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The Fey: A Study In Depth

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((I am actually pretty confused for a good place to put this, but if a forum mod thinks this is not the right place, please move it to be so! None of this is new lore, it is all already implemented, I am just putting it into a sort of guide to them.))


A First Look:


Forests, lakes, deserts, mountains, all these and more features of nature are often times home to numerous creatures both mundane and extraordinary. From the simple barn owl, elk, or rattlesnake to the awe-inspiring Demigryph, Nixie, Kelpie, and other such creatures. None the least of these are a number of creatures that share similar attributes that warrant a form of classification beyond and more in-depth than the simple mammal, reptile, and avian forms of classification.


The beings we will be speaking of in this section all have a tie to nature. Whether or not it is in a form of direct communion with the forces of nature, to simply being a guardian or symbol of a specific section of the natural world. They are often times intelligent and capable of communication with descendants or even other natural things in the case of several of the more well-known of the creatures described. 


Qualities and Similarities:


These creatures that will be referred from here-on-out collectively as 'Faeries or Fae' or more commonly by the descendants as the 'Fey' all share common characteristics with one another. All of them are supernatural or exemplary creatures with either an inherent ability, or a severe inability to perform many different actions that the descendant races may deem magical or supernatural in nature. Besides their common ties to the forces of nature, the Fey commonly have a set of differences that differentiate them from other common members of a race or genus of creation.


Mischievous or Defining Personality:

Common Fey and their kin are often described as huge pranksters to the common folk or social creatures in regard to those they know closely or are comfortable with. These are defining characteristics of many different Fey, but they are not always a huge part of all Fey's personality. In the case of Dryads, they are often on either side of a spectrum. Either very stoic, or enthusiastic. These are modified by different situations or environments that the Fey place themselves in. 


The Lack of a True Gender: Although not a constant between all Fey, many of the more commonly documented or reported members of the grouping have a severe lack of a gender. Although often times they have features that represent gender, such as a masculine or feminine form, they often times do not breed in the same way other members of creation do. 


The Creation or Birth of A Fey: A Fey creature is not always born the same way a descendant or similar creation is. In the case of many, they often are grown from the very soil or plants of nature. More often than not, these examples of the Fae are incarnations of their past lives, and therefore carry knowledge or memories with them that guides them or allows them to function with the lack of a proper parent. Although this is not the rule, many Fey do follow this way of birth or spawning.


  Beyond the average birth of a mammal or hatching of other creatures, many Fey can also be created over time. Either a primal spot in a descendant's mind that awakens, an exposure to some strange magic or force, or even direct transformation. A prime example of this situation is a Dryad. The result of a female wood elf answering to her 'call' to the wild, and eventual transformation to have everything needed to be considered a Fey. 


The Link To The Forces of Nature: All fey have some link to nature. Such as a subtle tie, or even full communion to the natural world. This link can take on many forms, but often times takes the form of being able to speak to plants and animals, being able to meld with nature in one way or another, the power to view from the 'eyes of trees', or simply being deeply apart to a system or group of natural systems. 

Although varied in strength and ability, if a creature is to be considered a true Faerie it must have this link in one way or another. 


An Ability or Inability for Magic or The Supernatural: All fey have strange forces pulling at them, most are not detrimental, but many confer strange properties to the creature in question. The most common are the complete inability to cast magics of many types. Although this is not the case 100% of the time, many of the most commonly observed Fey can't become a wielder of magic arts, divine, arcane, or otherwise. This however, is often tied to their 'birth' and is often observed in Cervitaurs, Sprites, and similar who are not born or created through other means. Those that are can often gain a measure of skill with these forces.


  Many Fey however naturally have some form of supernatural ability. An example of this is a Sprite's natural ability to become luminous, or a Kelpie's ability to change forms. Although rare, other supernatural abilities have been recorded on much rarer specimens and examples of the Fey. Examples of these powers are things such as a supernatural song (which is often mood altering or alluring in the case of a siren or mermaid.) The ability to bend one's actions or mind to their will, or even control over the weather.


  Often times Fey creatures are so indisposed to the forces of magic that it manifests as certain weaknesses or boons. Such as the extreme case of a Sprite which results in the quick and sudden destruction of the creature. The most common form of weakness however is that of cold, pure iron or forged aurum. This is because it is so different opposed to the Fae that it results in a certain anathema. This is not the case for steel as the process to create steel leads to a more 'earthy' and 'impure' true metal as described by a certain dwarven druid smith. Similar metals that the Fae remain unaffected by but tend to avoid is silver and gold.



The Main Listings: 


We will begin our list with some of the most commonly encountered member of the Faerie (Fey) grouping. 



 A Cervitaur (Not to be confused with Satyr or Centaur) is a creature to be described as half man, half deer. They are spirited and believe the wilds to be their homes, and their very lives breathed into being by the aspects. They are one of the most commonly encountered Fey, but they still are hardly seen and as such one can go years between sightings. They are of the Fey that are 'birthed' into this world through a plant. In this case, a tree that grows from the remains of their previous incarnation. As such, these Fey possess no real gender, and instead have male or female features to them. Often times, their heads are topped with antlers, and their lower half have the markings of deer or elk. Because of how they are brought into the world, Cervitaur can't learn magic, but they are instead gifted with the powers of Communion.



The common Dryad is a result of a primal urge in the mind of Wood Elf females. One of the most common examples of the 'transformation' feature of the Fey. The Dryad changes both in body and mind, often times abandoning all responsibility and fleeing to nature where they take their time to manage and keep their 'link to nature', in this case, a Dryad's tree, in tip-top shape and defending it with their might. A Dryad's skin changes color and texture to more closely resemble their ward, and learn to communicate closely with the forces relating to their ward. A Dryad can continue to learn and use magic, and often times will do such, similar to other Faeries. Though much calmer at heart, a Dryad retains much of her old personality from before the change.



Often the first thing that comes to mind when someone uses the word Faerie, a Sprite is a Fey of diminutive stature. Although this is not uncommon in Fae, the Sprite has many properties that make it exceptionally well known compared to other minor or less encountered Faeries. The first description of a Sprite is a small humanoid with elven features, roughly 5 to 7 inches in height, a set of translucent wings sprouting from it's back and their skin is often strange colors such as blue, red, green, and others of the spectrum. A closer look brings to light several important facts about the Sprites. Similarly to Cervitaurs, a sprite has no gender, simply gender features. Much like a Cervitaur, a sprite is born from a plant. A rare bloom that is rarely seen away from places that are unspoiled by the touch of the descendants. Once the flower blooms, the new sprite is awakened with memories of it's former self, allowing it to function and survive. 



A Siren is barely to be considered a Fey, but is close enough that it could be considered one by the barest of definitions. A Siren is described as a half woman, half avian creature with heavy ties to the seas or shorelines. They use their supernatural voices to lure prey, often times sailors, to their doom. Typically by their talons or death by drowning. A Siren can be considered a lesser Fey.



Another true Fey, a Kelpie spends much of it's time in or near a body of water which acts as it's link to nature. A Kelpie is often desperate to interact with other intelligent creatures, but it's hunger often sets up a divide. Kelpies are described to have two forms that they have the power to change between. The first is an aquatic humanoid creature similar to other Fae, and when on land they garner the guise of a large fine horse or other mount. Kelpies are easy to discern by the knowledged eye, due to the fact in any of their forms they are often sopping wet. 



Although these are some of the most common of the strange Fey, there are many more that are seldom seen in these times. Ents, Gremlins, Satyrs, Mermaids, Centaurs, Phoenixes, Boggens, Genies, and many other creatures can be considered true or lesser Fey. 



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+1 , Nice work!


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Ayeeee +1

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Ye Ye +1

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Lore under review.

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This lore has been Accepted!

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Now I am going to have to make a mermaid/siren along with my millions of other personas! I am excited you added this! ^__^  

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9 hours ago, TheMostGinger said:

Now I am going to have to make a mermaid/siren along with my millions of other personas! I am excited you added this! ^__^  

Don't believe you can unless you're an ET member, or apply as a magical creature.

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I want to be a Satyr. Tell me. How do I do this?

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Do you just create a app for these creatures?

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1 hour ago, Joyfuli said:

Do you just create a app for these creatures?


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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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