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[✓] [World Lore] Moz Strimoza and the Inferi

The King Of The Moon

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Moz Strimoza

(In the Common Tongue: The High Hells)

(Urdol: the Zar’rokul Pentacle as invoked by the the Court of Shackles, c.1680)

“Amol-vuht kul koth zu’kotuhzt rognat e’rakulu tuk ra’strimozaka”
Do not be quick to assume yourself a predator in the hells.

-Ruunkav Urkarna to a bleeding disciple of his.

In Ixris’ bargain with Ixli and Ikuras, Iblees allowed his patron and the spirits to collect their newly corrupted souls on his original plane, a place whose name and likeness has been both a forgotten legend and a guarded secret for aeons. There the first of the inferis race congregated, pooling under a drip feed of fresh converts and there they began their eternal carnage. The infernal climb was structured and only once truly disrupted with the advent of the zar’rokul when Ixli and Ikuras snatched and immolated dragaar and drakaar souls by reaching out into the fates beyond or in passing.


Their arrival established the crushing dominion of the Pentacle (“Urdol” in Ilzakarn) and the true weaponizing of inferi; each of the vehement draconic demons are pinnacles of roiling chaos and their insatiable want for supremacy has scarred the cosmos and their home. Iblees’ plane had been ravaged by the devils in warbands and militias helmed by zar’kiel and zentherak but the zar’rokul brought unparalleled force and order upon them and their industrialized rebirth altered the land itself just the same. In their desire to best one another, the Pentacle sought out other planes within reach be they divine or adjacent mortal realms and conquered them and with their power over conquest would tear the planes into lesser pieces and shackle them to their homeland, the planes stitched together and fused by black sorcery. With each land conquered and damned to conjoin Iblees’ home it became unrecognizable and grew to be the inferis homeworld, Moz Strimoza, the High Hells.


Moz Strimoza is a patchwork abomination of other lands forcibly wrought together in a confusing, sloppy amalgamation which the Pentacle has continued to war over for every new land is more to fight over with more souls to prey on and more suffering to propagate. As opposed to common thought, the High Hells are not a purely volcanic hellscape albeit there assuredly are such lands. The stolen landscapes threaded into the High Hells are riddled with Gatrov; an infernal ecosystem of malformed plant, fungal and fae essence long since twisted away from the Aspects’ embrace. 


Because of the diversity of the realms stitched to Moz Strimoza there are sometimes abrupt transitions of gnarled basalt crags with firestorms of ash and miasma that turn to a grey, ruined city of crumbling, unknown civilization upon broken earth that then leads to a frozen, brooding hinterland forest with unfamiliar wildlife hiding from the monstrosities they now live with. Across the immense stretches of warped landscape the five kingdoms of the Pentacle (“Akalhrit Urt zu’Urdol”), the courts of the zar’rokul, wage unending war with brutality, feigned treaties, backstabbing, and otherwise epic campaigns against each other and the worlds beyond where they tear others and themselves limb from limb and bask in the literal and metaphorical carnage.


The factions are wracked with inner turmoil, both complex and simple external politics, and battle with the shifting unassimilated hordes who howl and riot wherever they lie. Because Moz Strimoza is a place of constant war and torment the infernal blood that has been repeatedly spilled has soaked down into the bedrock of the world and baked in the heat of the Hells. These deposits form webs of an infernal ore representative of the hate, chaos, and ruin of the inferi; rokodra. Inferis smiths endowed by the zar’rokul hold the knowledge to shape and forge this dark metal, its ore dredged out of the bowels of the plane in sprawling, dangerous mines and caverns deep in the burning earth.


Whilst Iblees has since reclaimed his throne upon his ravaged plane at the centre of Moz Strimoza, by proxy of the Red Prince Ixris, the smaller outlying worlds conquered and sewn to the initial realm remain in the shifting grasp of countless Zar’kiel warlords, the Eight Malice Princes and - most significantly - the five vast swathes of land divided by the competing factions of the Zar’rokul Pentacle independent of their influence. 


While the zar’rokul may form pacts between themselves to rally the weak against the strong (such as attempts by the Red Prince or Iblees to claim their stolen realms), no zar’rokul maintains a lead for long before a new one rises. The High Hells are a place of true chaos; beware those who seek it and what lies within.


While the Pentacle feud and war with one another their own avarice benefits one another for the plunder of one often becomes the plunder of another; no single zar’rokul remains most powerful for long before their brethren dominate them and perpetuate an endless cycle of betrayal and self-defeating hunger. It is fortunate for Creation these fiends fight over scraps amongst themselves lest they all conspire and march upon the many worlds -- an impossible event. Yet they do have some commonalities, namely their affluence for a thing most dark and most dangerous, the binding of pacts (“akomka” in Ilzakarn).”


Moz Strimoza is divided into five major kingdoms of the zar’rokul, the Akalhrit Urt, each of roughly equal size albeit their borders shrink and grow as the great demon lords war against and with one another. The Hells are utterly massive, stitched and smashed messes of planes used to add onto one another and grow; there are numerous examples of alien terrain as well as familiar geography throughout the hellscape. Some lands are outright infernal and immolated with rivers of blood and screaming, roiling skies of fire and volcanic ash whereas others are yet to be incinerated and are merely dark and dry where the last non-inferi cling to life yet are hunted mercilessly by their devilish predators.


Any entry into the High Hells are often in unfamiliar land which can only be identified by the banners and traits of the inferi roaming or, in very unfortunate or bold cases, poor souls might find themselves near or within one of the five capitals: Natla zu’Velkka, the City of Goats, seat of Velkuzat; Natla zu’Drazka, the City of Bats, seat of Drazhana; Natla zu’Kiizka, the City of Serpents, seat of Kiiztria; Natla zu’Kholka, the City of Crows, seat of Kholidav; Natla zu’Zathka, the City of Cats, seat of Zathairn. Each of the capitals are great and harrowing citadels of conquered civilizations amassed into a single, sprawling demon city decorated in the gargantuan corpses of great, monstrous inferis and the banner of each of the zar’rokul. The demons in these capitals -- as well as out in the domains -- reflect the likeness of their lord but not always yet usually dress themselves to make their alignment obvious lest those in question be ravaged anyways. Goat hoof necklaces, great bat wing leather hide, snake scale clothing, crow feather headdresses, cat skull decorations, and so on.



Outside the capitals yet within the warring borders is where the vast majority of the High Hells’ population is for even though the borders have raving legions the roaming demons within outnumber them by far due to the vast tracts of long forgotten, forsaken land within. There are a number of small mines to huge, sprawling quarries dedicated to drawing rokodra from the blood-soaked earth out of the bedrock.


Onsite foundries refine the ore and shape it into usable weaponry or armor of vast diversity and design. So too are there killing fields to feed the hordes and massive, festering gore lakes to dispose waste in. Not all of Moz Stimoza is fire, brimstone, blood, and suffering however, some of its regions are slightly more tame namely within the ruins of old where more primal demons hunt one another as well as whatever may crawl into their hunting grounds. Such places are eerily quiet, often decorated by ash and cinder, and tend to be supernaturally saturated with death wherein fresh corpses and mangled cadavers seemingly appear from nowhere to fill corners, block corridors, rest inside buildings, and otherwise permeate the lands with new carrion. 


Ruling over the vast tracts of forgotten land, zentherak act as feudal lords fighting amongst themselves and for those subservient to zar’rokul, being forced to fight in their conflicts, their legions and power being sucked dry by the will of the Pentacle just to be slaughtered or tossed aside. A zentherak rarely holds power for long with their own nature and the nature of Moz Strimoza leaving a constant flux. Though a zentherak never holds a high seat for long, challenging them, their strongholds, or their legions is never an easy task as they get to their seat for a reason.


Where demons dare not to roam sits zar’kiel, beings of the same power as the zentherak that don’t subscribe to the traditional concepts of power who kill and consume all they see in solem rage and ferality to leave lands ruled by none. These locations rife with monsters are where all but the maddest inferi seek to roam that typically hunt others to absorb their power for themselves.


Here rove bands of infei typically lead by zezimar; weakling groups of no note but the most common in all circumstances roam here. Be it in slavery to a legion or hard fought independence, warbands of a handful of inferi subjected to a fledgling warlord are the beings that most lurk these desolated planes.


At the edges where Ixli and Ikuras pluck fresh souls from the soulstream to add to the masses of inferi are the burning border sands of Ebrietæs and the ocean mists of Dotagh Bhraf. A third partition to the soul stream, much to the sorrow of Aerial and Apohet, that connects to Moz Stimoza. A desolate land where nothing of value exists populated by wardens put in place trying to control it, zezimar warbands who seek to challenge the wardens and cross the border, apparitions and ghosts who dared to wander too far from the center of the soul stream, those with the audacity to attempt walking the bridge to Fîgûga Uzg and the poor souls who dare to attempt navigating the mists of Dotagh Bhraf.


Traveling through Moz Strimoza, and crossing its borders, is not exactly a feat done by land or sea. While plenty of realms have been physically crashed into each other, the High Hells is still a conglomeration of planes, many of which have no physical connection to one another. Circumventing this with no concern for the sanctity of life or reality blood rifts are torn throughout and fueled with oceans of blood to grant passage.”


(Singular: Inferis, Plural: Inferi)


“Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul.”
The weak are meat and the strong do eat.

Inferi are wicked fiends who know only hunger and chaos but one thing defines them: power. To every inferis there are always larger, more powerful, more cruel inferis and even those on top aren’t safe from their peers. Their world is one fraught with turmoil and pandemonium where conquest and voracity reign supreme. These devils are characterized by their consuming need for chaos often in the forms of destruction, degradation, and depravity as well as their nigh Ibleesian features coining the term infernal; infernal forms are nearly without limitation but they have commonalities of horns, wings, tails, and other such animalistic features while appearing truly monstrous and horrific with vile minds to match.


Most inferi were once mortal. Either through passing through the Soul Stream and being picked off by Ixli or Ikuras or by the hands of black sorcery such as naztherak, inferi are men and women whose souls have been corrupted by the manifestation of chaos itself, maleus, a virulent energy of corroded and malformed soul essence, which serves as a malefic fuel. Such inferi are thrown to Moz Strimoza, a nightmare more aptly named The High Hells where they are tormented, enslaved, or consumed lest they themselves torment, enslave, and consume.


The Infernal Climb refers to the ladder upon which all inferi exist, a hierarchy which these demons lust to ascend when not reveling in debauchery, violence, and sin. Zevn, zekul, and zezimar make up the lesser inferi, each a breed of increasing danger yet of meek stature in comparison to those above them. Zar’akal, zar’kiel, and zar’rokul make up the greater inferi, each a class of demon whose innate hellish powers make them increasingly volatile and ravenous.


Atop the hierarchy sits a lonely and shadowy figure, Ixris the Red Prince, Iblees’ patron behind the creation of the first Inferis and the early conquests of Moz Strimoza, who seems to rarely act directly and either fosters or allows the immense infighting of the inferis race. Inferi commonly manifest in Moz Strimoza as zevn or zekul and by feasting upon each other - consuming soul essence, usually corrupted by maleus in the form of rakir (a liquid made up of concentrated maleus, which all inferis are addicted to and is also found as the blood of infernal beings), they may grow and climb the ladder. It is upon this rakir the closest thing to an ‘economy’ in Moz Strimoza is based. 


Whilst there are innumerable rogue factions amongst the shifting loyalists of the Red Prince, the inferi at large are ruled by the Zar’rokul Pentacle, a caste of five demonic kings and queens who lay claim to individual factions. Beneath them are their courts of zentherak and zar’kiel who in turn rule over legions of inferi. Their avarice and insatiable hunger for ruin and corruption has led them to not only war over their own home but the wider cosmos. The inferis hordes are a universal threat, permeating the planes and unfathomable gaps in-between.


Lastly, when inferi perish outside Moz Strimoza their corpse is left but their immolated soul returns to the High Hells where it manifests as fertile ash (“rovor-lahnt”) in a heap to scatter.


Malflame can revive this ash by sparking it with chaos once more, reviving fallen inferi, but they only return whole if their ashes are whole. A zar’kiel who is slain will manifest on Moz Strimoza as a large mound of fertile ash but should it scatter, spread, and separate as it inevitably will its revival will cause it to split apart into lesser inferi who are born anew with less memories and identity of their previous form the more spread they become.


Common Inferi

Gatrov - Nature


Gatrov are the only infernal beings that are known to be stagnant in the infernal climb and incapable of ascending into higher demons. With little to no sentience or consciousness, Gatrov are the warped products of soul essence once under the Aspects’ jurisdiction as plants, fungi, and fae. 


All botany in Moz Strimoza is twisted into Gatrov, though even forests in the mortal plane can oft be twisted into this unhallowed state with ample corruption from the likes of higher inferis, torturous use of malflame or an exclusive watering of Rakir since their sprouting. 


Chattering in maddened Ilzakarn amongst themselves and to passing infernals, Druids bold enough to attempt communion would be met with unsettling silence in any Gatrov infested forest. No creatures will nest in Gatrov fauna, and no animal would willingly wander into these corrupted woods.


Gatrov are in this sense vile natured and either unwilling or incapable of cooperating with Aspectist manipulation or even Alchemic harnessing; failing to produce the sensical signs and symbols of the material alphabet. 


Gatrov are incapable of producing a sufficient level of maleus to satisfy any infernal or to create Rakir, though forests and other concentrated sites of these afflicted plants will still offer some comfort to infernal beings far from Moz Strimoza, often being frequented by Zevn and wild Zekul. 


This is with the exception of the highest - and rarest - forms of these Inferis are Gatrov’kiel: Ents and Tree Lords who have been enslaved by the Zar’rokul and robbed of their fate in the Eternal Forest.


Zevn - Imps


Zevn are the lowest form of sentient inferi. Zevn can be sized anywhere between sprites and small goblins, with physical strength typically to match. Their intelligence can range anywhere from brutish to quick cunning, being for the most part sentient and at times capable of outwitting descendants.


Conscious of their weakness, Imps typically either roam in hordes for safety in numbers or find themselves under higher inferis as slaves, minions and - in particularly unpleasant circumstances - meals. 


The most drastic instance of this is found in Striith: a subspecies of Zevn which has aligned itself beneath a Zar’rokul or Zar’kiel, forgoing its corporeal form and free will to instead be preserved and immortalised in the shape of an animal from the material plane of their master’s preference. Stiith are more commonly known as ‘familiars’ to the denizens of the mortal plane, thanks to their common use as overseers in pacts between witches and warlocks and the higher infernals. Unlike Zekul, Striith in animal form retain their sentience and can even grow beyond their former cognitive capacity thanks to a process of mentally leaching from pacted descendants and inferis. 


All pactless Zevn have a love of bargaining, trickery and taboo exchanges. It is common for lone Zevn to barter with other beings for their maleus (rather than to try and take it by force) and almost all intelligent Zevn will attempt to hoard enough maleus to undergo ‘khurzhu’, their term for a leap up the infernal ladder that skips Zekul, due to common paranoia about losing one’s sense of self and devolving into a beast during their next stage of natural evolution.


Zekul - Beasts


Zekul are inferis who have begun the infernal climb and evolved past impdom, often at the cost of their mental ability.


Ranging anywhere between the full size of a Goblin to a Horse, Zekul are by nature bestial and can at times resemble massive, malformed mimicries of animals. 


This comes with an immense boost of strength, capable of overpowering most great predators of the material plane at the expense of cognitive function; Zekul are commonly incapable of speaking bar the occasional grunt of Ilzakarn and instead rely on ferocity to sustain themselves, shedding what cunning they might’ve held on to in their past lives as Zevn.


Either working in pack units or as lone hunters, the Zekul are commonly put to use as pets and mounts by higher inferis. They easily make up the bulk of Moz Strimoza’s wilderness populations and often lose themselves completely to animal instinct, remaining beastial forevermore without the assistance of sentient inferis.

Zezimar - Seraphs


Zezimar, otherwise known as Zar’ei, are the most ‘descendant’ of inferis. Wrathful mages, dark shamans, witches, and warlocks usually find themselves reborn as Zezimar after death, having passed the lower stages of the infernal ladder.


Always humanoid in stature, Zezimar are infernals at an equivalent or slightly higher level than living descendant souls. Whilst no longer capable of maintaining voidal connections or deific links outside of Moz Strimoza, Zezimar still possess just as much (or more) mana as they did in life and are capable of a variety of spellcasting arts, namely dark magic. Most common amongst these are naztherak and blood magic.


Zezimar can range anywhere in size from Humans to Orcs and will usually possess strength equivalent to their stature.


Greater Inferis



Zar’akal are the hybrid of descendants and inferis, born of Naztherak.


They - like some Gatrov - are unique amongst the inferis in being native to the material plane, their infernal status granted by the slaughter of a Zentherak and the consumption of its head and maleus, which has allowed them to sustain the powers of both their mortal selves and infernal beings without the blow of death or loss of their original corporeal form.


They are usually of similar physique and capability to Zezimar, albeit with the added benefits of a required mastery of Naztherak and an immunity to being knocked down the infernal ladder. 


Effectively immortal, Zar’rakal are capable of manifesting upon the material plane after most instances of bodily destruction and can also utilise their remaining souls for use in voidal magics as well as connections with deities which choose to tolerate their malformed essence. 




Zar’kiel are the highest of the descendant-souled inferals. Monstrously sized and powerful beyond the capabilities of any lone Naztherak or Zezimar. Many practice an array of black magics, often deviating from their hulkish forms into monstrous hybrids of grafted ectoplasm, blood marrows, amber and so on.


Whilst typically made up of Zar’akal and Zezimar which have toppled and consumed Zar’kiel before them in order to climb the infernal ladder, rarely some are reborn as Zar’kiel immediately after their decimation on the Material Plane without the need for such arduous growth. 


The latter are typically beings which by nature bore more soul essence than a single descendant ought before their malformation - such as Apparitions, Wights or ravenous soul-thieves from the forgotten arts of Fi'hiiran'tanya and the Ish’urkal - that have somehow found themselves dragged into Moz Strimoza and bathed in Malflame.


Amongst Zar’kiel exists the Zentherak: a ‘rank’ within their classification, specifically referring to inferis in command a legion (a vast horde of inferis from all steps in the infernal climb beneath Zentherak) and holding mastery over demonology as ra’nuz dronak therak (‘the eight malice princes’): a ratrace of ever shifting warlords in command of the great rogue legions of Havoc, Lies, Revolt, Temptation, Woe, Desolation, Agony, and Madness.


Beyond the smaller eight malice forces are also any number of Zentherak which act as more secure generals under the Zar’rokul, leading the countless legions of Gluttony, Dread, Venom, Pestilence and Calamity respectively in the main five factions of Moz Strimoza.





The five ruling behemoths of Moz Strimoza, which have yet to be dethroned or replaced (and are often far too brooding and wicked with countless contingency plans where they have never been able to deal a truly killing blow against one another), the Zar’rokul are the fallen Drakaar and Dragaar who have come to conquer vast swathes of Moz Strimoza. 


Their malformed souls now make up ‘the Zar’rokul Pentacle’, the five main factions of Moz Strimoza which have since their inception remained locked in a cycle of shaky alliances, betrayals, and wars for dominance over the infernal plane.


In life they were Velketzar, then Xandraza and Chysteria, then Elahicol and Setherien. They are now:

Velkuzat the Goat, Prince of Gluttony

Drazhana the Bat, 
Prince of Dread

Kiiztria the Snake, Prince of Venom

Kholidav the Crow, Prince of Pestilence

and Zathairn the Black Cat, Prince of Calamity.


As Greater Inferis their past lives mean little to the Zar’rokul rather they were lessons to inform their new eternal mission, the throttling of Creation and the savoring of its every choking breath. The divine powers of the material plane swatted off the inferis scourge of the Zar’rokul with every invasion, their assaults singular and concentrated, and so the demonic dragonkin were banished to other far away, godless worlds to waste away. There eternal wars have been waged, each lost in a planar struggle against the fiendish invasion of the zar’rokul and zar’kiel and their howling hordes. Some worlds have fallen to the demon incursion and through cataclysmic witchcraft they have been fused into a layered array of planes forming the High Hells (“Moz Strimoza” in Ilzakarn), a amalgamation of fallen and conquered planes to form the home of the Zentherak lords, zar’kiel and zar’rokul alike;”




Mordu (Co-Author)

Zarsies (Co-Author)

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1 minute ago, GoodGuyMatt said:

On todays episode of Lore that’s made to kill us...

It can do much worse than kill you my friend

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1 minute ago, Sorcerio said:

It can do much worse than kill you my friend


On today’s episode lore that’s going to make you beg for a PK***

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Ah, yes. Thank you for delivering me more socially acceptable spirit sacrifices.  +1 



Side note, I thought they were getting their spirit ties yeeted. This is just ST lore for Inferi ye?  



Me and the gals and guys. 



Edited by Funky-Forum-Alt
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i’ll just throw away my next five character ideas since they’re all gonna die to this epic lore +1



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Its submissions like these that make me miss my grimoire and giant snake 😭

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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