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Orc RP: The Mindset of an Orc


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The Great Orcish Mindset


With any luck, you may have already read my previous interpretation on Orc RP. In this thread, I hope to venture into further detail on the Orcish Mindset, and what RP in the Uzg can be available to your character. If you have not read the previous "guide of sorts" I will link it below:






And so, along your journey to becoming an Orc you have scoured the forums to amass a great deal of information. You understand the basic concepts of the culture, you know the differences in the races, the clans, and what the general interests of the Uzg are. Or, do you? There is far more to anything than can be expressed in a format such as this, but I will try to best to explore the Orcish Mindset you will come across as you play your character and explore our homeland.


I am Smaw, the (as of writing this thread) current Rex of the War Uzg. I've been around for a while, and have implored as best I can to promote a greater sense of depth and RP within the Orcish society. It is my hope with this thread, to assist old and new players alike in understanding how our society truly works; or at least, my understanding of it.


There is a common misconception around the community that the Orcs are only interested in PvP. This is understandable, as those outside of the Uzg will only usually see us across Vailor if we are raiding. We tend to stay within our homeland, where we are safe from those that Krug has taught the Orcs to mistrust.


Among the current leadership, our main focus is on promoting the vast RP being an Orc can provide, and we are striving to create a balance between RP and PvP; with a focus on the former. If you are interested in joining purely for the combat aspects, or to meme, then you will not be welcome within the Uzg. We are looking for those that seek deeper Orcish RP, and can rise to the challenge of combat when such an event rears its head.


With that said, let us explore what it means to be an Orc, and the mindset of those that live upon the blazing sands of the desert.


The Mindset of an Orc




(An Orc accepting a request to single combat)


Honour is THE foundation upon which the Orcs must live. It is the blessing that keeps them in check, and allows them to live in a world where they can fight against the ever-present Bloodlust that threatens to overwhelm them. There are many players that completely neglect this aspect of the RP, and will sacrifice the honour of their Orc in order to gain an advantage. It is ill advised to follow this process, as it will lead to you becoming a Whitewash.


Those that take Orc RP seriously, value the honour their character has above all else. It determines your place within Orcish society, as without it, you are nothing. It is a grave mistake to lose your honour. It will cause your brothers to neglect you, and perhaps more importantly, the Spirits. I will detail below what can cause you to become Whitewash, and explain what the perspective of the War Uzg would be on each of this breaches to your internal compass.



- Living outside of the Uzg


This is seen as Whitewash because Orcs that leave the desert have abandoned their brothers. They have tarnished the hard work of Krug and his descendants, and have defied the age old teachings of unison and solitude from the un-trusted. While activities such as trade and conversation are fine, to live elsewhere entirely is to defy Krug's will. It is unsafe, and the Orcs outside of the Uzg are viewed as pawns to those that house them. 


- Killing another Orc


This should be an obvious rule. Unless an Orc is Whitewash, there is no circumstance in which you are permitted to kill them. It is perfectly reasonable to fight if you wish to settle a dispute, as long as all anger is vented during combat. The aim of klomping (fighting) is to decide upon who is right, and when you are beaten, you must accept that the Spirits favour the correct Orc.


- Mating with a Non-Orc


The Orcs view this as a Whitewash act because the offspring will have their strong Orcish bloodline diluted with other, weaker genes. This activity causes the Orcs to decline in strength as a whole, and is frowned upon to the highest degree. The Orc in question will be liable to death or castration, in order to prevent further insult to Krug. Half-Orcs are permitted to prove their strength to the War Uzg. If they are shown to have ruling Orc genes, they are allowed to live and fight with the Orcs themselves, so that the half-Orc bloodline can be restored to its former glory.


- Stealing from fellow Orcs


Life in the Uzg is tremendously difficult, as the desert is sparse of any considerable resources. For this reason, to steal from an Orc is to take from his hard work, and it is seen as weak to acquire items without using your own strength to gain them. It is entirely possible to fight for an item if you are interested in it. This is an acceptable way of earning something, as you are using your power to gain it.


- Worshipping Non-Spirits


An instant Whitewash act. Krug himself was the greatest Shaman to ever live, and set the foundations for Spiritual worship and balance across the Uzg. Those that look to other Deities directly neglect Krug and his teachings, and appease weaker entities in their arrogance.






(As life threatens to crush you beneath its weight, time will strengthen your bones)


In Orcish society, strength (in all forms) means everything. It is what has kept the people of the War Uzg alive to this day, and has been their saving grace in a number of situations. The great power they have at their disposal allows them to shape the world around them, and create living spaces they can feel comfortable in. Their combat prowess has given them a fearful reputation, and is what keeps the other descendants at bay.


To an Orc, to have strength is to live a life as close to Krug as possible, for he is the embodiment of strength in its many forms; physical, mental and spiritual.


Honour and Strength coincide, and so you must uphold both in order to flourish in Orcish society. It is not necessarily dishonourable to lose a fight, but it is dishonourable to refuse one. This is because cowards cause trouble for the Uzg. They take from resources and offer little to no benefit in return. It is also frowned upon because self-belief is taught at a young age. The world will fight against you at every opportunity, and you must believe in your own capabilities if you wish to defy the odds.


It is however, acceptable to refuse to fight someone that is considerably weaker than yourself. If you perceive someone to be incapable of defeating you, it is more honourable to spare them than to beat them to within an inch of their life. Allow them to prove themselves among those of a similar stature, and perhaps with time, their strength will match your own. This concept, however, does not apply to those that actively seek to cause grievance to you.


Destroy them.


Now, progression is a key aspect of Orcish society, and it is to be promoted at all times. For this reason, you must always strive to achieve more. To hunt more, to earn titles, and even to fight for greater homes. The more you have, and the more you can show to prove your strength, and the more respect you will earn among your peers.





(A warning set in the borders of the Uzg, to those not of the Orcish bloodline)



Krug, the father of all Orc-kind, was the first to fight with the demon, Iblees. For this, he and his bloodline were cursed with the Bloodlust you are likely aware of at this point. Such an affliction caused the other descendant races to be wary of the Orcs, and for this reason we have been secluded from the world, forced to live in near in-hospitable lands, and attacked frequently in an attempt to control our populations.


Naturally, this kind of treatment has left a deep resentment within the Orcish people. They have developed a great mistrust for those outside of the Uzg, especially as they do not have the inherent code of honour that all Orcs must live by. For this reason, they usually remain in the vast Uzg, where they are free to live among their own kin and thrive. The desert is scattered with warning signs to those that would dare enter the land. If you are seen, you will most likely be attacked.


This is not because Orcs are interested in your loot, or in causing general grievances. It is a defense mechanism; a means of preventing those they love from coming into immediate danger from the outside world. If a Non-Orc wishes to come into the land, they must first send a message to those of higher stead within Orcish society, whereby they may request entrance to the Uzg. This is usually agreed upon, as long as a "tribute" is paid.


A tribute can be any offering of goods, and along with this, weaponry and armour is forfeit as standard. Nowhere is Honour more sacred than within the lands of the Uzg, and for this reason, Orcs are not permitted to kill any living entities that do not have the means to defend themselves. If a trespasser is found upon the land, they are to be guided to the exit; albeit with a mild form of punishment.


The Orcs have learnt, over time, that pain is the best method of teaching. This is why raiding parties are often formed. The world must know that the Orcs are strong, so that they will not dare to venture too close to the abode of Krug's children.


Orc Role-Play



Now that we have established the general mindset of the Orcs, and what you can and cannot do, let us explore the vast and varied world of Orcish RP, and indeed, the different types of RP that can be available to you. So, what exactly can you do as an Orc?

The short answer?



You are only limited by your own imagination when it comes to Orc RP. There is a vast and open plot of land surrounding San'Thraka (the Orcish capital) and it can be used so long as the ideas you present are reasonable within the limitations of the lore. I will detail below several avenues of possibility your Orc can venture into. Generally, it is more about RP'ing the Orcish Mindset in every occasion, than in limiting yourself to only those activities you would imagine Orcs to partake in; such as fighting and spirit worship.


In truth, there is a great deal of culture to be explored, and laws are much more relaxed out in the Uzg. For instance, you can sit around a fire with some Orcs, smoking cactus green and having extremely dim-witted conversations about the "purple sheep" you can see walking around you. You can hunt with your peers, and prove your strength among one another. You can build and forge, and promote the general progression of the War Uzg. Or, you can watch as several Ologs climb on one another as they reach for a piece of bread, suspended in the air by a rather mischievous Goblin.


The list goes on. An indeed, it will. Below.


Blarg (Home) RP





Ah! Blarg RP, an unexplored realm within the Uzg. Just as with life, your home is where you collect items that remind you of life experiences, or to show to visitors what you have accomplished throughout your lifespan. This is where you will mount your trophies; the heads of your fallen enemies, prized possessions of other cultures, and the relics and unusual items you have come across along your travels. It is well promoted within the Uzg to show off what you are capable of, as it will improve your standing greatly.


If you have a home, and your collection has grown, venture out and boast about it. There is nothing more progressive to your character than proving your worth, and this is one exceptional way of doing it. This will attract mates to you, and earn you a great deal of respect among your peers as you display the remains of some of the Uzg's most ferocious creatures.


Additionally, if you are shown a Blarg by another Orc and it takes your fancy, you can fight him for it. It is perfectly acceptable within the world of the Orcs to fight for what you want. Mates, homes and even which chair you get to sit on at the dinner table.


Really, the Bloodlust can cause some messy family gatherings.



Hunting RP



(A pair of Uruk, hunting in the Kharajyrian Jungles)


So you just beat the living snot out of Tawdnug'Lak and have claimed his Blarg in the city. It's nice, yeah, but it feels empty. Tawdnug took all of his trophies with him and sulked back to the swamp. He's gone back to live with his Evil Popo, who tries to ruin his life at every opportunity. But you? You've been left with very little. So what are you going to do about it?


Well, go out and get money trophies to fill the empty space. Generally, pelts, claws and heads are among the most prized of possessions. There are extremely dangerous and rare beasts scattered around the Uzg, but even more impressive are those outside of the desert. When you have amassed a collection of items, there is a place where they can be shown which may help in gaining you the title of Huntsgoth; the most esteemed hunter in the Uzg.


The Tavern, the place where drunken oafs go to celebrate the fighting and worship of the day. This is where you can set down your belongings, and gather a crowd to revel in your capabilities. The one with the most trophies may work toward achieving the title of Huntsgoth. When you have enough items to rival the current Huntsgoth, you may challenge him to combat to earn his title.


Tavern RP




Who says Orcs don't enjoy the occasional drink? In-fact, they partake in heavy consumption of both alcohol and drugs. After a long day in the searing heat, many enjoy the revelry that comes with it. The Tavern is the place to go, where you can enjoy conversation with your brothers, and discuss the days activities.


It is here that you may discuss fighting strategies, which Spirit deserves the most worship, which constellation you are born under, and a host of others things. It is also the perfect spot for a band of Orcs to discuss which area will become their next raiding target, for this is the ultimate means of testing their strength against the outside world.


Raid RP




Is raid RP truly possible? 


It can be. Generally, raids devolve into PvP-fests because one side will resort to meta-gaming a squad of people that will take every attempt to disrupt a chance at RP. There have been many examples of successful raiding RP in the past. For a time, I used to lead a group of Orcs toward the High Elven settlement. We would break our way inside, and cut one hand from each Elf we captured. This was to pass on a message, and to attempt to generate further RP between the two races.


It worked for a time, and we would fashion trophies out of the limbs that we acquired along the way.


Similar events can be created by the Orcish community, as long as the environment allows for it. It is a rare thing, but when it is achieved, it can be a good experience for everyone. For instance, you may hunt those that worship different deities, wrangle the group together, and burn their texts before them. You may recite a long speech about how you will not tolerate the worship, before leaving and returning to the Uzg.


The general rule of thumb is not to kill everyone at every opportunity. When you kill a character, they lose all memory of any moments leading up to their death. You earn very little reputation for your Orc among the other races, and they receive no character progression from the experience. The idea here is to spread RP to all parties involved, and create a balanced and in-depth scenario.


Speaking of depth, let us discuss perhaps the most prominent aspect of Orcish Culture. One that all can partake in, regardless of ability.


Spirit Worship



(A sacrifice being prepared for Ehnrok, the Spirit of Bloodlust and War)


Spirit worship is not as complex as many imagine, and it is not as one-dimensional as sacrificing Humans to every Spirit that happens to exist. In terms of worshiping a Spirit, you must do something that revolves around the domain they control. In the instance of Ehnrok, it is appropriate to provide a healthy sacrifice, as this is what pleases him.


However, if you were to try the same thing with Gentharuz, the Spirit of Smithing and Forging, you would make no progress. A more relevant offering would be blades of high quality, adorning a shrine with them. These simple acts can go a long way to benefit an Orcs life within the Uzg, as the Spirits begin to work in your favour.


The Orcs worship the Spirits because they have dominance over the realm, and as such embody a significant representation of strength. They uphold balance in the world, and can assist the Orcs of the War Uzg in their endeavours; if they are pleased enough.


It is for this reason that Orcs are encouraged to go out and provide offerings for a wide variety of Spirits. In the Orcish culture, there is quite literally a Spirit for everything. You can pick one at random and go on a quest to find a means of appeasing them. If it is the spirit of Artwork, create a display somewhere in the Uzg. If it is the Spirit of Hunting, bring trophies to the shrine. These simple processes can provide unending opportunities for RP with your character, and can eventually lead to you adopting a position as a Shaman.


Shaman RP




The wisest of Orcs, the Shamans represent restraint and control within the Uzg. They work with the Spirits to maintain balance in nature, and attempt to appease the Spirits so that they may assist the Orcs in their plight with Bloodlust.


There are several types of Shamans, each of which have their own unique ways of approaching the subject. Some use the abilities of the Spirits to cause harm to their enemies, while overs try to communicate with them to achieve enlightenment. Whatever the case may be, they are powerful figures within Orcish society, and are often sought in times of tribulation.


They have the ability to shape the land mass around them, and protect the Uzg to a greater degree. They are held in a tremendously high esteem, and to become a Shaman is to have an unmatched honour bestowed upon you. Look to them for wisdom and inspiration, for they are among the most learned of Orcs.


Exploration RP




There is a vast amount of land out there to explore. As long as you remain loyal to the Uzg, you are free to explore all of Vailor and learn from the world, so that you may benefit the Orcs. You can scout potential raiding areas, find out who is worshiping deities outside of the Spirits, learn of Whitewash Orcs, explore ruins, discover new ways of smithing items, etc.


The possibilities are endless, really. You can spread the word of Spirit worship, and implore others to partake in it. It is down to your own imagination; as with Spirit worship. The Orcs are allowed to venture outside of the Uzg, they just have to be aware that doing so can be dangerous. It is NOT Whitewash to trade and talk with other races, only to live with them wholly and completely and ignore the land you hail from.


Speaking of exploring the land, I will now move onto something of a controversial subject among the community. An aspect of Orcish RP that needs work to become something promising.


Znagah (Slave) RP




Generally, it is ill-advised to participate in enslavement RP if you're not a well versed Orc. It can be complicated, and difficult to work with. If you do it badly, you can leave a negative impression of the non-Orcs you come across; which extends into an OOC perception. Slave RP can be very good for Orcish RP, as it allows those that are not Orcs to experience the culture, and even, with time, become a part of it. 


You can take slaves from anywhere, but they must be able to defend themselves fairly before they are captured. The Orcs do not enslave children, nor the crippled. Remember, Honour is a prevalent part of Orcish society; besides, they would be useless anyway. The intention behind slaves is to have them work for the Uzg and build, or to dedicate shrines to the Spirit of Slavery, which has the potential to become a rather large event-arch within itself. (Hint)


Honourary RP



Being an Orc is a mindset, just as much as it is a physical thing. For this reason, the Orcs are willing to accept other races into their lands if they can prove themselves through a series of intense trials. They generally include a large number of combat and agility exercises, in order to determine if the prospective honourary can keep up with the Orcs.


It is an extremely high honour to be bestowed the title of honourary, and if you meet one across your travels, you must show an adequate level of respect. Acknowledge that they have gone through some trying times to get to that position, and that they must hold a deep love and connection to the Orcs in order to pass the tests.


They are your brothers and sisters, and will fight alongside you when the rest of the world turns its back. Generally, you can distinguish an honourary through a numbers of physical signs. They are always adorned in several tattoos and markings, to make it immediately obvious that they are honourary. Additionally, they are taught, and use the Blah in order to fit in more with the Orcish society.



Ilzhonal RP



The Ilzhonal; essentially students of the night sky. They study the constellations above, and believe that being born beneath a specific constellation greatly contributes to the path your life will take. They believe that the Spirits dominate their own constellations, and so to be born beneath one is to have a greater affinity to that Spirit.


If you are having trouble creating a personality for your Orc, look to this untapped resource as a means of inspiration. Take note of the month your character is created upon, and use the month on the chart below as a foundation from which to grow your character.




As well as following this pattern of thought, you can indeed become one of these masters yourself. Create an area within the Uzg, and watch as Orcs come to you in search of guidance. You can instruct them on how to raise their kubs, based on their birth chart, and can offer general advice to your brothers and sisters.


For those that wish to partake in Shamanism, this may be a good first step in showing what you are capable of. With progress, those of the Shaman community may take notice in your advanced RP and offer to teach you more complex aspects of Orcish Culture.


Clan RP




Of course, it goes without saying that clan RP is among some of the most influential in all of the Uzg. A clan is a group of Orcs with similar goals or features, who work together as a family to survive in the harsh environment of the Uzg. Generally, each has has its own specialisation. Below, I will list the current clans and their niches:

Raguk - Mining, Industry and Forging.


Braduk - Characterised by larger, stronger frames.


Gorkil - Those that acknowledge Bloodlust more as a tool, embracing it almost religiously. 


Yar - One of the Shaman clans of the Uzg, responsible for a great focus on the Spirits and their worship.


Lur - Among the greatest hunters of the War Uzg.


Tuk - A predominantly Goblin clan.


Fud - A predominantly Olog clan.


Each clan is based on an Ancestral Spirit of Legend, a once living Orc that was well known for being the best in their chosen specialisation. For this reason, the clans work in homage to their Ancestor, working to continuously hone their crafts both for themselves and for the united force of the Uzg. There are many titles within a clan, and you can work throughout your Orcs career to make it to the top. When you become the leader of a clan (A Wargoth) you can even challenge the Rex in order to take his position.


The potential for RP within a clan is unending, and it is extremely important that you find one as soon as possible, as this is your main way of progressing in society. It is also a way to get a home, more respect, and a means by which to develop a name for yourself. Once you join a clan, you cannot leave. It is a life bond, and must not be broken under any circumstances. You owe everything to your family, and you should risk your life to protect them.


A Final Note on Orcish RP and the Mindset




You are guided by your internal sense of honour, and it is what allows the community to accept you both IC and OOC. Remember to follow this conduct if you wish to truly delve deeper into Orcish RP, and recognise the importance it has at all times. Acknowledge that there is more to Orc RP than simply fighting. Go out into the world and explore, learn new things and craft your own stories. There are even more resources than those listed above, you just have to take some initiative.


Orc RP can be a wonderful thing, and I implore anyone that hasn't already tried, to give it a real go and not become swayed by the occasional memer or PvP head.

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Double post!

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+1 my rex

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u didnt ******* inCLUDE ME


the great grubgoth!!!!!


i demand a mention under tavern rp!!!!

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good post, but should do a tdlr for new players, since long chunks of text can be intimidating 

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Yay. Though it is a shame hardly any orc rps honour properly. Most continously do dishonourable things then try to justify it with stuff like spirits or simply just killing the person who said they are dishonourable, due to the fact they are doing dishonourable things.

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Really nice to see someone taking Orc RP and



Orc culture




Though I would suggest you find people who have a very similar mindset as you and help rebuild the Orc race to something that can be taken seriously. You can't do everything yourself, and although posts like these are great, you got a lot of work ahead of you thats gonna need some delegation.

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You include Fud yet not Lak? Oof.

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22 hours ago, Tommy Shmurda said:

Really nice to see someone taking Orc RP and


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Orc culture




Though I would suggest you find people who have a very similar mindset as you and help rebuild the Orc race to something that can be taken seriously. You can't do everything yourself, and although posts like these are great, you got a lot of work ahead of you thats gonna need some delegation.


The current leadership circle share the same mentality as me. We're going to be a bit more active about changing the Uzg these days.

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