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[EVENT] Trip To The Past


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RP Name: Rhaelenthur Seregon

MC Name: Sphookas

Discord: Sphookas#6272

Nation Affiliation: Haelun'or and Northgate

Why Do You Wish to Come?: Paladin business! Hopefully, also cool character development!

What Skills Can you Bring?: Medical Equipment and skills, battle skills as Paladin, diplomatic skills as a helf, and good spirits! 

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RP Name:: Vule'onn

MC Username: Lugh__

Discord: Lugh__

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To pursue history

What Skills Can You Bring?: Paladin training, combat prowess

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RP Name: Marc of White 

MC Username: KunLunKungFu

Discord: LunarLunatic#4141

What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Ruswick

Why Do You Wish To Come: To learn some history, explore some new places, and most importantly, cool character development.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Superb combat ability, as well as a sharp detective eye and problem solving skills. 

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RP Name:: Feanor Kaeronin 

MC Username: Titanium430

Discord: Titanium430#8450

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Aegrothond 

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To gain knowledge and protect and be with the sea prince feanor sylvaeri.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Apprentice smith, shipbuilding and repairing. Navigation at sea. Fighting. Cooking and baking  

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RP Name:: Baldin Ironside

MC Username: mateolog

Discord: mateolog#1400

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: mainly Urguan 

Why Do You Wish To Come?: perhaps regain knowledge from before the dwarven civil wars that was lost. Attempt to steal the stone of Wyrvun from the irongrinders. Take a piece of the obsidian throne of Urguan that was lost to the decades to return it to the dwarves. 

What Skills Can You Bring?: Vetaran Legionary that became a Frostbeard legend in Athera's battle of the bloody grass, healer, undead specialist, previous religious leader if the dwarves, posses golem eye and arm, was in active duty during the time, speacks: common, basic dwarven, blah, and santegian. [ooc] :is a mystic. 


Edited by ✗ ≬ ≬ ♏αɟεoℓog ≬ ≬ ✗
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RP Name: Osman Kharadeen

MC Username: RhythmrhymE

Discord: RhythmrhymE#7874

What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Al-Faiz

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To Aid my Fellow Peoples, Explore the Ruins, and to Aid in the survival of my Fellow Peoples. (And to see what a friend is talking about when he says the old days were great)

What Skills Can You Bring?: The skills of a Good Soldier, Writing to Record the Journey, Some Survival Skills, & Medical Help.

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RP Name:: Atandt Irongrinder

MC Username: Urguan

Discord: gandalfo#0368

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Aegrothond/Urguan

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To pay homage to Paragon Kjellos and visit the Hall of Urguan

What Skills Can You Bring?: Diplomacy, Strength, Knowledge of the land

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RP Name: The Jester

MC Username: Beordan

Discord: Beordan#3739

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: None

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To support the morale and chronicle events for future poems.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Singing, juggling, dancing, and other amusing acts.

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RP Name:: Syllia

MC Username: Rella101

Discord: Teers#3486

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Gehenna

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Because the others are coming.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Absolutely nothing.



RP Name:: Kilyn

MC Username: Teerz

Discord: Teers#3486

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northguard

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To learn about paladins

What Skills Can You Bring?: I can stab with a wooden sword.

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RP Name:: Hathiar The Foundation

MC Username: gpbg

Discord: Hathiar#1635

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To help out my fellow Dwed, visit a land I’ve never been to before

What Skills Can You Bring?: My hammer! It’s good for crafting, building, and bashing!

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RP Name:: Brann Ireheart

MC Username:Stargazerology


What Nation Are You Affliated With?: urguan

Why Do You Wish To Come?:to help protect my brother and king

What Skills Can You Bring?: experienced combatant, and wood worker

Edited by StarGazzer
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RP Name: High Prince Asger Nria 

MC Username: RaiderBlue

Discord: RaiderBlue#3404

What Nation Are You Affliated With?:  High Prince of The Principality of Rosenyr 

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To further my own knowledge of the forgotten land and if possible find past artifacts, relics from the Nrian family.

What Skills Can You Bring?: I can provide my own ship if needed along with men to helm it. I am trained in the basic medicine, along with being a well trained hunter and fighter.

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  • RP Name: 

    • Prince Cassian Nria

  • MC Username: 

    • BlueTigerPro

  • Discord: 

    • BlueTigerPro#0362

  • What Nation Are You Affliated With?: 

    • Principality of Rosenyr

  • Why Do You Wish To Come?: 

    • To take the chance & opportunity of finding rare history & artifacts of the Nrian family’s history. The earliest of our known history dates back to late-Athera.

  • What Skills Can You Bring?: 

    • Vast knowledge on monster hunting & survival. 

    • Experienced in diplomatic & political affairs. 

    • Skill in bladed combat.

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RP Name: Prince Godfric Alimar

MC Username: NJBB

Discord: NJBB#9539

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haense

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Godfric simply comes along to accompany his brother, Prince Georg, in his academic efforts to ensure he isn’t harmed!

Ooc’ly I’d like to come along because I’d like to see Athera again, I joined during it but was only able to experience it for about a month before the map changed. Think it’d be nice to see it again.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Some knowledge of the land, and soldiering business for Haense!

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RP Name: Abelas Caerme’onn

MC Username: Lockages

Discord: Lockages#7000

What Nation Are You Affliated With?:  Mother Grove

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Never been apart of Athera, and heard a lot about it! Coming for the RP, and the chance to see one of the previous maps that I missed out on. I know I might be too late on a response, but whatever, might as well try!

What Skills Can You Bring?: Good RP, mild humor, and supplies!

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