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[✗] Fjarriagua, the Witches of Winter

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Fjarriagua, the Witches of Winter

Eons of secrets, buried beneath the ice.



Origin of the Curse

The history of Aenguldaemons spans far and wide albeit is different for each, and every one, some betray their ilk whereas others stand balwart amidst their brethren -- However, it isn’t quite like one to be considered Fallen, a rare occurrence in which the Aengul falls from its ethereal mantle, corrupting the eldritch god into an unearthly figure, warped from its original purpose. Two cases so far have been recorded throughout - although it isn’t to say there couldn’t be more - history: Wyvurn and Malchedial albeit isn’t the latter that scorned the souls of plenty as much as Wyvurn did, forging itself a blighted cult as he aided the likes of Setherien to conquer the Seven Skies.


Within the depths of Skjoldier a legend as old as the Fjarriauga themselves lingers upon the tongue of few, and even less dare to utter such a tale in fear, sheer horror, or in pure disbelief the mention of Aenguldaemons were less in the old era; Wyvurn, the Northern Beast -- a dragon so large it could be mistaken for a mountain that spouted not fire and warmth but a flurry of ice that could forge tundras from molten liquid ::


He stood large and grand albeit was a shadow compared to its former self,

A beast that took the form of many although a dragon it came to be,

Even the mightiest Skoldravok - the bravest of our ilk - could not hunt the wretched beast,

For if it didn’t want to be seen, then it shan’t be found.


Claws as large as a castle,

Breath fiercer than the northern winds,

Wings capable of warding armies,

And a torso as large as a two dozen acre fields.


The tale of the beast was of course naught but a tale, a tale barely spoken. Albeit was this tale that sprouted truth to its meaning; a beast so large with a breathe fiercer than the northern winds albeit had fallen far from its path and naught but the odd few, the very souls that dabbled in their own deity magic knew who, and what the emerging beast was, and to some they would swiftly throw away, let alone toying with it; Wyvurn, the Lord of the Deep Cold. An Aengul once sought to bless the lands with its winterous embrace albeit did far from that as per Ondnarch goes the bloody blighted beast was far from home; each, and every waking moment the Aengul spent upon the realm was a lifetime for he, as he were plagued with the torment of fire and blight. Albeit was here an interaction was left untold for naught but one knew the truth of how they came to be.


The Frost Witch - Fjarriauga - Maidens forged from the desolate and suffering of youthful women originally thought to of been abandoned by their loved ones albeit transcended past that to those vulnerable. Teeth as sharp as a dragons tooth whilst having the ability to manipulate the frozen wastelands upon their will, these dastardly beasts were, and still is the bane of lost men who wander far from their homesteads.


“The myth goes that the first Fjarriauga was born when a young bride, abandoned at the altar by her would be husband, charged out into a snowstorm. The snowstorm grew more and more violent as the young bride struggled through the snowdrifts. Eventually, she collapsed. Old Father Winter saw the bride and took pity on her. He leaned in and gave her the wedding kiss she'd longed for, turning her lips blue and her skin grey. Icy coldness crept into the young bride's heart and, when she awoke, she found her body was as cold as the snow she lay on. The snowflakes bent to her will and, out of the ice, she formed a chariot finer than anything her husband could have given her. This Fjarriauga, known in myth as Kriemhild the Witch Mother, spread the curse of the Frost Witch across the land. Any woman with deep despair in her heart may embrace the cold and find power, if she is marked by a Witch Mother. It is only the strength of their faith and will that many women avoid falling and becoming Frost Witches.

The powers of a Fjarriauga are tempting, though, and there are those that might seek out a Fjarriauga to gain the benefit of her knowledge. Fjarriauga are masters of disguise. Their skin is naturally grey and their eyes a glowing blue, but they can slip into a mortal skin as easily as changing clothes. They cannot impersonate others, but they can make themselves look normal. One can only identify a disguised Frost Witch by her icy touch. Fjarriauga can control the ice and snow, though they are powerless in the heat. Many Frost Witches are known as great seers and fortune tellers, offering to divine the future for any man who catches them in disguise. However, Fjarriauga are as fickle as the chilly northern breeze and are just as likely to eat a man as they are to help him. Fjarriauga delight in the succulent flesh of young men. It is one of the few things that gives their cold hearts pleasure.

Though violent, fickle, and tricky, Fjarriauga can be both helpful and harmful. They are required to provide aid to anyone who spots them in disguise. Unfortunately for those seeking their power and wisdom, a Frost Witch's mood may only depend on her appetite. Men, especially married men, must beware most of the Frost Witches. A favorite tactic of theirs is to devour a man and then mark his grieving bride for Witchdom. In this way, their numbers continue to swell.

The curse of the Fjarriauga, like its creators, is fickle. A woman must first be willingly or unwillingly marked by a Witch Mother (a powerful Frost Witch with the ability to spread the curse). The mark of a Witch Mother is hard to discern. It appears on the back of a woman's neck — a blue splotch no different from a bruise. Indeed, many women dismiss it as such. Some never even know it's there. However, being marked by a Witch Mother is not enough to cause a woman to fall. If a woman is strong in faith and in will, she can escape becoming a Witch. To become a Witch, a woman must give into the despair that plagues her. Only then will the curse take over, giving her the powers of disguise and frost and binding her to the Witch Mother who marked her. Each Frost Witch Coven is governed by a Witch Mother. With time, a Frost Witch may grow powerful enough to spread the curse and create her own Witch Coven.”


The story foretold of the Mothers rise was that of deceit and lies for she was not taken by the eldritch beast who dawned upon her as a benevolent spirit, but rather, a tale of rejection and desolation as she were cast away further by that once believed to be the Aengul of Virtue now a shadow of his primordial self; a visage warped into a bleeding blight that left a cancer upon the realm. His origins were unknown, however, the interaction he had here sparked a series of events that would later divulge into what we have today with the eldritch beasts known as the Fjarriauga.


For this were no mere myth, but rather, an untold legend.


What truly happened that fateful night would remain untold except to the very rare few as the first Fjarriauga was indeed a young bride abandoned at the altar by her would be husband. Her broken heart unable to be mended by the words of her kin sat in their seats, staring upon the event as the maiden twists, eyes wide and she fled for the snowstorm. With each step she took it never mended her broken heart or her wounded soul, but rather, it only made her more vulnerable. Her feet frozen, the blood having clotted as she were unable to move anymore she promptly fell to the ivory snow with her digits curled in taut and her relentless wailing never gave way. She had made it roughly a mile through the snow to the base of a series of hills and the like; the snow beneath her began to clear and what she thought was the fabled Father Winter she had in reality crossed upon the slumbering beast known as Wyvurn.


The dragon once sought by the fabled vikings and barbarians left unfound,

Now discovered by the youthful, vulnerable, and terrified girl.

She longed for her lover, a man she could call her own,

But instead she were left at the altar alone and afraid,

With naught but the shame and humility plaguing her..

She lost hope. She lost what made her human. She lost her desire to love.


This here was what made the very first Fjarriauga vulnerable what awakened the blighted beast was not her wailing but rather.. Her wounded heart. Akin to the pulse of a heartbeat He felt her pain and arose from the hillside to peer amidst the desolate girl albeit came in the form of the fabled spirit; his visage warped and he settled down upon one knee to cup her frozen cheeks, hoisting her torso upright to tuck his head down, offering naught but a short albeit sweet smile with his head tucked in.


“Tranquility is naught but a farce, a lesson many learn albeit not quite like this,”

“I can offer you tranquility although it’ll come at a price, you will give yourself unto I, and you will feel this pain no more. You will understand the true meaning of tranquility, I promise you this.”


And so, in her broken state she did naught but provide a loose bob of her head, a short smile of her own painting her arid, parched, and blue lips as they were sealed in a soft albeit passionate kiss, the wedding kiss she longed for came, warping her visage as her lips took on that sapphire hue whereas her very flesh morphed, taking on a grey colour.


Slowly, but surely, as Wyrvurn drew back he offered naught but a sly grin as her eyelids fluttered shut and she fell back, unconscious. With the palm of his right hand he pressed it to the chest of the youthful bride with an ethereal hue bubbling from his hand to forge a bond between soul and Aengul, cursing the woman;


“As she awoke, she found her body was as cold as the snow she lay on. The snowflakes bent to her will and, out of the ice, she formed a chariot finer than anything her husband could have given her. This Fjarriauga, known in legend as Kriemhild the Witch Mother, spread the curse of the Frost Witch across the land. Any woman with deep despair in her heart may embrace the cold and find power, if she is marked by a Witch Mother. It is only the strength of their faith and will that many women avoid falling and becoming the fabled Frost Witch.”


Albeit wasn’t until the fall of Ondnarch that the Coven of Ice Maidens lay still in their homes, unaware of whom they were bound to, or why, but a savage pain scorched their cores as their souls were left wounded akin to the very first Mother when she were left abandoned at the altar. As the Aengul, forged anew from its blighted husk resumed its mantel a spectacle transpired unexplainable by even Aenguldaemonica standards as the bond between soul and Aengul snapped like a coord tugged taut, recoiling which struck the Maidens like a full blown hit to the chest -- they fell silent, unable to talk, move, let alone breathe as they felt their lives sluggishly parting from their existence.. that was, until, the curse latched unto the soul and it became the very second curse to be recognised as self-reliant - akin to the shade curse - it was then able to root deep into the soul, pertaining the power it stole from the bridge between Wyvurn and the soul, becoming the fundamental source of their magical prowess. Albeit, again, akin to the Shade Curse - although lacking a sentient entity - expanded, providing ample opportunity for the curse to garner power in order to fuel the developing Witches.


And so, the tale went on without hindrance, the ebb and flow of time and life passed onward and the myth, became a legend, and that legend was reality.


-Quoted from the Fjarriagua, Maidens of Ice lore by Tsuyose


Physiology of the Witch

From the very moment they’re cursed their transformation is gradual, beginning with their skin morphing into a greyish or icy white hue. They can pertain white or light blue hair alongside illuminated blue eyes. The blotch upon the back of their neck, a reminder of who, and what they are. By technicality they’re no longer an inherent descendant as their entire racial structure warps from its original foundation. Starting with what transpires within to the very foundation of their curse which projects a frozen aura once steady albeit remains transparent. Due to the icy aura they project - again, unfeelable and unseeable by anyone other than those able to see auras (which is little to none) - this warps the liquids they have, and produce, into an icy slush - blood - alongside this their flesh warps to a low cold akin to a dead body as they no longer generate warmth anymore. Due to this, when struck with considerable force they crack instead of gushing out blood akin to ice. However, this doesn’t prevent them from excreting their bloody whenever sliced open with said intent.


That being said their bodies and muscle mass ceases to grow or dwindle, age or wither due to the crystallization transpiring within their bodies; it is also worth noting they’re unafflicted by the curse of voidal and dark magic. Whatever their physical appearance was, prior to transcending into a Frost Witch, will remain that way throughout. - A nineteen year old turned Frost Witch will eternally look nineteen years of age. - This also means that the Frost Witch is sterile, unable to give birth, although they may if they were pregnant prior to being cursed, the child will more than likely be a stillborn.


-Quoted from the Fjarriagua, Maidens of Ice lore by Tsuyose


Frost Witches who choose to feast upon the flesh of men in order to sate their hunger will find themselves flushed with a sense of empowerment and self-fulfillment. This causes the witch to lose interest in the relationships outside of her coven, and will find it nearly impossible to hold romantic interests with men specifically. In addition to this witches will have various different adjustments to themselves should they feast upon creatures of non-descendant races. Those that choose to go an alternative path, hoping to maintain some shred of their former selves, will find their disguises to be hag like as their skin grows cold as ice to the touch and their eyes a strikingly bright blue color at all times. The smell and sight of male blood and wounds will bring the starved witch intense nausea and irritability. Witches who also choose to starve themselves in this manner will find themselves at the weakest possible strength with their ice magic and unable to hold more than one disguise, the one most similar to themselves prior to being cursed. 


Red Lines:

  • A witch cannot become pregnant.
  • The curse cannot be removed by any means. However it is open to additions and potential lore pieces to be posted in the future.
  • Frost Witches have four magic slots.
  • Frost witches are extremely weak in hot temperatures or climates - injuries by fire are almost always fatal.
  • Only character born female may become Frost Witches.
  • In order to live they must consume the flesh of animals or men, each has their own effects. 
  • Witches that choose to only feast upon animals will be forced to suffer the disguise debuffs such as wrinkled skin, slightly glowing blue eyes, worts and other blemishes, ice cold skin, and nausea around open wounds of men.
  • Frost Witches in their disguised form are as cold as a corpse to the touch.
  • Frost Witches in their disguised form have fang like teeth which can only be disguised if specifically concentrated upon. During this time they cannot cast any other magic or do any intense physical movement. 
  • Should a witch feast upon a Strgia she will find herself have more fang like teeth in her true form and elongated claw like fingernails. These can carry through into their disguises.
  • Should a witch feast upon an inferis or creatures of demon origin they appear with blackened veins and demonic physical traits when in their frost form. These can carry through into their disguises.
  • Frost Witches cannot feast on the flesh of Azdrazi.
  • If a Frost Witch eats the flesh of a woman she will get violently ill, causing her to vomit and her body to overall reject the food.
  • Feasting upon a Zephonim would cause the witch to get violently ill over the next OOC week, making her much weaker but no longer hungry.
  • Hou-zi and Kha would give the witch a more beastial state of mind for the next OOC weak upon consumption. 
  • Frost Witches cannot feast upon Soul Trees as they are made of wood.




(Art by one of our very own, Yuln)

Tier Progression


A Witch that has been recently cursed. They lack the ability to properly utilize the magic, and must be instructed by a Witch Mother, or mentored by another experienced Witch. A fledgling is inexperienced and weak, only able to don one disguise that is exactly the same in appearance as their previous form. They will find themselves completely unable to cast any forms of ice magic and mostly will remain in their true frost form. This stage of the progression lasts one OOC week.


After becoming more accustomed to the magic, a Witch’s flat abilities plateau. A witch will find herself slowly grasping the ability to perform ice magic, over the course of an OOC month it will become like second nature to them. A Witch will remain in this tier  for the rest of their life, only advancing when they take upon themselves the mantle of Witch Mother. During this same time she will find herself able to adjust her disguises and broaden her aesthetic palette. 


The Witch Mother is the apex of Fjarriagua. Leading their coven and daughters with their increased skills from the curse and ability to, obviously, spread the curse to new women. Normal witches will often find as they grow older that their power is lacking or that they feel they have not met their full potential, as this happens they begin to develop potential to become a Witch Mother and ascend into the leadership roles of their coven. Witch Mothers are much stronger than normal Witches as they have mastered the ability to force their will upon ice in their surroundings and gain more freedom in their disguise aesthetics. 


A Witch Mother rises most often in times of need, when the other Mothers have gone missing or perished over the years. Other times, Mothers are made when lone Witches are in desperate need of company, of sisterhood. During the weeks leading up to her official ascension the Witch will feel her powers growing, will find herself being drawn to the altar more often than not, and will begin to find themselves taking closer notice of the mortal women around her. 


Red Lines:

  • Mothers lose their TA after one month of /seen inactivity on their Witch persona or three months of no new students. They may reapply at any time.
  • Normal witches can sense one another upon direct eye contact.
  • Witch Mothers can sense their daughters within a 15 block radius. This does not work through walls,  specifically inside buildings, or places the Witch Mother could not easily access. This cannot be used to metagame the location of imprisoned Witches. 
  • Witch Mothers can adjust the age of their disguises greatly, either older or younger. No younger than 10 years old when disguising into children. 
  • Witch Mothers give off an aura of grace and power, obvious to other Witches. This is active even through disguises.
  • Witches can communicate telepathically if within 10 blocks of each other and have direct line of sight on one another.
  • There is a cap of 5 Witch Mothers at once. No Mothers from the past will be able to just hop in. They will all need to resubmit their TAs if they wish to keep their ability to spread the curse.







The most important ability to the Frost Witch is her ability to manipulate her visual appearance to seamlessly blend into society around her. The visual aesthetic of the disguising process is up to the player and oftentimes is roleplayed like ice cracking away to reveal the new visage. Some prefer to emote it like shimmering snow. 


Witches are able to disguise themselves as any of the four descendant races; Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Orc. They are limited to these four categories, but may adjust the visuals freely amongst the possibilities for each unique race. Witch Mothers are granted the addition ability to adjust the age of their disguises to be either much younger or much older than their true cursed age - however, they cannot disguise to be any younger than 10 years old. 




 [!] The witch’s body began to spread with cracks and let off a soft white fog as her appearance beneath with begin to rapidly transform. 

Ice Magic



Ice Conjuration

The art of evoking ice is one that comes naturally to a Frost Witch, and has incredibly useful applications.  This is done by condensing existing moisture in the air and then lowering the temperature past the point of freezing.  At first, a witch is only able to conjure small flurries but with practice, an experienced Witch is able to pull respectable amounts of ice and snow from thin air.  Ice Conjuration is affected heavily by the environment. Any environment considered dry or hot would be incredibly hard to conjure within without assistance from an outside source, such as an enchantment or another witch. 




[!]  The witch’s eyes opened with a more intense glow than ever before, the blue rays filling the room.


[!]  Everything around the witch would begin to drop in temperature as her arms slowly raised above her head.


[!]  Flurries and small snowflakes began to appear from seemingly nowhere above her as a small snowfall      occurred.


[!]  The storm soon grew into a blizzard as the snow violently began to fall now in clumps and condensed forms, even some small pieces of ice fell too.



Ice Manipulation

Witches are able to manipulate existing ice with ease, as if it is an extension of themselves.  Of course, this doesn’t exempt them from tiring after extended use. Most Witches are taught how to forge daggers from ice which, while brittle and able to be melted, is better than being unarmed.  Other uses for ice manipulation include immobilizing opponents, throwing chunks of ice or icicles in combat, and, of course, making ice sculptures.




[!]  The Witch would turn to the frozen lake beside her and slowly raised her hand towards the large collection of ice.


[!]  The ice began to slowly elevate and grow in a pillar like shape with a jagged, slightly sharp tip as it rose from the lake and spun, sort of like a serpent. 


[!]  The ice moved its way over to the shore and violently slammed itself down into the dirt with immense speed.



Red Lines:

  • The ice created by witches is non-voidal. Ice manipulated by the witch will not disappear upon losing focus or after she finishes casting.
  • Witches may disguise as a female of any of the four descendant races only.
  • Ice maybe be drawn from moisture in the air at the same rate of a Tier 3 Water Evocationist when at the Witch Tier. This increases to Tier 5 Water Evocationist when they become a Mother.
  • Witches cannot perfectly disguise as another character, they can be close relatives in terms of resemblance though. 
  • Witches’ can use Ice Manipulation to drop the temperature below sub-zero.

  • Witches cannot use their any of the Ice Magic while in disguise.

  • It is much easier for a Frost Witch to manipulate pre-existing ice and snow.


Feral Response

The Feral response is a Witch’s form of “fight or flight”. When a witch is in a dire situation where it is is live or die, feed or starve, they may enter this feral mode depending on the situation at hand. When a witch goes feral she will be trapped in a savage guise of their true ice form and be unable to cast any of their Frost Witch magic or any other magic they may also have. During this mode a witch however get a few different sets of abilities which she may use to her advantage depending if she chooses to fight or flight. However the decision to enter this last stand is a hard one as the witch loses a part of herself and feeds into the beast inside - becoming savage and incapable of greater thinking while in this form. Her only goal is survive. Her only goal is eat. It is important to note that a witch who has not feasted on the flesh on men within the last week she will be unable to use this form.


In the snow a witch will be able to move a 0.25x quicker speed, and have the same increase of physical strength, than they would normally be able to. This allows witches to get a speed boost to escape sticky situations or to quickly hunt down the last escaping prey. This burst of speed and strength only takes place if the witch is in a climate that would normally favor her ice magic.


Witches also gain the ability to perform a stun ability of their choice that would fit the witch aesthetic and the roleplay scenario they find themselves in. Some witches could choose to greatly increase the glow of their eyes in dark locations in order to temporarily blind an opponent. Or perhaps release an ear piercing screech that would knock someone out of concentration. The choices here are endless, but nothing that could cause physical harm to someone and this can only be done once per combat situation. 


Red Lines:

  • Witches when entering their Feral form will be unable to cast any forms of Frost Witch magic along with any other magics. They are stuck with the abilities limited to Feral form.
  • Feral response stuns can only be used once per combat scenario.
  • The strength and speed buffs from the Feral response are only valid in environments that would usually favor a frost witch’s ice magic. I.E mountain tops, tundras, snowy forests, any frozen climates in general.
  • Witches who are starving and have not consumed male flesh in the last OOC week will be unable to enter the Feral mode.
  • The stun spell within the Feral mode stuns the other party for exactly one rotation.

  • The stun spell within the Feral mode takes two emotes to cast.





The Altar and Sabbaths

The Altar

The creation of a “seed” can only be done by a Witch Mother. A seed is made by encasing a man’s freshly killed corpse in ice and burying it into the ground, this can take quite a bit of time as the ice used in this process is not normal ice; but Cursed Ice. Taking the time to imbue extra magic into their conjured ice to transfigure it takes a lot of concentration and work on the Witch Mother’s part. Altars appear as large frozen trees of ice with a table of ice at the very base of the trunk. Upon close proximity or direct touch with the Altar witches can hear faint incoherent whispers of their fallen sisters.



A Sabbath is a ritualistic event enacted by any number of Witches in the presence of an Altar. They are only possible through an established Altar, and the ability to perform certain ones depends on the amount of Witches present at the Altar. They generally require focus and time, and depending on the Sabbath, may be draining. Sabbaths are varied and new ones may be discovered or created, so long as they remain within the confines of what the magic can do. All Sabbaths are mostly up to the discretion of the witches performing it in how they’d like to roleplay it, as none of them can be done away from the altar or for combative purposes there is no restriction on times or the like. 


Rebirth Sabbath

The Rebirth Sabbath is important as it allows the Coven to bring back their fallen sisters who have met their demise by fire. A congregation of witches must form before the altar after hearing the news of their sister’s passing and chant to her spirit within the altar in order to guide her back to the mortal realm. 


During this time the witch will begin to hear the voices of her sisters calling to her through the roots of the altar, her soul clinging on to the idea of rebirth, the curse demanding to prolong. If this is done too soon the witch will be in too much agony to hear the sounds of her sisters and to properly concentrate to follow their voices, but should they wait long enough for her to lose her fright - then they will be able to safely bring their sister back to this world. 


The Witch’s Creations

Cursed Ice

Cursed Ice, while being an important to those who have obtained the Fjarriauga curse, is rather hard to come by. The ice can be created by a witch who has achieved the status of Witch Mother, although this is not the most proficient way to do this. Cursed Ice can be removed from an Altar as it grows from it naturally.  While generally not having a malleable form, Cursed Ice's form can be manipulated in very few ways. Most often the ice can be worked with during a Sabbath or when it is near an Altar, albeit moving very slow as it wants to retain it's rigid shape. Cursed Ice has been known to give off a chilling aura and has even been known to alter and freeze over the area close to it.  Naturally, Cursed Ice has a resistance to heat and can generally only be destroyed by Holy Fire. Holy based magics will interact with Cursed Ice as if it were regular ice, melting it over time as well as weakening it. If the quantity of cursed ice is small enough it has been known to be destroyed or melted easier.


Witch’s Cloth

While being known to transform their physical form to any shape or size they wish, Frost Witches are not able to alter their clothing the same way they do their body. More often than not, Frost Witches have been known to be gifted with enough skills as a seamstress to make various outfits for their disguises. Logically, each of a Witch's disguises tend to be different sizes from each other, therefore a problem came among them. The great Witch Mother Arach soon discovered a cure to this problem. Arach had discovered another use for Cursed Ice, Witch's Cloth. Upon being crushed and mixed with water, any cloth which had been bathed in the water would take in some of the Cursed Ice's magic, making it so that the Witch's clothes would match their disguised form. Although not having much control over the cloth, it mostly responds to a Witch when she quickly changes form.


Red Lines:

  • Cursed Ice may only be wielded by a Frost Witch.
  • Witch’s Cloth can only be manipulated by a Frost Witch.
  • New Sabbaths can be submitted via MaRTs.
  • Witch’s Cloth serves as a lore reasoning behind witches’ clothing also changing with their disguises.
  • Cursed Ice has enchanting properties equal to Dregs in Blood Magic. 
  • Curse Ice will never melt except from exposure to Holy Magic and Azdrazi Flames.



When a witch is caught in her disguise and called out for her truly wicked nature she will always be forced to offer a favor in exchange her secret be kept. A witch must be discovered in her disguise in the act of doing something specifically witchy in order for this to be valid. If someone should accept the favor they have the freedom to ask for just about anything in return the witch could logically provide. As long as the favor doesn’t put herself or another witch in harm’s way or require her to perform sexually then all other favors are fair game. When accepting a favor, once the witch successfully completes her end of the deal then the other person would be completely unable to speak of that witch’s true nature to anyone, ever again. 


Red Lines:

  • Favors cannot be broken by either party as long as the other is upholding their end of the deal. For example, if someone tasks a witch to collect a specific item for them then they will be unable to expose her secret in any fashion as long as she is actively working to complete her side of the deal.
  • Favors prevent those who accept them from exposing the witch in anyway, shape, or form. They cannot tell anyone, write it down for anyone, or imply it in anyway.
  • A witch is not required to tell someone that their favor is not valid and may approach the situation however they’d like.
  • In regards to favors, you are bound to hold that disguise or that witch’s secret as long as she holds up her end of the deal. You are only bound to keep her secret. After the RP where the favor’s terms are made and agreed upon, in the next RP encounter you are not bound from doing anything besides exposing her secret.




Rebirth and Reconstruction

“I could not feel myself. Everything was a terrible, violent blur. I had no flesh or bones but it felt as though they were being torn asunder. There was a deafening pound in my consciousness, a forceful desire to consume, to be reborn, to live again.”


“We though’ it was some big animal that was tearin’ up tha woods, leavin’ lotsa half-eaten corpses an’ all. Wasn’ hard to follow the trail but the, er, thing dissapeared into tha’ woods as soon as we saw it. Hard ta’ describe, really. Big spikes an’ chunks o’ bloody ice. Real unsettlin’.”


(Taken from the Cursed Ice & The Witch’s Altar addition lore. Written by our very own Meguzara.)


Due to their twisted curse a Witch will be turned away by the Monks of the Cloud Temple - forcing them to resort to other means of resilience. Their curse does not end so soon, and does not aleve with ease. The curse acts almost like a sentient being as it finds anyway to endure, anyway to survive. 


Upon death, the Witch’s soul exits the body as expected, however, the witch will find her soul being anchored back towards the altar in which she was closest to when she died. Upon reaching the altar, the Witch re-manifests in an incorporeal state, known as a Banshee, and will be hardly visible to anyone besides other Witches. From this point, the Banshee moves with the soul purpose of reforging their physical coil. TO do this they prey upon nearby animals, each meal bringing them closer back to this realm. Larger animals, such as deer, wolves, and bears, usually only require one or two for the Banshee to reform. Because the Banshee is largely incorporeal, it is impossible for any of these beasts to kill it, however, larger animals take more time to slow down and kill. Once the Banshee has consumed enough flesh, they will re-form into the Witch at the base of the Altar. 


Should a witch die by means of fire she will find herself locked in a dark space. Unable to move, unable to speak, unable to do just about anything. It is hot here and is agonizing for the witch to endure, but she cannot scream; she cannot escape. This lasts for eons in their time as only seconds pass for anyone in the mortal realm. The only way a witch can escape this fate is by the Rebirth Sabbath. Should no witches gather to perform the Sabbath the fallen will be doomed to spend her waiting period in this dark incubation space. 


Red Lines:

  • After being killed a witch will respawn at the altar as a Banshee and will need to feed upon the flesh of animals to reforge her body. She will gain the negative traits temporarily depending on the animals she consumes.
  • Witches are not immune to PKs. A witch has the freedom to PK upon any death and refuse resurrection.
  • Witches killed by fire, her entire body burnt to ash, are shelved for an OOC week and then may be revived using the Rebirth Sabbath to be brought back sooner. 
  • Five witches must come together in order to perform the Rebirth Sabbath.
  • The changes with death by fire is not common knowledge ICly and will be roleplayed as an adjustment to the curse.
  • When a witch dies by fire she is only subject to a shelving should her entire body be burned until there are no remains, if a fireball causes her death this will not put her into a shelf. The idea was a “burned at the stake” sort of aesthetic for the death.
  • Witches that die and are shelved for a week may be brought back at any point during that first week by using the altar sabbath. After one week the witch will be able to bring herself back.
  • Witches that are runed will be unable to bring themselves back from the dead with this process, and will NEED to be brought back using the altar sabbath.



The Rune

The rune of Khaz’vrashi is a crimson seal that aids in effectively slotting a blockage in the main pipeline, unable to be carved off via average means and only viable by a Frost Mother versed in the art; (insert name of art) in Fi’tayrna’s studies came to an end, she hadn’t disclosed the rune, only a single part of it; it wasn’t until [Group in Event] had managed to come across the lair where the Mother lay dead and the witch bound by chains, having consumed a partial sect of her abdomen and ultimately killing herself in her state of madness. [In his love for another Frost Mother the partial Blood Mage decided to spend a dozen days and nights revising the rune, and eventually, manipulating it into forming a prototype;]  The completed rune, capable of aiding the Frost Mother in blocking the Witch’s prowess in their art without subsequently killing herself in the process. Fi’tayrna, lacking life, her prowess lived on in the form of an art capable of moderating Frost Witches alike; all she desired, was the ability to bend the curse.


The seal works once the Mother has engraved a crimson seal akin to the Khaz’vrashi unto the Witches back right between the shoulderblades -- to the exact line, and detail. Their palm planted to the center of the seal and wherein the Shade corrupts the aura of others, festering it with their ill blight the Mother literally absorbs the cursed aura bound to the Witch which initiates a spark in their pipeline to the curse, causing it to falter, and pause all together with an eldritch veil preventing the blockage from uprooting without the manifestation being unblocked via the Mother, which in turn sparks the curse once more, shattering the blockade and subsequently having the ethereal seal fade.


During the time in which a witch’s magic is sealed, they may not manipulate nor summon ice or snow. They may use one, simple disguise, the disguise is physically taxing for them to use, and must be exactly the same to their form before they were cursed. They may not sense another Frost Witch or Mother in disguise. If a mother seals a witch’s magic and leaves the server or goes afk, (/seen offline for more than 2 weeks) the mark will fade automatically. If the Witch Mother who uses the mark PKs, the mark will fade. Two Witch Mothers may come together and remove the rune from a witch in the event of a worse case scenario.


-Quoted from the Fjarriagua, Maidens of Ice lore by Tsuyose


Red Lines:

  • If a witch is runed she will be unable to use ice magic or hold more than one disguise, the one closest to themselves prior to being cursed. 
  • If a witch is runed it is extremely taxing to hold any disguise longer than a consecutive hour. 
  • If the Witch Mother who applied the rune goes inactive on her witch persona for longer than 2 weeks with /seen then the rune will fade on its own.
  • Two Witch Mothers together may remove the rune upon any witch, if the Mother who applied it is refusing to do so ICly.
  • The knowledge of the rune passes on to any witch who knew it in the past. The rune must be explicitly taught to Witch Mothers.




Final Notes

This rewrite offers clarifications on the magical abilities of witches will removing much of the lore bloat within the Frost Witch category. With this rewrite we add an alternative for witches who choose to refrain from hunts and murderous RP for IC reasons, with intense drawbacks of course. Sabbaths are shrunken and reworked for more plausible uses and the ability to add more in the future is still open for anyone who wishes to submit them in the form of a MaRT. Witches are now a CA creature with 4 magic slots and will receive a special race IG for their Witch persona as well as their race removed from their card to make it easier for disguise switching and less work for the Moderators. Many people complained in the past about Frost Witches being nothing but “Frozen Edgy Waifus”, so I’ve made the change of it being near impossible to hold romantic interests should the witch choose to indulge in the benefits of the curse. -Luv



Luv - Lore Writer

Grimmothy and Jlyoko - Helped me with grammar, word choices, and generally making the post nice.

Deer and Original_Potatoe - Art Contribution 

Frott, HeeroZeero, Archipelago, and Starfelt - Moral Support and Suggestions.

Chihiros, Meguzara, Urara, and Tsuyose for all prior renditions of the lore and all past submissions. This wouldn’t have been possible without all of their endlessly hard work.


Change Log – Check for Updates


6/28/2019 7:11 AM EST

I am aware of the formatting issues that need updating and I will be doing so today when I get home from work. This will include putting the proper red lines underneath each section they apply to, adding in the emote examples for the stun ability from Feral mode, and properly putting in all of the below listed points where they belong as well in the form of red lines.


  • Favors cannot be broken by either party as long as the other is upholding their end of the deal. For example, if someone tasks a witch to collect a specific item for them then they will be unable to expose her secret in any fashion as long as she is actively working to complete her side of the deal.
  • Favors prevent those who accept them from exposing the witch in anyway, shape, or form. They cannot tell anyone, write it down for anyone, or imply it in anyway.
  • A witch is not required to tell someone that their favor is not valid and may approach the situation however they’d like.
  • Frost Witches cannot feast upon Soul Trees as they are made of wood.
  • The stun spell within the Feral mode stuns the other party for exactly one rotation.
  • The stun spell within the Feral mode takes two emotes to cast.
  • Witches’ can use Ice Manipulation to drop the temperature below sub-zero.
  • Witches cannot use their any of the Ice Magic while in disguise.
  • It is much easier for a Frost Witch to manipulate pre-existing ice and snow.


7/11/2019 7:43 PM EST

I apologize for the wait on this update, was having some issues IRL that needed to be sorted out first. In terms of red lines below every section to which they apply to that will be done soon, don’t worry I know the lore cannot be voted on until this is done, but it is a tedious process and I will need time to sit down and dedicate to doing it – my apologies!


  • When a witch dies by fire she is only subject to a shelving should her entire body be burned until there are no remains, if a fireball causes her death this will not put her into a shelf. The idea was a “burned at the stake” sort of aesthetic for the death.
  • Witches that die and are shelved for a week may be brought back at any point during that first week by using the altar sabbath. After one week the witch will be able to bring herself back.
  • Witches that are runed will be unable to bring themselves back from the dead with this process, and will NEED to be brought back using the altar sabbath. 


Everything above is listed in the change log on the actual lore post. Any further comments you may have that I might’ve missed up until this point feel free to reopen the discussion or message me on discord Luv#2390!


7/12/2019 10:33 PM EST

Finally went through and sorted all the red lines into their proper places. Will be spending the rest of the night fixing up the post and working with the feedback I’ve received to try and keep the post looking as clean and consistent with the intended work as possible, please be patient with me as I do this – Kind of new to all this. Thank you to everyone for the suggestions and support, greatly appreciated!


7/13/2019 12:20 AM EST

In response to samsan’s comment I will try and answer each and every question to the best of my ability now, and those I cannot answer tonight I will be sure to swiftly take care of. Thank you!


Favors description isnt worded that great and a quick read makes it seem like you are permanently bound to silence?:

In regards to favors, you are bound to hold that disguise or that witch’s secret as long as she holds up her end of the deal. You are only bound to keep her secret. After the RP where the favor’s terms are made and agreed upon, in the next RP encounter you are not bound from doing anything besides exposing her secret.


The fire death is a bit vague, if they dont get saved after X time is it a PK or can them reform themselves?

Should their entire body be burned away by fire they will be shelved for up to a week if not brought back earlier by the Resurrection Sabbath. After the OOC week they can bring themselves back to life like usual.


If one mother is active just enough to not be removed and not doing any good how can she be removed? without and staff involvement but not in a way players can easily abuse.

I am considering bringing in a form of duels for Motherhood like mentioned in lore from the past. This would be something implemented in my second part of this lore where I cover the missing pieces such as Skjoldier and dive deeper into parts of the lore I had left out in the base re-submission.


How would Transfig or say necromancy fleshing smiting (The general ideas of it at lest) work against frosties or even blood magics blood bending? possibly other magics too that I dont understand.

All magics effect Frost Witches the same way they would effect normal people. They are just slowed down by the curse, super cold and slushy blood. Their blood still contains genus and has five units to spare like the rest of the magic based creatures. 


The stun ability needs more info, how long does it take to cast?

The stun ability takes two emotes from the witch and will only stun its target for one emote. I will be adding an example to the lore soon as well.


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not again

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1 minute ago, Thomas said:

not again

you say you luv me, that makes me crzy.

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yes come on I just want some interesting creatures again

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12 minutes ago, Luv said:

When accepting a favor, once the witch successfully completes her end of the deal then the other person would be completely unable to speak of that witch’s true nature to anyone, ever again. 

Will this stop someone from only speaking of the issue, or does it completely stop them from conveying the idea? Could one theoretically write ‘x or y is witch’?


15 minutes ago, Luv said:

That being said their bodies and muscle mass ceases to grow or dwindle, age or wither due to the crystallization transpiring within their bodies; it is also worth noting they’re unafflicted by the curse of voidal and dark magic.

This seems overpowered. Perhaps render it to half of the effect at most, but one shouldn’t be able to just shrug off the downsides of magic.

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Just now, Vindicant said:

Will this stop someone from only speaking of the issue, or does it completely stop them from conveying the idea? Could one theoretically write ‘x or y is witch’?


This seems overpowered. Perhaps render it to half of the effect at most, but one shouldn’t be able to just shrug off the downsides of magic.

allow me to shed some light, my friend!


point one: whoever the witch makes a favor pact with will be unable to share her secret in anyway, shape, or form. this means he cannot write it down, speak it, nor imply it in any regard as long as the witch is making an attempt or has fully held up her end of the deal.


point two: it’s been a normal thing in frost witch lore that they are able to maintain their muscle mass from when they were cursed, meaning mages are stuck as small as mages and viking he-women the opposite, but i am not at all opposed to perhaps removing this should more of the community agree and a decent bit of the witches leave their two cents on the matter.


thank you so much for your questions!

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@Luv  what happens if a frost witch tries to feast on a treelord? I saw the other effects and wasn’t clear on what would happen regarding those creatures. 

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26 minutes ago, Delmodan said:

@Luv  what happens if a frost witch tries to feast on a treelord? I saw the other effects and wasn’t clear on what would happen regarding those creatures. 

i am so sorry! i hadn’t even considered those. my say is that they wouldn’t really be sated nor really be even able to feast upon them as they are made of wood to my knowledge? if this is correct then i’ll update it in my change log as such, but not please please correct me. 

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5 minutes ago, Luv said:

i am so sorry! i hadn’t even considered those. my say is that they wouldn’t really be sated nor really be even able to feast upon them as they are made of wood to my knowledge? if this is correct then i’ll update it in my change log as such, but not please please correct me. 

This makes the most sense truthfully. They’re not really the typical ‘male’ that a frost witch would likely want to feed on.


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I was expecting this to be bad ngl

But this actually isnt terrible

Huh tenor.gif

This was unforeseen

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yes finally my fellow erpers!


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This really gives frost witches the “witch” and not “ice warrior demons” no shade to anyone btw I think Luv did a *very* good job on this and I know she’s been working hard on it, props to her +1

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I think this is great! +1 YES

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