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  1. The Phantoms BY: captrivside The Phantoms (not a ghost) ancient protectors of life that in the recent years have returned. A Phantom's sworn duty is to protect the innocent no matter what. They have genetically been advanced a bit too do the job their senses are raised and their eyesight is a bit better. If a Phantom breaks their duty by killing or hurting someone the Prime Phantom will decide. If the die or will have their ability as a phantom ripped away from them either for life a certain period of time. A Prime Phantom is the leader of the Phantoms until he either dies or resigns. Or are kicked from the rank after the date of 200 years of being a Prime Phantom. If a Prime Phantom does not resign passed the date of 200 years of Prime leadership the phantoms will have to threaten them to resign or to kill them. The present Prime Taltic Van Hall formerly known as Teal’Ugluk is the first Phantom to be born for over hundreds of years. Before the people of Vailor moved to The Isles of Axois The Phantoms existed. They were different back then they did not protect they did the right thing in a large scale way. When They just learned language the Phantoms fought wars against what was and truly a threat to peace. They had no allies because their allies could have tried something bad and the Phantoms would of have to weaken them or kill them. They were lead by “Grand Empress Xyvire” she and her Phantoms eventually died off. With the rest of the original Axois races which composed of Oren, Orc, Elf, and Pale knights The Phantoms then had all races in their ranks. Xyvire became a powerful spirit and chose Taltic to be a Prime Phantom. But they did the right thing on a large scale just under that they sacrificed and brutally murdered many. This is a reason that they didn't make a come back for such a long time. To become a Phantom you either must have the blood or be enlisted by the oath. A phantom would look very dark and cultist like buts only too blend into the shadows. Rules YOU must not ever kill or hurt an innocent or you Prime will suspend you or kill you To be Phantom YOU must have the blood or have done the Oath Do not get aggravated because someone insulted you for being a Phantom DO NOT kill a fellow Phantom you will be killed When a Prime tells you what to do do it if it's against the rules tell some other Phantoms It is highly preferred that you wear your mask on duty
  2. Ethereal Knights “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” A being trapped betweens realms, unable to move on yet not fully in the mortal realm these beings are drawn to collect their armor’s parts for eternity, spurred on by the desire of completion. The ones who created these beings, as a way to test their might. These necromancers attempted to seal souls into inanimate objects, much like that of a dread knight and his armor, though with only their own experiments to go by. Kidnapping descendants to use their souls they fueled their experiments. A unnamed Necromancer, about to start skinning the victim, an important part of the ritual needed to create an Ethereal Knight. Within these experiments it was discovered that the soul being used must have had a strong will, for if not it will break during the ritual to seal it to the chosen object, usually a suit of armor. To finish the seal, skin is carefully peeled from the body of the victim, tanned to last long, then runes are added to it. These specially made runes draw out the energy from whoever places the armor on, creating a symbiotic link between the armor and wearer. With the runed skin applied to the inside of the armor, the last of the ritual can take place. The remnants of the soul are forced to last within the armor, unable to speak save for when the armor is worn by a mortal being. The rest of the victim’s body is discarded, usually without proper burial, this causes the soul to wish for one, and gives it a secondary purpose in the half-life it was given. Unlike Dread knights and DarkStalkers, which would ultimately be the closest cousin the Ethereal knights would have, the Ethereal knights would not have been given a goal by its creator, rather it would be used as a tool by said Necromancer. Although it cannot use magic, and any magic it had once used in its life is lost in the ritual, it is given enhanced strength, exceeding that of a normal man. In return for acquiring enhanced strength, it uses its wearers energy, using the runes engraved in its skin lining to draw the life-force through its owners skin and power itself. If one were to focus on the Ethereal Knight’s mind-link, many would claim it as a light, differentiating in color, the stronger the light the more fed the Knight. A mind link is formed through this contact, at first having another mind inside of the owners own can be disastrous, which is the reason why the Ethereal knight seeks out ones who are strong of mind, for a weak willed being could be driven to insanity if exposed to the knights warped mind. As such exposure is to be limited, which may be the ultimate reason why its creators the necromancers separate its pieces in the first place, the more pieces used the greater the drain on the wearer, and the stronger the soul’s will grows. Often pieces are lost, traded, or otherwise forgotten in places around the world as its creators change locations. With the soul being separated into multiple pieces, it enters a deep sleep, until a passerby or treasure hunter dons it. Once on the runes would fuel the Ethereal to awaken from its slumber, at first its voice would sound like what it once had as a living being, but as the new owner wears the piece, the voice would slowly change, growing accustomed to its owners voice and mind its would soon sound like the owner. If said owner were to remove the piece, though they may need help in doing so from another being, for the runes would strengthen the bond between the flesh of the owners and the tanned skin from the Ethereal knight. With a mind of strong will, the Ethereal knight could tempt others to wear it, using the natural auras that flow from the runes inside it, this is one of the only ways it can tempt another to wear it, for the runes inside were meant to bring physical strength to the wearer. As such the wearer cannot use magic while wearing the armor, the link with the void will be weakened considerably and its wearer will find any use of magic a immense drain on their body. And as it is a being born from the darkest of magic, Aurum causes pain, whether they touch it or a blade made of it hits them, the wearer will find the trapped soul screaming in anguish. Holy and Fi magics are also dangerous to the Ethereal knight, both can blind and mute them for a time, rendering them into a comatose state, much like when they ‘sleep’, although even if their wearer were to try and use them, they would find that they would be unable to use the enhancements the armor brings. The only thing that can revive them from this state is for their owner to continuously wear them for a period of time, allowing for the runes to, albeit sluggishly, sap the energy needed to restore them fully. Along with not being able to touch aurum without feeling pain the armor cannot have aurum adornments. Aside from Aurum and slayer steel, the armor can be made of anything, though the stronger the material the harder the process is to bind the soul, iron plate is the preferred metal. The armor last considerably longer than a normal set, but without proper care it will begin to rust away. Due to the trauma sustained from the ritual, the Ethereal knight cannot remember the process in which it was turned, nor the place. Memories that had once kept it alive during the process diminish, only the strongest of emotions remain and even they are diluted. While worn the armor, through the mind link, can feel the emotions of its wearer, can feel his or hers heartbeat if they have one, and is susceptible to their demands and whims. In truth they are a tool with a consciousness, born to obey and lead to serve until they rust away or is thrown into flames hot enough to burn their rune-etched linings. ------------------------ Pros: -Gives the wearer enhanced strength, the amount of enhancement depends on how much energy the Ethereal absorbs. -With the mental link the soul can advise its wearer on multiple different topics, though as the soul ages it may lose whatever morality it has left. -It can see around itself, save for the parts of its owner that blocks its sight. It focuses on one spot at a time though it has a small fifth sense for its surroundings. (IE: hearing the wind whipping past an arrow as it flies or if a sword catches the glint of the sun) the more energy it takes the better it can focus on this fifth sense. -With the skin link between the owner and the Ethereal knight, it can sense when the owners body is at its limit. - it has a very obscure sense of where the other pieces of itself are, location names are lost to them and if the piece has not been fed for awhile it cannot see through it. -It can still live if a piece is completely destroyed, but will feel incomplete forever. -It has a mind of its own. Cons: -It cannot move on its own, it needs someone to carry it or wear it. -It cannot control the person that wears it, it can tempt them to put it on but other than that it cannot control the wearer. -It can drain the wearer to the point where they pass out, though will limit this so as not to harm its owner. -It is weak to blunt weapons, as such armor is. It is weak to Fi magic and Holy Magic to the point where it is left in a comatose state. Fire and lava can destroy it out right. If all the pieces are destroyed it is killed and the soul is released to return to the soul stream. -It can only give the wearer enhanced strength in the part of body in encompasses. (IE: Gauntlet would give the wearer strength in that arm) And only for the time it is worn. (Strength will only be twice that of the wearer. IE: Human male would be twice as strong as a Human male) -Wearing it for prolonged times can cause damage to the wearer. Bone fractures, torn ligaments and tendons are common injuries. -They can rust away into nothing, their metal needs to be taken care of regularly. -While it has its own consciousness, it can only remember vague emotions and names from its past life, it uses its owners emotions and heartbeat to stay relatively sane. -It has a terrible sense of direction. It relies on sensing its other pieces to confirm its own location, it can take weeks for it to realize a piece has been moved. -The wearer cannot use magic while wearing a piece. It simply wouldn’t form and would be a waste of energy. -If its owner is weak willed they can be driven insane/pass out by having such a tortured mind inside of their own. Strong-willed owners can also sometimes become weak just by having it on for too long, or become dependent on it entirely. -While it wishes for its discarded body to be given a proper burial, its ultimate goal is to have all of its pieces together in one place. It cannot sense it’s discarded body so it hopes to someday come across it. In order to check if the body is their they must touch it. -Necromancers enjoy collecting pieces for their collections, often they hunt them down and may even attack their current owners to try and get them. They are often given a nickname by their armor’s appearance, though it's the necromancers discretion if they wear the armor themselves, as it is usually used for manual labor. -While you can wield a sword while wearing them, the armor would rather be used for hand-to-hand combat. Using a sword in its gauntlet would be as if you held one between your teeth, doable but not comfortable. -Feeling pain, whether being from a hard blow to holding Aurum and even magic, the soul will cry out in pain in the mind link, this can cause the wearer to flinch or be stunned for a moment. Having someone scream inside your head is not the best thing to happen when you are in the midst of fighting. ------- In Character: Each Ethereal Knight will have different sets of armor, each set will be comprised of no less than seven pieces. I myself will be following the below image: Armor parts ------- (OOC: Please let me know if you have any questions)
  3. “Artist Depiction of the Daemon of War” Art Credit: Paizo Publishing Argos, The Iron-Clad Daemon of War, Wrath and Conquest Titles: The Iron-Clad, Avatar of Conflict, Father of Battle, The Forgotten General Alignment: Lawful Evil Sigil: Flaming Sword Sacred Animal: The Ram The Sword of the Divine Before there was Argos, there was Azazel; The Daemon of Glory, a proud yet honorable warrior. His first mentions were during the Wars of Creation against the Void, slaying horror after horror with the zeal and dedication that few could match. Always wanting to earn the respect of his divine peers and best his rivals, he was mostly disliked by his peers. Some due to his arrogance and self-centered nature, and others due to his war-loving tenancies. Azazel was ignorant of their criticisms, surrounding himself with his servants and followers who only shout praises to his name. During his many battles with the Voidal abominations, that was when he was most well-received, where even the Aenguls would speak well of his fighting skills. The praise of his peers continued to please the Warrior Daemon genuinely. His confidence seemingly unending and ever growing, his vibrant speeches to his flashy fighting moves to the splendor that was his decorated armor. However, as other war heroes rose from the war against the void, leading to him desperately trying to upstage any would be rivals. More and more did this campaigns would cost him soldiers and almost his plane of existence. Eventually, on one faithful battle, he was outmaneuvered and overwhelmed. Having to call upon the other Aenguldaemons who were fighting against the void for help, this deeply hurt his pride as the others came and took the glory of this great battle. Slowly returning to his realm; The Bastion Realm of Argus. The Warrior Daemon focused on rebuilding his host and keeping in contact with his cults. Asking of them for praise and battles dedicated to his name, finding the Descendants to be amusing but in the end, nothing but insects to the Daemon. When he first heard of the Arch-aengul’s project of the Soulstream, he decided to help by sending some of his servants to reclaim the souls of honorable warriors. However, in truth, he used it to recruit those willing, and those who worshipped him into his legions. Over the years, he would regain his confidence, yet a growing doubt would haunt him. When the wars became few, and his involvement in the politics of the divine began to fade, slowly The Warrior Daemon became bitter. Where once he dedicated himself entirely to the honorable cause of the defense of Creation, he would sell his blade to the Aenguldaemons that needed seasoned warriors. The only cost would be their acknowledgment and chances of glory. Finding work in slaying the occasional threat, and working through his agents on the mortal plane to earn the love and adoration of the descendants. Doing this for countless years until he received a summons from an unlikely patron, from the returned Arch-daemon; Iblees. The Hubris of Glory Their meeting was brief, the distraught Warrior Daemon filled with doubt was quick to be persuaded to join in the wars to come. Iblees using his pride and desire to become relevant once more against him. Although The Warrior Daemon held no ill-will towards the mortals, Azazel was promised glory and fame eternal, no longer forgotten. When the war between Iblees and creation had begun, Azazel arrived at the first war council, meeting with the other of his kin who joined on Iblees’ side. Roles were given out; The Warrior Daemon wanted to be on the frontlines, fighting in the vanguard where Azazel could find the glory he sought. However, to his dismay, he was ordered to provide Auxiliary. Despite his many attempts to refute, Iblees dismissed him, telling him that he was not truly loyal to the cause and that he should have been thankful to be even allowed to be on the winning side of history. The Arch-Daemon’s words stabbed at Azazel’s pride like a dagger. He complied and agreed, but would not be pleased with his new role. Armed with his mighty greatsword; Vanquisher, Azazel slew through ranks of Descendants with ease. The Host under his command would fill the gaps in the lines, moving quickly to provide support. Many a time did The Warrior Daemon attempted to prove his worth, to earn his place on the Vanguard, and every attempt left with hollow answers. Despite the treatment, he served as loyally as possible, for despite the growing ill-repute of Iblees. Azazel holds his honor in high regard, refusing to go against the contract that was signed. However, the final straw would be broken, for during the arrival of the Aenguldaemon host to defeat Iblees. The front-lines demolished, and aid was needed, Azazel and his mighty host would arrive quickly, to fill the lines and try to relieve the battered undead legions. Despite his valiant efforts, slowly and gradually his forces were pushed back. Until he was on the defensive, in a final plea to Iblees, he requested aid. Otherwise, he would be outnumbered and overwhelmed. Iblees had given nothing but silence, leaving Azazel to die. This betrayal, shattered the spirit of Azazel, for the first time, he staged a retreat. Survival and spite were driving him to break the contract. During this, a few of his former rivals would surround his battered host and attempt to ambush him. With strikes fueled by rage and the experience of a thousand battles, Azazel barely managed to slay his attackers. Mortally wounded from the action, his forces were scattered, and he returned to Argus. Reborn from Iron Upon his return to his prized realm, he discovered that the wounds inflicted upon him were inflicted upon his realm as well. Slowly regrouping with the remains of his Cult and his Daemonic Host, when he left his physical form. The essence of Azazel was wounded and left weakened, his realm stabilizing him and keeping him from death. For the years following the end of the war, Azazel muted himself from his former brethren. With every next year, his essence was worsening, and his mood grew dark. His desperation grew as he tried to find a way to reverse his condition. Finding no answers in the voidal arts, he would begin to delve into some of the darker magics for the answer. The Warrior Daemon was bent on one purpose; Vengeance. His grim situation drove him to a fit of depravity as he slowly sent out his cults to kidnap practitioners of the Dark Arts, before interrogating them on the knowledge of Necromancy and Blood Magic. After many long attempts, a ritual was devised, calling upon his Daemons and cultists to draw blood in their deity’s name. Carving runes into a set of Daemonic Steel armor, runes of power decorated the intimidating set of plate mail. Once the ritual was complete, The Immortal essence of Azazel infused inside the prison of metal. From the dark powers mixed with his divine nature, he was reborn into the Daemon of War; Argos The Iron-Clad. Current Day Although much of his Cult remain in secret, the only unifying features; being the adherence to Argos’ warrior code and them being warriors of prominence. Due to his steady growth, he had begun to gain the notice of other Aenguldaemons, while many would remain neutral or find distaste in his actions, Argos would remain ever distant, preferring to focus on the growth of his influence and power. It is not certain if the other Aenguldaemons remember any knowledge of his former name and crimes, all that is certain is that in any major war or conflict, the servants of Argos will be there. The Codes of the Iron-Clad Over the years of foundation since the revival of the cult of Azazel, The Cult of Argos maintains a strict adherence to a set of moral codes. Even amongst the highest of his holy mages dare not break the law, for upon doing so. Marked them for death within the order, to be quickly hunted down and taught the lesson of betraying the Daemon of War. The Sword is the Answer to any Injustice Poison is for the weak. Ambush is for the Cowardly. Our foes only deserve the Slaughter. Harm not the Child, for they could become strong. Do not fight the defenseless, for there is no glory. Conquer Yourself, Conquer Weakness. Surrender is Defeat, and Defeat is death. Goal Argos once devoted his existence to becoming the greatest warrior in all of the Creator’s creation. Wanting to have his tales of glory and battle to ring forever and be sung in halls both divine and mortal. However, with his return, his pride had been shattered and his driven nature put to his new goal. Argos wants to slowly rid the physical world of the weak and the cowardly, to replace it with battle-hardened soldiers sworn to his cause. Should he succeed, he shall take his new army, and right all wrongs with force, no more treachery, no abominations of the void, Argos will never be forgotten again. Realm: The Bastion Realm of Argus Formally the creation of Azazel, a sea of Fortresses and mountains. However after his fateful return, the sky was filled with ash, the tall and proud bastions were reduced to ruin, and the landscape destroyed. Yet under Argos, many of the rubble has been rebuilt, and from the central Citadel, a massive forge built. Rivers of Lava fill the shattered chasms of Argus, now used to fuel the endless War machine that the Iron-Clad is preparing. The fallen faithful of Argos find themselves brought to the war-torn realm, the vigors of youth returned to them, and slowly find themselves involved in one of the many roving warbands made of their fellow worshippers. Few cities exist in Argus, with the most prominent one being the City of Bellator. Built around Argos’ citadel and often the first to be provided with the new weapons made by the Daemonic Smiths. Bellator and the other Fortress Cities are under the iron-fisted rule of Self-made Warlords, former Champions of his cause which brought Martial law to the areas under their sway. To prevent any of them from stagnation, by the demands of their Daemonic master, the Fortress Cities host a series of Realm-wide War Games. Striking each other down, causing the losing Warlords to fall for stronger ones to rise again. Shortly after they succumb to their wounds, they would be restored to ‘life’ to fight once more in the following years. Great fighting pits are commonplace in these Fortress cities, used as entertainment and to train for the battles to come. The strongest of the Warlords are invited to join Argos and his Daemonic war council, as they prepare and plot for their grand crusade. “One of the many War-torn Ruins in Argus.” Art Credit: Matchack Manifestations Likely many Aenguldaemons, Argos rarely ever truly manifests upon the mortal plane, ever since the mortal wounds he suffered during the Great War with Iblees, he had been wary to ever return fully to the mortal plane. Instead, he shows a glimpse of his form through visions and illusions. He universally appears as a giant of a humanoid figure clad in darkened plate-mail. The only opening in his battle-scarred armor, being the visor, revealing only a burning pyre. His voice a metallic roar, speaking harshly and straight to the point, whenever his presence is nearby, all weapons and armor begin to stir and shake as if seeking to strike out against a hidden foe. (Modified skin) Original Skin Credit: Gleeshers Following “A devoted Cultist of Argos, coming down upon his foe with a frenzy.” (Ignore the gun) Art Credit: mynameisbryon Adjective: Argosi Warriors, Mercenaries, Barbarians, Those consumed by Violence, these are the men and women who are called to worship Argos. The Iron-Clad had slowly built from the ashes of Azazel’s cult, a growing legion of various warbands and followers. These factions are organized in such a way, that they are almost entirely indistinguishable to Mercenary Companies. The leaders of these Warbands are often Holy Mages of the Daemon, who use their soldiers and self as instruments of the Iron-Clad’s Will. Despite the seemingly organized nature of his worship, conflict and infighting are rampant, as multiple different cults would often challenge each other, to test their strength and to purge the undesirable weakness that could exist in their ranks. There is no prayer or official holy text. They venerate Argos through dedicating their battles in his name. Every wrong made right grants The Iron-Clad power, every fight a sermon in his name. While complete worship is not required to join these cults, their loyalty to the Codes of Argos and desire to further his goals is the only requirement. Within the numbers of Argosi Warbands, each of them slowly develop their own cultures. From minor changes to the usual religious uniform to extreme cases of cannibalistic rituals, believing that it would grant them the victim's strength. It is not uncommon for Dark Mages to find themselves serving such Warbands due to The Iron-Clad's neutrality of Dark Arts. This behavior causes some Cults to reinforce their mortal warriors with the undead. In the old days of Azazel, his faithful would garb themselves in bronze armor, decorated with feathers and trophies of the glories of past victories. However, in the current day, they clad themselves head to toe in darkened plate, taking the appearance of Argos himself. Those gifted with magic, take it a step further and create enchanted helms that produce an illusionary fiery visor and metallic voice so they can fully emulate their Master. Patrons Vindicta The Avenger; Patron of Ironic Justice “There is no shadow too dark. Her haze will find thee. Her justice will not be restrained, The Fires of justice will never be quenched." Art Credit: Aerenwyn The Patron of Ironic Justice arrives when a sincerely horrible injustice kills a descendant. She can see such hatred fills their heart in their last moments. They find in the darkness by an armored woman, her cold eyes filled with a calculating rage. She comes with an offer, to become an instrument of their justice, to the right the wrongs brought to them. The only price, being their eternal soul joining the cause of Argos. Should they accept the bargain, The Avenger restores them to life. However, the form they take is a monstrous being. Some believe that the Avenger was initially been a young and loving mother who had their lives destroyed before their eyes. After the death of her husband and child, her grief and hatred earned her the attention of Argos. Taking his offer for justice, she was given magical boons to turn her into a force of nature. Once she finished the deed, Argos came back to complete the transaction. He wanted a tool, a servant to spread his influence. Teaching her how to bestow the same ‘gifts’ to others, she roams near the edge of the Soulstream, looking upon the fresh deceased to grant her Master’s Justice, drawn to vengeful souls like a moth to light. Manifestations: The Eternal Legion The Legionnaires of Argos are a rare group of mortals granted boons by the Iron-Clad, often making up the elite or leading cults of Argos themselves. Acting as the closest thing resembling Holy Mages to Argos, they are combatants who draw upon their divine connection to empower their weapons and wreak vengeance upon the many foes to Argos. The magic they wield only used to improve their physical prowess as warriors and the connection, slowly destroying their bodies from the violent energies. (This will be greatly expanded upon in a separate lore post, however, should it be denied, the Argos lore will remain.) OOC Notes: Influenced by: -Ares from Greek Mythology -Gorum from Pathfinder’s Golorion Campaign Setting -Tempus from D&D’s Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting -Khorne from Warhammer Fantasy/40,000 I wrote this lore because I felt there was no Aenguldaemon dedicated to War, although there are multiple Aenguldaemons that are waging war and have war-like qualities. I wanted to write an Aenguldaemon for straight up war, for groups of warriors and mercenaries to worship. However, after taking advice from Aelesh, I expanded on the concept and added in Vengeance. Allowing a more concrete and ambitious goal for Argos to have. Also, I wanted to write an Aenguldaemon that creates ideas for events, such as groups of mercenary companies dedicated to him being hired to attack a settlement, an individual or group of people seeking protection and refuge from a vengeful being created by his Patron; Vindicta. Should an ET or other staff member have questions about how they would react in certain situations, or need help in developing an event line, I do not bite and would love to help anyone incorporate this Aenguldaemon in their events. As for players wanting to create cults of him, I plan on already doing that, and if you wish for any information or want to join, I’m always open to talking. Lore References: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/97770-the-aengudaemon-lore/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/121438-iblees-daemon/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/139713-the-planes-of-existence-world-lore/ Written by JordanXlord/LordCommander Lore Advice and Help from: @Master Sage Delaselva @The Fire Mind @Order's Disciple
  4. "Lady Cora," he said, "sometimes one has to do things which are unpalatable. When great issues are involved one can't toy with the situation in silk gloves. No. We are making history." -Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan Introduction to Kloning {Klone - based on Ancient Greek κλών (klṓn, “twig”) Twigs would be cut from trees and grown into identical trees or grafted onto other trees.} It was originally tested on rats and mice, and after much trial and error, was proven successful. It is possible in theory to klone any living thing- even including plants- but one must be warned that not all things will be able to survive the necessary extractions involved with the kloning process. Upon death, one will wake up in their Shell, to put it simply. A Shell is not ‘alive,’ nor does it have a soul. Duplication of the soul does not occur when the body is replicated in this way. A Shell will not perform basic functions of life such as respiration, maintaining internal environment, growth/repair, intake of nutrients, or excretion on its own. When removed from the chamber in which it is grown, it will begin to decay at the same rate as a normal body. By itself, a Shell is in a way, a corpse that was never lived in to begin with. A ‘Hermit Crab’ is a slang term used when referring to someone who swaps bodies relatively often, or in an ongoing cycle, like how a hermit crab swaps Shells. The Procedures The Original When creating a Shell of something, the body it is being made in the image of is called its Original. Because Shells can be produced using other Shells, “the Original” does not always refer to the body in which a person was born of their mother. That would be called the “True Original” to clarify. THE JELLY AND THE SLIVERS The Jelly is the alchemical concoction which keeps a Shell safe and prompts it to grow. A good portion of the Jelly will be recycled to build the body of the Shell itself with no waste product. It varies slightly in color, but is never vibrant, and is transparent but murky. It will be either a red, fatty off-white, pink, bruise-like violet, or something in between. It is smooth to the touch and difficult to wash off skin but not especially sticky in texture. At the proper temperature for use, it is a thick, slimy liquid, but when solidified, it behaves like Jell-O. It smells funky and meat-like, and tastes like raw flesh with an unsavory metallic aftertaste. The slivers are key, basic pieces of differing materials that make up a Shell’s body. In descendents, the most sound Slivers one can use are hair, skin, muscle, blood, and bone. But one can also use various organ tissues (such as liver) as well if removing bits of those organs will not be lethal. The masses of the slivers should be the same or the Shell will have problems in development. These will coalesce into a structure similar to a fetus, and from there will grow by accumulating mass using the jelly surrounding it as mentioned before. Slivers do not need to be enormous, but should be roughly proportionate to or larger than a raisin when dealing with something the size of a human or elf. Required Ingredients Everybody will require a different mixture of ingredients when creating their Shells’ Jelly. However, there are some important guidelines that you must follow. Here, we will use the mass of the Original as a unit of measurement, abbreviated MO. The base of the Jelly is actually made up of two components: +0.1 MO of blood (The amount of blood in your body) from the Original +2 MO of lard +0.005 MO of cerebrospinal fluid from the Original Blood is a very personalized alchemial base, lard is thick and highly caloric, and cerebrospinal fluid is created by the body to protect the brain and spinal cord. In cases where the subject does not have blood and/or spinal fluid, substitute with other vital fluids. (Some experimentation with others of its species may be required to determine how much is safe to remove at one time.) After the base has been created, begin adding reagents. Jelly requires reagents of all four elements, but primarily relies on air and water symbols. The ratio of elements and symbols differs based on the bone structure and other physical or even mental aspects that are unable to be changed naturally. (Bone structure, a mental disorder, race, a genetic disease, etcetera. Not fat, muscle, or opinions.) A relatively large amount of each reagent will be required, considering the volume of the base. Moderate to incredibly rare reagents are all that will suffice. The specifics of which reagents are used varies from subject to subject; one combination of reagents may work for one, but that does not necessarily mean it will work for another. There are two important ‘sets’ reagents in a Jelly recipe can be divided up into. The first set contains the essential symbols for accomplishing the general growth and functionality of the Shell. 2 Symbols of earth (protection, connection) 2 Symbols of fire (warmth, passion) 4 Symbols of water (nourishment, life, rebirth) 4 Symbols of air (movement, perception, precision) The second set contains symbols that vary from subject to subject. This will usually require specific reagents to be used as well. I haven’t listed specific reagents here though so that these examples can still be used as templates but will not be repeated for two characters by accident... I recommend using 4 to 6 extra symbols for these. Here are a few examples: Example 1: A stocky northerner with big bones and an inherited pain and cold tolerance. 2 more symbols of earth (endurance, hardiness) 2 more symbols of fire (pain, courage) 1 more symbol of water (ice or cold) Example 2: A dexterous and lanky elven lad. 3 more symbols of air (grace, fragility, quickness) 1 more symbol of water (clarity) Reagents should be ground to a very fine dust or smooth paste. Kloning the dead? Kloning cannot bring the dead back to life. If their soul has already departed to the soul stream, then it is too late for them. Shells can be generated from corpses if you wish, for some reason, to have more than one corpse of a person. The only thing is that the subject’s soul will not be pulled from the soul stream and deposited into it, and the Shell will not be part of any Shell Pool. (Shell Pools covered more in-depth later on.) Acquiring the Ingredients Many of the ingredients used in Kloning are siphoned from the Original, and if done without care, extractions can be fatal. One must know how much of each substance is safe to remove at a time, and how long they should wait before drawing more. I recommend you read through the links below to learn more about how to accurately roleplay symptoms of losing your precious vital fluids. Be careful when drawing blood from a major blood vessel. Profuse bleeding can easily lead to deadly hypovolemic shock. (About hemorrhages: https://www.quora.com/How-much-blood-can-a-human-lose-before-dying-of-hypovolemic-shock-blood-loss ) (The following cautionary advice applies to descendents only, due to the fact that different creatures are proportioned differently.) it is not recommended that you draw more than 10% of the subject’s blood at a time due to the risk of developing anemia. An average human male has 10-11 pints of blood, while an average human female has 9-10 pints of blood. You can use these mass to blood proportions to determine average amounts of blood in other descendent races. (About anemia: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anemia/symptoms-causes/dxc-20183157 ) The human brain produces only 500ML of cerebrospinal fluid each day. This fluid is constantly being reabsorbed, so that only 100-160ML is present at a time. Be very careful not to draw too much at a time, because a deficiency in the fluid can have a negative effect on the brain and lead to symptoms from headaches to paralysis. (About cerebrospinal fluid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebrospinal_fluid and https://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Neurosurgery/Centers-and-Programs/Cerebrospinal-Fluid-Leak/CSF-Leak-A-Curable-Cause-of-Headache.aspx ) “GROWING” AND CARING FOR A SHELL “Growth:” Speed and General Appearance Over Time Once you have gathered the proper Slivers and assembled a Jelly mixture, it’s time to combine the two. Completely fill a large jar or other sealable container with the Jelly so that airspace in the top of the capsule is minimized but not necessarily eliminated. Introduce the 5 slivers, making sure to place them close together toward the center. The environment should be dark or dimly lit, and the Jelly should constantly be kept within three degrees Fahrenheit of the Original’s internal body temperature. (98°F or 37°C in humans.) THE FIRST ELVEN WEEK: If conditions are satisfactory, the Slivers will begin to mesh together and form a lumpy blob. All slivers other than skin will group around the sliver of bone before being covered by the remaining sliver of skin. After the Slivers have fused, we finally refer to the single mass they have formed as the Shell. The Slivers’ initial reaction with the Jelly will be a slow one; taking up to an elven day to display any noticeable changes. If this fails to happen, quickly move the Slivers to a different mixture of Jelly. Development is gradual and slow enough that it isn’t apparent to the naked eye from one moment to the next. It would be like watching a plant sprout. During this first week, it is recommended that the recipe used to make the Jelly is recorded exactly, and only a small portion is created to test whether or not it will take to the Slivers. THE SECOND ELVEN WEEK: Over time, the blob of a Shell will increase in size, and take on the grotesque silhouette of an infant version the Original. Rough features begin to form, but no eyes, nostrils, toes, fingers, ears, sexual organs, teeth, or a tongue will have formed. A cord-like structure begins to sprout from the back of the neck. It will take roughly an elven week to reach this point after the Slivers have formed together. THE THIRD ELVEN WEEK: The Shell will begin to grow hair and fingernails, and continue to develop complex body parts like the eyes and fingers. If no mutations are visible by now, it is recommended that a larger quantity of the mixture of Jelly used for the Shell is prepared so that the Shell can be transferred into a more spacious environment. THE FOURTH AND FIFTH ELVEN WEEKS: The Shell begins to refine its digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems, in that order. It continues to grow larger and larger, but it is still not prepared to receive a transferring soul (talked about in the Soul Transfer section in further depth) because its underdeveloped organ systems would cause immediate lethal complications if put into use, putting it on par with a Shell that was stabbed to ‘death.’ THE SIXTH TO EIGHTH ELVEN WEEKS: The Shell continues growing larger and refining its vital organ systems, and while still flawed it is technically ready for use. The brain, especially, is still in development, and the areas responsible for higher mental functions such as concentration, planning, judgment, emotional expression, inhibition, creativity, and long-term memory are not ready. (This is also talked about in the Soul Transfer section.) THE NINTH ELVEN WEEK AND ONWARDS: The Shell is now safe for use if its development went as according to plan. It will continue to grow, entering ‘puberty’ at a usual age and adapting to changes. In the long term, a Shell will grow and mature at the same speed its Original grew. It is also bound to a life span, more commonly referred to as its shelf life. It will become unusable and start to dissolve if left in the Jelly as soon as it reaches the age where the Original would have died of old age. Elves, 1000 years, Humans, 100-150 years, etc. Elven Shells + Dying Jelly While an elven Shell will last for the typical 1000 years, the Jelly will not. Jelly lasts for a very long time, but it does not last forever. 100-150 years from its creation, it will go bad and begin to decay. When this happens, it will begin to get lighter in color and more opaque. Eventually, it will begin to liquify any Shell inside of it, and condense into a dry, flaky crust on the inside of its container. To preserve an elven Shell that’ll last longer than its Jelly, the Jelly will need to be completely replaced with new Jelly of the same exact recipe each time it begins to go bad. Are Shells in Any Way Different From the Original? You will notice as time passes that any features of the Original that were not influenced by genes will not appear in the form. This includes scars, belly buttons, callouses, missing body parts, tattoos, other modifications, etc. Shells are built based on the genetic makeup of the Original, and not the soul. This lack of basis on the soul is also why it is possible for a Shell to develop deformities and mutations. The difference between a deformed Shell and a mutated Shell is that the deformed Shell is still genetically identical to the original. A mutated Shell is not. (More on deformities and mutations will be included in the Botched Shells section and the Soul Transfer section.) There is only one non-genetic structure that will form, however. A mysterious, eerie, root-like network will sprout from the back of the neck, and stick to the inner wall of the capsule the Shell is being “grown” in. It seems to serve a similar function to the roots of a plant; idly absorbing surrounding Jelly to be recycled into the mass of the Shell with no waste product. It takes on a ghostly white tint instead of the skin color of the Shell, as it does not have any blood vessels or bones. However, it does has nerve endings throughout it that are linked to the Shell’s lifeless brain. It isn’t clear whether this is even a part of the Shell, or if it is a part of the Jelly, or if it is a third part all of its own. If a major section of it is cut off or strangled, it will cost the Shell valuable time developing until it forms a new cord or is relieved from pressure. Tampering with the roots does NOT expand a Shell’s shelf life. Monitoring a “Growing” Shell There are a few procedures you should follow when monitoring a Shell’s “growth.” It’s important to know as soon as possible if something is going wrong. One should perform routine inspections on a developing Shell. A few things to note when conducting an inspection are as follows: SKIN QUALITY - It is normal for the body to appear paler than usual, as it shouldn’t be exposed to too much sunlight. Watch out for the appearance of dryness, flaking, cracking, appearance of albinism, visibility of muscles, splotches, lumps, sagging, tightness, and anything else unnatural like that. NAILS - Toenails and Fingernails should lengthen at a normal rate. Make sure the Shell isn’t being poked by its nails where the skin might be punctured from repeated scratching. If nails grow too fast, and take on an unnatural color or appear breakable, be warned. HAIR - Hair should also lengthen at a normal rate. Make sure coils of hair do not strangle the root network. Watch out for unusual hair color, unusual hair loss, unusual receding of the hairline, appearance of dryness, and thinning. EYES - Eyes should be open, but appear restful, as if gazing off into space. Watch out for pinpoint pupils, cataracts, redness, unusual eye color, heterochromia, bugging out, and rolling back into the skull. However, it is usual for them to appear sunken. LIPS - Watch out for puffiness and cracking. It is usual for the lips to appear purplish or blue, but a healthy red is optimal. THE ROOTS - Again, make sure they are not being strangled. You may have to move parts of it around to keep it from tangling around itself. Avoid cutting it, but if you must, be careful not to cut off too much. They will usually be squishy like a water balloon; make sure they do not flatten easily or feel empty. When opening the capsule to tend to any unusual things you may see, be careful not to leave the Jelly exposed to the air for too long, and make absolute sure your tools are clean. This can easily be ensured by building tools for manipulation into the interior of its capsule. Leave any things you remove from the Shell in the Jelly at your own discretion. It is recommended to leave behind clipped hair and nails, though, as they will dissolve within an elven day and be recycled. If an eye, ear, or some other structure that doesn’t regenerate normally in members of the Originals race, do not worry. The wound will be sealed over in under an elven day, and blood expelled from the wound will be dissolved and recycled. Some structures will grow back in time, but anything larger than the forearm will not regenerate. Removing these parts in increments is not an option. BOTCHED SHELLS Not every Shell will turn out perfect, and sometimes whether or not one even ends up usable seems to be hit or miss. However, it really isn’t. The conditions a growing Shell must be kept in and the ingredients used to encourage its growth are more specific than researchers had speculated. It is easy to ruin a Shell though, and the topic deserves its own section. If you’re not careful, you’re at risk for botching a Shell at any time in its creation. Make sure to keep equipment and environment sterile any time the slivers, the jelly, or the growing Shell are going to be handled. Dirt, dust, hair, sweat, flakes of skin, and other contaminants, even in small quantities, can throw off your results. Botching Before Growth Once you have assembled your Jelly and gathered your Slivers properly, and you’re sure no contaminants have come in contact with your work, there is still a chance that the Jelly won’t take, and the body will not form. This can be attributed to a number of factors: +Dust/dirt/foreign blood/pollen/lint/etc contamination +Distancing between Slivers (If too far apart, they will not coalesce) +Excessive exposure to sounds exceeding 120 decibels +Intense light +Overexposure to air (Keep in an airtight capsule) +Rough handling and constant movement +Sudden increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure +Unsatisfactory conditions of cold or heat +Strong magical presences nearby, such as a voidal rift or an archon in transcended form If no change is observed within one elven day, you can be sure that the Slivers are being impeded from forming together, or that they have been permanently shocked out of reacting with the Jelly. Be careful not to wait this long though, as some of the Slivers will begin to decay normally if not in the process of growing! If this occurs, they will no longer be usable. If your Slivers are simply being impeded from forming together, quickly remedy poor conditions they may be under, and consider swifter correction by exposing them to the opposite of what had been a problem. (Ex: Exposing Slivers impeded by heat to the cold.) If your Slivers have been permanently shocked out of reacting with the Jelly, you will have to swap out the Slivers. If this happens, you will probably know what went wrong, because it would have had to be very major. (Ex: Dropping down a flight of stairs, rolling down a hill, freezing/boiling, or leaving open to air for a month.) Botching During Growth Do not congratulate yourself too soon after your Slivers form into the Shell. While a Shell will not stop accumulating mass if exposed to the factors mentioned above, they now risk deformity and mutation. Different contaminants and unsatisfactory conditions will cause different effects on the developing Shell. These are mistakes. They will either be neutral or detrimental; never solely helpful. (This will come up again in the Soul Transfer section.) Mutations Mutations encompass all previously known (irl) genetic disorders and can range from slightly differing hair color to horrifically scarring tumors, extra or missing limbs, cancer, and issues with formation of the brain that can cause severe psychological disorders. They can occur randomly in newly forming Shells and must be rolled for. First, roll a D6. If a 6 is rolled, your Shell will have a mutation. Second, roll a D100 to determine the severity of the mutation. Roll results 1-50 will produce a benign mutation. 51-100 will not. To help an appropriate mutation be decided on from each result, here are some example kinds of mutations to give you a feel for what kinds of mutations can come from a certain roll. 1-10 - Extremely minor mutations such as a SLIGHT change in eye color, hair color, hair thickness, and skin color. No differences in bone structure, ear shape, nose shape, etc. 11-20 - More noticeable versions of the mutations from 1-10. Freckles may be gained, eyelashes may be lighter or darker. 21-30 - Extremely noticeable versions of the mutations from 1-10. Albinism not included in the possibilities for change in skin color. 31-40 - Minor differences in bone structure, ear shape, eye shape, nose shape, the way fat is carried, etc. 41-50 - More noticeable versions of the mutations from 31-40. 51-60 - Relatively small non-deadly mutations such as albinism, blindness, color-blindness, deafness, lack of smell, and very minor mental disorders. 61-70 - More serious yet still non-deadly mutations such as moderate mental disorders, marfans syndrome, osteoperosis. 71-80 - “Less aggressive” deadly genetic diseases and mental disorders such as sickle cell anemia.. 81-90 - Serious malformations and terminal genetic diseases such as cancer, progeria, heart disease, conjoined legs, etc. 91-100 - Extremely serious and over-the-top mutations. Extreme coverage in tumors and/or cancerous lumps, grotesque malformation especially in the facial region and torso, progeria, etc. Deformities Missing External Structures - External structures like limbs, digits, ears and noses fail to form early on This deformity is linked to insufficiency in two or more slivers. Sealed Shut - Orifices fail to form early in development. For example, the eyelids are sealed shut over the eyes and eyelashes don’t form, and the mouth and nostrils are also sealed shut. This deformity is linked to excessiveness in the sliver of skin. Pellucid Skin - The skin of Shells with this deformity is reduced to a thin, semi-transparent membrane. This causes the Shell’s blood vessels and other innards to be visible, while being susceptible to skin damage and infection. Melanin is not necessarily absent from pellucid-skinned Shells, but the skin lacks color and is so thin that it will not be able to protect itself from the sun, causing it to burn easily. Because the skin is so insubstantial, hair loss is also common, and callouses cannot form. This deformity is linked to insufficiency of the sliver of skin. “Skin-tight” Skin - This deformity causes a Shell’s skin to grow too slowly to keep up with the rest of the body, resulting in angry stretch-marks and even tears and gashes. This skin is the equivalent of skinny jeans so tight the wearer is fearful of ripping them when sitting down. Any cuts inflicted upon the body will cause the skin to burst apart a little further due to the release of tension, which can prove to be very harmful and dangerous. This deformity is also linked to insufficiency of the sliver of skin. Parched Skin - The skin fails to produce oils, and the pores are tiny due to the lack of oil flow. The lack of natural oils also prevents the skin from holding water effectively. This results in extremely dry skin that is delicate and prone to damage. Dead skin cells can build up and cause congestion, because there is no oil to push them out. This deformity is linked to dust contamination of the Jelly during development. Absolute Baldness - Hair and nails made of a protein called keratin. In Shells with this deformity, keratin will fail to form. This results in weak, flaky nails and a complete lack of hair, including eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair. (Alopecia universalis.) Note that eyelashes and eyebrows keep dust out of one’s eyes. This deformity is linked to absence or accidental exclusion (placing a sliver too far from the rest, causing it to be excluded during initial formation) of the sliver of hair. Lack of Nails - A varied version of the perfect baldness deformity; the body will only fail to produce keratin around the fingertip and toe area, resulting in a complete lack of fingernails and toenails. Hair remains normal. This deformity is linked to insufficiency of the sliver of hair. Small Pupil - Light intake is restricted, and the eyes will perform best in strong sunlight and optical flares are suppressed. Vision is also very crisp, due to a lack of light refraction. However, the pupil cannot adjust to see very well in the dark. When the light goes out and the sun goes down, you’re essentially blind. This deformity is linked to overexposure to bright light in early stages of development. Enlarged Pupil - Light intake is so great that sunglasses are almost always necessary. Optical flares are very over-pronounced, and sunlight is painful. However, vision at night is very good, even on the darkest of nights. Shells with this deformity are prone to developing nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism. This deformity is linked to extreme absence of light in early stages of development. Clawed Hands - Fingernails grow extremely thick to the point where the distal bones are displaced downwards, compromising fingertip dexterity. The nail still retains the normal growth speed, and will grow blunted, but there is nothing preventing the nails to from being sharpened into points. This deformity is linked excessive use of earth reagents representing tenacity in the Jelly. Nemerta Rooting - The roots of the Shell seem extremely eager to grow, resulting in the umbilical web continuing to grow even outside of the Jelly. Massive complexes grow indefinitely like hair, but are painful to trim due to the nerve wirings running through them. This mutant root will continue to make attempts at sustaining the Shell, meaning that there may be an advantage to allowing this freakish complex to grow. This deformity is linked excessive use of earth reagents representing resilience in the Jelly. Glistening Skin - The skin produces oils and moisture at an extreme rate. This causes to skin to constantly maintain a wet, oily coating akin to the mucus membrane of a fish. Individuals living in a glistening Shell risk severe dehydration if they do not consume enough fluid. “At my most badass I make people want to take a shower.” This deformity is linked to excessive use of water reagents representing nourishment in the Jelly. Hyper-Melanin - The skin and hair is coal black, with a slightly bluish tint. Extreme resistance to sunburn but no notable resistance to skin cancer. Absent Melanin - Classic extreme albinism. Extremely pale skin, snow white hair, and red or light blue irises. Be very careful when going outside in the daytime, even on cloudy days. Luciferase Nodules - Hard nodules form in the flesh around the fingers, toes, and spine containing isolated luciferase enzymes. These enzymes produce bioluminescence, resulting in glowing spots and patterns in the flesh. These enzymes aren't always active, but they are triggered by symptoms of anxiety, fear, lying, and panic. The color of the glow produced ranges from green to indigo, appearing to come from within, underneath the skin. This deformity is linked to overexposure to salty, humid air, thus it is less common than other deformities. Osteogenesis imperfecta: Brittleness - The bones of the Shell lack a critical collagen bond, which results in fragile bone structure due to lacking density. The risk of fracturing bones is high, especially as the Shell ages. This deformity is linked to insufficiency in the sliver of bone. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Density - The bones form unusually dense and constrict the marrow. This means the Shell will have a more sturdy and heavy skeletal structure, but will have difficulty replenishing blood, as the marrow is responsible for creating new blood cells. The body will bleed at a slower rate, but will suffer difficulty in repairing wounds due to lack of blood flow. This does not mean the body will not recover, but wounds will have a more difficult time clotting and sealing themselves off, and lost blood that would have taken days to replenish in a normal body could instead take months. The lack of rapid blood replenishment also means that the body may take longer to fight infection. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Stunting - The growth of the bones is stunted, resulting in dwarfism. The adult height of the Shell will range from between ½ and ¾ of the Original’s adult height, depending on the onset of the deformity’s development. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Gigantism - Growth of the bones is amplified, resulting in the formation of bigger bones. The adult height of the Shell will range from between 1 ⅓ and 1 ½ the original adult’s height, depending on the onset of the deformity’s development. Webbed Digits - The natural skin membrane between fingers and toes may extend to the first knuckle, creating an amphibian-esque web structure. THE SOUL TRANSFER The Shell Pool & The Prioritized Shell No matter how many Shells you have, the soul can and will only inhabit and grant consciousness and ‘life’ (growth, respiration, and other behaviors of life) to one of them at a time. This one shell will be referred to as the Prioritized Shell until the soul changes its home upon death or transfer. Unlike a normal descendent’s soul, the soul of somebody with one or more spare, usable Shells will not be swept into the soul stream upon death. If one of the available bodies were to die, or the currently inhabited body were to die, the soul does not perceive it as death, rather it perceives it as injury. The soul doesn't admit death because from its perspective death did not occur. Then, of its own accord it moves to inhabit one of the already existing bodies because it perceives those as a part of its self. The Soul cannot distinguish between the Original and the Shell unless the Shell is severely mutated. Each of the Shells pull on the Soul all of the time, just a little bit, because the whole is naturally trying to reach an equilibrium and spread the soul out evenly amongst its physically separated parts. However, this can't happen because the Shell Pool isn't actually strong enough to tear the soul apart. Because of these two points, the Shell Pool is created; the theoretical space between all of its available Shells where the soul goes before randomly selecting a new Prioritized Shell. This is not a literal location or space and cannot be visited/pinpointed/etc. (Numbering your character’s Shells however you wish, typically by order of their creation, /roll D<total Shells minus the one the soul just left> to decide upon the new Prioritized Shell.) The soul will constantly resist the pull of the soul stream and instead be pulled to the Shells until all clone bodies are dead and uninhabitable. Each Shell available to a Soul at one time makes up that Soul’s Shell Pool. There are a few reasons why some Shells may not meet requirements to be included. -The Shell has exceeded racial lifespan -The Shell is under 5 years old (more on this later) -The Shell has been left outside of Jelly long enough to be affected by rigor mortis -The Shell suffered a fatal injury and was never adequately repaired -The Shell is not accurate enough to the genetic makeup of the Shell that was just left (This can be affected by serious mutation, or the fact that the Shell in question was based off of somebody else’s Original or Shells.) A representational animated graphic of what happens upon death to the soul of a normal descendent vs. the soul of someone with 3 spare Shells in their Shell Pool: The “Juliet” Potion (Named after the scene in famous playwright Shilliam Wakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet fakes her death to escape with Romeo by drinking a potion that causes her to appear dead.) This potion is an odd and potent brew comprised primarily of earth reagents. It has a dark, inky plum hue-- appearing, like blood, lighter when spread thin on a surface-- and tastes like a sour berry with the burning sensation like alcohol. While not technically lethal, the body will quickly enter a deathlike state for several hours (30 minutes irl time) upon drinking it. It takes effect quickly, starting with a strong burning sensation in your chest, blacked out vision and lightheadedness, gradually worsening for half a minute or so. The heart will stop, consciousness will be lost, and all bodily functions will cease until the potion wears off. It is unclear what happens during the hours it is in effect, but after that time is up, someone with a Shell Pool will awaken in the body of one of the other Shells in their pool just as if they had died. A normal person who ingests the potion will awaken after that time with a great shock as their heart begins pumping again and their senses return one by one. Recipe Base - Aqua Vitae 1 Symbol of air (lightweight) 2 Symbols of fire (disorder, overwhelming) 2 Symbols of water (rebirth, tranquility) 4 Symbols of earth (death, immobility, patience) Night Sap The Priority Hierarchy Not all Shells are created equal-- mutated or underdeveloped Shell aren’t as significant within the soul pool as a ‘normal’ Shell would be. A mutated or underdeveloped Shell will never be prioritized over a ‘normal’ Shell if one is available in a soul’s Shell pool. In the same way, an underdeveloped Shell will never be prioritized over a mutated Shell if one is available in a soul’s Shell pool. Simply, a Shell lower down in the ‘Priority Hierarchy’ (presented below) will never be prioritized by the Soul during death/transfer over one that is higher up. Deformity will not affect a Shell’s priority. 1. ‘Normal’ Shells 2. Slightly mutated Shells 3. Heavily mutated Shells 4. Underdeveloped Shells 5. Mutated Underdeveloped Shells A transfer into an underdeveloped Shell should be avoided because filtering your memories and knowledge through the underdeveloped, lacking brain of such a Shell will cause permanent memory loss. Unlike with an underdeveloped Shell, transferring into a mutated Shell will not cause memory loss unless its mutation would directly affect the brain in a way that would inhibit memory. However, there will be a shift in the priority hierarchy of the Shell Pool. Once the soul has transferred into a mutated Shell, the soul no longer recognizes it as a mutant. Instead, it is seen as the new example of ‘normal,’ and those that were normal previously are seen as the mutants, being genetically different from what would then become the Prioritized Shell. Mortally wounded/critically damaged Shells, Shells belonging to someone else entirely, Shells under 5 years of age, and any other Shell with complications (excluding the surrounding environment) preventing it from being able to support life for more than a few short moments are basically ‘dead’ and cannot be transferred into even if it is the very last Shell left in a Shell Pool. Some damaged Shells may be repaired and used again afterward. Unordinary Souls All unordinary souls, such as corrupted, displaced, ascendeds' souls, archon souls, soul shadows, etc. are all either unable to have a Shell Pool, or in the case of corrupted souls, unable to use their Shell Pools. When a soul is corrupted, a Shell Pool becomes useless because the Shells are unable to take in the unusual soul. Even new Shells created after the corruption of the soul will behave that way. If the soul becomes unordinary for some external reason while involved in a Shell Pool, its Pool will simply become unusable, and the person may feel an ambiguous sense of loss. The body it resided in at the time the soul became unordinary will be the permanent body. The PK Clause When all of the Shells in a soul’s Shell Pool are destroyed or exhaust their shelf life, Juliet potions will work as it would for a regular person. But if death occurs, the soul is finally surrendered to the soul stream upon death, resulting in a permakill. The Cloud Temple monks will not revive a person who avoided death when it was their time and toyed with their soul through kloning. Suicide permakill rules also apply-- but only in the case of a suicide filled with grief and a true longing for peace in death. A soul will rip itself out of its Shell Pool with the power of its will to leave forever and flow into the soul stream. A suicide without that same kind of desire does not propel the soul with enough force to leave its Shell Pool. The only exception would be the scenario at the beginning of this paragraph. OOC GUIDELINES Roleplay Requirements A further alchemy TA will be required to teach someone else how to create Shells, of course. A further alchemy TA will be required to create a Shell of somebody else because the process is so involved with the subject. A further alchemy SA will be required to create Shells or to get someone to make a Shell for you. This cannot be self-taught because the process is too complicated for the experiments to be reproduced exactly without guidance. OOC consent is required to klone someone else's character. A Step-By-Step-ish RP Guide The first step of Kloning is preparation! This includes building airtight vats where the Jelly will be put. 1. Begin drawing blood and storing it in containers, making sure it doesn’t go bad. The first time around, you’ll need to collect more blood than will eventually be used for the Shell’s official creation, to give room for testing. This will cause anemia if rushed. Cerebrospinal fluid drawing should also begin. (Information in the ‘Acquiring the Ingredients’ section.) Gather reagents and pig lard, being sure to collect a little bit extra of these as well. 2. Only after all of your materials for Jelly are gathered should the Slivers be taken. 3. Each person will need their own unique mixture of Jelly, even identical twins, but the possibilities for that mixture can be greatly narrowed down by following the skeletal build of the person’s body. (Muscles, fat, and other things like that that can change shouldn’t be accounted for.) Once a person’s Jelly mixture has been found, it won’t change. -- If it’s the first time someone or something is being Kloned, test the Slivers in different mixtures of Jelly in small jars, writing down the exact recipe for each. 4. Roll a d4 for each jar of Jelly. The first to roll a 4/4 will succeed. (If this is the second+ time the person is being Kloned, a roll is unnecessary, as their Jelly recipe has already been discovered. The first Shell will always be the hardest to make.) The Slivers will coalesce into a lovely little meatball with skin, and you should start reproducing the recipe you recorded for the Jelly used in that jar on a larger scale and moving the newly formed Shell into a larger tank. This can be done gradually, so long as the Shell never gets too big for its tank and risks strangulation by its roots. The first transfer into a Shell can be made through the usage of a Juliet potion or will happen on its own via death. When this happens, your character will forget consuming the potion or how they died as usual but will be able to infer that something happened to result in their awakening in the new Shell. 1. Senses will begin to awaken one by one, starting with a touch, a tingling sensation in the roots making contact with the contained and the jelly and maybe each other. Next will come the taste of the jelly surrounding the body and within its orifices. Shortly after, scent, then hearing, a ringing in the ears as the brain continues its activation. Finally, sight returns, introducing a straining pain in the eyes as they are used for the first time. 2. All muscles in the body, unless somehow exercised (through electric shock therapy, maybe..?) during development, will all be extremely weak. It may be impossible to push oneself out of one’s own container, and it is not recommended to have the container dump itself out as the Jelly should not be wasted. Have someone on standby who will not be phased by your nudity or horrible stench to help. 3. Leaving the container is all around a painful and strange experience. Most notably, the Roots will be torn or cut away, as they are even more painful to separate from the inner surface of the capsule while the body is conscious. They contain lots of powerful nerve endings, so some subjects may even faint from the pain if prolonged for more than a few seconds. 4. A cognat will be temporarily disconnected from their Horror during a transfer. For the connection to the Horror to be reestablished, the cognat must meditate. For the first elven week of its return, the abilities will be practically useless as the minds go through recalibration, though there is no violent mind trial. 5. The first time a Shell emerges from its Jelly, all voids that would have been inhabited by air will be filled with Jelly. Oddly, it is impossible to drown in one’s own Jelly although the weight inside one’s lungs from it will be very uncomfortable and create an illusion of suffocation. Although it isn’t exactly harmful, the body will still try to rid itself of the stuff by vomiting and coughing violently. Occasionally, a seizure can occur at random with first time transfer. ----- If it isn’t the first time the Shell is emerging from the Jelly, there isn’t a risk of seizure, but some Jelly will still have seeped into the body which will be expelled. 6. When there is a chance, the stub from the removed Roots, likely bleeding slightly, should be capped off to prevent them from growing back if the Shell is returned to the Jelly for preservation in disuse. However, this will not have any effect in hindering that if the Shell is afflicted with nemerta rooting. Adjusting to a new Shell takes about two elven weeks. The muscles of never-before used Shells are very weak in the beginning, but will eventually strengthen with use. When not in use for long periods of time though, there is a high risk for a decrease in muscle mass. 1. During the first elven week of a new Shell’s usage, the muscles must be allowed to gain mass, and thus, voidal magic should be used frugally. During the first two elven days, the muscles will be too weak to crawl or to sit up on one’s own. By the third elven day these can be accomplished, and one can move onto standing with a cane or walker. This will be very difficult at first, but by the end of that first elven week, the cane should no longer be necessary. The person will still struggle with physical labor and activities like running, swimming, climbing, etc. for a while afterward. The minimum time (total) for returning to normal is two elven weeks, with enough protein and exercise. 2. It should also be noted that Shells cannot produce gametes, and are permanently infertile by consequence. Only the True Original may be fertile unless it already has complications. RED LINES: -Kloning cannot be used to bring back the dead. -A Shell cannot have any mutation or deformation that is solely helpful. -You cannot have anything but a regular ‘grey’ soul while having a Shell Pool. -A soul transfer will not be successful before your Shell is at least 5 years old. Memory loss and other mentioned mental trauma will still occur until the Shell is 9 years old. -If all of your Shells are destroyed and you die, it’s a perma-kill. -Jelly expires 100-150 years after creation. -You cannot inhabit someone else’s Shell (unless you have some way of husking it with dark magic, but that isn’t the same.) -The alchemest does not directly manipulate the soul, rather they just abuse an anomaly to cause the transfers. -Permakill rules apply as specified in the PK Clause section. A First-Hand Account At first, all that could be produced from the first rudimentary Kloning experiments were tiny, horrific abominations. Barely recognizable to their ratty Originals, which could be accurately viewed as victims, although the removal of rats from ships to use served the same function as a rat-hunting cat would. One cold winter in the early 1600’s, two alchemists created the first perfect Shell of an animal, a grey rat named Polly. After that first triumph, they thought that the worst of the studies was behind them; that the countless days of picking swiftly and delicately through the untouched interiors of the filthy critters over and over again would give way to a groundbreaking success. However, much of that success was in actuality a result of spectacular luck, as mysterious variables that had not been accounted for had miraculously aligned auspiciously for the development of Polly’s Shell. Giant, leathery mitts pluck me squirming and lashing out in protest from my wire box. They hold me at arm’s length as if trying to distance their owner from the sounds of my clear and obvious distress as I did not want to be carried back to the flat, iron tower; the place I was sometimes taken by the mitts.. just sometimes.. but I could sense their intentions somehow. It is the worst place a person can go. Over a vast checkered canyon the giant’s heavy boots carried its body- and myself- to the room that kept the tower; a bleak, metallic platform lipped at the edges to prevent fluids from leaking onto the floors- fluids like red water. The giant’s eyes were set forwards, not looking down at me as I writhed and yelled, but with sinister intention at the door of the tower’s room. I tried to look past him, back where he’d taken me from, as we got closer to it. The gleaming eyes of my fellows winked back at me with little emotion and as we passed through the door they were replaced by hundreds of jars on shelves that lined the towering walls.. Jars containing a thick sludge, and some of them were filled with other people.. But they never moved, and grotesque roots erupted from their necks and blocked them partially from view. Nobody knows if they’re dead, or sleeping, or are part of an elaborate farming scheme.. But I hate them. When people go missing, rumors start to spread that that’s where they ended up… in one of those jars, so the giants-- there are more than one-- can keep them as trophies. For a moment I had been distracted, but then I felt my back and my feet touching the cold iron tower and I lost control, lashing out again and baring my teeth in fright. I hear another giant jump somewhere outside of my field of vision. It says something in the garbled, hostile tongue of the giants, and I know from its voice that it’s the small one that was usually around.. Always somewhere in the room with its awful eye watching… I’m held down and offered a pungent liquid, but as I struggle away from it the scent changes. It smells so wonderful and sweet- but it was a familiar smell that often led to waking up with mysterious scars and portions of my fur shaved off, but a drop had already fallen into my mouth and I could somehow no longer reject the substance. My senses slipped away into a soothing nothingness. But something was wrong.. Something was terribly wrong, I felt, and the darkness that had comforted me only moments before suddenly suffocated me. The taste of flesh rose in my mouth, as if trying to strangle me from within, and I thought it must be my own. Suddenly, a giant’s mitts pluck me out of the thick sludge, but there is no room for air yet in my lungs. A terrible ringing pain shoots down my spine as a tension pulls at the back of my neck like something had been lodged there that was being torn out. I still couldn’t see what was going on through the foul slime coating my eyes although I tried to blink it away. As I cough and retch to rid my system of the stuff, I can begin to see my surroundings just a little.. I’m on the shelf with the jars.. They’re taking me out of one? Then, who am I? I have some memories, yes, but memories are not solid evidence that something was. I see the iron tower across the room. I see someone else there that looks familiar, but I can’t quite make out her face… No… I know who she is. CREDITS Vezzin - Lore writer and artist Dunstan - Co-writer with immense knowledge of alchemy The Pink Lion - Help with ideas, ooc networking, and proofing for inaccuracy The Fire Mind - Help with ideas, ooc networking, and proofing for inaccuracy Tox - Help with ideas and proofing for inaccuracy Beordan - Help with ideas and proofing for inaccuracy SpodoKaiba - Help with ideas + peer editor Whiplash - Peer editor
  5. Tier Five: Replicant “The final stage; perfection.” _________________________________________________________________________ Legends tell of a final and nigh unattainable form of homunculus- the Replicant- which is born of a rare and paradoxical conjunction of alchemy and holy magic. Building upon the soul shadow within higher tier homunculi, a divine magic user is able to form the facsimile of a soul template from soul essence- effectively granting the homunculus the ability to experience true sentience. As most Holy Orders denigrate and hunt homunculi as a general rule, to find a willing participant for such a creation is almost impossible. While other methods may be possible, one must obtain raw, pure soul matter and have the means to bestow it upon the Doppelganger to achieve the evolution to Replicant. A homunculus gifted in such a fashion will bear the same wealth of feeling and purpose as a mortal man- for, in practice, he has been given that which all other homunculi lack- a mortal soul. The Replicant would be capable of feeling higher emotions- love, empathy, friendship- and would appear almost entirely indiscernible from the mortals around them both in physical and emotional presence. They will retain the personality which they developed in their time as a Doppelganger, as well as any memories, skills, and emotions. Due to the nature of the soul material used, their soul is fresh, and unhindered by the curses that normal Descendants bear. This allows them to live significantly longer than any of their predecessors, with the true extent of their lifespans yet unknown. The possession of a soul also allows the owner a connection to the void. Due to the unnatural state of their being, Replicants do not possess the full range of magics that a normal mortal would. They are unable to learn any diety magic whatsoever. (3 Slots) Any attempt to modify or change the fragile soul of a Replicant will cause the soul to fracture and fade. Replicants are unable to possess a new fully formed soul, and thus if one were to try and make use of the patchwork version they did have, the soul would simply be lost, and the Replicant would return to their previous Doppelganger form, retaining any scars or maims acquired along the way. Despite the addition of a soul into their body, the ability for it to function normally has long since past. Their internal organs remain in stasis, and they have no blood. They continue to lack the necessity for air, food, and sleep, however they gain the ability to go into a trance like meditative state to rest and dream. This meditation is required for the Replicant to regain lost energy and mana, and to prevent fatigue. A Replicant should go into this trance for at least four hours a day to fully rest their body. Their previous replacement of blood remains, and depends on their symbol. Death is again similar to that of a Doppelganger. Once a Replicant has received a mortal amount of wounds, their body will begin to break down. Particle by particle, their form disperses, leaving only their internal symbol. Unlike Doppelgangers, though, a soul is present. This will cause their body to be reformed as other mortals do, within the Cloud Temple, and not the Abyss. This also means they retain scars upon death, as their bodies did not rebuild themselves in the same fashion as before. In the same sense, any lost limbs or body parts will remain lost to them permanently. While a mortal would be able to seek out a potion of regeneration, Replicants do not possess the blood necessary to create the concoction, and thus are unable to make use of this feat of alchemy. Similarly, healing potions and poisons do not affect Replicants. It is said that the only potion that can affect a Replicant is the potion of unmaking, the brew that kills homunculi. It is important to remember that things like acidic substances still hurt Replicants however. The regeneration that the Doppelganger possesses is completely lost to a Replicant. They will now begin to heal at the same rate as a mortal being, with broken bones needed to be set and deep cuts needing to be stitched. This is due to the presence of a soul, and their closer link with mortality. As well, they will experience normal, physical pain much more vibrantly. A blow or cut that was easily shrugged off before is now felt in full. A Replicant is far from the berserker fighting style of their previous form. With the use of magics, they will also find themselves fatigued due to exerting their mana pool, something all beings with a soul must endure. However, due to the nature of their body, voidal poisoning does not affect their muscle mass or strength as it would a mortal. They will also now experience fatigue in normal, melee combat instances. They will have a hard time adjusting to this change at first, but as with any soldier or athlete, they can eventually learn to utilize their stamina throughout a fight. Their bodies are still of unnatural construction, thus they remain vulnerable to aurum weaponry and most holy magics. The single exception to this rule is the magic of the Ascended, Aeriel’s followers. Due to the nature of their new found soul, being pure and untainted, Ascended magic will not harm a Replicant in any way. They remain weak to their opposing symbol. The most important thing to remember about a Replicant's soul is that it is extremely fragile. One might imagine a this patchwork soul as a glass object which has been carefully and meticulously pieced back together. The slightest bump will send it crumbling again, and the object itself is far from useful. Replicants will never have a full grasp on magic, their connection to the Void is barely stable and difficult to maintain. They can in no way whatsoever alter their soul, not for magic or any kind of transformation. They risk themselves to gain the soul and sacrifice much to maintain it. Acquiring a soul is far from becoming perfect. If a Doppelganger does manage to receive a soul, they are trading off certain aspects. The soul is difficult to acquire and easy to lose, and should never be viewed as some small thing. _________________________________________________________________________ Must be created from a living Doppelganger Retains the strength and speed of a Doppelganger, as well as their memories, personality, and skills. Retains the racial buffs from when they were a Doppelganger (necrolyte). No blood. Instead, they will excrete whatever liquid/solid they are formed from. Gain the full emotional range of mortals. Possess the ability to form a moral compass. Extreme length of life. Lifespan extends tenfold. Having acquired a soul, they are now able to practice magic and possess a mana pool. However, they are unable to learn any diety magics. (3 slots; 1 T5, 1 T4, 1 T3) No limit on feats or artificery. Weak to holy magic (excluding Ascended), aurum weapons, and their opposing symbol. Healing is done at the speed of a mortal. Scars are retained permanently. Loss of limb or other body parts is permanent. (Regen potions do NOT work on them due to the nature of the potion’s required ingredients.) Connection to the Void for extended periods of time is difficult. Replicants must go into a meditative state for at least 4 hours a day to regain energy and mana. Replicants become fatigued after excessive exertion of the body. Cannot be transformed into anything else (lich, shade, etc) that would change or affect their fragile soul. Attempting to do this will result in the fracturing of the soul, and subsequent loss of it, reverting the Replicant back into Doppelganger form. _________________________________________________________________________ Thanks go to Fid for helping me start this lore and PurpleCola for helping me finish it. Revision History: 9/7 - Lore Posted
  6. The Clerical Revamp is finally done and here it is! This has taken me just about a whole year to do due to a mix of real life, throwing ideas all over the place, the fact I lost my laptop for 4-6 months, and that I like to work at my own pace - where I am most comfortable. I am sincerely sorry this revamp took a while but the end result of the long time was truly worth it. This revamp was both fun and a pure pain to do but the relief I felt when it was done cannot be described. Hopefully this revamp is the one that the clerics truly needed and one that helps clear up all of the contradictions regarding the clerics. So without anymore delay! Enjoy! - Farryn ~~~ Change log What has changed compared to the previous lore. Spell Roster for Teachers and Simple Folks An easy-to-access roster for teachers to save them time scrolling through the lore to see what spells their students will know. “For many years have the clerics of Tahariae walked upon our realm, bearing the light of the Aengulic being, Tahariae, to bring forth purity to the realm. These descendants are known for their ability to heal the maimed, and take up arms against the growing darkness through the use of His light. Utilizing it not out of good will; rather evoking His power out of necessity, that purity must be achieved for the sake of all. Yet the path of the cleric is proven to be a hardened journey to take; it is not advised for those who desire a peaceful life.” - Extract from a journal of a cleric of Tahariae. Tahariaen Clericalism Overview Tahariaen Clericalism, also known as Clericalism or Clerical Magic, is a form of Deity magic that is strictly used by the clerics of Tahariae, the adherents of the Aengul of Purity, Justice, and Judgement. Tahariae strives for complete purity within the realm of mortals; a land where there is no taint, darkness, or impurity. A place where all wounds are healed and suffering is vanquished. Many believe that the clerics heal and fight impurity out of goodwill and kindness, yet that is not the case; they do so out of necessity because it has to be done to bring forth purity and to keep the darkness away from overcoming all. To fulfil their patron’s desires, the clerics have been given the ability to wield His power through invoking divine light. Clerical magic is divided into four sub types: Priest Healing, to heal wounds and impurities within the mortal body. War Clericalism, to eradicate living impurities that roam the land and threatens mortals. Holy Alteration, to tackle impurity through limiting the corruption and ensuring purity is kept when clerics aren’t present. Lastly, Divine Wardenism, where more advanced spells are used through the use of sunlight. A single cleric is capable of learning all four subtypes to their maximum level. However, it must be noted that if a cleric knows Priest Healing and War Clericalism, one of the two will be slightly weaker than the other (see more in Effects of the Magic). For a person to use these powers, they must be connected by a cleric who knows the connection ritual. The connection serves as the most important aspect for the clerics, the connection itself serving as the bridge which allows the Aengul’s power to reach them. However, the user must be taught spell by spell, and they must allow their light to develop naturally so that they can use stronger abilities. It should be noted that the clerics follow a very strict set of rules and traditions, some of which are set by their very deity, that have been known to limit a cleric’s lifestyle. These rules are known as the Tenets and Utterings; They must be obeyed at all cost for they prevent clerics from performing acts of impurity, keeping their attention on the task at hand. Violating the Tenets, and some of the Utterings, will result in a cleric’s disconnection - the removal of their bridge to Tahariae and His magic. If someone wishes to become a cleric, they must be made fully aware of the rules as well as about disconnection both in character and out of character. If the student is not aware, the chances of the student being disconnected are extremely high. Down below are the Tenets and Utterings fully explained. When a cleric dies, their souls do not go to their racial afterlife but rather pass through the soulstream before being brought to Tahariae’s Realm where they spend all eternity by Tahariae’s side, watching the clerics of the living perform their duty. No one knows for certain how the clerics appear as within the realm but many hold different beliefs to such. One thing that is certain is that Tahariae sends back these souls in the form of messengers, to give messages to the clerics or to provide guidance when needed before bringing them back to His realm. These messengers are extremely rare but are treated with utmost respect, for they were clerics who too aided in the mission but have long passed. The Light Tahariaen clerics are gifted with the ability to channel their patron’s power into the mortal realm through the form of light. How this is done is through the connection between Tahariae and the cleric. The cleric must pray to Tahariae to open the connection between them, while more experienced clerics can willingly open their connection through powerful emotions. When this connection is open, Aengulic energy will flow from Tahariae into the cleric; using the connection as a bridge. From here, clerics can bring forth energy in the form of light and use it, as long as they know the spells from their respective subtypes and how to use them. Once the cleric has done what they needed to do with the light, they must reseal their connection, causing the Aengulic energy to return to Tahariae. A more unique aspect regarding the magic clerics use is that a cleric’s light can take on the colour of one of the four hues of Tahariae, upon being connected to the Aengul. The direct purpose and reason for these four colours are unknown, but each colour holds its own unique trait and representations. Some clerics believe that the colors represent what Tahariae sees most within a cleric’s heart, or what sort of cleric they will likely become. White - White is the light colour seen as the Light of the Wise and the Pure. It is said that clerics who bear this coloured light are the wisest of the clerics, the keepers of lore and relics. It is said that they are the ones who serve well as teachers and speakers of Tahariae’s name and glory. Blue - Blue is the colour seen as the Light of the Determined and the Warrior. It is said that clerics who bear this light boast the greatest willpower of clerics, the ones who are always the first to heal wounds or ready to fight against the darkness. Some consider them as the grunts of Tahariae and the ones actively out on the field. Gold - Gold is the light seen as the Light of the Selfless and the Knight. Clerics who bear this light are rumoured to have become clerics to protect those they care about and use the light of Tahariae to bring good to the world. They tend to bear a great amount of valor and bravery within their hearts. Silver - Silver is the light seen as the Light of the Devoted and the Servant. Clerics with this light are supposedly those with pure hearts as they fully devote their heart and soul to Tahariae and His mission. This is the most ambiguous of the lights, as clerics bearing the silver light can bear aspects of the other lights; selfless, determined, and wise. Many powerful clerics and leaders bore this light colour. Clerics who have grown attuned with their light may find certain changes within themselves and their radiance. On some occasions, a tier 3 cleric’s light can take on a second colour: the colour of the cleric’s aura. This secondary colour can appear as a tint, shade, or hue while the cleric’s light maintains the primary light as a base, while the light self may take the form of tendrils, water, fire, or any other element but will not behave as that element. Meanwhile, tier four clerics would soon notice their eyes could change colour - changing into the colour of their light, glowing when their connection is summoned. For example; a cleric who previously bore brown eyes and a blue light will find themselves bearing brilliant blue eyes that are the exact same as their light’s colour. In roleplay, there are many speculations as to why such changes occur, although some clerics presume that these are signs that the light has becomes part of the cleric and represents their true personality, symbolising they have embraced their role as a cleric. A reminder to the clerics of who they’ve become, and who they serve. If a cleric’s light holds two colours, the outer ring of the iris will hold the light’s primary colour, while the inner ring of the iris (closest to the pupil) will bear the light’s secondary light. These changes are not compulsory, therefore a cleric can oocly decide if their character’s eyes and light will gain these new effects. Additionally, a cleric’s primary colour, the colour gifted to them by Tahariae, can change into one of the other four lights fully. This occurrence happens when a cleric shows more of another light’s traits than the one given to then. For example, a cleric bearing the gold light may see their light become silver as they become more devoted to Tahariae’s mission rather than using it to protect their loved ones. This change in colour takes a few days to occur, although some may shift faster than others. As one’s personality and views can change countless times, there is no such limit as to how many changes a cleric’s light may have. However, a more darker visual for the clerics is the appearance of glowing veins when a cleric is entering Extreme Clerical Exhaustion (see Effects of Magic for more details). This effect occurs when a cleric is nearing the danger zone for their body, as it is beginning to struggle channeling more Aengulic energy after a long period of time. The veins appear where the light is being channelled out of, such as the hands or finger, and they will grow with time as a cleric channels the light. This serves as a direct warning to other clerics, letting them know when a comrade is in danger of over exhausting themselves… or a sign to potential enemies the cleric is growing easier to attack. Summoning the light After a cleric has been connected to Tahariae, they are now capable of summoning Tahariae’s light. However there are two ways that a cleric can summon their light. One used more commonly but takes longer, while the other is more exhausting and slightly faster. Yet both are vital to summoning the light. The most common and easiest way is through the use of prayer. This prayer could be rehearsed or made up on the spot, sung or gently whispered, and can be in another language but must be stated clearly to Tahariae. This prayer is to ask Tahariae to lend them His power so that they may use it to perform their duty. A cleric would offer a prayer to Tahariae out loud, asking for his power with a clear explanation for what they will use His power for. Summoning a light by this method typically takes three to four emotes, but two emotes is the minimum limit. For example: Ashanaak would take a deep breath as he concentrates, beginnings to recite a well rehearsed prayer under his breath: ‘O Tahariae, Divine Aengul of the Seven Skies. Lend I, Thy loyal servant, Thy glorious light to restore the one before I to full purity. Let their wounds be healed and their pain be no more.’ A soft glow emerges from Ashanaak’s palms, while a fair breeze comes from the cleric. His robes fluttering as he concentrates. His eye glowing bright like a sapphire. A few seconds later, the light emerges forth in a radiant blue light, flaring over his fingers. He turns his eye towards the wounded and approaches, gently placing his hand upon their wound. The light flooding forward as he repeats the prayer once more. The second option is a more advanced yet difficult method; the use of emotions. This technique is commonly referred to as ‘Silent Connecting’ or ‘Emotional Connecting’, due to the lack of words spoken to open up the connection and the use of emotions to do so. When a cleric wishes to summon their light, they must focus on summoning forth their emotions and direct them to the connection in order to will the bridge between Tahariae and themselves open. They use the emotion to fuel themselves with power in order for the cleric to will the connection between them and Tahariae open. For Priest Healing, the use of determination and the urge to save a life are the key emotions for summoning the healing light. Whereas the use of rage and urgency to end those of impurity are key for summoning the war cleric light. Due to this method requiring full focus and practice, this method isn’t taught until a cleric has been connected for a good amount of time (Tier 4). This method is useful for life threatening situations, such as healing someone whose injuries are severe and need treatment swiftly, or within the midst of a fight where praying would distract or cost the cleric their life. However, this method is far more exhausting than praying as it is the cleric using their will and emotions, rather than praise, to open and close the connection. Elvira concentrates on her connection, taking deep and calm breaths. The cleric’s posture remains strong as she takes a calm stance and she would begin to focus. Within her eye, fury and anger would flare up within. Her breathing becomes sharper as a soft glow emerges from her palms. With a deep breath she would release her anger, going to will her connection open. The air around her heats up greatly while her eye glows silver, the connection formed. Around her palms, hints of light begin to appear. A few seconds later, a gleaming silver light with crimson hues would roar into existence, a powerful aura radiating from the cleric’s light. It flares quite uncontrollably in her grasp as she turns to face her opponent. When a cleric summons their light, they are free to describe if the summoning of their light effects the environment or themselves by just a little. These effects are visual and rather minor and do not aid in terms of healing or combat, instead these effects make a cleric’s light summoning different than others, reflecting their personality. For example, a cleric with a fiery personality may cause the air to grow warmer by a few degrees, whereas another cleric may cause a small breeze around them. These effects will not cause any issues within combat RP but helps show the cleric’s power and personality a bit. After a cleric has completed their task, they must cut off the stream of power coursing through them. However, this is not an easy task as stopping it is like damming a rushing river. The cleric must focus solely on thinning and closing their connection. Should they be too exhausted by the time they attempt this, it is very likely the cleric shall fail to maintain focus, and thus be overwhelmed by Aengulic energy until they fall unconscious. Upon becoming unconscious the connection shall simply cut off. It is important that exhaustion is emoted after closing the connection such as: sweating, panting, wobbling, etc. as the cleric’s mortal body would not have been made to channel Aengulic power for an extensive amount of time. The cleric can decide what effects the cleric will show when unsummoning their light, but they must emote exhaustion in any form. This typically takes one emote but two or more emotes are fine. Example: The cleric lowers his hand, focusing once more as they go to close their connection slowly. The light gradually begins to fade away from his palms, while the air returns to normal. The clerical light soon vanishes, leaving the cleric exhausted and panting. Connection and Disconnection Connection Connection is the process in which a descendant is connected to Tahariae, forming a bridge between the descendant’s soul and the Aengul. This connection is a spiritual bridge and shield around the soul, allowing the cleric to be able to receive and send back Tahariae’s power, as well as for the Aengul to send visions to the clerics when necessary. It is this connection that makes a descendant a cleric, what allows them to bring forth the Aengul of Purity’s light to heal and fight. A descendant can be connected to Tahariae through another cleric who knows the connection ritual (They must have an accepted TA). The descendant must kneel before an altar devoted to Tahariae, while their teacher to be is knelt by their side. The teacher must channel their light into the descendant and call to Tahariae, telling him of the willing descendant and how they wish to join his ranks, how they will bring forth purity into the realm, and bring forth glory in his name. The descendant would then feel a powerful gaze settled upon them where they must recite their own prayer, to truly show their devotion and fealty to Tahariae. From then, Tahariae will bestow one of the four lights to the cleric, connecting the cleric to him. When Tahariae connects to the descendant, the mortal would be surrounded by the colour of their own choice, will feel overwhelmed by the sudden rush of Aengulic power channelling through to them, which could potentially place them into a coma if the teacher has not bathed them with their light beforehand. The teacher would help take most of the power through their own light before vanishing their light, taking the blow for the student. Both would be left exhausted but the descendant would successfully be connected. Therefore allowing them to learn the divine invocations. It is advised that the descendant makes the MA right after being connected. The teacher can emote the descendant seeing a silver stag in their mind, or a powerful aura gazing down on them for faint development and interaction, as well as create tension and make the roleplay interesting. However, the cleric cannot emote out as speaking as Tahariae, which only a Lore Master can do. Furthermore, the person being connected can choose one out of the four main colours to bear OOCly and the teacher has to emote them being surrounded by such light. Upon being connected, clerics can only draw power from Tahariae through their connection with the Aengul. If they were mages before becoming clerics, their Voidal magic would decrease in power immensely, and would quickly fade as the cleric grows in power. A clear example of this decrease would be a Tier 5 water evocationist suddenly becoming a Tier 2 in power upon connection. By the time they are a Tier 2 cleric, they would not be able to use water evocation anymore. If a cleric served another Aengudaemon or a dark force prior to becoming a cleric, their connection to the (un)holy host would need to be severed before connection to Tahariae. Connections with multiple other connections are strictly not allowed. Furthermore, the connection protects the cleric’s soul from being corrupted by any dark magic or changed into a dark being by soul corruption. Once a servant of the Aengul, the cleric is placed under Tahariae’s protection, stopping them from becoming the very creatures they have faced. While the body of a cleric can still be tainted, the soul cannot. Although silent, the Aengul of Purity still ensures the safety of His followers by sparing them the agony of becoming impure against their will. Fi mages will not be able to halt this protection with their magic as it is coming from Tahariae, instead of being channeled through the cleric and entering the mortal realm. Disconnection Disconnection is the opposite to connection. It is a powerful yet devastating spell; with the power of disconnection, a cleric can remove the ability of any other cleric of or below their level of power to use the power of Tahariae ever again. The easiest way to understand disconnection is attempting to cut a rope by burning it with a candle’s flame. If the connection between Tahariae and His cleric is a rope, then the disconnector (the candle) focuses their light (the flame) on this bond and burns it away. The cleric has to be a teacher, with an approved TA, in order to know the disconnection ritual. Disconnection can only be performed on a cleric if said cleric has broken one of Tahariae's five tenets or any established rule that has disconnection as the main punishment. This is because the cleric has disobeyed Tahariae and broken His trust, therefore they are no longer trusted with the Aengul’s power. The cleric would be deemed a rogue cleric, finding their growth in power as a cleric having ceased. Other clerics will have to hunt them down to their power and connection to Tahariae. The disconnector must find out about the tenet breaking ICly. The only exception is if the LT or MAT feels the to-be-disconnected cleric is a particularly bad cleric, in which case they will notify someone with the ritual to perform the disconnection - the LT is allowed to play as Tahariae to give forth a vision of the cleric that requires disconnection, although this only occurs when the rogue cleric is causing mass murder or situations that are utmost serious and requires the cleric handled as soon as possible. Abandoning clerical duties (i.e., not healing the injured when encountered, no longer praying to Tahariae, ignoring unholy creatures, et cetera) easily breaks the Third Tenet, arguably the Second as well. Clerics who do such will be disconnected by an elder cleric with knowledge of the spell. Abuse of their power is also disconnection worthy, such as using War Clericalism spells on descendants for no reason, or to do harm. Player inactivity does not bring forth disconnection. This rule only applies to active cleric characters. Inactive clerics are assumed to have been called on some quest into the wilderness and thus have not had the opportunity to ignore wounded or the spread of unholiness, because they simply aren't around the main locations, rather they are somewhere else. A cleric can also request a disconnection on themselves, should they feel as though they are not suited for such duty or if they feel as though their time being a cleric is over. This disconnection will still be extremely painful for the cleric being disconnected, however they will not be shamed or seen as traitors by the clerics, although Tahariae will not reconnect them. Unlike those disconnected for breaking the rules, those willingly disconnected will not suffer the disconnection effects permanently, the effects wear off after two ooc weeks. To disconnect a cleric, the elder cleric must gather up all of their rage and fury, meld it with how Tahariae feels regarding the cleric's decision. The cleric will summon their light within its most chaotic state and place their palm upon the other cleric's chest. They must send their light deep into the cleric, deeper until the light enters a spiritual state and approaches the soul of the cleric. It is there that the elder cleric must allow their light to burn away at the connection until nothing remains. Upon the connection being broken, a short beam of righteous light flashes out before vanishing, indicating that the process is complete and that the cleric has been disconnected. The severed connection between the cleric and Tahariae is incredibly painful, a burning throughout the cleric’s entire body due to the connection being entwined with the soul. Once the disconnection has happened, a range of after effects that include (to varying degrees the player of the disconnected cleric decides) severe depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, psychosis, and anxiety. The most noticeable is that the cleric would no longer feel whole, as if they are missing something - they will no longer feel warmth and will constantly long for what they are missing, even if they do not know what it is. They can search and find a way to replace it, yet the empty feeling would simply stay with them. What is missing is a part of their very soul, which has been brutally ripped upon the connection being torn. They may become followers of other patrons, but the disconnection shall never be forgotten by the patron they betrayed, and they are forever unable to be reconnected through the connection ritual. If the cleric has been disconnected for breaking the Tenets or certain Utterings, these effects never disappear, even with the application of holy magic, as this is the price every cleric may face for disobeying the Aengul of Purity. Those disconnected may find their symptoms temporarily relieved through mental healing, but they will return in full-effect after only a few days. These effects are permanent for those who break a Tenet or Uttering, whereas temporary for those who were disconnected willingly. Tier Guide and Describing the Magic Cleric magic doesn’t work in a tier system like most other magics, where a cleric feels a tremendous rise in power after a certain amount of time. Instead, it’s a gradual growth in power. The speed of this rise in power is determined between the teacher and their student, but the standard time is around each of the tiers The tiers are used to mark specific points in their growth where they have adequate skill to learn certain spells since being connected. For example, the cleric will have to be connected to Tahariae for three weeks in order to learn the tier three healing spells. Power progression does not end after reaching Tier 5; someone who has been a cleric for a year will be a far better healer than a cleric who just reached Tier 5. Someone who just reached Tier 4 will be a poorer healer than someone who is almost to Tier 5. The Tier system serves more as a teaching guide, aiding teachers in noticing what spells a cleric can learn within a tier or whenever the cleric can use such spell at their current tier. When it comes to a cleric describing the magic in roleplay, the cleric is not limited as to how they can emote or use the spell. Clerics are free to add their own small twists onto summoning/unsummoning the magic, whenever it be chanting rather than just reciting a prayer, describing the hum of energy as it coalesces into your palms; have your light manifest in tendrils that rush down your arm; have wind suck in towards you when you summon energy, and so forth. There are many options that a cleric can do to make their own emotes unique to them and are heavily encouraged to make their emotes reflect their character. The clerics summon and using the power of a god, therefore make sure your emotes reflect that! Clerics can emote their magic however they wish or feel comfortable with, so long as it is not powergaming (such as the light taking the form of massive tendrils that can squish a dark being, etc) and purely aesthetic, do consider other players as well but adding more unique aesthetic descriptions help to provide more in depth roleplay for everyone. Effects of the Magic Effects on the cleric It should be heavily noted that the mortal body was not made to channel Aengudaemonic power through them, this applies for the clerics. Unlike voidal mages, clerics do not suffer long term physical drawbacks from using their magic overtime, as having their bodies wither while using the power will greatly hold back their duty. Their magic, however, is exhausting to channel for a long period of time when they have their light summoned. As the cleric practices channelling their light, the connection between themselves and Tahariae grows, allowing them to summon more and more power without becoming overwhelmed. However, a cleric will have to be careful when they are channelling their power, as well as knowing their limit to how many spells they can cast. The more spells the cleric uses, the more exhausted they will face (depending on their tier). This state is known as Clerical Exhaustion and is always recognisable through a cleric unsummoning their light and appearing exhausted through sweating, panting, potential struggling to stand, etc. However, this is not a dangerous state and is perfectly natural as the cleric will just need some time to relax and rest to regain their strength. Extreme Clerical Exhaustion, however, is the more dire and urgent stage of Clerical Exhaustion that will potentially endanger the cleric. This is common amongst newer clerics as they are likely to try and heal a wound they are not ready to heal yet, unaware of their limit. However older clerics have shown to willingly enter this state in order to save a life or keep fighting against the darkness, pushing themselves to ensure their duty is done. If a cleric keeps channelling their power for an immense amount of time, they will exceed over their natural limit and are in danger of a range of extreme exhaustion and effects. For example, a cleric going over their limit will begin to suffer from mass exhaustion, nosebleeds, temporarily going pale in the skin, tiredness within the bodies, extreme nausea, potentially falling into an unconscious state or coma, even death should a cleric go completely and beyond their limit. Once again, it is up to the cleric user to decide what effects their character will show upon entering this extreme state. However, Extreme Clerical Exhaustion is evident when casting, appearing as a radiating light coursing through their veins and channelled to a focal point of their choosing, often their hand. This helps to inform nearby clerics that their comrade is going over their limit and will need someone to take over or aid them in whatever they are doing. This sign of Extreme Clerical Exhaustion will occur for all clerics, therefore it must be emoted when the cleric is going over their limit. If a cleric knows both Priest Healing and War Clericalism, one of the two subtypes will be weaker than the other depending on which one the cleric uses most. If a cleric uses war clericalism more than healing - their war cleric spells will be powerful and swifter, yet their healing will be much slower when it comes to summoning and feeling more exhausted upon using the healing subtype compared to the other subtypes. This applies vise versa - cleric who knows priest healing will find using war clericalism spells slower to summon and more exhausting to use. This is believed to be because of how the two subtypes require two different forms of light - one gentle and peaceful, while the other is chaotic and raging. The cleric’s body grows more accustomed to using one light, thus finding the other more difficult to perform. Despite this, the cleric can learn and master all the spells within both subtypes but will find channelling one of the subtypes harder. This only occurs with Priest Healing and War Clericalism, therefore Holy Alteration (minus the Healing/War Blessings) and Divine Wardens are not affected. However, finding a balance between Priest Healing and War Clericalism through training is difficult, causing some clerics to rely on relics in order to give them an advantage in the weakened subtype. Effects on others The key thing to know about Tahariaen Clericalism is that the magic affects anything considered impure and corrupted within Tahariae’s eyes, those that go against the Aengul’s ideal perfect world. The lights of Healing, War, Alteration, and Wardens each affect impurity, although each light holds a faintly different effect than the other. There are two known groups that this magic affects; Dark Beings and Dark Mages. Dark beings are terrifying and corrupted creatures, defying the cycle of life and death by being undead, bearing darkness within and those who desire the lifeforce of descendants to strive over the land. They are a dark force that goes against Tahariae’s views and a cleric has to eradicate the dark beings they meet before they cause harm to those around them. These creatures includes: Ghouls / Morguhuuls Wraiths Dreadknights Ghosts Shades Liches Drakaars Gravens Strigae Deathstalkers Any other creatures that specifically state in their lore are affected by holy magic. Dark Mages are descendants whom taken up the dark arts for many reasons unknown. While clerics cannot harm descendants in cold blood, dark mages are an exception of this rule as they wield magic that can create tainted beings, and bring corruption through to others. Clerical magic will still heal them, but war clericalism, warding, and combat based Divine Warden spells have no direct effect on the mage’s body due to them still being a descendant, although any blunt damage from the attacks will still be received. However, the spells of the mage will still be directly affected by the light, such as a dark mage using drain. A cleric can counter it with an orb of light or Flames of Reckoning, but the spells would not cause any burns or damage to the mortal’s body. Although seen as dark by ideals, Frost Witches are not as affected by clerical magic compared to most dark forces, although healing a Frost Witch will prove difficult and hard due to their bodies being more ice than flesh. While the clerical light does affect those deemed as unnatural, sometimes the clerical light will not affect those deemed unnatural due to them belonging to an Aengudaemon that does not attempt to cause impurity purposefully, or that they are creatures who have been bringing forth more purity or bearing a similar mission to the clerics. Such as the Ascended, Keepers, and Druids within Soul trees - although they can be considered deemed unnatural, the clerical light affects them the same way as Descendants. The reasons why is because the Keepers were made through Tahariae’s own assistance in terms of giving Xan the blueprints and the form the cleric see the keepers use is a body full of divine ichor, while the soul is residing within Xan’s realm. Ascended are not affected negatively due to them being more arisen than the normal Descendant, which allows for them to be immortal and use such magic that can heal impurity within the soul. Soul trees are the exact same as Keepers, only relating to nature instead of holiness. Some speculate that they are not affected due to Tahariae considering them beneficial toward Purity, even if they are causing slight unnatural. Why rid of those bringing greater purity than they are of causing minor impurity - is an ideal some of the clerics follow. Priest Healing’s light does still cause agony to impure beings, such as ghouls, etc, but the healer cannot keep contact with the being they are attempting to heal. What happens during this is that the healer will find themselves overwhelmed by immense power and more likely to be rendered unconscious. This is because the creature they are healing holds an infinite amount of taint and the light is flooding forth to constantly burn the taint as it is being replaced by more taint. The cleric essentially wears themselves out swiftly. As for the dark beings, upon being touched by the healing light, they would feel as though they had attempted to touch a boiling hot piece of metal with the area that was touched. However, with all lights, they follow the same effect when being touched by a dark being when outside of healing or combat. As Tahariae’s light targets anything impure, it is natural for the light to slowly begin to burn away at the impurity within the body. What happens exactly is that the longer an impure remains in contact with the light, the more damage is caused to its flesh until the light begins to actually burn the flesh. At first, the pain will be durable and not physically harmful but as time goes on, the pain intensifies as the light burns into the flesh, like holding onto a hot piece of metal for a long amount of time, and erodes away at the creature’s form. The physical damage does not appear immediately unless caused by physical weapons or if the impure is under attack by Flames of Reckoning (which usually appears around 2-3 emotes without releasing the impure.) This process usually takes up to five or six emotes without letting go of the dark being. Holy Alteration can affect impurity in a range of ways, depending on what spell is used. Warding affects impurity by either revealing disguises formed by dark magic or means, containing land taint, or by preventing the use of dark magic within a radius. Blessing will cause the same damage War Clericalism causes upon contact, able to cause physical damage the longer the blessed item is touched by an impure. (Art belongs to Genzoman from DA) Priest Healing ‘Go forth, My healers, onto this world. Bring forth My Light to those who are ill or harmed by the shadows, end their suffering through comfort and peace. Let My Radiance cleanse and purify their wounds to nothing.’ Priest Healing is the act of calling upon Tahariae’s light in order to heal those who are hurt or suffered by the hands of the dark or others. To Tahariae, the wounds and suffering of others are deemed impure for how he sees the world, for they are unneeded and cause only displeasure to all in the mortal realm. How this is done is through channeling the power through the cleric and they must focus their power on a wound, and concentrates on what the site of the injury appeared as and how it functioned before the injury occurred. A cleric must have a clear and detailed understanding of what they are healing in order to do the healing right; failing to properly understand a wound or ailment will result in either scarring or simply not fully healing. Greater wounds require power only attainable with larger connections, as well: muscles will require more energy to heal than a cut, bones even moreso, et cetera. Failure to have the power necessary for a healing will result in extreme exhaustion or a coma for the cleric. When a cleric is healing a descendant, the light is soothing when it comes in contact with a wound and automatically eases the descendant from any pain they are in. The light helps stop the pain and gives off a comforting feeling for the descendant being healed. Those around will feel a calming aura come from this light, as it represents the more gentle and warmer side of Tahariae, the healer. Bodily taint and curses are the only exception to this; when healed, taint and curse will cause incredible pain to its host as the taint will stick to the body to try and stay there as the light burns it away. The Spells of Priest Healing Necessary Notes on Priest Healing Reattachment - A cleric can reattach extremities and limbs, but only within an Elven week (one ooc week) of not being attached to the body. Furthermore, the cleric must have the very limb that was sliced off in order to reattach it - another body limb from someone else will fail as it does not belong to the body you are attempting to attach it to. Healing Animals and non descendants - A cleric can heal an animal that is not impure or deemed dark by Tahariae, as animals are seen as natural and needed within the world. Non-descendants (races outside of the four main races, such as Kha) can be healed also, as long as that they are not impure or dark in any form. They also must be organic, meaning that golems and non-organic beings cannot be healed. Pain while healing - Clerical Healing magic does not cause pain to the descendant being healed, except when healing taint and curses. When healing taint and curses, the process will be extremely painful for the afflicted person, the pain varying depending on where they are cursed and tainted but the pain will always be higher than just a very bad stomach ache. Extreme Healing - Extremely skilled clerical healers may even be capable of repairing what a body cannot do on its own, but this is one of the most difficult things a healer can perform. While more simpler spells do not require biological knowledge of the body, extensive knowledge is required for more difficult wounds that are beyond the simple spells. For example, If one were to attempt to cure blindness that occurred after birth, for example - years of preparation and study would have to be made, along with very practiced hands doing the ritual. Multiple clerics performing the spell would be strongly advised, if not necessary, for a satisfactory result. The interruption of or a break in concentration during any healing is dangerous, requiring the cleric to divert focus to holding their connection with Tahariae. With an affliction the body cannot restore naturally, failure to complete the healing will result in a coma that will inevitably lead to dehydration, starvation, and death, Priest Healing and Dark Beings - All cleric magic causes agony to unholy beings. However, Priest Healing connection does not allow for them to hold contact upon the unholy creature, and the healer would almost immediately be overwhelmed by their light and rendered unconscious, as they are trying to "heal" infinite taint without sufficient power. The same result would occur if a cleric attempted to use their magic on the creations and magic of unholy entities. As for the dark beings, upon being touched by the healing light, they would feel as though they had attempted to touch a boiling hot piece of metal with the area that was touched. Priest Healing and Dark Beings 2#: The only tainted beings that can be healed by a clerics are Shades and Fjarrauga (Frost Witches), but their wounds are far more difficult for a cleric to heal than a normal mortal’s. The Shade would feel mild discomfort at the presence of the light and a cleric would be half as effective healing them as a Descendant, and a Frost Witch would feel incredible pain while a cleric would be a fourth as effective healing them. Soul puppetry and Shades - Tethers created through soul puppetry can be removed in the same way as newly-born shades. The connection between a soul puppet and the victim forged by a soul puppeteer is a curse, and is broken by operating on the victim (not the puppet). Newly-born shades require a powerful war cleric to exorcise, as does ghost possession. These would be done at great pain to the host. This is done by burning the tethers between the curse/shade and the victim through the use of Purification. Redlines for Priest Healing Priest Healing is not an offensive magic in any shape or form. Although Light in any form causes extreme pain to dark creatures, the cleric will be quickly exhausted and fall unconscious within seconds of attempting to purge the unholy being. Resurrection is impossible for clerics. Only the monks have power to do revive the dead. Full Regeneration (the growing) of complete limbs (i.e., arms and legs) is impossible for clerics. Regeneration of extremities (fingers, eyes, et cetera) is mostly impossible. While full regeneration of a limb (such as fully regenerating a whole leg) is impossible, a cleric needs at least part of the extremity in order to regenerate it. If it is attempted, the regenerated thing shall flake and turn into dead tissue that disappears by the end of the Elven day. Extremities of simple muscle and cartilage, such as the nose, outer ear, and tongues, can be gradually regenerated over a minimum of three healing sessions within a week of the removal. If attempted after a week, the tissue would flake off and be gone by the end of the Elven day. Clerics cannot also regenerate blood that is lost, therefore the patient will slowly recover from blood-loss naturally. A cleric with Priest Healing cannot possess or learn a Dark Art. They must lose their unholy connection prior to receiving the holy one. A cleric with Priest Healing cannot possess or learn Arcane magic while connected. If possessed prior to connection, the cleric’s ability to use the Arcane art would diminish to half the original tier upon connection. It would halve again once the cleric reaches Tier 2, and would be unusable by Tier 3. All cleric magic, no matter IC belief, comes from Tahariae unless specified otherwise by the LT. Connection of body parts that were not originally the patient's is impossible, i.e. replacing an eye or transplanting an organ. If it is attempted, the connected organ or limb shall flake and turn into dead tissue that disappears by the end of the Elven day. A cleric cannot draw body infused taint into a gem. Lore for this taint-holding gem would have to be written. Any old gem or a blessed gem cannot hold taint. You can't use cleric magic to expel sizable amounts of non-biological material from the body, such as water from lungs after drowning or large pieces of shrapnel. Tiny amounts of material that cannot be removed mundanely can be destroyed with cleric magic. These materials will have to be removed mundanely. It is the patient's choice whether or not a healing works. If they do not wish for the healing to work, or want scars, then the cleric's magic shall have no or little effect. Mental healing cannot be done in a single session or without the communication seen in a therapy session. It requires multiple sessions and a proper therapy session. This is done through the use of Calming Light on the mind and mundane therapy sessions. However, clerics cannot heal mental illnesses or mental disabilities such as dyslexia, etc. Healing can take multiple emotes but summoning the light must take a minimum of two emotes -the first including the prayer, while the second involves the light coming forth. The next emotes can vary, while vanishing the light can take one or two emotes. (Art belongs to unknown artist) War Clericalism ‘Go forth with My Power, and eradicate the impurity within the realm. Do not allow the darkness to reign over the realm and harm all. With the light of war, shall you be able to combat the darkness and help purity prevail.” War Clericalism is the act of calling upon Tahariae’s light for the use of combat against the darkness that roams the realm in the form of undead, dark beings, and dark mages. To Tahariae, these beings are a disgrace to His ideal world of purity, a stain upon a white canvas that needs to be removed. Thus, the art of War Clericalism was formed to combat against these threats and ensure that purity is kept through such. Those who know this art are capable of summoning orbs of light that knocks back foes, while others can bring forth chains of light to held tie down an impure while another cleric goes to finish it off. The stronger the cleric’s light is, the more capable and powerful the cleric will be against the darkness. It should be noted that unlike Priest Healing, War Clericalism requires a light that is more chaotic and unstable, which can be powered through the use of emotions such as rage, fury, and determination. As stated in ‘Effects of the Light’, the longer a dark being is touched by a light, the more pain and physical injuries are caused by such. This certainly applies here with war clericalism, the very art made to harm dark beings. The Holy War Light, Palm of Radiance, and Chains of Damned follow this process - the dark being will be slowly burned the longer they are touched physically by these spells, but they can pull away when able. This harm rate takes an estimated five to six emotes/turns to increase to a mortally dangerous level (when the light will cause a great amount of damage to the physical body such as burning through the flesh). Simply holding the dark being while your hands and body are surrounded in light will also follow this same effect. Spells such as Pulsing Light, Orb of Light and Sacred Aegis are more defence based or vanish a few seconds after contact, meaning that the burning effect will not occur for these spells as contact will never be held at a longer period upon contact with a dark being or mage. Flames of Reckoning, however, holds a faster harm rate than the other war cleric spells, due to the raw power and emotions within the spell. The flames will cause more damage than the normal spells, thus making this spell more dangerous towards dark beings. This harm rate will take an estimated two minutes to increase to a mortally dangerous level (when the light will cause a great amount of damage to the physical body such as burning through the flesh). However, in exchange for this power, the clerics themselves will find themselves more exhausted and tired as they keep fuelling this particular spell. War Clericalism spells do not affect descendants or dark mages exactly how they harm dark beings but can instead still cause blunt damage through force and physics. For example: being struck by an Orb of Light will not burn the descendant but the small explosion will be enough to knock them back - this applies for Pulsing Light, Orb of Light, and Chains of Damnation (which can cause slight crushing when tightened). Each spell requires a different level of expertise. As a rule, offensive spells should take at least three emotes to summon the light, and a fourth to cast the spell, in order to keep roleplay fights fair. As with priest healing, war cleric magic is a gradual growth, not one of incremental leaps in power after given time periods. Following are the descriptions and lengths of time a cleric is considered each tier. Clerics can roleplay the magic however they see fit and however they interpret the magic, provided it does not powergame or break the lore. Some spells will have an Advanced Form within their description, explaining that there’s an advance part of the spell that can be achieved when a higher tier is reached. The Spells of War Clericalism Redlines for War Clericalism A cleric with War Clericalism cannot possess or learn a Dark Art. They must lose their unholy connection prior to receiving the holy one. A cleric with War Clericalism cannot possess or learn Arcane magic while connected. If possessed prior to connection, the cleric’s ability to use the Arcane art would diminish to half the original tier upon connection. It would halve again once the cleric reaches Tier 2, and would be unusable by Tier 3. All cleric magic, no matter IC belief, comes from Tahariae unless specified otherwise by the LT. Pulsing light does not hold a powerful enough force to send foes flying into a wall 40 blocks away from where you are standing. The cleric must be 1-2 blocks close to their opponent to be able to use this spell effectively. Palm of Radiance will temporarily blind others and clerics but not the cleric using the spell. You cannot force someone to be permanently blinded by the Palm of Light spell. Orb of Light allows for a maximum of four orbs to be summoned at once - with two floating around the cleric on standby, while the other two are ready to be thrown. The two orbs on standby MUST be moved to the cleric’s hand in order to be thrown. While clerics can mentally move the light within a five inch radius of their body, trying to throw the orb mentally out of the radius will result in the orb fading as it requires physical movement to be successfully thrown. Sacred Aegis cannot be used to shield anyone else but the cleric in terms of using the spell on. A cleric can, however, act as a meat shield, when using this spell. However, this spell only blocks dark magic and dark-based attacks - it will not be effective against normal physical or magic attacks. Furthermore, when the shield breaks, it will take an OOC hour for the cleric to be able to reuse another one. Chains of Damnation can be broken by strength and both magical and physical means. An estimated three attacks will be enough to shatter the chains by any means, depending on how powerful the person is. The max limit for the length of the chains are fifteen blocks and clerics can only summon two, one in either hand. Clerics are to not abuse this spell. Additionally - the Chains of Damnation can assist in haltering movements but the cleric cannot pull a living person towards them swiftly as physically, the cleric lacks the strength to pull the person towards them. The cleric must slowly recall the chain to them in order to bring their opponent towards them. Objects heavier than a cart full of objects will be impossible for one cleric to pull. Holy Alteration "I bestow upon you, My Servants, the power of Alteration. Give mortals blessed weapons so they too can aid in ceasing the darkness, and form walls of light to shelter, discover, imprison, and reduce the impurity within an area of choice. Be steadfast and true, and bring forth glory to My Name and My Mission” Holy Alteration is the subtype of Clericalism that allows for clerics to imbue their light within objects and areas in order to help reduce the amount of impurity when a cleric is not around, as well as aid clerics upon fighting the darkness. It is an old art rediscovered during Vailor and has grown to become a vital art within the clerics to this day. It is not uncommon to see a cleric or a guard walking with a weapon surrounded by one of Tahariae’s holy lights, or a city bombarded with spooks now bearing a holy ward to help protect the citizens within. There are three sets of spells within this area: Blessing, Wards, and Sanctify of the Dead. Blessing is the imbuing of light within an object to give it clerical properties, such as healing, damaging, the ability to store light, or a unique property. Warding is the imbuing of light within a selected area to bring forth a wall of light capable of disabling disguises made by dark magic, quarantining taint within the land, and disarming the use of dark magic within a certain radius. Lastly, Sanctify of the Dead is the imbuing of light in the form of a seal upon a dead body to prevent it from being turned into an undead, allowing for a secure burial and that the body is not used for dark means. The Spells of Holy Alteration Divine Wardenism ‘Come My Wardens, take My Light and meld it with the power of the sun. Let the two become one and open up a path to more purity. Wield fire and water alike to aid My Mission and spread the glory of My Name.” Divine Wardenism is a subtype of clericalism that is based around the concept of imbuing the light of the sun with the power of Tahariae. Whereas the normal clericalism allows for light to be manifested through the soul, Divine Wardens cannot due to this light being considerably more extensive power, even trying to pull forth that degree of power through a mortal vessel would surely do considerably more harm than good. This power relies upon both the radiance of the sun and Tahariae’s power, combining his own power with its beaming light to bless either water or flame into certain states. Unfortunately this comes at the cost for outside the reign of the sun, as the moon rises and casts its dreaded shadow his power too comes to fade. Thus, without a light-well present any blessings will fade. This subtype is known for being more ritual-based and advanced than the other areas, allowing newer and useful spells to be used. The lore for this subtype can be found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/148130-clericalism-the-divine-warden/ Acknowledgement I would like to give a huge thanks to: Ventusyr - Massive thank you to Ventusyr who wrote the previous clerical lore and served a major part within the clerical community. Sad to know you have left but I am relieved you are doing much better in life now. This lore is dedicated to you, mate. The Adherent Clerics - Thank you all for the encouragement and idea giving, I probably would have given up on this if it wasn’t for you guys encouraging me on writing this lore. Love you all! Sutican Clerics - Thank you for giving your voices and views on the revamp, even if some of your ideas were wacky and a bit extreme - the awesome and badass extreme we did not need (well we need but the LT would not approve of) Cleric community - Thank you all, regardless of order or IC views, for being patient for this revamp. I know it took much longer than anticipated but the lore is now more explained and less confusing than Ventusyr’s. I trust you all to follow this lore but also use it to have fun on the server. The Dark community - Thank you all for you input, as well as providing RP for the clerics since the very beginning. I hope this roleplay makes things more interesting for you all and that you won’t feel as though the clerics are overpowering you. Vailoen /Delmodan - Cheers for giving me advice and feedback when I needed it, plus giving me inspiration and determination when I had none. Nekkore - Helped provide the Pulsing Light spell and aided in giving feedback on the lore when I needed it most. Lynxy - Thank you for working with me during the first draft of the revamp and I am sorry your ideal for war clericalism did not work out. However, your idea did provide some inspiration so you may have seen some of it worked into this lore. Pandann - Thanks for creating the Divine Warden Lore and helping me start off this project. Squirtgun - Thank you for assisting with the wards and helping in giving some feedback during our talks. Although we had a rough start, I am glad for your input (P.S: Your ward example will be included within the guide, hence why it’s not here) The overall community - Thank you all for being patient while this revamp was underway, as well as providing feedback when I asked for it (ward feedback). This revamp was to make clericalism enjoyable for both the clerics and the general community, so hopefully my effort has paid off here. And that's the lore. If you have any questions before this lore is accepted/declined, please post them below and I will answer them the best I can. If afterwards, PM myself or whoever the cleric lore rep is.
  7. Guest

    Daelish Culture

    -= The Daelish =- The Daelish people are a subculture of the Highlander race, they are much more brutish and “less developed” than the majority of Highlanders. Preferring town life to that of city life like others. They are distinguishable by their unique and stark clothing compared to others. The Daelish males don a kilt representing their clans tartan while the females wear their clans tartan as other accessories such as a shawl, hat or leggings. Clan Life Clan life is an important part of the Daelish culture, Daelish are either born into a clan or adopted by a clan at a later stage in their life. Clans enforce a competitive atmosphere within the Daelish. Each clan striving to be better than the next, many activities are done within your clan and clan brawls are a common occurrence to occur to show a clan's strength over the other. Each clan teaches its members to do certain things in specific, something which the clan focuses on. This could be mining, woodcutting or anything really. This way if clans are unified in a society then they can be self sufficient without having to rely on others and outsiders to source them materials, work or help. The current known Daelish clans which are unified under the Cyning Callan Gromach: Clan Gromach - The current leading clan, lead by Callan Gromach who unified the Daelish clans all under him. The clan rarely adopt anyone into their ranks, only furthering their clan by births. Their side-focus is on mining, with of course their main role being to lead and continue to unify and improve the Daelish and their standing in Tahn. Clan Ferguson - Ferguson is a clan that is responsible for feeding and keeping a constant flow of minas into the society. It is a fairly old clan filled with competent traders and farmers. Clan Guthrie - Clan Guthrie is a relatively new clan compared to the rest, being recently birthed by a strong daelishman. Their focus is on a variety of things: Tinkering, Fishing and Woodcutting. They are some of the more intelligent Daelish and have recently been tasked with creating the mechanisms scattered across their towns to slow attacks from raiders. Clan Drummond - Clan Drummond is one of the oldest existing clans and its primary focus is on mining and smithing, providing ores and equipment to the Daelish. However, one thing different about this clan is they have a duo leadership which is maintained by a sister and brother of the clan. Music The well-known bagpipe music is a core part of Daelish culture. It's famous for it's extraordinary sounds that many hate or love. Aside from their bagpipes, the Daelish aren't great fans of other forms of music, never really learning any other music or partaking in other forms of music other than their traditional bagpipe music. Religion The Daelish are open to any religion, with some being of the usual canonist faith, however a good majority have formed under the Cantyrist faith as Cathal of the Daeland has created the faith and preached it to their society, converting many. The Cantyrist Faith believes that The Creator is a enigmatic craftsman of life, going under many aliases and titles troughout culture, Cantyrism believes that The Creator does not directly intervene but instead grant mortals the ability to manipulate and change the world around them. The Cantyrist church thrives off conflict and competition. It believes that the mortal races are at their best when they are in competition of one and another. The Clergy of the Cantyrist Church are known as warrior priests, they are expected to wear armor, and fight in wars like the soldiers they represent. It holds a religious importance for the concept of War, battle, and honor. Teaching that men and women need to fight to keep what is theirs and that actions speak louder than words. Voidal magic is allowed by the church, with the exception being Illusion, which is frowned upon. The Clergy are structured like a military instead of a religious order, with rank determined by merit and ability on the battlefield as well as religious piety. Instead of venerating and strictly following the Holy Scrolls of Canonism, the Cantyrist Church has their own sacred book simply titled "The Book of Trials". Which details the eight Tenets of Cantyrism and their importance, as well as the accomplishments of mortals. The book venerates mortal willpower and their ability to change history around them, with every member of the Clergy given a copy of the book, in order to add more legends and heroes to the growing chapters of the Book of Trials. Government The government of the Daelish is kept rather simple, with only a handful of ranks within the government being on offer. These are: Cyning - The Cyning is the leader of the Daelish, they have the most authority out of everyone in the Daelish and the cyning is the one to make the most important decisions and is the one to appoint other members of the government. Ealdormen - The Ealdormen is a council that doesn't have a fixed number, it can range anywhere between 2 to 5 people. They are advisors who the Cyning confides in and gets their opinion. Some cynings have been known to use a voting system with their Ealdormen to pass certain decisions. Gesith - A Gesith is a personal assistant of a Cyning or Ealdormen, whether their assistance being in advisory, guarding or cooking. They tend to be very good at their role in assisting the person in question. Earl - An Earl is a landholder within the Daelish lands, they normally hold a large portion of land and/or have Thegns underneath him. Thegn - A Thegn is a landholder within the Daelish lands, they normally have a small portion of land. The current holdings within the Daeland are as followed: -Ponce Ponce is a small town located west of Metz, it is currently owned by the Flays after their campaign against Lorraine years ago. Where they managed to succeed and claim all lands owned by Lorraine that are west of their capital, Metz. The town has been expanded greatly under Daelish leadership to suit for all its populace, it has become a good attraction to many as they seem intrigued by the Daelish and their different personality.
  8. Legends say that a blade of immense power was forged within the great blazing fire of Krug’s volcano, they say that this blade was folded over 10,000 times; its handle carved of an ancient tree that dates back to the time of Krug himself; it has seen countless battles, and tasted the blood of over a thousand elves… This sword was once said to have held up a mountain, and was wielded by Krug as he fought back Iblees and was said to have almost cut him in half. It's said in an ancient scroll that this sword is only one of a legendary set of weapons known as the ‘Kuhtlerry’ and is known as the strongest weapon of the bunch; it was said that it once deflected a meteor back at the Sun… After a thousand years this mighty blade has reappeared in the Nub Clan's lair, presenting itself to the Leader of the clan, Schnub'nub. The spirit of fire, Skathach, blesses this blade and chooses the most worthy member of the Nub clan to lead the clan and wield the blade. When in the hands of the chosen owner, the blade would glow with brilliant heat and be able to cut through most organic materials like butter. This is the first of many Nub Clan relics. a fearless Nub Clan leader readying himself for a duel, Dah BuTtUhr Knyfe sheathed
  9. The Ever Up and Ever Down Cakes: The Ever up and Ever down cakes are like the very iconic cakes in Alice in Wonderland. The Ever Up cake makes you bigger, whereas the Ever down cake either returns you to your original height or the other way around. The reason I think this would be an amazing is that it leads to amazing roleplay. Perhaps you're buying something from a bakery and they trick you into eating this, or maybe it was an accident. Either way, it would be funny, intriguing and great roleplay. On the other hand, for those with the More Player Modules, this piece of lore would be so fun and great as you'd even have the ability to visually morph the size of your character if they have eaten it. Discovery: On a dreary winter night in Veris, 1517, Mrs Cavellia and Her husband accompanied by their two children were messing around in their kitchen; the snow outside the windows falling ever so slowly and the fire inside their house flailing like a castle banner. Come closer to the later evening they decided it would've been a good idea to start combining ingredients and to see if they could make something delicious. Their youngest son of 7 Years was opening cabinets randomly whilst pulling out random ingredients: A small bag of tippen's root, a pouch of Serpent's Stalk and a litter of Athin. Whilst the rest of them were bothering on about their own food Charlie (The seven-year-old) started to combine his new ingredients with the recipe of a small cake biscuit. His parents also naive would go to plop his creation into the oven without contemplating the odd usage of empty bags and plates. One hour later when the cake was finished, Charlie pleaded to take the first bite: so they let him. Chomp! His small teeth plastered into the cake and within seconds he had grown almost double the height of his father! They screamed and they howled, however, they could do nothing to bring him back. Forever he lived the rest of his life the size of an orc. <------ Ever Up Biscuit Twenty Years Later, 1537, on quite a simple morning of Spring Harvest there was a Natural Philosophiser who was expecting his niece around any hour. He quickly went to the kitchen and started to cook up one of his grandma's famous cakes: the flour, the eggs and all you need for a cake. However, upon implementing the last ingredient a small cabinet swung down, dropping two new portions of Elf's Hair and Goblin's Ivy into the mixture. "I have no time!" he thought, so he just coughed them all together hoping nothing better or nothing worse. When his niece came around, however, he was not expecting her to shrink to the size of a halfling when she took a nice bite from the cake. Luckily, the recipe for Ever Up had already been passed around, so he quickly made this and allowed her to grow back to normal size. His recipe would also lead to be spread around in libraries, however, both the Ever Up and Ever Down still not very well known. <----- Ever Down Biscuit Effects: Ever Up: The ever up biscuit gives the eater a large and extremely rapid height boost, taking into action within seconds of entering the stomache. However, upon eating you will gain a slight nasueatic and very light headed. Ever Down: This biscuit will make the user lose their height and make them shrink at also an extremely rapid pace, yet they will often feel sick and bloated if it's their first time usage of the substance. Combat RP: For example if you were to give the Ever Up Cake to someone of already huge size, they would not grow as much as someone small but still significantly, giving them an upper hand against their opponent, depending on their size. However, they would still have the same amount of strength, no matter how high or small they are, being bigger does NOT grant them more strength, and being small does not grant them any less. So only small bits, like them blocking hallways, grabbing more etc. etc. would be effected. Recipe Preposition: 1x - Tippen's Root 3x - Serpent's Stalk 2x Athin
  10. A Gift From The Skies: Muun’Trivazja Introduction: This lore piece has a companion! While you may be a rebel who doesn’t play by the rules, it would be best if you read The Moon and the Maker first. It details Metztli, and fleshes out the Daemon of Time further. This lore, A Gift From the Skies, goes into the mechanics of the magic gifted to followers of Metztli. While the magic will remain a predominantly Kharajyr-controlled magic, any who follow the path of the Moon-Mother are given the opportunity to learn it. Think of it like Runebinding, or Shamanism. Muun’Trivazja is the magic gifted to the priesthood of Metztli. The goddess granted her most devout limited control over her divine energy, Muun’. With this power, the priesthood has been capable of great feats, though they come at a cost. Blindness and premature aging are common amongst members of the priesthood as a result with meddling with divine powers. The original Sages, who first received Metztli’s blessing, wielded Muun’ similar to the casters of other orders. However, in their arrogance, they rose too high and spited the goddess. To humble them, Metztli cursed the order with the burden of the Moonpool, a well of divine energy where casters of the order must bathe to refill their stores of Muun’. Muun’Trivazja is composed of three faucets; Moonbinding, Moongazing and Cronoshaping. These arts must be taught individually, alongside how to store Muun’. As a practitioner of the art becomes more adept as storing Muun’, they become able to delve further and further into the other aspects of the magic. States of Muun’: There are two basic types of Muun’ utilized in casting, Waking and Sleeping. Sleeping Muun’ energy with no purpose. It is passive energy that the priests are able to store inside themselves and carry with them. However, Muun’ is not an energy natural to the priests and it will seek escape by any means possible. Priests are trained to hold the energy inside of them while they go about life, and once they can hold the energy without fear of leaking, they can begin to expand their capacity. A coalition of priests, traditionally known as a pride, is able to pool their Muun’ in order to accomplish greater feats of magic, with each priest fueling the spell from their own reserves. Once a priest activates the Muun’ inside them it becomes Waking Muun’. Waking Muun’ is the visible aspect of Muun’Trivazja. It is energy in action, power with a purpose. Once a priest casts a spell, a portion of their Sleeping Muun’ is transformed into Waking Muun’ and escapes from them, given a purpose. Muun’Trivazja: “The Moon-Mother granted us a chance at redemption. After the first of the Sages fled, taking their hearsay with them, Metztli gifted to the new Priesthood a power unmatched by any of the new land; The power to grind mountains to dust and see what cannot be seen. The power to fight against Absyyl and its servants. The power of the Moon, Muun’Trivazja. ~The Dead-Sky Scrolls | A New Order The first skill an acolyte of the priesthood learns is the art of storing Muun’. Due to the arrogance of their predecessors, priests of Metztli do not naturally regenerate their divine energy. They must instead fill their stores at Moonpools, wells of energy fueled by a portion of Metztli’s Daemonic energy. Attunement to the goddess simply grants a priest the ability to hold this energy inside themselves. Muun’Trivazja is the baseline progression for a practitioner of the magic Each art must be trained individually, but they are useless if a priest is unable to muster the energy to maintain them. Essentially, a priest cannot cast spells with energy they do not have, therefore they cannot increase their tier in one of the other arts without first attaining that tier in Muun’Trivazja. Moonbinding (Teltica): “They adorned themselves with the same blue stones that decorated the temple. It hung from necklaces, bracelets, they even pierced their ears and lips with the stuff. The things seem unstable though. I saw one of the earring-wearers slam into a wall, and lose half their face in the resulting explosion.” ~Tales of the Kharajyr Moonbinding is the art of charging a piece of specially prepared lapis-lazuli with Muun’, granting it mystical power. To begin, a Moonbinder must select a block of lapis, the holy stone of Metztli, and carve it to shape. The stone must then be engraved with images and prayers in Kharahatla. These help to focus the mind of the enchanter towards the task at hand. The stone is then filled with Muun’ from the crafter, a process known as Attuning. This transforms the lapis into a piece of Charged Lapis, giving the Muun’ inside of it a task to accomplish when it is activated. Once a Moonbound relic is Attuned, the Muun’ inside of it is Living and cannot be harnessed or redefined. The object may be refilled with Muun’ from another source, a priest may even allow the relic to draw from their own reserves of Sleeping energy instead of its own, but once it runs out, the Charged Lapis violently explodes, spraying shards of stone in all directions. The purpose of the stone is left up to the crafter, however seeing as the enchantment is fueled by Muun’, the relic is only able to accomplish a task that is possible with the magic in the first place. This means that a Moonbinder is unable to craft objects with enchantments that are impossible through Muun’Trivazja. Cronoshaping: “It is said the Sages of old could tear vast temples from the past. They would gather, a pride of priests circling the ruins, and begin their chant. The Moon-Mother’s gift would swirl around them until, block by block, the building would stand tall once more.” ~Upon the Altars of Old | Book II Cronoshaping is the most powerful of the priestly arts, as it allows a practitioner limited control over Metztli’s dominion, time. A Cronoshaper expels the Muun’ stored inside of them, and utilizes it to manipulate the way time flows in the area. The Muun’ manifests itself as a thick swirling fog, ranging from blue to a deep purple color. The mist itself is malleable, and may be shaped by a member of the priesthood into a number of forms. The most common are either domes or waves of Muun’ projected over the area the caster wishes to effect. Once an area is shrouded in a priest’s Muun’, they sever it from the natural flow of time and begin to move it in accordance to their will. While Cronoshaping allows the user to manipulate time, it still has its limits. Cronoshaping is incapable of effecting unwilling targets. This is because Cronoshaping depends on the priest being able to anticipate the actions within the section they have severed. If a Muun’Trivazja user attempts to Cronoshape a once-strong wall into a crumbling ruin, they are able to because they know that given time stone will inevitably fall to pieces. Once a variable enters into the equation, the Cronoshaper is unable to anticipate how they will move through the new flow of time. As a result, anything the variable interacts with will also become an unknown quantity in its own right. This accumulation of unknowns shatters the veil of Muun’, as the priest is no longer able to anticipate what happens along the timestream. This is known as a Variable Cascade, and will result in the spell shattering. Cronoshaping is also unable to rewind an object past the time of its creation. For example, a rusted sword could be rewound to a point where it was once usable, but it could not be taken past that point and turned into the raw iron that was used to forge the blade. A crumbling wall could be rewound to a point where it once stood proud, but could not be taken back to the mortar and stones used to build the wall. This is called the Law of Temporal Conservation. The magic, however, comes with a price. As a priest continues to manipulate time, they will grow hunched and wizened. Dipping into the flow of time will prematurely age a practitioner of the art. Cronoshapers tend to age half again as fast as is normal, leaving them weaker and frailer than they were. Moongazing: “Ja’Sutal burst into the palace, ranting and raving. He ran through the doors of the palace, yanking tapestries from walls and goblets from hands. The young priest screamed of things to come; An army of beasts, ships being sent out to sea, and watching over it all a great eye of fire. He was pronounced mad by the Sages, though now he is heralded as the first Moongazer.” ~Upon the Altars of Old | Book III Moongazing is the most respected art a member of the priesthood may master. When a priest turns their eyes towards the ebb and flow of time, they must learn to focus their Muun’ into a lense through which to see the world; Turning their eyes to the future or the past. When a Moongazer turns their eyes to the timestream they channel their Muun’ into a sort of lense, allowing them to see into various points in time. A Moongazer may turn their eyes to past events, but never past the point of Non-Remembering, where Ancient History meets the rest of time. No priest is able to pass that point, simply because their bodies cannot hold enough Muun’ to go that far back. A Moongazer is also unable to see events leading up to their death, attempting to do so shatters the vision as the mind is unable to comprehend its own death. When a priest Moongazes, their eyes light up with a radiant white light. They fall into a trance, seeing that which has been or will be. Gazing into the past is the simplest aspect of the art, requiring the least amount of Muun’ to maintain. As a priest turns their eyes to more recent events, the spell requires more and more Muun’ to maintain. Once a priest passes the present, the spell requires less Muun’ to maintain. Then as one passes the present and moves onto the future, the energy cost is lessened but the visions swiftly grow vague and imprecise. To begin, Moongazing the past is the simplest of arts. A priest simply focuses their Muun’, and turns their eyes to events long past. Gazing in this manner uses up the least amount of energy out of all the arts of Muun’Trivazja. A skilled practitioner is able to turn their eyes to events long past for hours at a time. One of the most respected aspects of Moongazing takes place while searching the past. Namecallers are Moongazers who have dedicated their life to seeking out the names and histories of those fallen from Ilhuicatl. When a Kharajyr dies on the Isles of Endless Night, their name and deeds are wiped from memory. However, their past remains, open for Moongazers to search through. Namecallers spend their lives searching through ancient tomes and Gazing the past, searching for the names and legacies of those forgotten by the rest. Seeing the future is an imprecise art at the best of times. Specifics are withheld in favor of omens and symbolism. Some say this is because the future in itself is unknowable, other say the goddess does it intentionally to keep her priests from knowing more than is good for them. Whatever the reason, seeing into the future will never give a direct answer. It will always be shrouded in uncertainty. Some visions may never come to pass in the first place, the future being an unknowable and ever-changing place. Moongazing the present is the most difficult art a priest can learn. To see the future, one requires a totem that holds a strong link to the object to be scryed. The more direct the link, the stronger the vision will be. Distance also affects the strength of the link. The further something is from the Moongazer, the more difficult it is to envision them. Long distances may be offset by a better link, blood or bone being the strongest, and vice versa. Moongazing does have its limits however. Gazing into the present will only show things directly linked to the totem, and nothing else. A stone from a castle wall will show only the castle, and not the inhabitants moving about inside. A bloodstain will reveal the bearer of the blood, but not their surroundings. Extended Moongazing comes at a price, the eyesight of the Gazer. Moongazer will gradually lose their sight as they continue to peer into events beyond their ken; Their irises fade until their eyes and their vision are completely and totally blank. The Stone of Metztli: “The Stone was found floating above the waters of the Temple. It was jagged and sharp, a blade that hung in the air above the sacred pool. The Kha’ were drawn to it, like moths to a flame. They felt the pull of the Moon-Mother upon them and they could not turn back.” ~Upon the Altars of Old | Book IV When the first Kharajyr fled from the crumbling Khalenwyr Empire, they landed on the new land to start anew. The remaining Sages, humbled by the creation of the Moonpools, were reluctant to spread their art further. They fled from the fledgeling Empire, vanishing from Kharajyr society into the deep jungles of Anthos. Their shame drove them from their people, taking their gift with them. Metztli watched as one by one, the Sages succumbed to the dangers of the land. Without pity, she watched as those who had dared rise beyond their station fell and crumbled to dust. Satisfied that her people had once more been turned from the path of Absyyl, she granted her people one final boon. She traveled once more to the Well of Moonlight and picked up the knife that lay at the shores of the great lake. She hurled the lapis knife, dark with the dried blood of the goddess into the glowing water. It sank, falling through the crack into the Mortal Realm and manifesting itself above the waters of the temple. So the Stone of Metztli, and the Athosian Moonpool came into being. The Stone of Metztli granted the Kharajyr the ability to forge a connection with the Moon-Mother. The wisest and most devout were chosen to become the first of the new Priesthood. Guided by the goddess, these Kharajyr were granted visions of a ceremony they were to undertake in order to forge a connection to the Well of Moonlight like the Sages of old. They were taught through visions how to store Muun’ from the new Moonpool and utilize their new abilities to their fullest extent. These new practicioners of Muun’Trivazja created the first centralized Priesthood of Metztli, the order that continues to this day. Should the stone shatter, it will eventually reform itself. The magic that sustains the stone is a form of temporal Moonbinding far beyond the ability of any priest; It allows the stone to reform in a random location once it is shattered, turning back the clock on its own demise. Several times throughout history the Stone has been broken, and the Priesthood has always been able to track it through Moongazing due to their internal link with the stone. The Ritual of Attunement is the process used to connect prospective priests to the Well of Moonlight. It is a lengthy process known only to the oldest of the Priesthood, and is their best kept secret. All that is known is that the Ritual requires the Stone of Metztli to be properly executed. It is not always successful, and those that fail are cast, raving and clawing at their eyes from the order. The Ritual of Disconnection is a similar practice used to shatter the bond between a priest and the Well. Knowledge of this process is even rarer than that of the Ritual of Attunement, and is often reserved to the head of the current Priesthood. Much like the Ritual of Attunement, it requires the presence of the Stone of Metztli, though not much is known beyond that.
  11. The Moon and the Maker: Kharajyr Mythos Metztli, the Moon-Mother: “Fruits of life do beg my pardon, / roaming astray my endless garden. / My will sees metal turn to rust, / And men grow tall from all but dust. / Find me not in book or tome, / For I am the breath and life of home. / Forge noble beasts and kings that reign, / I do this time and time again.” ~Visions of Nightfall | The Second Prophecy Metztli is the goddess and creator of the Kharajyr. Old tales speak of her spiriting away children in the dead of night, with only the stars to witness, to bring to an island paradise of her own making. There she fused the children body and soul with the ocelots of the island through many twisted, magic-riddled experiments. Casting the husks of her failures into the sea, Metztli toiled on until one night the fruits of her labors were rewarded. Upon the beaches of the island stood an ocelot in human guise, his fur white as freshly fallen snow. The first of the Kharajyr was born, Tla’Jhaan, he of the purest form. Metztli was filled with the maternal need to protect her creation, to nurture him in a cold and unforgiving world. She had created the pinnacle of perfection, and sought to replicate her accomplishment, but could never achieve the level of beauty imbued in the first. Nevertheless, she continued to fill the island with other, lesser copies of her creation until the day came where they were able to sustain themselves. She then left, departing the island to leave her children to thrive on their own. Though the Kharajyr had no knowledge of the horror behind their creation, they continued to live on their island paradise, presuming they were always there and always would be. They had no inkling that a divine power had created them, and their worship was nonexistent. To the ancient tribes, survival was all that mattered. Metztli, feeling neglected by the very things she had birthed, decided to become once more entwined in the lives of her children. She returned to the Kha’, gifting their sages and priests with signs and visions, hoping they would unravel the secret of their own creation. Absyyl, the Enemy: “Absyyl, the name of the Sun. It would come; taking the form of a great wolf, black as soot with a single burning eye. Absyyl, the Enemy, who wishes for nothing more than the end of all of Metztli’s creation. Absyyl, who would burn the land to cinders in with his wrath against the Moon-Mother.” ~The Black Prophecy | Book I Absyyl is the enemy of all in the Kharajyr faith. Even speaking its name is a grave crime against the Priesthood. Often referred to as simply the Enemy, Absyyl represents all that is unholy and profane in to the Kha’. It is often portrayed as a wolf, a single burning eye set in the middle of its forehead. In later times, servants of the sun are depicted wearing red robes, and often appear to lead the Kha’ astray. Kharajyr mythology holds to the belief that Abyssl is the sun, the antithesis of all that is holy in Kha’ culture. Legend tells that after Metztli unleashed her creation onto the land, Abyssl grew furious with jealousy. He turned his wrath upon Metztli’s children, shining down harsh and unforgiving as he sought to destroy all that his rival has wrought. However, in his fury, Abyssl shone too bright, and could only light half of the night sky. The other half was left for Metztli, and is from where she looks down upon her creation. The Isle of Endless Night, Ilhuicatl: “Tales have long been told of Ilhuicatl. It goes by many names, the Isle of Endless Night, the Mountain of the Mist, the Palace of Moonlight, but only the Kharajyr know it by its first name; Home.” ~Ja’Kussak | The Nature of Death When the creation of the Kharajyr was complete, Metztli left them to develop a civilization of their own upon the shores of an unnamed island. There they lived, until a terrible crime was committed by one of their own. Patricide, when Tla’Xerdun killed his father and took leadership over his crumbling empire. This crime could not go unpunished, and in her fury, Metztli brought ruin to the island, prompting the Kharajyr to sail west to new lands. However, Metztli had made a mistake in her anger. The purging of the Khalenwyr Empire had left hundreds dead, and due to her tampering, their spirits were cursed to walk the mortal plain forever, deprived of the rest they so desperately wished for. Metztli was wracked with grief over the destruction she had wrought, and tried to set things right. She pulled the shattered pieces of the island from the depths of the ocean and, using them as a template, recreated the isle in her own realm. She then gathered up the souls of the Kharajyr, shunned from any other afterlife, and gave them a place by her side in this new life, Ilhuicatl. The Isles of Endless Night are the closest thing Kharajyr religion has to an afterlife. The islands are told to be a peaceful place, with white beaches and shaded jungles. The entirety of the island is shrouded in mist, for there is no sky above Ilhuicatl. The only light comes from the Kharajyr themselves, who shine with a pale silver radiance. Those who live on the isles often form small villages deep in the jungles of the land. Several have reported visiting the Isle of Endless Night. There are places in this land where the barrier between Ilhuicatl and the Mortal Realm is thin, and in those places travelers are able to pass through the veil. Gates to Metztli’s realm appears mundane, a dark cave or a spring deep in the jungle. They lie their head down for a rest by the spring, or follow a light deep within the cave, to emerge in the Isle of Endless Night. These ventures cannot last long, however. If a mortal is to fall while exploring Ilhuicatl, they will awaken where they entered. Great beasts stalk the land, shadowy figures that lurk in the darkest jungles and the deepest lakes. Some sources of Kha’ lore tell that these beasts were created by Metztli to test her people even in the afterlife. Others say they are servents of Absyyl intruding upon the realm. Whatever their origin, any Kha’ that finds itself in Ilhuicatl is bound to encounter one of the beasts. The Night of Temoatlahuilli: “There is but one thing the Priesthood fears. The Night When the Moon Dies, Temoatlhuilli, for when Muuna’ leaves the sky, the souls of the fallen take up her battle. We do not fear for our lives, for they are in good hands, but for the lives of those who are lost in the battle. There are worse things beyond death, I fear…” ~The Dead-Sky Scrolls | Islands in the Darkness Though there is peace to be found in the afterlife, there is also danger in living with the Moon-Mother. Once a lunar cycle, the moon vanishes from the sky; Metztli leaves the Kharajyr for a night to rest and replenish her strength. In her absence, the Kharajyr of Ilhuicatl are tasked with continuing her eternal struggle against the Enemy, Abyssl. This is known as the Night of Temoatlahuilli, or the Night of the Fading Moon. Temoatlahuilli is an especially holy night to the Kharajyr. It is a night of fear and mourning, for many spirits fall in the battle against the Enemy. When the soul of a Kharajyr dies in Ilhuicatl, they are forgotten. There is nothing else beyond the Isle of Endless Night, and so their name is wiped from memory. It is Abyssl’s greatest victory over Metztli, to wipe one of her creation from the earth, so ceremonies are headed by the Priesthood to lend strength to the Kharajyr of Ilhuicatl. The Well of Moonlight, Metztli’s Intervention: “Ja’Sahra knew nothing more after her vision. She was enraptured by the light that struck the Moonpool, and her eyes lit a radiant white. Her voice deepened, and she spoke, “Follow Rameethar. Raise boats and set to sea like those long dead once did. Flee this land, do not listen to Gazardiel, for he is of the Sun and a servant of the Enemy.” ~Ja’Sahra | The Guidance of the Goddess After the creation of Ilhuicatl, Metztli turned her gaze back to her children. She was shocked to discover that in her absence, tragedy has fallen upon her people. The Kharajyr Empire was falling apart at the seams as a plague swept through her people. The disease resisted all that the Kharajyr attempted to treat it. It spread like wildfire, a curse from the Enemy most likely, as it spread only amongst Metztli’s children. There was nothing they could do to combat the plague, so the goddess took it upon herself to fix her children's troubles once more. Metztli roamed Ilhuicatl for many cycles, searching for a place to begin her new creation. Eventually she found what she sought, a shallow lake deep in the mountains. She stood at the edge of the water, and raised a knife of stone to her hand. In one swift motion, Metztli cut her hand open, and spilled her blood into the pool. The waters began to glow, infused with the blood of a divine. The lake took on a fraction of Metztli’s holy energy, the same energy that has created the Kha’, and gave her a window through which to see her children. As Metztli shed her blood into the waters, a fraction of her power was lost. That power is housed in the swirling waters of her occulus, and remains inaccessible to her. After realizing she could not reclaim what she has sown, Metztli taught the oldest and wisest of her creation how to harness the energy produced by the Well. This is how the first practicioners of Muun’Trivazja came to learn the art. They were taught by the goddess herself through dreams and visions. This creation became know as the Well of Moonlight to the denizens of Ilhuicatl, and is the lense through which Metztli sees the world and the echo of her voice in times of trouble. Through this creation, Metztli is able to reach into the minds of her children and speak through them without fear of becoming mortal. These interactions between Daemon and Mortal are, however, unnatural. The messages are vague and cryptic, and never last long. Meaning is distorted, and much of the communication is left for faith to interpret. The First Moonpool: “The priesthood grew fat and corrupt, gorged like carrion on the Moon-Mothers gift. They became points of worship themselves, as Kharajyr turned to them for guidance instead of looking to Metztli. The Moon-Mother knew something had to be done, lest her people close their eyes and block their ears to their creator once more…” ~The Dead-Sky Scrolls | The First Priesthood As the first of her Sages learned to control the power of the Well, Metztli set them to cure the plague that had decimated her people. The priests did so with ease, using their new powers as easily as they would their own limbs. This caused Metztli to worry. She saw her Sages rising, becoming points of worship themselves. The people looked up to them instead of to her, and they grew arrogant with their new powers. So Metztli walked once more among the Isle, gathering with her a great crowd of Kharajyr. They walked to the peak of the mountain, and Metztli turned their eyes to the Well: “See how my children have turned from me. They have grown complacent and arrogant, gorged from feasting on my gift. I have been shunned by my creation before, I will not allow it to happen again!” Metztli roared out her anger, a cry that shook the Isle. She picked up the stone knife, still dark with her blood, and hurled it deep into the waters. The torrent of energy that had once flowed from the Well to the Sages was severed. Metztli turned once more to the gathered Kha’ and spoke: “I will leave the watching to you, wisest of the wise. No longer will the priesthood draw their gifts directly from my creation; They have lost that honor. Instead they will draw from their own bodies, using only what they can hold. No longer will they forget me, for when their stores run dry, they must come crawling back to my temple.” And with that, Metztli reached through the Well and touched the waters in Her temple. They began to glow, a dim reflection of the Well. A bond was created, not between Metztli and her children, but between the Well and the water. From then on, priests would draw from these Moonpools, and would never again forget their creator and the gift she had given them.
  12. A soiled, tattered notebook is found. The pages are scattered, floating in the stagnated water in which it sat. It’s age is beyond measure, and the pages barely able to be read. Inside, one would find these documents. Beware the vines! I’d been wandering for days through this hell hole- the swamp. Everything is hostile there, I tell you. The plants are sharp and tear at your skin, and the gnats fill the gashes to get at your blood. I was sick and tired of the damned place and was rightly convinced Iblees himself worked up its evil as personal torment for myself. The sun was falling so I righted my tent on the only piece of dry ground I could find- the roots of one of the many drowning trees. I didn’t bother lighting a fire- I was already sweating from the humidity. Wasn’t long before I joined the dream world, as they say. Plop! I felt my forehead light on fire with pain, an angered howl leaving my lips. I got out of the tent fast as I could, blade drawn, half expecting some angry reptile waiting for me. Turns out I couldn’t have been more wrong. A vine, one of the many covering the trees, had grown as I slept. The entire tent was covered with them, steaming with noxious gases. I watched my hard-won tent collapse under them, nothing more than a sizzling pile of mush. These vines I decided to call Ata’lenti, tainted growth in the common. Even as I watched, the vine retracted to the trees and stopped dripping acid. I was shocked, and pretty damn mad. This hellish foliage stole my tent, and I still had months left of places to visit. I raved for a good hour I’d say, oblivious to the fact the vine was growing towards me again. I felt a tendril wrap around my ankle, burning my trousers. I cut it, and the vine retreated again. As a bit of a test, I threw a piece of dried meat near the tree. Even as I watched, the vine grew down and absorbed the ration through that acid. I left mighty fast, and wrote this the minute I was clear of that damned swamp. A few defining features of Ata’lenti is it’s attraction to the swamp trees. In all my travels, it’s the ONLY place I’ve ever seen it. Stuff has a pleasant aroma with small bunches of blue berries and small, round leaves, by appearance alone completely harmless. Don’t touch it! Stuff is dripped with acids, which burn through skin and clothing in seconds. The plant is carnivorous, mainly feasting off the many bugs and animals within the swamp. It grows quickly, as if a Druid itself was controlling it. It’ll surround the meat it plans to eat, absorbing it with the acids. For some odd reason, the trees don’t seem to be affected. Perhaps it saves the acids solely for prey. Beware camping in this swamp! The vine will not hesitate to feast on you while you slee- The page is soaked and stained past this point, the ink gone and the rest of the entry destroyed. ~~~ I'm not really sure how I end up in these situations. One minute I'm walking on the path minding my own business when bam! There comes along a group of brigands. Just my luck. Take everything I got, except this book. I guess it won't sell for much on the auction. I wandered for days after that, maybe even weeks. No food to be found in this damned forest! I was getting so hungry I could’ve sworn my very own fist looked like a fresh steak. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker till I just couldn't stand no more. If you'd asked me then, I would've said I was going to meet my Creator. However, seemed he had a bit more set out for me. I fell face first, getting a mouth-full of something thick and soft- a heavy woody flavor overpowering my senses. It flooded my mouth with warmth, that same warmth rejuvenating my dying body. In seconds I felt as if I could punch a bloody orc and he fall dead. The feeling quickly faded as my stunning good looks and cunning took back over, but the fullness in my stomach remained. The mushroom I now dubbed Siru’ahern, or Mushroom Blessing in the common. I filled my pack with chunks of the thing, saying my prayers to the Creator in thanks. No longer would I starve in my journey. Now to just sell some junk to some peasants to get a bit of coin.. Anyway. I returned with a full purse, documenting what I saw in here. Siru’ahern is large, anywhere between twenty to thirty feet tall. The cap is predominantly red, with white spots. When eaten, the substance replenishes your energy and fills your stomach, as if you’d had a recent and hearty meal in the Emperor's castle. Fear not the mushroom, for its touch is warm, welcoming and hearty! (Note: Wasn't 100% sure as to post it on the plant index or as a normal submissions, and as since the lore itself doesn't fit the application for plant index I decided to post it as a normal submission per lore competition documents.. anywho! Enjoy!)
  13. -= The Silver Sharp Tigrasi =- Tall, strong, and agile are just few of the words that can be used to describe this beast. Legends of the mighty feline were heard all around the Isles Of Axios for decades, but it was 1575 of snow’s fall when the beast was first seen by a human’s eye. Fuckin’ hell, where are we goin’?!” A hunter would exclaim at his partner” We hav’ been travelin’ for days god damn it, I’m tired” He’d say with anger rushing in his eyes, his body shaking freezing because of the snow storm. “ Just a little longer my friend, we need more pelt and meat, or we will not be paid enough..”The other hunter would say calmly as he glances back at his partner from time to time, wondering how he is doing “Damn this..” The angered hunter would sigh, he’d clutch together both his hands as the snow’s breeze within the dwarven mountains would catch up to his body. “Wraaaarg” Wha’ tha’ **** is tha!?” The angered hunter would yell questioning the roar” Stay down, now!” The face of the hunter which used to be calmed turned serious and the one that used to be angered now nervous and scared by the roars. “... Y-yes” He’d respond with nervousness in his eyes, he’d take a few steps back before crouching then hiding his whole body within the snow. “Hmm..” unlike the terrified hunter his partner would put a foot forward, he’d then take a slight crouch as he took out his arrow then aiming the its sight deep within the snow. “This damn storm! Can’t see nothin’!” The man would yell as his body laid down within the snow, watching his fearless partner trying to find the beast that had roared. “ Shh… keep it quiet…” The hunter sighs keeping a keen eye then glancing from left to right, but unable to see anything within the snowstorm “Wha’.. wha’ is that!?” The terrified hunter would yell, rising his hand up he’d point deep into the snow far into the mountain.. “Footprints were seen within the snow.. Then the legs.. Then the entire body up to its head.. Its was a large and terrifying beast, but its white fur and beautiful coat with black spots, I couldn’t help but admire..” an old used up man would state warming his hands in the fireplace. Its its giant.. Its coming for us!” The man would yell his eyes wide open as he watched hidden within the snow, the beast coming up rushing towards his brave partner pointing the arrow at the beast neck “Damn.. its fast” The brave hunter would murmur to himself as he fired his bow at the beast with a steady aim, the beast would roar continuing to run towards the man as the arrow was blown off to the side by the wind “ Run! Run!” The once brave hunter would yell letting go of his bow, then turning his back on the beast, but the giant tiger had already catched up to him as he tried to run “ AHH” He’d yell as the white feline swung his claws a the hunter’s arm “ ..” The other hunter would kept quiet, looking at the scene, his face shocked, as he hid within the snow “ No…” He’d whisper to himself as his partner’s arm was ripped off then his body tossed to the side like a piece of bread by the beast’s mighty strength. His body would be seen falling falling dead into the snow.. Then the snow turned red..“ This can’t beh…” the terrified hunter would not dare to move or make a sound as the beast turned around looking at the body. The beast would roar a few more times before turning back and disappearing within the snow. The man would watch the amazing, but yet terrifying beast. It coat and fur was amazingly white and beautiful, both its tooth where as large as it claw sticking out sharp and magnificent shape “I-I have to go… but tha’ thing killed my partner” His face was lighted in fire.. But his body showed the opposite, he was shaking in fear and cold. The hunter walked away lucky to be alive and no injuries, he’d travel back to the city, and telling his stories all around where he went. Then more encounters with the beast and more stories were heard about the white beast, but there is no single report or story of one being killed “One one should mess with the beast, not even the most fearless and brutal warriors” The old man sighs remembering the sciences from the event... Creature’s life style/home The Silver Sharp Tigrasi is considered a loner, it does not spend time in groups do to their size and strength the don’t need a pack. The only time this creature is seen with another of its kind it's when mating, the female and male spend about 2 months together, then one takes the offspring and teaches it house to hunt and survive by itself. In most cases the father takes it since he it's the one with the most strength and capability of protecting the offspring. After about two years have passed the offspring is separated from the father or mother that is protecting it and has to feed for himself. The Silver sharp are calculated to live up to 25 years, but some are said to have reached 30 years of age. They are seen around snow most of the time, dwarven mountains are where most sightings have happened They are predatory and carnivorous, usually eating large animals to satisfy their hunger. The Silver Sharp can’t survive more than two weeks with no food or it will most likely die of starvation. If Silver sharp spends too much time in another environment they will eventually die due to adaptation and climate change, they must have cold around them. Appearance/ Personality They have a thick white with black spots all over it. Some have been seen with black/brownish fur, though it is very rare and those are said to be the strongest. The males grow to be almost eight feet wide in length, and seven up, and look like giant cats. They look very muscular when fully grown up which is about the age of 10, they are calculated to weigh more than 600 pounds. Both their tooth can group up to a feet tall, they become sharply almost impossible if bitten by one of them to survive. Female Silver sharps are a little more skinnier and less tall. They look strong like the males, but not as much. They can reach 7 feet wide and 6 tall, their average weight is 500, though they can easily gain 600 with extra fat. Their tooth will also reach the same size when fully grown. They are very aggressive at times especially against any other races, even the smallest ones, they have no mercy on anyone except their own kind. Though they are considered loners and spend much time alone they like their own kind and do not like to fight against them except if it's for food or territorial purposes. Though they are friendly to their own kind, this does not mean they will not attack each other, when one steps into another’s territory there will most likely be death, though there can be an exception for females. They are very calm and can stay guarding a place for a long amount of time, but when hunger kicks in, there is no way to stop them. Advantages Are giant and strong Sharp claws Agile Both tooth are sharp and large Their coat can camouflage with the snow Very fast for their size Strong skin and bones Weaknesses Aggressive personalities Can’t go long without eating Can only survive in cold climate The mighty beast makes hunter want to kill it for Trophies Red Lines - Can’t breed with other races - Hard and rare to find -Brown coats are even harder - They Don’t interact with other races unless in a fight or anything like that of curse - Can’t be tamed ( This creature is to be used by Et actors for event, or anything like that)
  14. Sprouts The fungi Kin [Hype-Gallery] Disclaimer: The previous lorepiece that received a negative verdict by the LT received such for the following reason: The sprite playerbase is too small to have any additional lore written for it. Get a playerbase and repost the lore and it shall be accepted. It became apparent that the internal written lore was good and well written, ready for acceptance. But the state of the creature Sprite was not well enough for this new addition. The task given: revive the playerbase / get a playerbase going in order to get the lore accepted might seem a bit contradicting with the LT’s verdict of denying the lore - as acceptance of such would have aided in this ‘revival’. My solution, however, is something different. I removed the connection between sprite and sprout and made the Sprouts creatures of their own. Most of the following lore is taken from the initial submission and thusly ONLY COUNTS FOR SPROUTS. This lore has nothing to do with Sprites whatsoever. If activity is a problem for the LT then I recommend this lore to be put on Trial for a short period of time. There are a few individuals that have indeed exclaimed interest in playing a sprout. Birthing At first, ‘twas but a mystery how these small creatures came to be. Cerridwen's breath or perhaps even the Creator being connected with their cute and mischievous appearance. It was only until recently that an unnamed druid found themselves wandering the grand woods of axios, where they witnessed the spectacle of its birthing. For… in a corner of the forest they found a Fae circle, here the mushrooms grew bigger than usual, a large variety of colorful and even glowing shrooms came to be! Much marvelling this, the druid set up camp nearby. Observing as more and more of these little shrooms grew and each of them became such small dwellers of various kinds. Sprouts: the name given to them by the observing druid, as they found out that these mushrooms of the most odd and too: colorful kinds grew out to be… living! These Sprouts dwelled in the shadows of the undergrowth. Acting in utmost care not to be sighted by predators. “They speak? And walk?” The druid cried out with both hands holding their head. The reply of most Sprouts close to him simply shrugged and replied with something along the lines of: “So?” The druid, having stayed most of its time in these woods, sought to leave… though was curious of one thing. Before it left the woods for good, to bring out word of this fantastic discovery, meditated in front of the fae ring. After time, they blessed the soil of it… and the shrooms that grew, now sped up by the Druidic influence, lived. The Druid found themselves capable of aiding the Aspects in their work of creating this Fauna … or Flora, and speed up the process of its birthing. For growing the shrooms felt akin to that of bestowing the aspects gift onto seeds as Druii usually do. And thus as swift as that, the mushrooms grew exponentially faster than the natural process. Producing Sprouts. [Implementation through a single or two events using an event character druid] Appearance & Lifestyle Sprouts are living fungi that grow to a maximum height of about 10 inches tall. They have small arms and legs - their hands containing digits making them capable of handling things (of their size) perfectly fine. Faces can be seen though covered by their mushroom heat/hat. The life of a sprout is simple: it is within its basic instincts to survive and stay clear from predators. Often shy and careful creatures, though when befriended grow more extravagant. They may eat and sleep - drink and smoke though their being is completely comprised of fungi. Sprouts do not procreate though are capable of having all emotions including hate, anger, love, happiness and my favourite: grumpiness. Modnar & Fae rings The Modnar is the name given to the spore that produces the Sprouts, little is known about them as they are but tiny and most of its development is under ground. They can only be found in fae rings. When a Sprout dies, another mushroom will grow in the nearest fae ring - the same Sprout can simply be reborn though no memory of their death is kept. This memory loss may stretch up to multiple years of their lives post mortem and post regrowth. [For the technical explanation: like a soultree their (inferior nature)-soul is bound to Faerings. If the faering is destroyed and their being too they are to regrow at another ring.] Advantages/Disadvantages + Have Natures Communion by Default. (they may communicate with both flora and fauna) + Despite their mischievous and often dull appearances, they are extremely intelligent. + Sprouts may seems small, but move rapidly through forest undergrowth. They are difficult to catch! + They maintain the poisonous ability that the natural fungi of the realm have. Exotic types of mushrooms may be more dangerous.. Or perhaps their toxins can have more of a hallucinogenic working on potential predators. - They may not learn magic due to their natural origin. (their being is classified as Flora like Cervitaurs) - Sprouts can not wield the weapons of the Descendants, as they are much too small. - Due to their small bodies, and overall weakness, they are easy to take hold of and imprison(if caught). -Not many of these creatures exist, If one was to destroy the faering during the development or destroy the tree around the ring. Before the Sprout is born, it will die. -Magic is super effective towards this creature, and can kill them quickly due to their connection to nature. - They can learn the Common tongue but among one another commune like a druid communes to nature: a descendant could not keep up or understand a conversation between two or more Sprouts unless it is specifically said they speak a sentence in common tongue. (like ents conversate with groans and creaks of bark, Sprouts have their own ways) - Sprouts, if consumed are practically toxic. Redlines - They may not be domesticated, as they are entirely sentient beings, not animals. - Sprouts can only thrive in areas filled with natural life, such as forests. Deserts and tainted areas are practically deadly. - They are incapable of learning any form of magic, however they may communicate with Flora and Fauna. (natures communion) - they can only live in a flora rich environment. Entering cities is not a problem, as long as their stay is short. Though this is disadviced at all as they are shy/scared beings. Bigg’unes are baddies! Meet archibalt - a purple headed sprout whom’s a grump and has taken up residence in a druids shoe!
  15. Vampaezze The vampaeeze are rumored dark creatures that are said to roam within the dark in deep forests all around The Isles Of Axios. It is said that when a human, an elf, or a kharajyr commit cannibalism and drink too much blood from their own kind they become the dark creature and gain certain abilities. One of the first records of a Vampaezze was written in 1576 by an unknown author. The written record talks about a group of mercenaries that where attacked within the forest a night by these strange creatures, only one of the men survived to tell the story, it is unsure though what happened with the bodies of the other mercenaries as they where never fund. Myths and stories say that they drank all the blood and eat all the bodies, others say they where hidden and are yet to be found, but gruesome stories are the most common told by people. There are other stories that when one is bitten by Vampaezze they transform into the creature, though it said those stories are fake and it can't really happen. The first vampaezze that is said to live was a man named Agernon once a normal human, but after year in war he became a mad lunatic that killed people for fun then drank their victims's blood until their body was empty. When the guard finally found the man, what they saw was not human at all.... the man's skin was pale and his eyes where red, his nails where black and red combined... definitely not human. The most strange part about this is that the events that the records describe only happen at nighttime, as if they didn't like sunlight? Vampaezze Appearance/ Subraces SubRace Humezze: Human Shaped Vampaezze have really pale white skin, their eyes can be white,red, or black. Their hair can turn white after years, but when first transformed their hair becomes red. Their teeth are so sharp it can cut through steel. They have thin bodies bodies . The human looking vampaezze reaches from 5'7 to 6'5 feet. Usually weight from 95 to 180 lbs SubRace Khaezze: Like humezze they have sharp teeth, but have somewhat a different appearance, their eyes are red, white, and black, Unlike humans their fur and skin is full white with dark red or black spots all around it. The kha's fur and hair stays the same from when they transform to when they are old. Kha vampaezze's height reach from 5'0 to 6'3. usually weight from 90 to 170 lbs SubRace Maliezze: The Maliveeze or the elf vampaezze are much different. When they transform their skin becomes dark brown/dark and their hair is can only be red. Their eyes can be red, black, light silver, and can become green, but this rarely happens, and it only happens during transformation. Most elf vampaezze's height is from 5'6 to 6'3 feet once full transformation and amount of blood drank. Usually weight from 95 to 180 lbs Clothing: All of the vampaezze wear underwear or pants/tribal clothing that cover their bottoms, its rare to see them with tops, an only few wear armor, those that do wear armor usually wear plates that cover one arm. They don't wear much clothing because it helps them be fast and their bodies are weak that armor would effect their posture, only the strongest wear armor. Homes/way of life/ facts: They are known for living in little groups most of the time, every group have their own set of rules and live within caves in forest, they house only about five members only, allowing any vampaezze not even if sub-races are different from each other. They hunt at night to drink blood and provide shelter and food for each other. They are only able to drink blood from Kha, humans, and elf depending on their subrace (so if your subrace is a khavezze they can only drink kha blood, if not they will be poisoned and will die.) . Vampaezze aren't able to speak common because of their giant/sharp teeth, so they have designed their own language called Aham'n. A vampaezze would never be able to stand in the sunlight for more than 30 minutes because they would be burned to ashes due to their skin and muscles being extremely sensitive to heat. The vampaezze are able to live without feeding for at least one saint week, much more time without feeding on blood and they will die of hunger. Most Vampaezze don't go to capitals or nowhere near other races unless they are banned from their groups, most encounters with other races will most likely get killed since they are known for killers and their demonic appearance would make other races wan't to kill them in self protection. They don't worship any god since they don't know much about other race's culture, and don't interact with any other race much and haven't created any religion themselves. Vampaezze are know to be smarter then what they used to be when they where on their past form, meaning they are cunning in battle and reason verywell, they are able to comprehend anything without confusion, and though they aren't able to speak the common tongue they can learn to understand it. They may sound good for combat, but though they are smart, they are also extremely weak (except the teeth) and are also very sensitive to pain. Though they are males and females vampaezze they aren't able to reproduce in any way. Personality: -They are known for being extremely impatient - They are aggressive -They are smart and can understand anything easily - They are not emotional meaning they don't feel anything such as friendship towards other vampaezze Transformation: Vampaezze are created when bitten by another vampaeeze or when committing too much cannibalism and drinking too much blood. These specific three races are the only ones able to transform due to their body structure being not too tall or short and similarities . The full transformation would take at least 10 saint minutes to complete. There are four phases to the transformation and it applies with no difference to the races that are able to transform. What they will look like before transforming can't be predetermined. And when fully transformed they won't remember anything from their past form, meaning they are like newborns babies. Any race that is bitten or transformed via blood drinking and are younger then 15 years of age will die in the process due to them not having sufficient body requirements to transform. When transforming: 1:Character will pass out (maybe adopted by other vampaezze if you where bitten which mean you where close to one) 2:When wake up their body structure will begin changing to match their sub race's appearance, their bones will start transforming and changing structure which will cause a lot of pain. 3: Their skin, hair, and nail/claw color and structure will begin to change, the skin becoming much weaker, and claws/nails becoming ivony 4. They forget everything about their past lives, EVERYTHING! THEY CAN'T REMEMBER A SINGLE THING! FROM BEFORE Weaknesses 1. They don't have much strength 2 Skin/muscles weak against sun 3 Demonic appearance 4.Will die when transforming if too young 5. Can't talk common 6. Can't remember past life 7.Weak muscles 8.Extremely sensitive to pain 9. Don't feel much emotions 10. Can only drink blood from their past race. 11. Can die while transforming if creature is too young. Abilities When one become a vampaezze their muscles begin to become weak and their teeth become stronger and sharper, to the point it can cut through steel. They are able to run faster than any other race, except certain animals due to them being thinner then any other creatures and not having much body/muscle mass. They use the dark to their advantage and have swift reflexes and well as increased stamina and intelligence allowing them to understand almost anything. They are cunning in battle and are able to make fast decisions. They are incredibly flexible allowing to bend his body to any point. They are also able to survive almost a full year without any blood (one saint week) All these abilities apply to all sub-races. Advantages 1. Faster then almost any other race, but animals 2. cunning and smart able to understand anything unless its in another language 3. Sharp and strong teeth 4. Incredibly flexible 5. Swift reflexes 6. Hard to spot within the dark 7. able to survive without blood for a long period of time 8. Increased stamina 9. Strong sharp teeth Language: This is a list of a few words in Aham'n (vampaezze) other words you can use accents like Mah or hum for rp. They aren't able to say letters like r because of their teeth. 1. H'manen =Thank you 2 .thu'ham= Blood 3. Huan' = Good 4. Huma= Goodbye 5. Nu'hamn = your welcome The first vampaezzeses to ever exist didn't have a form of communication, so they created their own language, and within years the language improved and more words where added. Red Lines 1. Orcs, half-lings, and any other races are not able to transform due to not enough body requirements. 2. A bite to any other race that is not kha, human, or elf from a vampaezze will cause that creature to die instantly 3.Once transformed, there is no way to be transformed back to its prior form. 4. They are not able to use magic 5. The transformation would take at least 10 minutes to complete (One can rp with this race as long as they make a CA and do the required rp to transform)
  16. The Clan Zahn Let me tell you the legend of a clan that had not the easiest of existences, but had remained alive thanks to their stubborness; although stubborness was as much of a boon as it was a blessing and they had fallen to that exact same thing. This is a story about clan Zahn, who they are, what they are, and what they thought their purpose had been. This said clan was a powerful one yet lonesome one, not many had known about this clan due to seclusion and none of heard the story until I have decided to share it with you today. Survival and Presumed Extinction (The barren landscapes the persistent and powerful clan Zahn inhabitated) The main and outstanding reason none had heard stories or tales of this clan sooner was because of the seclusion as I had told you before; though I will now touch up on that a little bit more. This so-called seclusion was because of how inhabitable the lands Zahn had inhabited were, the landscapes were empty, barren and devoid of life. The sky was always grey and covered in sut, the sun had never shone, and the source of food and plantation was nil. The reasoning behind this was that there was a volcano nearby that erupted quite frequently, destroying any hope of life on land. Sure; it is true that the entire clan could have moved but they had not done that because they believe that it had revealed a weakness on their part, and that any who left were not right to be called an Ork of clan Zahn. A good question to ask would be how the clan survived at all in spite of the erupting volcano and barren lands? The answer is they would seek shelter and live in caves. The caves around the area had become home to all of clan Zahn, only leaving once in a couple of elven years to do some hunting. I had mentioned before that the entire land was barren and had no life, but that is not true as I am remembering; there were these creatures that had taken upon themselves the nick-name "Drü-zhozhi" which would roughly mean something along the lines of "ash-eater". These creatures were called ash-eaters as that is what they were, they survived off of the ash that had plagued the land from the volcano. These creatures were said to be very reptile-like and frequently if not always crawl on all four "legs", though when fighting they stand up on both of the hind legs and use the other two as a way to fight, clawing at anything that got too close for comfort. The creatures in question were not carnivorous, though they were territorial and defensive. They had a nasty back, with bone-like spikes protruding out of the back of the creature, perhaps originating in the spine. The size of these creatures is hard to gauge as they hunched for improved speed and confortability when fighting, though even when hunched and stood-up on two hind legs they were able to average around 7', with some more larger sizes hitting around 8'; a sizable foe for the Orks. It is rumoured these creatures drank the lava of the volcano; thought that may just be legend. The meat hunters had gotten from these creatures was as pitch black as the ash the creatures had ate, most likely a side-effect of the unhealthy life-style. (A rough sketch of a hostile Drü-zhozhi) The Drü-zhozhi were not the only ones to suffer side-effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, all of clan Zahn had suffered the same fate. Due to the lack of sunlight from not only the volcano always covering the skies in ash but also to the fact that Zahn had never left the caves, for most of the time that would be a quick and swift demise. In return for the lack of sunlight, the Orks had sported a stunted growth; with most if not all (I would assume around 98%) ranging from 6' - 7'. This was not the only con of the lack of sunlight; In a strange turn of events they have developed a transparent skin and all Zahns are black skinned due to the ash in the air constantly; if one were to observe them they would not be able to tell that they are Orks but would rather assume they are some strange abomination. Zahn Orks have around the same life-span as normal Orks, though the elders of clan Zahn that reach around 300-500 years of age lose their eyesight and gain improved other senses and start to slowly delve into madness and insanity, thanks to life in a pitch black cave. This was such a common occurence that these Orks had gained a special tradition in throwing these "creatures" whom they had given the name "Vruig" into the volcano when it lay dormat, as a sacrifice to induce hope that it will one day cease erupting constantly. (A Vruig) Zahn had developed a habit of not wasting resources because they could not afford too. After a succesful hunt of a Drü-zhozhi they would take everything, including the bones. Bones play a huge part in Zahn society and tradition, since a Zahn keeps everything from a kill they are known to use the bones to forge tools, weapons, and armour; as well as decorating themselves. In relation to this and a direct cause from this, the more bones an Ork of clan Zahn has the more powerful they are; as it signifies how many kills the Ork has achieved without falling. The more renowned and strong warriors of Zahn are covered in bones from head-to-toe. A fellow Ork of Zahn can and will challenge another to a klomp to the death in hopes of taking all of the Orks bones, though this does not happen often if rarely at all because of the fact for an Ork to have many bones it demands respect and it is always better for an Ork to earn bones from their own hunts. Not only that; it is simply not favoured because life is too rough to be fighting each-other, they have a tough time surviving as is. Whilst on the topic of tradition and bones, an Ork of clan Zahn is too NOT take the bones from a fellow fallen Ork of the same clan or the creature a fellow Ork has hunted. This will instantly be punished by death on the spot with no warning as it is taboo. (A strong warrior of clan Zahn that has clearly survived many battles) I would assume you have a grasp on this culture and the interesting survival aspects clan Zahn had too face now; so I will explain upon the presumed exctinction of said clan. It is quite simple, really. During the destruction of Vailor thanks to Orgon; the clan had still not changed face on their stance of never abandoning their home. For this reason when everyone else fled to the portal for safety, clan Zahn had remained tucked away in their ravished and battle-scarred corner of the world, in the caves. Advanced Tradition(s) Whilst I have explained and given you a basic grasp of some of the easier traditions, there is still more to tell you. Here I will detail these advanced traditions of clan Zhan and the purpose of them. The Blessing of the Qurzet - At birth a Kub is to be taken to the "main" cave that clan Zahn inhabits; inside of there one would find a glowing tree-like plant that is considered to be a blessing. In reality it is just simple fungi that was able to grow inside of a cave due to the excess amounts of water, but to the members of Zahn it is so much more; it is hope for a brighter and healthier future, one where they do not live every day wondering if they will survive to the next. For this exact reason it has become tradition for the entire clan to gather here together for the birth of a new kub, despite the differences or conflicts they may currently have with each-other. Once said kub is born they will be painted with the glowing characteristics of the tree that they have given the alias of "Qurzet". (The Qurzet) Kubs First Flat - A kubs first kill is a very important thing in any Orcish culture; not just Zahn. However, they handle it a bit differently. Once a kub has been deemed worthy enough to hunt with others (this is done by various tests of strength, some include fighting other kubs and others are as simple as lifting a heavy boulder) they will be brought on their first hunt. If the kub fails to score a kill, they will be forced to fast for a day inside the cave of the Qurzet. If they fail again; they will fast for two days. This will continue getting longer and longer until the kub either dies or achieves their first kill. There is no room for weakness in a clan that can barely survive. Once the kub does earn their first kill, they will not be able to harvest the bones as they are too young and weak to sport such heavy objects. Instead they will take a tooth of the killed Drü-zhozhi and use it too form a blade; which they will carry with them for the rest of their life. Sacrifice of the Weak - If it is clear a warrior is injured in battle and unable to be healed through prayer; they will be pinned down, bound, and taken to the volcano forcefully and sacrificed in hope that the volcano will cease eruptions. It is often a solemn and depressing event, and there have been many against it but at the same time they all still cling onto the hope that it is a neccessity to do this for the volcano to grant them days of hunt where the volcano does not erupt. When it is clear that the injured has died before reaching the volcano, they will not be sacrificed as a dead sacrifice is thought to anger the volcano; causing it erupt even more than usual. Legends The Legend of Zrugagga'Zahn - (Zrugagga; equipped with his legendary armour and sword) The Cave Dweller - The name of this legend is quite ironic; considering all of clan Zahn are also cave dwellers; but this was not a good cave dweller in their eyes. Parent Orks would tell this story to the kubs to assure they do not go exploring in caves that are not already inhabitated by clan Zahn. They would tell the story of a massive beast, capable of felling even the greatest Zahn warrior himsself, Zrugagga. Not much is known about this strange creature or how it arrived, or whom it arrived from. Though it is said to be of massive proportions, bigger than some small caves themselves; and none have lived to tell the tale of an encounter with such a beast. It is said that if one were to venture too deep into a cave in which was not already inhabitated; you would see the eyes of this beast peering back at you in the pitch-black cave, ready to šnatch you away. (An ancient depiction of the cave dweller) The Qurzet Healing Properties - It was rumoured in the ancient clan of Zahn that not only was this tree-like structure used for prayer and worship; but that it had contained healing properties. If one were too take from the bark of the tree and apply it to any wounds, they would heal over and restore the warrior to their former condition in mere seconds. No-one could tell if this was the truth or not however, as if you had injured this religion symbol you would have done the greatest atrocity known to Zahn; and would be killed on the spot after being forced to "purge" yourself of said atrocity. The tree has been such a legend that it has even spread to far-away lands under different names, somehow. (The Qurzet) Mutation into a Drü-zhozhi - Another story told to kubs of the clan Zahn is what would happen if they did not sacrifice the mad to the volcano; the mad would eventually go through insufferable pain upon living for a certain amount of time and slowly transform into a Drü-zhozhi. Hierachy Zahn is unique in the fact that it does not hold a hierachy. It is clear by the amount of bones that ornament an Ork which is the strongest; and they would rather simply all focus one the one goal of survival together than seperate each-other with ranks and statuses.
  17. ~ Sprites and Sprouts ~ Link to the Original Lore page: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/142670-lore-revision-playablesprites/ Birthing At first, ‘twas but a mystery how these small creatures came to be. Cerridwen's breath or perhaps even the Creator being connected with their cute and mischievous appearance. It was only until recently that an unnamed druid found themselves wandering the grand woods of axios, where they witnessed the spectacle of its birthing. For… in a corner of the forest they found a Fae circle, and here a small flower grew out to be the birthplace of a sprite. Much marvelled the druid set up camp nearby, and observed as more and more of these little flowers grew and each of them produced these small faeries of various colors. However, not only did this fae circle bring forth the sprites that now inhabited the forest, it too produced creatures akin to them, dwelling the floor of the woods: Sprouts. The name given to them by the same observing druid, as they found out that mushrooms of the most odd and too: colorful kinds grew out to be… living! Akin to the Sprites that flew about, these Sprouts dwelled in the shadows of the undergrowth. Acting in utmost care not to be sighted by predators. The druid, having stayed most of its time in these woods, sought to leave… though was curious of one thing. Before it left the woods for good, to bring out word of this fantastic discovery, meditated in front of the fae ring. After time, they blessed the soil of it… and what grew out to be… lived. The Druid found themselves capable of aiding the Aspects in their work of creating this Fauna, and speed up the process of its birthing. For growing the flower felt akin to that of bestowing the aspects gift onto seeds as the druii usually do. And thus as swift as that, the flowers and mushrooms grew exponentially faster than the natural process. Producing equally as good Sprites and Sprouts. Appearance -Sprites and Sprouts stand about 5-7 inches with Elf-like features. Where Sprites have translucent wings sprouting from their backs, the Sprouts have the top of their mushroom like being as sort of a hat. -Sprites and Sprouts are genderless, but do take on masculine and feminine appearances, oftentimes being referred as male or female, despite being asexual. -Sprites and Sprouts clothe themselves in flower petals and any soft, pliable forest-growths they can find. -Sprites and Sprouts speak an odd tongue that can be learned but is quite difficult for Descendant minds to understand. They also have Natures Communion as a basic foundation of their being by default. As they are both Flora and Fauna. Part of Nature. Color The color of the sprite or sprout determines almost exactly some of the mannerisms of the creature, similar to how a mage’s aura is defined by their own personality. There is no definite reason as to how, or why they are born as these particular colors however, it is simply a random factor. Green “Wisdom and immaturity in a stunning union.” Sprites born with the color green are wiser and more intellectual than their kin- often more keen to learn something new. They can provide interesting outlooks upon a situation based on their observations, and are even known to have a larger attention span. Blue “Curious and kind.” Sprites born with the color blue are considered the most likable of all. They are known to be the first to explore, and the first to make a new friend. Taking that in mind, they are much more adventurous than their kin, wanting to seek new places and new friends, which can often lead to trouble. Sky Blue “Deceit and deception in the wings of the sky.” Sprites born with the color of the sky are known to be the most deceitful. They use their similar coloring to their blue kin to lure people to trust them, only to torment them and trick them for their own amusement. Grey “Laziness and ambition in the wings of the clouds.” Sprites born with the color grey are very similar to their sky-colored kin, appearing to be much more sickly, or oftentimes gloomy, in a depressed manner. It is because of this, they are able to manipulate sympathetic people to do their bidding. Red “Rage.” Sprites born of the color red are known to have a temper and fuse that is near as short as their own height. They are judgmental, rude, and apathetic, their level of dislike only being below Black and Yellow Sprites. Black “Anathema embodied in the smallest of souls.” The rarest of their kin, this Sprite possesses a heart as black as it’s very visage, wishing pain upon those whom it may face, with tendencies to wreak havoc and pandemonium as much as it can. They are to be wary of, as these little cretins possess naught a drop of compassion within them. Purple “The mediator of their kin.” A Purple Sprite, alternatively violet, is the embodiment of balance, matched with the mindsets of both Red and Blue, they are believed to be wise and level-headed, more so than any of their kin. White “Those of innocent heart.” Sprites of absent color are pure and kind, admittedly the most bright of their kin (Literally), they have oftentimes been mistaken for starlight in the darkest of nights. To those lost in the woods, these Sprites have been known to guide to safety, using the prominent luminescence of their body as a beacon. Yellow “Manipulative and Mean.” The oddly yellow colored Sprite possesses an alien aura to it, they are daring and cruel, using emotional manipulation to instill fear unto their kin and use their reactions for their own amusement. They are the most mischievous and tricky of Sprites, and much like Black Sprites, are to be wary of. Orange “Heroics lead to ignorance.” The orange Sprite will automatically attempt to solve any conflict it can, without the assistance of any other being. Should someone be in some sort of trouble, or a conflict has unfolded, the orange Sprite will be there to save the day. These Sprites don’t often do heroic deeds out of the kindness of their hearts, but rather for their own reputation. Should they fail, however, they’ll slide into a deep, temporary depression, upset that they didn’t reach their high expectations. Brown “The feral outcasts.” Sprites born with a brown skin are social outcasts, foreign to even the rest of their Sprite community. Often known for taking shelter in secluded, isolated, and rather odd locations, the brown Sprite does not enjoy communicating with it’s kin. They’ll often act as if they’re a wild dog with wings, and will tear up their food before eating it. They’ll rarely speak in any tongue, as they often just don’t care enough to communicate. Pink “Intimacy and energy bound by the same soul.” Sprites born with the color pink tend to be ditsy, energetic, and animated. There’s always time to play fun, silly games, and they truly embody the childish trait of every Sprite. However, as much as they enjoy to be immature, they enjoy the prospect of love for other sentient beings. These Sprites are willing to go out of their way to ensure that two people who love each other stay in love. Acerfolia & Modnar The Acerfolia is a small flower with a large oval shaped bud and triangular leaves. It grows five inches from the ground, and is the birthplace of all Sprites. The Modnar is the name given to the spore that produces the Sprouts, little is known about them as they are but tiny and most of its development is under ground. They can only be found in fae rings. When a sprite dies, another flower will sprout in the nearest fae ring. Advantages/Disadvantages + Have Natures Communion by Default. + Despite their mischievous and often dull appearances, they are extremely intelligent. + Sprites may fly, but no higher than that of an Olog (Three Blocks), as they would exert too much energy whilst attempting to fight back against gravity. Due to using too much energy they would need a surface to rest on before taking flight once again. + Sprouts may seems small, but move rapidly through forest undergrowth. They are difficult to catch. + They may defend themselves with toxins - the Sprite lore add-on "Scary Toxins & Nice Sprites" Still applies on both Sprite and Sprout. - They may not learn magic due to their natural origin. - Sprites and Sprouts can not wield the weapons of the Descendants, as they are much too small. - Due to their small bodies, and overall weakness, they are easy to take hold of and imprison. -Not many of these creatures exist, If one was to destroy the faering during the development or destroy the tree around the ring. Before the Sprite or Sprout is born, it will die. - Injuring the wings of a sprite can be potentially fatal, as the sprites main blood vessels are located there. Theirs wings are of the same material as their body, of plant. The same counts for the mushroom heads of Sprouts. -Magic is super effective towards the sprites and sprouts alike, and can kill them quickly due to their connection to nature. - They can learn the Common tongue but it would be difficult due to their poor attention spans. - Sprites and Sprouts, when consumed are practically toxic, as after death they are reduced to a fine, gray ash. This metaphorical pixie dust will not grant any flight, but instead will lead to an extremely quick and painful death. Redlines - They may not be domesticated, as they are entirely sentient beings, not animals. - Sprites and Sprouts can only thrive in areas filled with natural life, such as forests. Deserts and tainted areas are practically deadly. - They are incapable of learning any form of magic, however they may communicate with Flora and Fauna.(They get this by default). - they can only live in a flora rich environment. Entering cities is not a problem, as long as their stay is short. - The Scary Toxins & Nice Sprites lore applies to both Sprites and Sprouts. Just to get people hyped: a possible character I was thinking of myself to be played as a sprout - Meet archibalt - a purple headed sprout whom’s a grump and has taken up residence in a druids shoe! Contributors: - Zeer0 - original lore writer - The Collectivist - original lore writer - Hedgehug - Lore re-writer / compiler Edit: - 3 new colors - Toxins added
  18. Note upfront: The Satyr Origins From the most innocent of dedicants - to the most profound of elder druii it is agreed upon all that the Aspects act in mysterious ways. Every once in awhile this is confirmed in what appears to be nothing more than what one may call: Magic. Meladmiriel, Spriggans, Cerviaurs and the many - many more Fae-like creatures were brought to be by what was thought to be Cerridwyns breath and Cernunnos’ fire. And so - a new creature came to be: The Satyr. Appearance The Satyr is a Fae like no other. Their body, below the waist, is that of a goat or ram, including the tail. Its legs adorned in a soft fur that can take on a variety of different colors - though black or brown shades are most familiar. Where they would have feet, hooves have taken their places. Their upper body appears to be most similar to that of the Mali’Ame, or just humans in general. Their hair growth is wild and thusly not only female Satyrs can be seen with longer hair. Slightly above their goat-like ears they grow horns, which can curl or remain somewhat straight. Satyrs are sexually dimorphic to an extent. With males muscular and masculine with tanned skin, dark fur and hair, often building muscles quite easily. Males grow to be between 5'10 and 6'2 most often, and are typically darker colored. Female satyrs are beautifully formed, with pale to slightly tanned skin, often with freckles and lighter colored fur and hair, they are also have darker noses. They grow to be roughly 5'5 to 5'10 and are exceedingly agile and wise, even if they are scatterbrained. The Satyr is a strong and agile creature. Due to their build they are capable of jumping higher than the average descendant. Their running speed rivals that of the Mali’Ker (with buff) and their jumping comes close to that of the Kha. Personality and Lifestyle Satyrs all enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, such as lethargy, drinking, eating, and partying. All satyrs, even young ones partake in alcohol if given the chance, and are extremely resistant to it's effects, unless it is wine which they prefer above all else. All satyrs are also talented musicians and poets. Preferring woodwind and percussion instruments, along with heavy chanting or building up, excited songs. All satyrs have a certain fey allure to their music which they use to lure in mortals for their large parties, or using it for other purposes. All satyrs need music like other creatures need food and drink. If a satyr is denied being able to enjoy music, it has the same effects of denying something food and they begin to waste away as though starving. As they are the Aspects creation, and are like common fae, they would feel reluctant to visiting non-foresty locations such as towns or cities. An emptiness would take hold of them as the voices of nature fade away. Thusly these creatures spend most of their days in the forests where they may commune with the nature around them. Due to this trait of connection with both Flora & Fauna the majority of the Satyrs feel reluctant to the consuming of meat and live a vegetarian lifestyle on a diet of greens and music. Culture These creations of the Aspects can most commonly be found in their own groves or among Druii. Satyrs prefer company and live in groups, these groups once more divided into separate bloodlines. Current knowledge on four of these lines is available and these four carry with them their own habits and traits. On the point of marriage and love, this too plays a significant role among Satyrs. It is generally frowned upon that a Satyr seeks love or companionship with another descendant. When two Satyrs do end up in love they can be married through either a Satyr elder or Druid, which progresses much like any other wedding. A custom is the grand feast that follows - lasting several days until all finally rest. Communion and Birthing Communion is the name given to 'the act'. Satyrs reproduce through conventional means and thusly have their bits. Following this moment the female is pregnant for two years (2 irl weeks) after which birthing takes place. This most commonly under supervision and with aid of a druid or elder Satyr. Note that Satyr children will only come forth from Satyr to Satyr intercourse. Any other Satyr x [race] combination will result in a failure of impregnation. Lifespan: Satyr often live up to almost as long as an Elf. Although they max at 800 the oldest Satyr recorded having been 789 years old. As Satyr age they grow more like their counterpart. Like a Thorn would slowly look more like a Ram as they grow older. Except bipedal. Their physical appearance remains as is though the color of fur can take on that of a more grey nature. Language: It is allowed for a Satyr to speak in the common tongue and in broken dialect for the sake of understanding. Useful Phrases: Numbers: Red Lines: A CA is required to play a Satyr, The Ingame race is that of Kha, a GM will change the name race-tag, Satyrs have Natures communion by default, They cannot, in roleplay, jump higher than a Kha could, The Communion is to be Faded to Black, If killed in rp or pvp the same revive rules apply to these creatures, They cannot live in cities, They cannot use or learn any magic whatsoever, The absence of music for a long period of time will weaken them, Contributors: - Slothastic - writer of initial lore piece - Owlettetheowl - providing pieces of lore for fauns and satyrs - LetUsParty - aiding in language and translation - Hedgehug - re-writer of lore / compiler of lore Edit: - Communion removed and replaced.
  19. Qalashi Steel OOC: Introduction For decades the Qalasheen people have lived peaceful and simple lives, enjoying a time of peace. The world around them appeared to be unraveling its true dark nature, yet The Sultanate flourished as local merchants peddled their wares across the Isles. Miners took to the stone with pick in hand, exploring new depths and returning with rare minerals and ores. Encrusted with a strangely beautiful pattern, Qalasheen metallurgists have discovered what at first appeared to be an ore with properties similar to aurum (it had both a low yield strength and fracture point). When they discovered the true potential, it became known as “Kadarsi ((meaning powerful in Arabic))." Kadarsi Kadarsi ore itself looks more similar to a darkened, less transparent crystal, that by itself is weak, making the harvesting process more difficult. It would require a steady hand and careful precision to chip away at the edges of the ore without having it crack. Once acquired, and forged with other elements such as carbon, however, the steel product will have a higher yield strength and higher fracture point. If cracked, the Kadarsi will allow the steel to spring back into shape and allow it to be easily repaired through forge welding. Pattern welded steel History The ore was first used in glassware and pottery, melted and molded together with various minerals and elements to make attractive decorations and furniture, desired by many. What was quickly noticed by this was that the glass and pottery were slightly more durable and resistant to breaking. Metallurgists quickly began testing the affects of Kadarsi with other minerals including gold and ferrum. Through Kadarscening, it was discovered that the properties of both ferrum and aurum were strengthened, making the two more durable. Striking aurum mixed with Kadarsi repeatedly against solid objects showed that the new welded aurum could take more hits before needing repair. Not only this, but repairing was much easier as the Kadrasi could easily spring back into shape with simple repair methods. The same results were shown with ferrum testing and so Qalashi Steel was born. Kadarsi Ferrum BattleAxe Qalashi Steel consists of Kadarsi ore and Ferrum ore that are both welded and forged together in layers (known as Kardescining), creating a unique pattern, but most importantly it affects the quality of the combined steel to create a new steel which is commonly referred to by Harians as Qalashi Steel. Different kinds of mixed processed steels will produce mere patterns and show little property change, but when ferrum combines with the Qalasheen-discovered Kadarsi ore, not only did it have a unique pattern — a beautiful water-patterned steel produced with resilient edges — it was shown to be tougher than the average ferrum blade which was prone to rusting in damp air and becoming dull, making it a high maintenance weapon. The Welding Technique Through pattern welding of Ferrum and Kadarsi, plus an additional method which consists of layering, Qalashi steel can be forged into weapons and armor. The layering gives the steel unique patterns that one can visually see. Depending on the skill level of a blacksmith, Qalashi steel will become more durable as the blacksmith will be able to use the Kadarscening technique better and add more layered tiers of the melted ferrum and Kadarsi. As they are layered and folded over one another more and more the outcome is a steel that is much tougher and resistant to shattering (though it would not be impossible to break the steel). The tiers are also noticeable by distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water. The more it is layered (which is a lengthy process), the more durable the steel becomes. Kadarsi ore can be welded together with ferrum, aurum, and bluesteel to produce: Kadarsi ferrum, Kadarsi aurum, and Kadarsi bluesteel. Kadarsi Ferrum Sabre Each tier is based solely on the level of the blacksmith starting from Adept which will be referred to as a tier 1 product. The more experience one has in blacksmithing, the higher the tier. Alongside this, Qalashi steel can be enchanted like most weapons, but will have increased durability, making it unique. Kadarsi Ferrum Chestplate with gauntlets Strengths and Weaknesses + While this adhesive might only appear to be an alternative to the Unbreaking enchant, it should be known that only at tier 3 ((Masterful blacksmith)) will a Kadarsi-laced piece be equivalent to a single Unbreaking enchant. On top of this, one will be able to add an Unbreaking enchant to their Kadarsi-laced piece and double the affects. + Farfolk are able to produce Kadarsi ferrum gear earlier and slightly faster than other races, but will be subject to the same times when it comes to Kadarsi aurum and Kadarsi bluesteel. - Aurum and bluesteel gear are best used in their whole states and so mixing any aurum or bluesteel with Kadarsi lessens, but does not completely negate the properties. - The process for making Kadarsi gear is a lengthy one due to how precise one must be. - To be able to harvest this ore, one must have much experience, though it is said that the expert hands of a Farfolk can provide some aid - Kadarsi Aurum and Kadarsi bluesteel will require more experience to craft for other races. Thank you to bestscarface76 who provided some good advice for this.
  20. OOC: So, in the interest of exposing hidden lore, I am putting forth my private submission with minor details left out. The only pieces removed from the submission are those relating to an event series that I wish to proceed with, so forgive me if this post doesn't appear to be particularly lengthy. Additionally, I would love to see event proposals for this concept, as I feel it can provide some interesting experiences that don't necessarily have to follow the cliche of overbearing power or enormous threats to the world. Don't hate me. We only have three Daemons. Vaasek You have felt it before. That encroaching feeling that urges you to turn around with the notion that something is present. It comes often in times of darkness, when ashen clouds blanket the sky, and the hustle and bustle of daily life settles to a song of crickets. You become so encapsulated by this apprehension that you turn, looking for a source. Your eyes scour the nooks and corners of your abode, yet nothing presents itself. Perhaps there is something outside? You might ask yourself, grasping a nearby weapon and rising slowly. You turn to the windows, peering out to the drape of shadow that hangs over the glass pane. You dare not look for long, lest your mind conjures up images of what may be lurking outside. Instead, you return to your quarters, mocking yourself; reassured by your primitive senses. But the sensation will return, and you will follow the same procedure, for it is fear that preserves your life. Vaasek is a Daemon with an intense mistrust for the mortal races of the world; much like his brethren. This Daemon is consumed by his wary observation of the Descendants, so much so that he works to observe them in anxious seclusion, conjuring his minions unto the world in order to serve as his many eyes. He appears as a slender man with grayed skin and many arms. He is adorned in tattered robes and a hood, offering little variation in colour from the shade of his own flesh. Around him, many eyes bob and weave, each reflecting from their pupils, a certain region of the world and their real-time events. This Daemon has come to represent Anxiety, Apprehension, Caution and Illusion, for it is the senses that birth all of these things. Vaasek may make a rock appear where there is none, or a smell of rot with no particular source. He is the Daemon of the clandestine, a Daemon who does not want to be known to the world, but wants every part to play in it. The creatures that serve him scour the mortal realm in relative safety, blanketed in auras that make them imperceptible to the Descendants. The Kabalees Vaasek works tirelessly in seclusion, awaiting the period he considers to be the Apocalypse of Mortals, a vision he once had of the Descendants utilising untold potential to wreak destruction upon the world. For this reason, the Kabalees exist. They watch the world for their maker, relaying back what they see to him, so that he may plan. So that he may prevent what he considers the end. These entities are the spawn of Vaasek. They are many beings that serve as his eyes upon the world, fixated on their diligent investigations. Their natural form is unkept, and those that could see this appearance would note an ashen smog of tendrils sweeping across the land. When they so desire, they make take any form that they wish, calling upon the power of Vaasek himself to manipulate their identities. The Kabalees can observe any being from any corner of the world without usually being detected, and have been watching over the lands of Axios for many years, preceding the arrival of the Descendants. They can often be attributed to the lingering caution inherent in all living things as they explore the land, and have been known to whisper to those that they take a particular interest in observing.
  21. Prayer Magic Prayer magic is one of the rarer forms of magic on Axios, for it’s difficult to handle and learn. It is a combination of prayers and the offering of blood and mana towards the gods with the goal to boost either strength, speed or the reflexes of the caster’s own body. With extended learning,the caster can activate two or three of these enhanced abilities at a time. Some people are even mistaking it for Blood Magic, which requires blood to create greater mana pools; however, Prayer Magic requires the user to offer their own blood to the gods and get physically enhanced for a short amount of time instead of creating mana pools for stronger spells. Due to Prayer’s magic connection to the Gods and to ancient rituals, it was deemed a deity magic instead of dark magic. History The origin of the Prayer magic can be traced back to the slums of Salvus. Soon after its initial appearance in Salvus, the magic sprung up in Felsen. It was originally used by a group of Mercenaries and assassins, which prayed to their gods before they engaged combat. Casters offered their own blood to the gods and displayed respect to the gods with the lives taken as result which supposedly proved the existence of their gods. It’s said that the real origin of prayer magic lays in the blood magic, but not enough evidences can be found for this beside from the usage of the own blood to cast and the possible problems occurring with the usage of the magic. This discovery of this form of Magic lead to a raising of Warriors, those which would like to use the magic to be on equal footing with the stronger forces they faced. However, they barely thought about the curse on this form of magic, which often caused the warriors to die after their battles. Many Warriors’ lost their lives and fear spread throughout the warriors as they noticed what the magic would do to them if they weren’t careful or used it without thought and recklessly. In time, fear caused the warriors to forget all about the form of magic, calling it deadly and even too dangerous for even the strongest of warriors. The fear spread throughout the warriors, refusing to use such a deadly power. This fear was a reason to forget and ignore this magic, considering that overuse was deadly and the battles were long. It wasn’t a wise move to use such a power. The magic was banned and nearly vanished completely from most documents as result, pulled from plans, but some people are still studying the magic. These people are mostly mercenaries or Farfolks, which wanted to learn a new way to fight and to combine it with their own fighting styles. Etymology Although the form has roots within the reign of the Farfolk, no record of what they may have referred to it as has been discovered throughout the years. The term, ‘Prayer Magic’, is a Heartlander simplification of the Farfolk term, “Kam Ira”, a goddess of Blood and of Wars. It was later used to describe the God of the Heartlanders and as such the church of Oren by the Farfolks. Some mages are even describing it as Blood Magic, which is basically wrong, since the magic isn’t exactly using the blood itself, but the power granted by the deities after an offering. Blood magic would normally use the blood itself to create mana pools, holding the blood intact the whole time, but the blood offered for Prayer Magic vanishes and the deities are granting the user's new might and strength. Usage of the Magic Prayer Magic is often described as a combination of prayers and the offering of blood and mana towards the gods with the goal to boost either strength, speed or the reflexes of the caster’s own body. Each aspect can be strengthened by the magic to a certain level without getting hurt by the magic itself. The activation and usage of Prayer Magic can be seen as something unnatural, since the usage of this magic requires the user to offer their own blood for the spell to work. The normal amount to activate one of the aspects is at 100 Millilitres of Blood, but the spell can always be re-activated for the same amount of blood. Many users are using this system for their fights, since they can deal more damage depending on how long they can cast and hold one of the chantings up. To actually activate the spell each user needs to have a tattoo or tribal on his arms, legs or head and needs to make a personal prayer towards the gods. This will cause the chanting to start and the tattoos or tribals will start to emit an aura with the same color as the tattoos or tribals are having. This aura, which is similar to the Mana Mist created by Blood Magic, stays around the boosted body part and will remain there until the spell runs out. As soon as the aura vanishes the blood will leave the body, often through the mouth, nose and eyes, and turn into fog. This fog vanishes after a few seconds and doesn’t has any particular effect on it’s own. People are claiming that this fog will travel to the gods and that it will be given to these in need of new life or blood. Ranks and Tiers Like other forms of Magic, Prayer Magic is divided into different ranks and tiers, each of them representing a new amount of power used by the magic. The most common rank found under the users of this magic form is the rank of the “Spark”, often referring to the beginning of something new. These users are able to cast T1 and T2 spells, however only of one aspect at the same time for around 5 minutes. Another common rank is the rank known as “Rising”, often associated with the rising of the sun each day until it reaches the highest point of the horizon. This rank is also describing the ability of casting T3 magic and two Aspects of rank T2 at the same time, however mages of this rank are often able to maintain a spell for over 10 minutes. The last and most uncommon rank is the rank known as “Enlightened Soul”. Users of this rank are often teachers towards the younger ones and are known for their ability to use all three aspects without getting any real problems but excessive use, however, may result in death. Users of this rank are able to cast the strongest spell, the Blood Waltz, or two T3 aspects at the same time. They are also able to maintain all three aspects at T2-Level for some time and are able to maintain their spells for around 15 minutes without having bigger problems. This form of magic can be learned through one of the really rare, old tomes and hard training, however most users were taught by a teacher to increase the chance of success and to minimize the dangers of the magic. Sadly-wise not many tomes were left, since most of them were burned after the first people died from the magic and as such the remaining ones are really expensive or sealed away in churches and libraries. Also reaching the rank of an “Enlightened Soul” takes up to 15 years. This means that every user is normally learning the magic for 5 years until reaching the higher tier and to cast both more and effective spells. Aspect -> Tier I V Aspect of the Mind Aspect of Strength Aspect of Speed T1 - A single sense will get sharper - Most common are eye sight and hearing - Strength will grow in the arms - Able to shatter a bone on direct impact - Movement speed increased - Essentially doubles running speed T2 - Up to three senses at the same time, are sharper - Increased speed of bodily reflexes - Strength and toughness of the skin increased - Able to shatter thinner plates of metal - Increased jumping height - Able to reach a height of 5 Meters T3 - All senses increased at the same time - Musculature is able to withstand Arrows and slight cuts - Strength increased and can shatter swords on direct impact - Musculature is able to withstand falls from around 15 Meters - Tripling the running speed and increased jumping abilities to a height of 7.5m Blood Waltz The Tier 1 till Tier 3 spells aren’t really dangerous for a person as long as they aren’t getting refreshed the whole time, unlike the Blood Waltz. The Blood Waltz is the only spell of the Prayer Magic which would fall under the Tier 4- or Tier 5- Category, since it’s the most powerful and at the same time most dangerous possible spell. The Blood Waltz was given it’s name, because the movements of the users are often looking like if they would dance through the battlefield instead of a normal fight. The name is also an association towards the amount of blood which needs to be used to cast this spell and the bloodbath created by it. To activate the spell users are required to offer 1 Litre of their blood, often causing their death after the spell runs out since the blood loss would be too much to maintain the body's vitality. As soon as the spell gets activated the senses, reflexes and muscles are getting flooded by holy energy, which is causing the user to see the world move a lot slower, nearly as if time would have just slowed down for them. At the same time their aura gets emitted from all of their tattoos or tribals at the same time, covering the whole body at once. As soon as the user is completely covered in the aura the speed and strength of the whole body is getting boosted. Users are able to run at the same speed as horses would do, jump 15 Meters up in the air and are able to shatter thinner stone walls with a good placed punch. This amount of strength and speed created some legends all over the empire that experts of this magic could erase whole armies if they would give away her life and use the Blood Waltz to fight. However the Blood Waltz isn’t turning a person invincible and the user can still get hurt if not watched out by all weapons, causing it to be only used if the user is fairly good in combat and has trained enough years to avoid getting wounded. Curse & Restrictions The curse of the prayer magic isn’t like the usual curse of magic users, which would weaken them on a physical level, instead strengthen them for an even bigger and way more dangerous price. Each user needs to use the own blood to cast one of the spells, which is limited on the amount of spells at the same time and if they are getting renewed over and over again. The loss of blood will cause the user to have nausea, dry skin, insomnia and a lot more of physical and mental problems if it’s overused. However these effects are only starting to take action as soon as the spell runs out after a few minutes, causing the user to be a lot weaker after the usage of this magic until their blood amount has reached the normal level again. The overuse of this magic isn’t always ending deadly, as long as T1-T3 spells are used, since the body will react on the blood lose by falling into unconsciousness until the blood loss was recovered. Sadly-wise the usage of the Blood Waltz is often ending deadly if any spells were used before and if the blood amount is already lower than normally. This makes the blood waltz one of the most feared spells which can be used by the mages of this form and this caused the spell to be defined as a last prayer towards the gods by the church. Mechanics Strengths Weaknesses -Boosting of the user's own Strength -Sacrificing vitality for power -Boosting of the user's own Speed -Only usable with the own blood -Boosting of the user's own Senses and reflexes -Creates nausea, dry skin, insomnia and a lot more of physical and mental problems -Ability to fight with Hand-To-Hand Combat -Can end deadly if overused by the mage -High possibility of death if the Blood Waltz is used -Requires a Teacher or one of the rare and expensive tomes to study this form of magic Trivia Some users are starting to sing while they use this magic, however it is unknown why that reactions happens. Some people assume that the singing is used to transfer the blood easier from the throat and inner organs to the mouth. It is known that some members of the church are using this magic to fight against Liches and other undeads. Most users of this magic form are using medicine and plants to restore their amount of blood in a short amount of time. Written by Ragnio Checked by Vellisar 
  22. ~Animals~ --------------------------------------------------------- -Narffleopoklis The Narffleopoklis is the apex predator of the tundra. It is a tremendous beast that should not be confronted alone. The beast is a mammal that is acclimated to the harshest freezing climates. It has a thick pelt, some areas covered with fur, its underbelly is very vulnerable though and soft. A Narffleopoklis female raises it’s cubs in a cave or den that they live in. The creature is well known for living in high altitudes so that it can use it’s leathery webs that connect from its elbow to its side. The webbing is thin yet tough leather that allows the beast to leap from high heights without being injured. Narffleopoklis males on the other hand hunt in packs throughout the tundra and often howl at night to try and attract females out of their dens so the alpha of the pack may mate with them. Once a pair mate the pack will generally stay in a close vicinity of the female’s den so that they can feed the cubs that will eventually come. Narffleopoklis females tend to have up to 3 or 4 cubs at a time but prioritize feeding the female children over the males. A pack will be very territorial over a female’s den but the den will be most vulnerable when the males leave to hunt. (Named this because a very lost halfling who roamed very far into the North with a few of his friends was the first find and survivor of the creature. His friends had a rather poor hunting trip to say the least.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Skrumpluk This beast is found strictly in deserts and has a nigh impenetrable hide. It can roll into a wheel shape for protection but then cannot move. This creature has several rows of teeth and very poor eyesight in the dark. This creature’s hide is very scaly and the color of sand. The beast can be 4 feet long and 3 feet tall with a lengthy tail with a spike at the end which is very heavy. Occasionally the monster will go into tantrum and flail it’s tail about which can be very dangerous for any people around it. Skrumpluk’s tend to travel in herds and never stay at anyplace too long, typically they scour for insects at night to eat but if an animal gets too close they may become a quick meal. --------------------------------------------------------- ~Plants~ --------------------------------------------------------- -Cerridwen’s Charm This tree is often found in deep in healthily forested areas and grows to be up to 60 feet tall and has an abundance of sap which draws many insects to it, but the tree is less known for its sap or insects but rather for the high amounts of birds which flock and nest or visit the tree for its insects which provide an easily accessible amount of food. The food is so abundant that the birds often aren’t even territorial about the tree. (Named this because a Druid was strongly called to this place because of how much nature was concentrated in one place so they named the tree after their Dietical Mother.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Cerridwen’s Cuse This is an invasive plant that tends to hang from trees and continue to grow to incredibly long lengths but the vines will snap towards creatures that move too sporadically and on an off chance, very seldomly, the vine will wrap around the creature or one of its appendages and quickly coil which pulls the creature to the beginning of the vine. Sometimes the plant will end up dislocating joints, breaking bones or sometimes even hanging a creature. (Named this because a stray hiking group of Druids was the first to have one of their own fall victim to the tree. They named it in direct correlation to ‘Cerridwen’s Charm’ which they were just on their way to discover when their friend was grabbed.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Arugula’s Omen The plant is very pretty and grows near bodies of fresh water. The plant is remarkable because its spindles will slowly wagg back and forth when the plant is in the sun and well hydrated. The petals of the plant come in various colors (lighter the color for the dryer the soil it blossomed upon, darker for moister soil). (Named this because it was first found by a halfling along the coast of Ceru) --------------------------------------------------------- -Akezo’s Mercy The tree grows in very warm climate areas, specifically places that see plenty of rainfall. The tree typically grows to be about 18 feet tall and would take up a large amount of land because of how the branches tend to spread out over a wide area. The remarkable feature of this tree is that it’s bark is very thin and peels off easily (without damaging the tree which has several layers of bark at a time) and the bark makes a great pain medication. The bark can either be laid directly on the tongue or it can be made into a tea. The pain repressing effects will be very powerful but the senses will be very overwhelmed for the first hour after it wears off. A handful of the bark will dull your sense of touch for a day, a pinch of the bark will dull it for a half hour. (Named this because it is often used by orcs after battle or training or attacks, so it was named after their spirit of health, vitality and healing.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Kutuhith This common plant is found along the sides of roads all around Axios but what many people don’t know it that when this plant is ground up into a powder and that powder is mixed with water, the paste that is made can make any wool fabric it is applied onto flame retardant. This plant does die in the winter, which may be when it is needed most, so many alchemists and tailors tend to hoard the weed. --------------------------------------------------------- -Menkabkan A plant that is found in humid jungles at the bottom of ditches. The remarkable part of this plant happens when it is wet and laid, on it’s bottom side, upon flesh. The leaf will release a toxin into the skin that damages the nerves that control the muscles where the leaf was laid. After removal of the leaf the skin will look unchanged, but when the top side of the leaf is laid on the same part of the skin the muscles will contract to a strenuous point where sharp shooting pains will shoot through the contaminated muscles. The only cure to the contamination is time. The toxin will work it’s way out of a creature's system in about 48 hours since application. --------------------------------------------------------- -Fuenolis The plant is highly toxic and is indigenous to the jungles of Axios. The plant, although visually appealing, it’s toxins will send people into dangerous fevers, create symptoms of drowsiness or fatigue and sometimes the toxin will even bind to the iron in our blood cells and choke them off, removing their ability to transfer oxygen throughout the body. The plant would taste very spicy which is what most people would guess by just looking at the plant. --------------------------------------------------------- - Miloptris Found deep in forests all around Axios, typically found on fallen trees or near places of Druidic Blessings these colorful mushrooms will glow brightly in the dark. This bio-luminescent plant is completely safe to ingest and comes in an unfathomable range of colors. When crushed or sometimes even chewed the colorful juices will squirt all over leaving a bright stain wherever it touches which is often known to stain the teeth of animals who live in the woods or sometimes used to accent a valuable painting. These mushrooms aren’t particularly common but they do grow in large patches. (Named this because a Druid was the first to name and document the plant, so they named it after their very own Druid Milo Herbwallow.) ---------------------------------------------------------
  23. Scuttle Beetle Introduction The huge tunnel-digging beetle known as the Scuttle Beetle would appear to have dug tunnels that are scattered around Asul. (This is for the 5.0 update.) People would wonder what they are. They would seem to avoid people and stay in the their tunnels as the descendants arrive. Discovery As people arrive on the Asul island and start exploring the new place, they would find strange large tunnels scattered around the islands. They appear not man-made as they have no specific walls around them. They would look as if they were digged with something without precision and have long slow graduate turns. If they were explored, they seem to even have some that connect the islands. If went all the way down the tunnel, it would look like a huge nest, with Scuttle Beetles everywhere, the beetles would immediately smell the descendants and would start a hiss among all the beetles almost to tell the descendants to go away. The beetles would seem violent but protective. They only attack when startled or threatened. But they are very strong and could easily kill an average descendant. Characteristics The Scuttle Beetle’s diet consists of dirt. It eats the dirt and the dirt is processed inside his body and the nutrients are taken into the beetle while the excess dirt is spit out of the beetle’s mouth. The Scuttle Beetle is also blind, but has amazing smell that it relies on and can smell almost every movement. The best way to sneak up on the Scuttle Beetle is to be completely silent. It is a very strong creature, it’s shell has the strength of steel, so the easiest way to kill one is via it’s head. If needed, the best way to penetrate it’s shell is by using a warhammer to crack the shell. It’s color normally ranged from a dark purple to a black. The beetle is usually about 4 feet (1.3 meters) to 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall. While, at it’s widest part is can range from 10 to 12 feet wide. (3 meters to 3.6 meters) While is ranges from 20 feet to 26 feet in length. (6 meters to 7.9 meters) It weighs between 700 pounds (318 kilograms) to 1,000 pounds. (454 kilograms) The Scuttle Beetles each have a large nest where they have their young. The mothers of the young do not protect or raise the young. The male Scuttle Beetle raises the young and teaches them how to live. These beetles have two large antennae on their head they use to smell. Extra Information These beetles are Event Creatures and should be roleplayed in EVENTS. They should be roleplayed by the Event Team. These are not mounts and cannot be tamed.
  24. “Unperceived force is the bane of retaliation.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All sentients are reliant upon the delicate existence of 'Air'. And, without it. All who need it haven't the chance of even a meagre position within the physical plane, in turn. It was only natural mortals would seek to harness its latent prowess, to reign dominate over what is thought to govern them. Although Air is what birthed most life-forms; its presence must not be neglected as one of its potential hazards and/or driving forces of nature. And thus, in accordance to history's usual re-tellings, the Descendants took it upon themselves to harness its power, as they do with all other possibilities of interactions with the world. And, like all other possible means of garnering control of an entity, one must come to at least partially understand the concepts that said entity brings; most commonly through careful study of every identifiable aspect that it holds. The wind that brushes against our skins holds no exception to the ruling notion, though not blatantly visible to the naked eye, its very existence and various functions can still be observed via other means; whether it be from the remaining senses of touch, smell, hearing or taste. Or in other, more convenient instances, gathering already recorded observations. Nevertheless, before its effects can be replicated via the magic, and typically before the mage even begins to study the respective element of their choice. The individual must first “attune” or, rather accustom themselves to the voidal plane. In brief and short summation, the void is all and nothing simultaneously, being only as vast as the mind’s state enables one to grasp it. The most notable, and most commonly adhered to analogy practitioners use; for ease in their description of the void, is that the very abstraction is akin to that of a blank canvas. Those who do, and don't reside within its realm, most beings categorised as regular Descendants: have the capacity to apply its uses through their own supply of mana, used in conjunction with the soul as its main channel from where it can be siphoned from. When said practitioner melds all learned concepts together, they may finally begin placing his knowledge into practice, though in the case of a fledgling Evocationist, not into necessarily "practical' use. The process would all begin to stem from the very core of all arcane arts as previously stated, the void. Once the mage has established a connection, he may begin to drive the magical action in which he wills; starting from a simple mental image in what the mage is trying to accomplish, in this case. Being the simple formation of air, taken from any bits of knowledge he understands it to be. From that. They may begin in the usual procedure of pulling the element from the void, moving its temporally short state of being into the physical plane, steering whichever properties he desires into the newly formed evocation; gradually shifting its current function into what the Evocationist wishes. As the mage becomes more adept and acquainted with the general procedure, he would grow in ability to tinker with the various variables that the magic is composed of, ideally in rapid succession, peaking at a point in which it becomes second-nature. Air that is summoned from the void is subject to the mage's own understanding of said Air, and is therefore not affected by the surrounding environmental air pressure, temperature and/or wind direction. While an evoked wind may be contrary to the environment's weather systems, it has no influence beyond the moment the element returns to the void. A storm cannot be calmed, a northern wind cannot be shifted, and so on and so forth. With the exception of the brief moment that the mage is in control of their evoked air.However, air in which a Mage is accustomed into be associated with is not exactly wind, and the difference is clearly underlined. As Air is the mixture of gases that forms the atmosphere, which we have all around us. When this Air begins to move fast enough to matter, we call it wind. Wind is the horizontal motion of air, due to the pressure difference between two places. Wind is the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction. Similarly to that of diffusion on a much larger scale, Air under high pressure carries over toward areas of lower pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the faster the air flows. Air has more force to it the more compressed it is, for example, if it is compressed from point A, which pushes itself towards a less compressed area; point B. If it was more compressed, taking much more time and energy, it would mean that it would travel from point A to B with a stronger force. In an environmental implementation, the movement of wind within a coastal setting will be appropriate to explain how heat will come into effect and also drive the natural movement of wind. (http://www.technologystudent.com/images5/wdpow3.gif . Credit to TechnoStudent of showing a gif for the application of this on the natural environment) As the sun heats the land, the air above also warms and rises. Cold air then replaces the rising air. This creates the winds that we feel most days of the year. The diagram above shows how this ‘system’ work in a natural setting. Air tends to warm at a faster rate over land because the land retains its heat. Over the sea the air warms more slowly as heat by the sun is slowly cooled by the cold water. If you visit the seaside or coastal area you will probably find that the weather is more breezy or windy than inland. This is because the warm air rises over the land and cold air over the sea replaces it. Craftier mages that have immersed themselves to the study will be able to manipulate their evocated air to abuse this natural physical property and enhance their abilities to have an edge over fellow mages of matching skill. Air Evocation can only take on one form, which is air. Anything and everything that is evocated will be made up of air that consisted of a neutral composition and is able to mix with other evocation . Moreover when it comes to dual casting it is harder, needs much more concentration and uses much more mana for instance, with fire evocation, to create bigger flames. The wind’s very primal purpose; is not to be used in lethal ways, which is why non-combative use of the magic often can be more expansive in relation to its harm-dealing capabilities. That isn't to say you cannot use it in combat because at it's heart, it is a combat magic. So when you are evocating the magic into whatever it may be, keep in mind the pressure of the air you are forming. Is the air pressurized far too much? It is more exhausting for a mage to hold and direct as it might just backfire if they lose control. Aesthetically, air is invisible and in turn a rather unpredictable element on all accounts, which makes exceptional control rather impossible. The most used approach to this evocation; is to knock over foes. While more adept mages with greater control and practice will be capable of pressurizing and condensing air into spheres, which can then be hurled at a foe, its force of impact much like a thrown rock of considerable size. However, due to its unpredictable nature and difficulty of control, it is not unheard of to hear of air evolutionists backfiring in their art and causing themselves to be hurt . Though this occurrence is less frequent in comparison to meddling with other, much more dangerous elements such as fire, or electricity. (Plus RP examples.) ( Adapted from the latest Air Evocation Guides) Stage/Tier 1 - This tier is mainly for beginners to the arcane and specifically, on connecting to the void. As this stage, one’s character should be extremely fatigued at almost every attempt to connect to the void and requires studying of the element to understand and be exposed to the element. (Example): The newly initiated apprentice would set himself down upon the wooden floor. His form would gradually arc back in relaxation, his eyelids clamping shut in mild concentration, a single malformed bead of sweat slowly oozing away from the side of his head, his mind now entering a trance of complete concentration. His nose scrunching up from the extended effort. Soon, his eyes would drearily open, his face now doused with sweat as his aura’s color would begin to seep through his original iris’s color, his connection to the void stringed together flimsily. After a few seconds’ passing, his breathing would abruptly break out in ragged wheezes, the connection being severed away from its allotted time. Stage/Tier 2 - A more advanced stage that consists of learning how air and wind currents work and allows for minor experimentations of creating various currents of winds and sustaining it, however to their inexperience to the element, they will be fatigued after merely summoning their element (Example): The apprentice would lean back against the wall’s support, his eyes dropping close in somewhat practiced concentration. His chest would begin to heave up and down in rhythm, his conscious mind regulating his breathing. In a moment’s notice, his eyes would pry open again. His Irises’ color now emitting unnatural coloration from its original appearance, his aura’s reflected color seeming to be more piercing and vivid than before. [!] The wind would be barely felt by those around, its velocity hopping just a bit before coming to a sudden stop. With just that, the Apprentice’s knees would buckle. His breathing turned ragged and sparse, the connection cut away by his fatigue undoing his focus. Stage/Tier 3 - It is the pivotal phase of the evocation study that allows its users to perform to a significant degree, allowing steady currents to be manifested through the user’s own control and allow for the manipulation of winds. (Example): The Mage would stay static in his motion, his eyes closed in practiced concentration. A single digit dangling from his right hand began to twitch lightly during this time frame. His mouth would part away with a single, pre-mediated exhale, his eyes now fluttering open. His irises would deal out a distinct glow; a clear sign of his steady connection. [!] Promptly after this, the wind orbiting the mage would be felt lightly dabbing against the skins of all around, including himself. His chest would rise and drop in steady tempo, just as the wind about would begin to gain speed; a steady current of wind, staying at no higher than a few miles per hour circled his front. After a few minutes, the mage would stop. His expression un-curtaining his fatigue as he’d break the connection. Stage/Tier 4+ - Reaching a phase in which the user has became quite skilled and confident in performing their art and may now manipulate their Air with high success rates and proficiency/speed. (Example): The adept mage would make his way back to the training grounds, a single finger hoisted up to adjust his glasses; his mind absent from his destination in deep thought. As he’d arrive, his mind would tear away from the day-dream, his eyes now gaining focus, pointed towards the few stacked pieces of wood just a few meters across his own location. With that, his eyes would shut, his mind cycling out any unnecessities as it would burrow deeply into a state of concentration. [!] His irises would give off the same glow as before, being that of a pure (insert aura color here) hue. The wind’s velocity would once more scale up in magnitude, the area of rally crossing over towards the stack of wood. Their forms rattling at the intruding force. Without further ado, the wind’s speed would soar high, the stack of wood soon scattering from the gale’s sudden impact. With that, another sole finger would raise to re-adjust his glasses. A single bead of sweat dribbled away from his face’s center. The pair of eyes just above painted back to normalcy. (These examples are no more than very basic outlines of how you should RP the magic, and should not be thoroughly mimicked under any circumstance; nor do they have to be as long/detailed) -Unable to alter/use pre-existing elements in the world. -Disruption, or loss of focus will immediately diminish the evoked element; in this instance, any summoned wind/gusts will disperse as soon as the connection is severed. -You cannot manipulate the evoked air into radically fine points of interest, this means no ‘piercing winds’ that would act much like a material weapon. Why was this made? It was recognised that Air evocation lacked a concrete base lore in which players could derive from and use to venture forth with their art. Credits: To the various MAT members which chipped in their opinion and to the makers of the air evocation guides and the lore for other magic( Like BrandNewKitten's) which was useful to derive structure and sensible and fair lore ideas from, and Mathue for practically whipping me to finish this. I will not do a TLDR, and I will like to thank everyone for reading! Edit 24 August 2016: Minor adjustments to paragraphing and fixed a spelling mistake
  25. Ilzgûl Udalgum - The Spirit Connection There where tool and spirit become one, to empower the Shaman. He shall act in honour and compensate the given powers well, for that… is the orc way. The concept of the Ilzgûl Udalgum is that of the connection a shaman can make between a spirit and a tool. The process itself is a ritual unique for each type of spirit and thus, for each sub-type of the shamanic arts with an exception for Lutaumancy. The ritual is performed during the forging of the weapon and goes on for a few days after the material weapon is done. Though different the ritual always consists of the following steps: ~ The creation The process where the tool of choice is crafted out of any material. The type of material chosen does not affect the result of the connection, though Aurum keeps its abilities against Undead. As do other materials, that have their abilities. The inscribing Here the Shaman inscribes the tool with lines of the old speech. The language is written onto the weapon, marking it and forming the framework for the connection. This is an essential part of the connection, for if the old speech is in any way damaged from its original form, the connection will fail to succeed. Atop of the shamanic scripture written on the tool, instrument or weapon, a part is to be copied on a part of the body of the shaman himself, or the future user/owner of the tool, instrument or weapon created. This way the tool is bonded and can only be used by the one that has this similar scripture. The sacrifice After the framework for the connection is made, a sacrifice is to be made to the spirit the shaman wishes to make the connection with. The type of sacrifice must be one that has any relation to the spirit, it must be one that is logical. It must be a fresh sacrifice, which is performed together with the last step of the process. The chant As the sacrificial ritual progresses and the tool is brought in with this sacrifice the Shaman has to audibly seal the connection made between spirit and tool, by ways of a chant. The chant itself consists of Four parts. The first part is evoking the spirit, the second one specifying the augmentation that the connection will bring, and the third is the command that is to be spoken for its activation. The last chant will be the assignment of the tool to its owner(s). By this is implied that only those who are named in this chant, can use the tool created, or rather more: can activate it. ~ During the last phase of this ritual, and the creation of the tool, the spirit is channeled. If the sacrifice made is deemed honorable and worthy, the spirit shall allow a connection to be made. This way the Shaman may utilize the tool to honor the spirit in the future. The bond between user and tool, instrument or weapon sealed by the similar old blah that is written not only on the tool, instrument or weapon, but also the user himself. The workings of this craft will then offer an augmentation upon command. This way only the creator and owner of this tool have the ability to activate and use the spirit’s power. Upon activation the inscribed text will emit a soft hue, in the color that is most likely to appear with the spirit connected. Next to the scripture on the tool, instrument or weapon: the old blah on the users body (where ever they were inscribed into the flesh during the sealing of this bond) will emit the same colored hue of dim light. ~ Elemental connections: Can be created by either a Witchdoctor or an Elementalist, and allows the Shaman to connect a tool to a lesser or greater Elemental Spirit. ~ Witchdoctor: Curses, therefore activation of a connection will cause drawbacks to the Shaman itself. Aside from which, the augmentation the connection brings is one related to cursing and the spirit chosen. Elementalist: Pacts, therefore an elementalist can only create a connection with an elemental spirit that they have a pact with. The augmentation the connection brings is one related to this spirit and can reach beyond the applications that a witchdoctor variant of an elemental connection can bring. Examples for Elemental connections could be: The creation of an orcish cleaver, smithed through roleplay. Then a sacrifice to a lesser spirit under Skathach (Spirit of Fire) must be made paired with the needed chants in order to create a cleaver that, when activated, heats up and glows a red hue. (or at least the inscribed text will emit a red hue) The creation of a steel rod. Within this rod is room for a small reservoir of water. Then a sacrifice to a lesser spirit under Akathro (Spirit of Water), or more specific: Ice paired with the needed chants will create a rod, that upon activation: will grow a pike-like ice shard on the top. (Using the water in the reservoir as 'fuel') Immortal connections: Can be created by either a Witchdoctor or a Farseer and allows the Shaman to connect a tool to a lesser or greater Immortal Spirit. ~ Witchdoctor: Curses, therefore activation of a connection will cause drawbacks to the Shaman itself. Aside from which, the augmentation the connection brings is one related to cursing and the spirit chosen. Farseer: Blessings, therefore activation of a connection will not cause any drawbacks and the augmentation of the connection is one related to blessing and the spirit chosen. Examples for Immortal connections could be: The creation of an orcish Lumber Axe, smithed through roleplay. Then with inscriptions, a sacrifice and chants to a lesser spirit under Jevax (Spirit of hard work) will create an axe that, upon activation, will cut lumber faster and with more ease. The creation of an orcish spear, smithed through roleplay. Then with inscriptions, a sacrifice and chants to Votar (Spirit of Hunting) will create a tool that, upon activation, will gift the hunter improved scent and ability to track animals. Red Lines: This is all up to change for it is but a concept. Your feedback is very welcome!
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