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  3. Yvaine looks to the publication made by her kin, nodding firmly. However she recalls a certain event regarding Sergei var Ruthern and cringes harshly, slowly pushing said publication away soon after…
  4. Deep within the Vikela Jungle, a resting warrior would be polishing a heavy set of Azure colored platted armor. " Dios mio.. why do you hurt momma like this hermano.. Now I have to sin against my own familia." Spoke The man as he began to bandage his hands, from palm to elbow so that he may deliver justice with his gauntlets
  5. "This was the last thing I expected from him, nevertheless, a grave mistake will not be overlooked." Luthien muttered when hearing of such news, she wondered why her brother would do this when he was having a good life. She firstly goes to check on Malkyne, sighing as they were supposed to be sisters in law.
  6. A wandering Shepherd read the missive. "Hunger and ambition, words of the High Hells... Perhaps they're better off joining the Hexicanum. No surprises there, they too have no spirit to their cause." he spoke to his companions. "It seems our greatest mistake was trusting this backwater scum. To let it come this far. No matter. Unless the Black Sun rises early, we'll still be here a millennium from now." he rolled his shoulders as an ethereal gleam made him invisible to the naked eye. "Having some more information would be grand though. Did the Delmar know? Is it just his lieutenants seizing power? Despite the draconic alliance, some insights in the thoughts of the Abyss would be welcome too..."
  7. Skin: - Attire Skin [2] Bid: - $23 Discord: - spoopyduck IGN: - spurf
  8. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) I look around the messy tent, unwilling to speak to the woman until I get a good grasp of my surroundings, I've never been much of a talker. The candles smell like jasmine, my favourite. Unfortunately, I've always been one to be easily swayed by the little things, the smell of jasmine invites me into talking to the woman, "Well, I'm just passing by, not really here to trouble you but I am a bit lost." I was on my way to a much further village to find some more paints for a mural I've been working on for quite some time now. And, a combination of my horrible navigation skills and having never been to this village has brought me on a whole new path. The older woman seems to understand my situation and nods, "You may think you are lost, but in fact fate led you here." I internally snort, while I do not wish to be rude, I don't exactly believe in fate and whatnot, "I see, so what exactly could I gain from here that I cannot from the town I wish to find?" She urges me to sit, but I cannot bring it upon myself to sit on the dirt floor and dirty up my dress, "I don't mind standing, really." While my feet hurt from walking all day, sitting on the raw ground is something I could never do. This time, the woman snorts at me, making me a bit uncomfortable with her and my said "fate". She begins to draw in the dirt with her finger, "Your here to start a new journey, your beautiful paintings lack love and life, simply because you haven't explored the world, stuck in your comfortable home with the other high elves. If you want to be one of the best artists you must experience." Suddenly, I become curious, of course I want to be the best at my craft, especially with how prideful and competitive us high elves are. I turn her way, "Tell me more, about exploring the world.." she smirks and begins to tell me wonderous tales of this world that is so far and different from my closeted home and I begin to become more and more curious of what my art is missing, no, what I'm missing.
  9. i wanna hear those club classics

  10. Wiping off the sweat running down her forehead, Aher'khel set down her tools stepping away from the forge. Her single crimson eye reading the missive. "Akari..." Her gaze shifted towards the ceiling. "I hope you will do better than this Bayde."
  11. A crimson eye scans the missive, a frown forming on her face. "That must be a hard decision for a mother." The 'ker spoke, raising from her sketching table grabbing her leather apron and gloves as the fires of her forge were roaring. Another Aurum Weapon should be crafted tonight by her hands. "I will assist the queen." Aher'khel muttered, her words only heard by herself. Her gaze then shifting to a branding on her right ringfinger, she wouldn't fail or slack this this time.
  12. Arlecchino, The Rogue gazed upon the paper with their golden hued eyes. They pondered back to their deal with the Delmar, and to the many conditions and terms the being had attached. They'd be remiss to say they liked such a notion, but they couldn't claim to have been treated unfairly. Fair was Fair, when it came to deals. So they hefted up and skipped along, humming a tune - off to make something new happen.
  13. It wept for its dreams were broken. Mortal minds, masquerading in undead flesh, could never know enlightenment.
  14. The Courtship and Marriage Traditions of House van Leuven Scelera non nostrorum. Issued by Firress Adelina Claire van Leuven on the 14th of MSITZA AG DARGUND, 533 E.S. ꒰ ♱ ⊱─────────⊰ ✶ ⊱─────────⊰ ♱ ꒱ The House van Leuven has been synonymous with the values of faith, wisdom, strength, and loyalty - each of these qualities serving as a guide for their traditions and everyday living. At the heart of their culture lies a deep reverence for the rituals that bind them together and continue the flow of tradition. Showcasing this reverence, are the intricacies of their courtship and marriage customs. ꒰ ♱ ⊱─────────⊰ ✶ ⊱─────────⊰ ♱ ꒱ Courtship The courtship process of the van Leuven family is a cherished and intricate tradition, rooted in the principles of chivalry, respect, and cultural heritage. Guided by the values of Savoyardic and Raevir cultures, as well as religious traditions, it is expected that the man will take the initiative in pursuing his desired van Leuven woman, with the ultimate goal of a lifelong partnership. The courtship process consists of three distinct phases: The first of three phases to court a van Leuven woman is marked by the Trial of Taste, by which the suitor must procure and offer a quality bottle of wine to the family of the desired lady. This ritual is a test of the suitor’s character, as well as his ability to appreciate the refined tastes of the family. If the family’s preferences of the taste approve of the wine, the courting couple may proceed with their relationship. If approval is not given, the suitor may be politely rejected or encouraged to return with a more refined and sophisticated offering. An accepted wine takes the suitor into the next phase of the courtship - Trial of Heritage. This is marked by a variety of gestures and rituals designed to express the importance of family heritage and culture. The suitor is tasked with the picking of flowers, which holds significant symbolic meaning within Savoyard culture. The selection and presentation of flowers is a delicate art, as it requires an understanding of the subtleties of meaning and gesture that are woven into every petal and stem. The flowers are often presented to the family or family home, serving as a tangible representation of the courter's devotion and commitment. Further, the flowers may be woven into the Verevka belt, giving significance to the van Leuven family’s ties to Savoyardic and Haeseni heritage. In this final stretch of the courtship process, the couple is expected to embark on an outing together - the Trial of Bonding - designed to test their ability to work together and navigate challenges as a unit. This may take the form of a hunting excursion, where they must rely on one another's strengths and weaknesses to overcome obstacles. This trial by fire serves as a crucible, refining their bond and revealing their true characters in the process. If they are unable to handle the weight of their outing together, it is seen as a sign that they are unfit for marriage and may not be destined for a lifelong partnership. ꒰ ♱ ⊱─────────⊰ ✶ ⊱─────────⊰ ♱ ꒱ On Marriage Marriage of those in House van Leuven is an occasion that is looked at with a high distinction. After a successful courtship, the family of the van Leuven bride assists in the planning and execution of a well-planned wedding. With their Raevir heritage and residence within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, the family fully participates in the tradition in following the Jorenic Rites for their wedding. However, the cloak worn by the groom is a unique aspect within the van Leuven marriage tradition. The cloak is to be designed by the family to incorporate the symbol of the house the groom is to marry into to symbolize his integration into the family and the role he takes on. For example, men marrying into the van Leuven family could don a cloak designed with the sun and stag emblem of the van Leuven family. Following the traditional wedding ceremony, the families of the bride and groom and invited guests are to hold a feast as a time of joy and celebration for the matrimony, and to welcome the newly weds into their new family. A unique and meaningful aspect of the House van Leuven's marriage traditions is the grape stomp. During this ceremony, the bride wears her wedding dress while stomping on grapes in a barrel, symbolizing her transformation into a wedded woman and her inability to return to her prior girlhood. This act is also a token of appreciation and good-will towards the groom's family, as the wine produced from these grapes will be used as a gift to them. The grape stomp is a cherished tradition within the House van Leuven, and is seen as a way to bring good fortune and happiness to the newlywed couple. It is also a reminder of the family's rich heritage and its connection to the land and its traditions. As such, it is an important part of the marriage traditions of the House van Leuven, and will continue to be celebrated for generations to come. ꒰ ♱ ⊱─────────⊰ ✶ ⊱─────────⊰ ♱ ꒱ Signed, Firress, Adelina Claire van Leuven Matriarch van Leuven Firress, Mahaut Marie van Leuven
  15. "Get over yourselves. I can't go anywhere without stepping in parchments declaring how Xion is dead because you killed a Herald or an Apparition or something." "It's an ideology. It was made long before you were a gleam in your father's eye and it will persist long after you're a screaming soul in whatever hell awaits you. There's no 'John Xionism' you can kill to make this ideology not a thing anymore, unlike your lizard dad. Get real."
  16. "You were never true Xionists anyway. Perhaps you'd find more luck praising Iblees, or maybe that was just Delmar." Arthur spoke out loud.
  17. An Armored Deviless would start reading the call, her silver-grey eyes darting across the printed letters. She then crumples the page before whistling for her horse. She heads for Hexicanum.
  18. "I don't want any of you to join us." Ghelezas the Azdrazi thought.
  19. FULL NAME: Avindor Divadri AGE: Five Centuries PRIOR EXPERIENCE: (if any) Military Service for 300 years. Trained Sorcerer for Hohkmat Military METHOD OF CONTACT: (mr_etan/Mr_Etan)
  20. O'zen briefly regarded the missive that she had come to help pen. Had they yet realized the Wolf that lurked amongst the sheep? For those left were so easily driven, and even in death did she know how to pluck the strings of a mortal heart. Would they come to recognize the true wish for her ambitions? Would they yet come to understand the nature of Calamity? She was not a creature of finely spun webs, of long scheming paths. No. Hers was the art of action. To take every moment as it was presented and yet twist what came into a form that better suited her. Certainly, the Delmar would come to return. But not until her fangs pierced deep into the throat, and supped upon the life therein. Not until she was fat, feasted, and he could no linger present a hinderance to what was to come. Something gurgled, in that long-rotten maw. Almost a facsimile of a laugh. There was only, ever, and always the One Truth.
  21. Everything should be free. I wana roleplay not gather materials I hate minecraft!!!!!!!!!! Joke aside, there should be no reason why blocks are not free and its rather silly. At least make almost everything core in construction free like all stone, wood, glass, etc.
  22. Within the ports of mina stood a lonesome weaver bearing a contemplating mind "This is what the Delmar would have wanted. . For xionism had brought pain and mistake to our ports. Nothing good came from such" he pondered and pondered though eventually did his gaze loft up to stare at the shrines of man "A new age is to come. ." a continued whisper within the silent halls "Kryndom-. . no, the Delmar shall be brought back to his rightful throne" the crackling of soul fire echoed from within the halls whilst the features of the acolyte crook in pure and utter disgust at what laid before his very eyes. "They hold no more meaning to the ports. . a simple reminder of a failed past"
  23. Entombed and lost, wrapped in chains of aurum and iron, a skull sat in waiting. His body broken, yet his mind not shattered, instead it lay split and changed. An idealogy, not of faith, but rather creed; coming to be melded anew A false Herald, who had done so out of greed. A thing that had claimed to that faith, knowingly false in his belief. He had read the Keys, he knew of the One Truth. Yet began to believe in his Own. Kryndomere the Forsaken, sat in his tomb. This age would begin without his being, but it would not end without it. For despite his lack of stomach, lack of tongue, and lack of feeling. Something stirred within the ethereal gullet of that waiting goliath. Hunger
  24. The Herald of Strife stood firm. She would seek to know more. Only the ignorant leapt in to darkness blindly.
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