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[Your View] New Player Tips


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New Player Tips


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Recently, the Community Team’s Content Creation sect has grown immensely. ElvenMommaHacker and z3m0s, our video editors, are currently aiming to make a playlist for the LotC Youtube featuring how-to videos on popular topics such as the chat system, soulstones, the bank and auction house system, shops, and more. One of these videos, however, is going to include general new player tips from you guys. So, please comment down below any sort of tips for new players that you think are helpful, and the most helpful and prominent ones will appear in the video (with credit). This can be anything from “avoid jumping off cliffs” to “get involved straight away in a community”. Any kind of tip is welcome, so long as you’re civil and such.


Thank you!

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introducing the concept of how PvP typically goes

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Proper CRP guide, go over the give and take system, all that good stuff

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The voting system


What happens when you die


Region Perms


CT Mines and Resource Pits


Locking doors and chests


Discord and why it's important in LoTC

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Quick breakdown of magic


How to get started in a city (Getting a house, finding an RO, etc.)



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Maybe a little tutorial on what someone’s first rp experience will look like, if you got the resources maybe how it’d look for each of the major cities.


Also maybe a how to make a good first impression. 

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Tell the new players where the settlements of their race are and how to get to them.


Nothing is more painful than watching a new player struggle to find a place to call home.

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how to use chat cmds. that stuff is overwhelming and tons of new players struggled w/ it when I helped them.

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Common OOC Courtesy

Protagonists / Antagonists

Setting Up Shops / Making Money

Spicing Up Builds / Build Quality

Fleeing in Combat 

((more later maybe))

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Wohooo! @z3m0s rules!

Okay some tips

Places to gather resources


Things not to do (Asking for magic OOCly, asking for a noble tittle on your first day, hitting people without Roleplay)

How the server works: 
I’ve seen many people that I encountered when I was a CT that didn’t know how to build their own house and wanted to know how the server works. I’d maybe make an introductory video explaining that building is not as free in most of the server as in other servers in MC.

I’ll add maybe more later

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Maybe a quick rundown on lore events, the different religions and somee current events so they are not as lost when talking to someone

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A navigation guide to help players read nation signs. There are still signs around in Arcas that label Helena as Renatus still and Ves as- well, I don't even know what that is. Giving people landmarks to go off of and helping explain the signs and where exactly they are pointing would be super beneficial to new players, especially when the warp board will be removed. 

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Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats Bring back carts and boats 

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Run down of how PVP plays a crucial role on the server, both in one on one PVP but also skirmishes and Raids.  It’s always difficult seeing a new player join in not understanding that PVP is an important cornerstone of the LOTC experience.  Doesn’t have to be a complete PVP break down, but an explanation about how the war system generally works, raids, skirmishes, and 1 v 1 PVP typically starts and goes down.

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To try out different communities on the server before trying to go straight into one.


Stock up on food before leaving spawn.


To check up on the wiki for background on races, cities, and even roles your character can take up. 


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