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New race! Maybe... Could be a creature... Cecaeliae


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I think his point was that the lore was created because the original creator liked the idea and wanted to play one themselves, I also feel like Meg's point was that not to make lore purely for themselves but one wouldn't know if other's would like it without being told about it, hence the post.

Either way, I would like to see it as an event race or a rarity like the deer people, either way cool.

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I want my Steam Golems.


That aside, as opposed to all those land-living creatures and beings, I would not mind having an aquatic race. Underwater cities of Prismarine and such. We do have a lot of ocean after all. A unique approach.

Would require a bit of expanding on culture and such, but I am usually one who is open to develope something actively in game and then write it down.

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So you actually decided to do this...

Well nautical rp is always interesting, and we can't summon krakens when we get bored, so why not?


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I heard something about the Devourer, playing a giant colossal kraken is quite fun but I'm not sure how these would benefit roleplay apart from fulfilling a temporary niche.

My main argument against any new races is god forbid, don't let them be able to fornicate with descendants. I'm sick and tired of like every race becoming the product of what someone can ftb with, these would be pretty damn cool if elaborated upon.

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Yeah... Frost witches werent created because you wanted to play one at all... 




I dont like the idea of a new race at all to be fair. Too many different ones and this would be one of those "you must have permission" from so and so to play one. It'd have too much OOC restrictions that it'd make it unplayable and just downright not fun.

I literally had nothing to do with the creation of frost witch lore. The original  creator doesn't even play a frostie anymore. But that's beside the point. My point is that simply "I want to play this creature because it is cool" is simply, in my opinion, not a good enough reason for lore to be accepted, maybe to exist, but what does it offer in RP? What does this lore add to the server at all, other than allowing certain players to play them? Does it add to world building? Does it offer eventlines and interactions? 


Outside of that, the lore is rather basic. Where do they come from? You say they live in jars and bottles, are they tiny? What's the average size? If they're poisonous, are they commonly eaten? If they communicate through pigmentation, how can they learn common? Are they hyper intelligent? How long did it take them to develop lungs? Why? How long have they been here?



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I'm sorry to say that this lore has been Denied.

We are not currently looking for new races, and even as a creature it would have to be re-written to be fit that way. If you want to re-write it as a creature please post it in the creature thread.

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Despite this being denied, I appreciate all feedback that has been given. Shows over, folks, see ya next time!


Edited by Panic!AtTheForum
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