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[✗] [Event/s] Wandering Giants


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This is copied straight from a google doc I passed to an ET a few months ago, but since I never really heard back from him and he's now left the team I thought I'd post it here for consideration.
Event Planners, MC Names:
Me, I suppose. Although this is one for the ETs/GMs certainly.

Event Type:
Global event.

Event Date:
Up to the ETs.

Factions/Nations effected by the event:
Any, potentially all.

Event Location:
Entire map.


Every few IRL days for several weeks a giant will make its way across the map, from one side to the other, starting in the MC-generated wilds in the north, through the world-painted areas and into the MC-generated south. If they are not interfered with they will simply travel across the map and disappear. But if they are interfered with (e.g. attacked), depending on the giant, they may retaliate with devastating consequences.

The giants will make their way in meandering or straight paths across the world, leaving the landscape changed in their wake, with the ground they walk on depressed into the earth or splintered if rock. Some will not care if mountains, hills or forests in their way and simply walk through them - leaving holes in mountains and cities alike.

These creatures are not inherently violent - although they may become ‘curious’ if mortals or other beings prevent their Wandering. Potentially, if undisturbed they could pass from north to south quite peacefully and never bother people.

Elementals -

Ever so often one of these giants may be an elemental. Elemental giant ideas are as follows:

  • Frost Giant - A lumbering creature of snow and ice but recognisably humanoid, with burning blue fire for eyes. Leaves the land it walks on snowy with icy stalagmites reaching up from where its feet step. If attacked and survives the initial attack it will travel to snowy areas to regenerate. Trail name: ‘The Frozen Scar’

  • Rock Giant - A massive creature resembling a golem, but rougher - not constructed, looks like a single piece of rock moving, with hollow stoney pits for eyes. Leaves an effect similar to generic flesh and bone giants but rips up the ground more and leaves boulders strewn around ever so often on the path. If attacked and survives the initial attack it will ‘eat’ a chunk of mountain to regain lost mass - possibly leading to an event where the ‘bite mark’ reveals a large deposit of diamond ore to be fought over by nearby parties. Trail name: ‘The Desolate Scar’


  • Fire Giant - A massive flaming figure with smouldering cinders for eyes. Leaves burned trees and charred land in its wake as well as the usual giant effect. If it passes through a forest it will cause a forest fire - possibly leading to a fire fighting event. Again, like its counterparts it is not inherently aggressive but this giant has far more potential for damage due to its burning effects. If attacked and survives the initial attack it will travel to areas of lava to reignite its flames. Trail name ‘The Charred Scar’

Concept Images/Screenshots






Other Information:


None really aside from that the ET are welcome to alter this idea in any way they feel best.

Do you need the Event Team's assistance?:


Most definitely.

If so, do you require actors and/or builders?:


Both. Actors to play the giants - easily done using mob disguise's giant zombie. I believe Zarsies or someone else did a frost giant like creature using carefully done world editing and building a giant out of ice and snow blocks, but if these things are going to walk from one end of the world to another the giant zombie idea might work better. If the giants are waylaid, say be an army stopping them or by coming across a town it might be better for cinematic reasons to build a giant then.


Builders will be needed to follow the giant actors and create their scars as they walk from one end of the world to another as well as edit in any necessary destruction.

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I was actually thinking of doing something like this. Let me run it by some people...

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Do these giants have any direct relation to server lore? Do you have a brief origin in mind for them, able to be disclosed privately? Random giants can be summed up anytime by any ET member, so a bigger idea in mind would be appreciated.

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Dangnabit, I was just thinking about this earlier too lol.

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+1 I really like this idea, and if it is accepted I would love to participate!



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+1 It sounds really fun, and could potentially turn into an entire new section of lore for LoTC and other events could be made based off of giants

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If we build it, players will come. 


Actually, building giants would be hard to do. You have to copy/paste builds using world edit which requires a gm, which is painful but doable. The difficulty is that you want it to move. That's arduous. Using the zombie giant disguise mechanic would be best. Also, as a builder I cannot bypass nexus. What does that mean, Cj!? It means...I actually need permission from players to build stuff because I don't have free access to everything. So no environment damage. 


It would be super-duper hard to do with the way nexus works (From what I can tell). The most I could do without gm assistance is disguise as a giant and walk mechanically, which takes a lot of your idea really. Maybe the higher lvl ets can do it.

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I think if there was a model of only one giant made then you could move it around. Since you would have a set time for this event, preferably, it would give the ET time to set it up and then undo it afterwards. I like the idea, but it should be restricted to only certain parts of the world.

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also, I would like a explaination of where these things are coming from, how they appeared, how we didnt notice them before, and etc. And maybe this is part of a bigger thing? Like these giant's awakening is because of something far far sinister?

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The current event has been denied due to the recent map change. If you wish to repost the event for the new map, please use the correct format found here.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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