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  4. Thanks! Hoping to encourage some crafting RP. I have some event lines planned out as well. I figured I'd open it up to all races since I think it's fun to teach people.
  5. A handful of missives appeared around the city overnight. Childish in make, no single flier was like the other, each different in composition or bounty or even the shape of the monster scribbled onto the photo of Valdev's river. All lacked a name.
  6. This is absolutely amazing, breathing life into smithing RP and providing a place for newer players to learn. Wish I had something like this back when I joined with a dwarf character...
  7. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Kele bows her head in acknowledgement and respect, sitting on the cushion. "You were expecting me?" She looks as if she's confused, but trying to be polite. "I'm sure this town is lovely! I'm only passing through." She laughs nervously. "I was sent to fetch something from the next town over. But...I just keep getting lost, I don't even know how far I've..." She sighs deeply. "I don't mean to trouble you with my troubles. I'm just known for getting lost." She taps a wooden stick against her hand. "My story...," she purses her lips, humming. "I feel like I've been wandering since I was born. As purposelessly as a leaf on the breeze. My own people saw that I had a natural green thumb, and so I was sent to live with a colony of wood elves for a spell. A...," she laughs, but its hollow, "A spell. But after I lead a group of orcs into the colony by getting lost...," she shakes her head. "I've never found a place I belonged. Not yet, at least. I feel...," she shifts uncomfortably, "I feel like I may be...," she whispers, "cursed?" Her eyes are wide with anxiety, and then she laughs abruptly, shaking her head, "But that would be silly! How could I be cursed. After all, haven't we all...haven't we all already been cursed? Erm. Anyway," she waves her hand as if to clear the awkwardness away. In the blink of an eye, her memory takes her to the moment she had left on this strange journey, meaning only to retrieve something from the next town over. She had been bewildered, knowing that she was so often known to wander, and yet she had taken the basket of food and supplies and taken off. She gasps, turning to the woman, "They were trying to get rid of me!"
  8. so guys i have this lore idea for a dragon based family

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      you mean a house of the dragon??

    3. wowj


      dragon drones please

    4. Islamadon


      mi mizz horen...

  9. A certain druid of towering height looked at a hammer wrought of gold upon being shown said missive. Not a word uttered. They knew what had to be done.
  10. This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.
  11. "Voidal users may truly be th' dumbes' folks I 'ave EVER seen." A certain irritable druid grumbles upon being shown the missive.
  12. @libertyybelleyou make a post about a fishing event and the gods smote my computer to prevent me from coming, rip my laptop's motherboard.

  13. The Brotherhood of Anvil Masters "Weh need tah reclaim oor old waes, laddehs! Fer Yemekar!" - Broki Bumblefoot (KoolKid76) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is teh purpose laddeh?: The Brotherhood of Anvil-Masters is a smithing only guild, which will provide “Anvil-Seals” which will announce what “smithing mastery” a dwarf has. Entry into the guild will be a flat minas fee (ten minas), which will be used for Masters to teach newer guild-members. Once that is done, an Apprentice in the Brotherhood will be paired with a Master who shares what type of smithing style they want to learn. For example: Weaponsmithing, narrowed down to Axesmithing. Gemsmithing, narrowed down to Ringcraft. Once a Master provides a “Writ of Approval” to the Anvil-Lord, then the Apprentice will need to present a masterfully crafted item which will grant them an “Anvil-Seal”. This showcases that they have mastered their craft. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Required Fees: To join the Smithing Guild (which is really a school to train people to smith), costs a joining fee of ten minas. When the Guild gets you a commission (for example, a person comes to the Guild-Hall to request an axe. It is then passed to the Master of Axesmithing) you have to pay five minas for the commission. Any race is welcome to join, but may need to present a work they have created to prove they “have what it takes” before actually fully joining. The first twelve people to join will have their joining fee waived. This is so we can prove our activity, the fact this idea works, etc. By joining before we're fully ready and being an early person, I'll personally train you how to smith properly. I've a lot of experience with training people - and I won't ask for payment. So JOIN. Competitions: The Anvil-Lord will schedule competitions, where people can enter to have their work judged by the Guild. These can include people from outside of the Guild. Works must be things that have been “smithed” - so not woodworking, weaving, etc. It has to be crafted using metal. Entry will either be free, or have an entry fee to increase the size of the winning pot. The fee will be decided by the Anvil-Lord. The Guild will take 10% of the fees. So, if ten people join at ten minas each - then the Guild will take ten minas for hosting the event. Further, the Anvil-Lord is expected to front some of the prize money himself - as well as paying Master Judges. Prize Pools will also be settled by the Anvil-Lord, who will announce what it will be. It depends on amount of entries, etc. Payments: Masters who are actively contributing to the Guild (Training Apprentices, attending Competitions, etc) will be given “Benefits”. This will be a payment of five minas per stone week if they are deemed active by the Anvil-Lord. This is to have a “passive” payment system, where just being in the Guild and doing things relating to smithing will give you a paycheque. Two Examples: Example A: A Master of Ringcraft is unable to judge a competition, nor has he taken on an Apprentice yet. In order for him to prove his activity to the Guild, he produces a “masterworked ring” to the Anvil-Lord. The Anvil-Lord inspects it, grades the work of the ring - and then produces him his Guild Benefits for the week. Example B: A Master of Axesmithing has judged a competition, as well as helped an Apprentice learn the craft. His activity has been proven to the Guild. Not only was he paid for the Apprentice work (5 minas out of the 10 minas payment the Apprentice gave), but he was given 10 minas for judging the competition. (15 Minas). His Guild Activity was proven for the week, and he is given his Guild Benefits (bringing his weekly pay up to 20 minas). Patronage: Organizations within the Kingdom of Urguan are able to provide “patronage” to the Guild. Essentially, that means providing a donation of minas in return for special projects. For example: The Iron Baron donates one hundred minas to the Guild, and in return the Anvil-Lord produces him something special for the Casino. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ranks: Unaffiliated (0) Apprentice (1) Anvil-Master (2) Anvil-Lord (3) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brotherhood By-Laws: One of the most important things related to the Brotherhood, is the concept of pride. You see, learning how to make many different forms of smithing makes you a “Jack of All Trades, Master of None”. This is not acceptable to Anvil-Masters, who take pride in being a Master of ONE Trade. This means that if you’re granted an Anvil-Seal for Ringcraft, you cannot also call yourself a “Master” of Swordsmithing. Doing so might cause you to be “fined” by the Anvil-Lord, which if not paid may cause your membership to be revoked. An Anvil-Master can be the master of only one trade, Commission stealing is forbidden, Pay your dues, Support your brothers, Worship Yemekar above All Else, Make great works, Do not mass produce items (Everything must be unique). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Will dere be Special Events laddeh?:" Just like any organization, we will host special player run events for people if they wish. Most of these events will be based around uncovering “ancient knowledge” that can help us improve our work. They will be rare, span the course of several weeks if not months, and will provide great rewards. These events will have multiple endings, and different ways of ending them that does not involve five hour long combat roleplay sessions. In addition, it will take place outside of “approved times”. I.E - You sign up for it, and then the Anvil-Lord will do special events for you that has NO time slot. It’s a living, breathing world - time to act like it. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Rally of the Masters: The Rally of the Masters meets to vote on the quality of goods that apprentices bring forward. The entire Rally does not have to meet when an apprentice brings forward an item. The Anvil-Lord rules over the Rally, who is able to also approve Master works. The Anvil-Lord has to be apart of the judging process. The Anvil-Lord hand selects his replacement from among the Rally of the Masters. However, by majority vote he can be removed if he’s found to be inactive or not doing his job properly. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weapon-Masters: Hammers (Bludgeoning) Axes (Bludgeoning / Slashing) Swords (Slashing / Thrusting) Ornate (Decorative Weapons) Armor-Masters: Chainmail Plate Armor Scale Armor Ornate (Decorative Armors) Gem-Masters: Ringcraft (All types of Rings) Banglecraft (Earrings, Bracelets, etc.) Gemsmithing (Crafting beautiful gems) Crowncraft (Crafting Crowns) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Trades of the Anvil: Gem-Masters "Masters of the Glittering Hoard" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Crowncraft Crowncraft is the dwarven art of creating beautiful crowns, circlets, and other pieces of decorative headwear. A master of Crowncraft will have few commissions, owing to the fact that only “leaders” wear crowns. (OOC: Suggested you are good at skinning, so you can provide an actual item for people to put on their skins). Crowncraft is considered incredibly prestigious, but unfortunately pays the least out of all the trades. Not recommended for people who do not have a lot of capital Gemsmithing Gemsmithing is the dwarven art of cutting gems, which can be later used by other smiths - or simply kept as treasures. The main clients of Gemsmiths are fellow dwarves, who need gems for their own crafts - or simply because they look nice. Gemsmithing is also prestigious, but pays decently. The average gem can sell for between twenty and one hundred minas. It’s fine for anyone to enter into this trade. Banglecraft Banglecraft is the dwarven art of making fancy bracelets, earrings, or general bangles. A Master of Banglecraft will largely deal with selling to women, who are the typical people who purchase such forms of jewelry. Banglecraft is not as prestigious as the other trades, but it can be quite lucrative - especially as many humans will purchase such things to gift to their women. Expect to deal with a lot of people who love romance! Ringcraft Ringcraft is the dwarven art of making rings, or beard braids. For this reason, Ringcraft is incredibly prestigious and commands great respect. Some even argue it is more prestigious than Crowncrafting. This is the recommended trade for newer players, who wish to enter into Crafting RP. It will generate good income, provides a massive amount of creativity, and brings us back to our tolkien roots. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Armor-Masters "Masters of Defense" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ornate Armor Smithing Ornate Armor Smithing is a unique trade. You see, there are many people who are looking for decorative as opposed to practical armors. Ornate Armor Smithing may be a catch-all term, but very few if any can achieve an Anvil-Seal in this. Ornate Armor Smithing is one of the hardest things to enter, and requires a great deal of labour to become good. However, those who Master this trade could have tens of thousands of Minas. This trade is for “Skinners”, i.e those who wish to sell their armor skins for minas. Due to the fact that very good armor skins can sell for over 2,000 minas - it’s very clear that this would be the most lucrative profession. However, only Mick is able to make good armor skins - so most people won’t get this seal. All Other Armor Smithing Scale Armor Smithing is a rather simple term to describe an Anvil-Master who has worked on crafting scale armor. This type of armor is used by a lot of dwarves, as well as northmen who appreciate the protection. This is making actual Minecraft Armor, and then giving them a lore description. For this reason, the barrier of entry is a lot lower than OAS. In my experience, full lored armor can sell for about 300 - 500 minas. However, it is very difficult to get a client - so this is not recommended to new players! Plate Armor Smithing is the same as Scale Armor. All the same applies. Your clientele may be focused more on dwarves and human knights. Chain Armor Smithing is the same as Scale Armor. All the same applies. Your clientele may be focused on humans, halflings, and elves. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weapon-Masters "Masters of War" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ornate Weaponsmithing Ornate Weaponsmithing is a catch-all term that is different from armor smithing. Essentially, this trade focuses on creating ornate objects one holds (like a scepter, a decorative sword, etc) that has no combat purposes. Indeed, an Anvil-Master of Ornate Weaponsmithing must make it clear that using their weapon will cause it to break or fracture. This is also not recommended for new players. You will not have a lot of clientele, and this would probably only earn you a handful of minas per commission. However, there is a certain level of prestige to it. Swordcraft Swordcraft is the term used to describe making swords (obviously), as well as any thrusting weapon (including spears). Slashing / Piercing is some of the most common types of weapons found in the world, and thus Swordcraft has no shortage of people looking to buy a commission. Highly recommended for new players. Many people want special weapons to use, especially since they love going to events and having STs drop rocks on them to die. Axecraft Axecraft is the term used to describe making axes (obviously), as well as throwing axes. Many northmen and dwarves use axes, but it is not as common as swords. Also recommended for new players. I used to run an Axe-Shop, and every week I’d make about 100 minas from selling my one of a kind axes. Was fun! Hammercraft Hammercraft is the term used to describe making hammers, as well as tools for fellow smiths. Hammers are the least common type of weapon used by people, and thus does not have as many clients as Axes or Swords. However, creating tools for your fellow smiths DOES carry prestige. Highly recommended for new players. Dwarves love hammers, and roleplay flavor tools are always needed! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  14. The former Grand Maer, Ioanna Kortrevich, endorsed her late husband's kinsman with great pride!
  15. “Before the wretched Most High, we reject our blood; and so it was, that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the sons.” The Ingesøn (pronounced Ing-eh-seun, translating to ‘The Sons of None’) are a tribe wrought of the remnant blood of the Øhlson Clan, headed by Alaric aep Øhlson - a wretched father who, above all, was a warlock, fanatic to a pagan Creator, and so fierce in his zealousness that he sought to unify his children with his ideals and faith in such ways that no child could bear to brunt. Those borne of this brood bear upon them the many curses of their father’s actions, knowing within their hearts that they must reject their blood, for with that blood comes immense sin. The Ingesøn reside amongst the folk of the Ilmurin Vanguard as one of the first tribes of the new age to arise within it, consisting entirely of the proto-elf children of the Øhlson brood, who were ultimately rejected, and so too did reject, their blood, their father, and everything that they came from. They possess an innate understanding of the ways of the Clan that had brought them into being - a preference for the lands of the north and the arctic oceans, and a deep connection to the land beneath them, alongside, primarily, a militaristic order to those who stand within the Tribe, binding themselves to their blades and their brawn, their tactics and their trials, above all. What is sought by the Ingesøn is neither war nor peace, but a figurative land, not bound by location nor geography, known as Athaulf, where they might settle and be amongst one another. This place is where they may reside in unity with the land, the sea and the skies above, and every other man, woman and child. They bear a distinct distaste for the ways of the cities and the strife of every nation, knowing themselves to be beyond it. The Ilmurin Vanguard The Ingesøn Tribe possesses within it a hierarchy based primarily upon equal standing - all members of the Tribe of blood relation to one another will stand equally, no matter what. There is a singular exception to this, he (or she) who stands as the leader of the tribe, the Rei. A singular individual [at present: Avagis Ingesøn] who shall lead the tribe in all things - whether it may be in the location of Athaulf, the trials and tribulations of the tribe itself, or the very oral rules that lie between every member. The Rei is symbolised in their power by their bearing of the shining blade, Arian, a Seax wrought of alien metal, smithed and wrought by the hand of the First Rei, Avagis. He who is of blood descent who claims this blade by means of a rightful duel with the current Rei will be known as the new Rei - alternatively, it may instead be handed down from old to new. The Ingesøn, whilst still having rejected the blood of their fathers before them, have developed their own rich form of cultural heritage. This revolves primarily around the wisdom sought out from the many tribal rituals that those of Ingesøn blood engage in - whether it be to make contact with the land itself through trial and tribulation, or to unify with the skies by way of journey, and finally, to unify one’s mind and body by way of the blade, or the fist. The Ingesøn seek to control their emotion in every regard - though, when they engage in battle, it is customary to engage in the various chants of their mother tongue, that of the Fjordem Island of Aeldin, whether it be in a musical fashion or in a fashion akin to that of Mysticism, granting one a unification with The Absolute, believed to be the creator of the blood of Ingesøn, through altered mind and body. Every member of The Ingesøn Tribe possesses amongst them a certain set of features that will allow a keen eye to distinguish between them with ease. Though not all are the children of Alaric, they are all of the descent of his Clan, and thus, possess the dead, grey eyes that were once infamous amongst those of the Ohlson Clan. As well as this, they are typically paler in appearance, even when borne from individuals with darker features, and extremely tall, with all of them being proto-elves, between a range of 6’ and 6’7”. Many of them, having been raised with the capability of militaristic action, have the capability to grow and maintain decent quantities of muscle - if well-trained, they may be able to fully maximise their combative potential, though not all members of the Tribe are inherently militaristic. Many prefer to take upon themselves various other roles within the Tribe, such as Artisans, Scribes, Apothecaries, and any other roles, so long as they are of use to the greater collective. The naming system of the Ingesøn is one that is clear-cut - all members of the tribe must have names beginning with the letter A, originating in meaning and description from the mother tongue of the previous island their ancestors had once occupied. Distinctly, the most well-known feature of those within the tribes is the scarified marking that may be present anywhere upon their body, known as the Hringur. It is the symbol that binds everyone together, for it represents the all-seeing eye of judgement that might bring upon them great pain were they to engage in misdeeds. [OOC NOTES]:
  16. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "I may have entered your tentbut that does not obligate me to answer you. Unless of course you explain what you mean by expecting me.
  17. Esfir is so ready for Ricky.
  18. "It's cooooming hoooome" says Brother Ninnias
  19. "That's mea borsa!" Florian Kortrevich cheered as the pamphlet was set in hand.
  20. Sabine, even in her distant travels, receives a copy of the young Kortrevich's poster. She presses it carefully into her travelling-bag in its very own binding of leather, and beams with great pride - for Rickard Kortrevich would make, she knew, nothing short of a fantastic Maer.
  21. Once again, Astrid Thriceblood reads the missive with a long-suffering sigh. Does he mind? She was in the middle of something really quite important, and to be interrupted because some megalomaniac arcane lich couldn't keep his trap shut was incredibly annoying. She mutters something unkind in Scyfling, and goes to shred the parchment for reptile bedding - but decides against it, and shoves it in her desk drawer. ...Just in case.
  22. Rickard 'Ricky Dicky' Kortrevich puts his name forward for the ballot as well as a copy of his propaganda.
  23. Thank you everyone for the suggestions- I am looking to implement a few of these into a build rules proposal soon. :)
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