Art theme, so try and collide the two worlds somehow, in any way shape or form you dam well like. First Place can be like 5k – This’ll be someone who actually tried with a tablet or some cool sh*t Second Place can be like 2k – This’ll most likely be another tablet try hard unless someone really goes balls to the wall with that MSPaint work. Third place – This is gunna be dedicated to a “trash” pick, which is just basically me wanting to let people who aren’t pro artists get some mina and have some fun. I encourage everyone to have a go, I’ve got a heap of minas, I’m happy to fork out more if I like your piece regardless of it’s tier. P.S I was gunna post at some point about buying lore items (not just trash, but like historical and cool magical sh*t) but I guess I’ll throw it onto this. Also have like two and a bit dubs of books if anyone is interested in trading or buying em. Not interesting in being paid in minas at all. ty Dunno if I should set an end time but I guess I’ll say like end of the weekend? It’s Saturday night for me in Aus so I guess I’ll wait until monday night for me (AEST) if anyone cares. P.S.S You’ll be disqualified if you don’t +1.
  8. hi I have a school project due in like 2 weeks and i chose to make a comic,, so now I have to draw a few pages of it and show the """planning"" I have for it--which includes character sheets and designs but like idc what the comic is and will draw any character i find interesting for it. so basically ill draw a shitty full body of your character for free if u give me permission to use it for my school project """characters planning""" and story setting. Might look like this, might look shittier. Mainly depends on how much effort I'll put into this school project/how much time I'll have. tl;dr I'll draw characters that i find interesting/do-able for free if u let me use it for my school project. wont guarantee it to look great/complete but its free so lol ok like but write the details of your character down there pls also 0 guarantee of who i pick idk what my story even is
  9. (( Disclaimer: This map was drawn for fun and not for guidance in-game )) (( Certain locations might be drawn wrong, so do not use it for guidance )) [!] A drawn map would be put down infront of you on the desk.
  10. TJB'S FREE COAT OF ARMS AND SEALS Recently people have been messaging me about making Coat of Arms/Heraldry as of late. So i thought i should open it for others that really need and/or want one. I make the shield shapes and coloring myself, however if you want any images such as animals i use some free downloadable images for them instead. Requests should provide as much detail as possible. I.e. Colours, symbols, and perhaps a mock up (even if it is done on paint). More elaborate coat of arms can require the family tree of the house, its notable figures and titles held, as well as connections through marriages. Note: In keeping with consistency throughout historical changes in lotc, I am willing to maintain/update coat of arms and release the psd documents if need be. A thorough blazon/description of the coat of arm may be provided on requests. My discord is: TJBGamer#9681, if you want to to show any images or more detail in a private conversation Here are some examples of the work i have done: HOUSE DE HARTCOLD Made for: Myself HOUSE OF RADOVIC Made for: LoLzboi ORDER OF ST. TOBIAS Made for: Semihilyus HOUSE DE HARTCOLD-YORKE Made for: Jacobcraft04 HOUSE DE CASTRO WAX SEAL Made for: Kukiii HOUSE OF PALAIOLOGOS WAX SEAL Made for: ThunderTheTitan THE ORDER OF THE MONGOOSE WAX SEAL Made For: EternalSaturn The ORDER OF THE MONGOOSE Made for: EternalSaturn JAMES SIGISMUND HOREN-MARNA PERSONAL COAT OF ARMS Made for: Doggedwasupxxx PRINCIPALITY OF CURON WAX SEAL Made for: Imibee and the Curon Leadership HOUSE VAR BURGUNDAR Made for: ACU20 HOUSE OF RUBENS WAX SEAL Made for: Arhbi HOUSE DE HARTCOLD WAX SEAL Made for: Myself
  11. Decided to do just one big art dump instead of small separate ones. I don't have anything to say really other than sorry not sorry for the Star VS. Spam. 7/8/2018: 8/8/2018:
  12. Shady Guy comes off hiatus with the craziest thing eve-... Disclaimer: This is only some of my simple art my greasy dudes and I will be doing more commissions in the near future in my usual style, but for now I am putting these out here because I have a busy couple of weeks. You know, job interviews, essays, forced socialising and eating... the usual. Here is the deal, I am throwing art out there for whatever you want to give me. Of course, I am a poor student so cash is always my jam, but I will straight up do you one for any crazy nonsense... however, I reiterate, a dollar will buy me a Mug Shot for lunch and I bloody love Mug Shots. Right now, I can only do simple things and mainly profile pictures and cover photos. I will try to whip you out some other items as well, whatever things you crazy minemen like these days: pockets, banners, icons, transparent models, etc. Just nothing too complicated because I have a lot to juggle. The Boring Important Details My style of character can be adapted for other things, so once you claim a spot we can figure out what I am drawing for you. Full bodies are possible as well, but these will be limited due to how much time I have. I can confirm I am up for trying any race requests but quality might vary as a result. I always try my best though! I am going to be passing out five spaces for this end-of-hiatus deal completely free and am only asking for mere donations, whether that be cash or something fun. If there is high-demand, I will increase this to ten free commissions. After filling out the form, I will want to contact you directly. Please prepare a reference sheet including your most recent skin and any descriptions/images of important features that might not be visible from your skin alone (scars, braids, etc). If you have any previous commissions of the character, include them too. I will also discuss the background you would like in further detail. I like to do a decent job for everyone. If you are still interested, use the following template: Example Content Profile Pictures A simple stylised headshot of your favourite character with your choice of background colour and/or scenery. These backgrounds can be subtle (see top row) or complex (see bottom row). You will receive both a HD icon and HD transparent version of your character's headshot. Cover Photos A simple stylised headshot of one to three characters (for people getting free art) with your choice of background. These backgrounds can be subtle or complex. You will receive just the HD cover photo. Note: I realise the version I made for myself is not perfectly fitted, but I can assure you I will avoid that mistake in the future. =o={O}=o= It all looks a tad simple, but I am literally offering free spaces for poppin' profiles. Validate me. . . . Still not sold? Maybe this will change your mind.
  13. Orcs , Hou-Zi , Goblins, etc. Come one come all. Currently accepting ART commissions for Orcs, Goblins, Houzi , Any race other than humans , elves, and khas. Even commissions for certain monsters / Items are accepted (e.g A basilisk, A drawing for your Sword, A Golem) Up to Five will be taken at a time to avoid any problems. (so dont forget to follow the thread if the slots are filled up) 1) DarkElfs 2) Heero 3) Humanistic 4) 5) Prices will be listed below : Examples: I dont have many recent examples so heres some of my old art MY INACTIVE DEVIANT ART Note For Previous Customers:
  14. ~=*=~ [https://i.imgur.com/s56gasO.jpg] (can add some shading to the lineart, as per request! can also remove colors in general) heyyy, my commissions are being officially opened! chow down, b*****s also, as a lil sale type thing i'll make sketchy painted busts like these: [https://imgur.com/a/UBCmg3d] for $15! my art: [https://imgur.com/a/ULGwe] latest doodle:
  15. ~ Farryn’s Art Stall ~ ~CLOSED~ Hey guys! Farryn here and back at it with the commissions! I’ve developed since the last art stall I did and this time, I’m better with my work and ready to step up my game a bit. The commission's I am willing to take on are primarily busts and half-bodies (see examples). However, be aware that I am permitted to deny a commission and not take up requests, and that payment will be accepted AFTER the artwork is drawn. My artwork will come out as detailed, since I don’t really want to over complicate things by charging different prices depending on if you choose lineart, base colours, or detailed. So what you will receive will be detailed busts and half-bodies. My discord is Farryn#1306 if you have any questions. My DA if you want to see more work: https://elviranaromis.deviantart.com/ Prices - Busts (Head to shoulder) = $5 - - Half-bodies (Head to chest)= $10 - - Additional character: $2 per character added - - Background: £2 - My work Noteworthy information What I do with the money earned? For those curious but with the money I earn with commissions, I aim to use such in order to save up on buying particular writing programs that can assist me in my writing career, as well as hopefully be able to pay for an editor that can look over my work when it is done (I actually suck at proofreading). Who knows - may even end up getting one of my in-progress novels published. Whatever is left will help me a little in life. Format MC Name: Discord: Number of characters: Drawing Type: (Bust or Half-body?) Character(s) name: Character(s) race: Character(s) age: Hair and eye appearances: (what length and style is the hair, as well as hair colour and eye colour?) Accessories: (Scars? Tattoos? Piercings? Jewellery? Hats? Magic? Etc?) References: (This can be from face-claims to artwork by other artists on the server, as well as the character skin.) Background: (if you want a background, explain what you want. If not, just put a N/A and it’ll be transparent). You agree to pay within 24 hours of finishing the product: (Y/N) Posted on Deviantart after being made: (Y/N) Final price: (Be aware that I will be calculating up the total to make sure it is right) ~~~ The Waiting List 1. Jallentime 2. N/A 3. N/A 4. N/A ~~~
  16. Hello, so I had been informed today that a skin I had taken from online (Thanks to AChurchBellTolls) was stolen from a former member of the server (Which I did not know oops) So, since I am skinless, and I do not want to end up using another skin which was stolen, I am asking for someone to help me with the skin! Just reply to the post and I will send you the details about my persona! Thanks.
  17. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ Store name: Sew and So Outfitting Store Location: Caras Eldar. Turn left immediately on entering the main gates. Proprietor: Roland Merrithew (ClockworkElves) Employees: Eannen Ithelanen (Redmarch), Aerenna (Bunemma) Sew and So Outfitting is a tailor’s shop owned and operated by Roland Merrithew, a recent migrant to Atlas, formerly operating a location of the same name in the Aeldinic city of Gwynon. Located in the shining jewel of the Dominion of Malin, Caras Eldar, its doors are open to those of all races and all walks of life, if they can afford the steep premium necessary for the quality stitchwork that is offered. Providing clothing in a variety of styles, the shop hosts three artisans in the craft; Roland Merrithew, Eannen Ithelanen, and Aerenna, all of whom can be specifically commissioned for their work, each with their own unique craftsmanship and style. The following is a portfolio showcasing previous works of individuals in the employ of Sew and So Outfitting; Works by Roland Merrithew, specializing in clothing Works by Eannen Ithelanen, specializing in male clothing and armor Works by Aerenna, specializing in female attire To be added In order to commission Sew and So Outfitting, customers can visit the shop in person, which is located to the left of the main gates in Caras Eldar. Business is conducted strictly in person, and one may pen a letter to the proprietors in order to arrange for an allotted time slot for measurements if their schedule is constrained (Send a forum PM to my inbox). Sew and So Outfitting reserves the right to deny any commission based on the item being commissioned, or any of the following; race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political alignment, nationality, physical, mental or spiritual ailment, magical practices, temperament or general state of being of the customer Following approval for a commission in-character, please fill out the following format and post below. Minecraft Name: Race: Gender: References: Hair/Eye color (if full skin or head): Other Information: Agreed price:
  18. I need someone to help me with making a military skin. I will pay for good work. My is Dawsy#9503 add me.
  19. It has come once more, Cornivore is opening his shop once more for the players who want cheap, and amazing art. Each piece you want made, will only cost you a small amount of minas, ranging from 25-100 minas, depending on what Cornivore will draw. If you would like to get one made, all you have to do is comment down below, or send me a Personal Message on Discord or the Forums. Thank you, I will give you some Examples to allow you to view the masterpieces.
  20. Hello, denizens of Axios. I need two skins made; 1k per request. If the skinner would like to discuss a higher payment, I'd be open to that depending on how difficult they prove. The skins only need to be the outifts- I don't need a head for them. Anywho, here are my two requests. 1. My first request is an armor set based off these two images. [1] [2] All I need made is the version of the skin with the helmet- I can remove the helmet and put the other head on it myself. This is likely the most difficult of the two requests, so if needed I can certainly pay a bit more. 2. My second request is a piece of pretty basic casual clothing based on this image. [1] Again, I only need the head. You can leave the color of the skin blank too and I can do that edit myself. I believe this skin only really needs 1k for it, but talk to me if it caused you any major difficulties. My Discord is Conspirator_#3881. Post on this topic and send me a PM on discord if you'd like to do one of my requests. Thanks you guys! (forgot to put this in original post, but send over some examples of ya work too c:)
  21. I'm back with my not so great skins, yay. PAYMENT: Outfits (no head) will be 600 mina whilst full skins will settle at 800 mina. I can also be bribed with nice rp items so lol. Previous works: LIST: 1. DustyDune 2. Reserved by z3m0s 3. Calabreeni 4. Areln FORM: Username: Outfit or Fullbody: Ref: Description: Proof Of Payment: (Optional) Item of bribery: (Optional) Cute birb: @Sug digs it.
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