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[Your View] Costs and Raids


cost and raids   

163 members have voted

  1. 1. which suggestion do you prefer

    • llir suggestion
    • llir and nation/charter leaders
    • auriel suggestion
    • no change sugestion

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Raids r literally fine how they are



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grr deleting my comment. censoring my opinion grr i am angry snow elf

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After fly has now been given its own tax, this feels like your intentionally trying to break the economy the money goes to who a mod or the city to raid? It’s create a funnel for the already rich and powerful versus the people who don’t have that money to don’t understand how the economy works, especially since they can’t coup out in trade now. Aureils or no change are the best in this matter, cause if your going to raise the price. Raise it in away of something that’s already implemented rather then making a sudden change that screws over the entire economy. 

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New Suggestion:

5 mina cost for every /looc message

5000 mina cost for every /modreq

500000 mina cost for every Soulstone Usae

500000000000000000000000000000 mina cost for walking one block to fund Tythus’s diet pepsi stash

Edited by Dqnn
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12 minutes ago, Ajax said:

Let's make rp cost mina

“Hail friend of Malinor!”

“Any news from the other provinces?”


“Bye then.”

“That’ll be 300 mina, sir.”

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first fly and now this


stop trying to tax everything holy ****

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keep raids as they are


sometimes people raid to get resources and gear from others

imagine adding a cost to raiding to get stuff, might as well use the minas you have to get the **** you’re trying to get from the raid


now if you’re raiding for shits and giggles then l0l


edit: also the fact you guys are trying to add prices to fly

dont tell me this is another excuse to have less tickets cus now you have to pay for raids so you won’t get tired from raid tickets since u will barely get any dudes


what is next? logging onto the server requires for you to do a command that deducts 1000 minas to play for one day

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Raids are a joke the better solution is to cap them at 4 guys and only valid when a wc is posted on a settlement

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Increasing the cost of raid ladders is stupid because what happens if one side has already got like 4 double chests worth and are hiding it? One side are stuck without raid ladders whereas the other has a borderline infinite supply


? just a thought no salt idk it could be Oren side it could be Renatus, either way still applies

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I’m honestly stuck between no change and Auriel’s idea.


I mean, I think raid ladders and lockpick prices should be raised, but not by much (maybe 10%-15% increase). Raid cooldown should stay at four days, like Auriel said.


So I guess I lean towards Auriel’s idea more? Honestly no clue, but I can come with one conclusion:


Llir’s ideas suck.

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No. To all of them. Does Llir even play? How often has he been in a raid, defemding or attacking?

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This is a case where you would actually want to ask the PvPers what they would like with raids, as opposed to people who don’t play let alone raid.


That being said, folk should probably offer some ideas. Folk like GGT and TrendE would probably be able to hash stuff out with admins and whatnot, and figure something out that at least most people enjoy. 

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Your staff team and server are wholly incapable of handling a warclaim. The last one was riddled with both technical and staff errors.


Yet here you stand, seeking to impose further limits on on-server, everyday warfare. You would further restrict the act of “war” and “conflict” to warclaims.


Why don’t you think over the whole situation already? The issue is not the raiders. The issue is not PvP. The issue is not conflict. The issue is your restriction on conflict forcing it to boil into toxicity. If players can’t duke it out, they will duke it out in discords, on the forums. Your focus should be ensuring that nations CAN and WILL enforce consequences on each other, even with everyday raiding. But at the same time, your focus should be to LIMIT these consequences to details that “hurt” and “cost” nations, but have nothing to do with the destruction of playerbases.

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