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[Shade Addition]Tainting Objects


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Shadow Tainting


Shades are made when a Shade Father imprints enough of their taint onto the soul of another that it latches on. This taint gradually develops to become a fully fledged Shade, creating an excess of mana production and 'consuming' it, thus creating the darkened aura that these dark mages are infamously known for. There is, however, a far more subtle use of this 'tainting' ability that has only recently been discovered and researched in depth.


Shadow Tainting Objects




Although the world we live in is made up of mostly mana-less objects, there are those that break this trend. Some objects replenish their mana readily or have readily replenished mana (such as certain gems, or enchanted items). To some, this is mana is useless. To Shades, it is seen as an opportunity. Capable of 'injecting' a small amount of their taint into the mana of these objects, it is granted varying traits of the Shade that taints it, including the unending drive to cause chaos. If an inanimate object is shadow tainted, the following would occur: Any who touch or are in close proximity to it would suffer the negative Shade effects in varying degrees of power, depending on the amount of taint injected into it, and your proximity. Additionally, the object would have its latent mana consumed by the taint, causing a dark aura to permeate, barely visible, from the object. It would slowly corrupt and keep the aura of those within its proximity, much like a Shade corrupts and steals the aura of others. As the object slowly corrupts the aura of other objects around it, the shadow would spread. Staying true to its chaotic nature, the spread would be random and uneven, yet the same effect would apply to what it comes in contact with. The aura these objects produced would be readily available for shades to harness and add to their aura if they so choose, yet the amount gleaned from one innate object is so minuscule that it shall never provide any clear benefit to use. Also depending if a mage connects to the void within close proximity to the item his aura may be tainted as well. The only outcome of this would be a larger tainted aura surrounding the object and said mage will feel the negative side-effects more severely.


Aesthetic effects of shadow tainting


When an inanimate object is shadow tainted, a number of signs appear that hint at it. The main, recurring effect is the release of a black aura. Following this, the taint might cause slight changes in appearance. A crystal tainted by a shade would gain a blackness swirling within it or a black aura around it. A similar staff might gain black markings running down it. It is truly up to the people involved, but the taint cannot be lacking of tells.


What one might feel in the vicinity or touching one of these objects




Depending on the amount ‘injected’ to taint the objects mana the effects will vary. But generally one would feel what being close to a shade would be like with some added quirks. So paranoia, whispers, depressed emotions(dread), etc.


For those that hold or are within the vicinity of the object for extended periods of time the effects will grow in strength. They would begin to have trouble sleeping with constant nightmares, whispers would grow in tenacity, the feeling of an unknown maleficent presence constantly just out of sight, ‘negative’ emotions would become more apparent(Irritable, perhaps becoming more violent depending on your character), shadows would begin to seep or reach out towards you closing in(this is a hallucination so only you would see it).




-Mana-containing objects can be shadow tainted, which gives them aura-corrupting capabilities. This aura is then harvestable by the shade that corrupted said object.


-For a shadow taint to be done, a Shade must simply be in close proximity to the object, so that their tainted aura is capable of touching it. Touch greatly aids and speeds up the process, but is not required for it to occur.


-Holy magic may remove the taint but is subject to the amount of tainted mana within the object.


-Those within the vicinity of these objects would feel the negative side effects of a shade in varying degrees.




  • It’s not permanent, as because the tainted slowly mana leaks out of the object or may be cleansed with holy magic.

  • A shade needs to be Tier 4 or greater to do this, along with it needs to be taught by a Shade Father.

  • Shadow tainted objects do not make you into a shade, though they shall corrupt your aura.

  • Tainted objects must be objects that contain mana in them or are fueled by mana.

  • You would never be able to understand or communicate back with the whispers coming from an object.


[Important bit, read this too!]

Acknowledgements and Reasoning:

A big thanks goes out to Hugo(miss you buddy)for the lore previously and to the rest of the shades. I’d also like to thank whoever commented on the previous lore post concerning this and their constructive criticism. We decided that we would remove tainting and manipulation of people through their aura for the time being.

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I believe this would be a great addition to the already existing lore.

Well done, Austin! I fully support this. +1

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From what I've noticed shades seem to have a limited set of abilities. More additions would be lovely for it, and I don't see why this can't be a thing!


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Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! 

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I feel as if Shades have limited ways that they can use their magic, I would love for them to have this.

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Under review.

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This lore has been denied


Feel free to PM me for a full reasoning on why this decision was made.


Moved to denied lore.

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