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A Captured Praetor


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Praetor Saemos Hidone has been captured. His captors, the revolutionary force of the Rustlers, are demanding the following for his safe return:


  • 1,500 minas


If the Unified Domain of Vortice is unwilling or unable to pay such a sum, you have allies who can. If they, too, are unwilling, come fight us at Rustler Fort!




Elsil'Ceru, Rustler Boss




Elsiimah'Ceru, Rustler Boss



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Just now, Mccreeperkiller1 said:

Bella just stared at the flyer, "...Rustlers really have no gratitude or style,  huh." She rolled her eyes, "This is the SECOND kidnapping."


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Athri stared, half tempted to resign right then and there.



im so f*cking tired of all this bullshit


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Wyst would think to herself 'damn', before looking to the person in their fort, before thinking for a second time 'damn'


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"Lets go, collapse of Talons." Chuckled Carlos Mendez, clapping with excitement and entertainment from his Sarissan Keep.

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"Ah yes, another fight that will probably require the crutch of a ferrymen, I swear these "Demands" are getting old. What's this, the third time? The amusement gets old when your second demand was something as stupid that not one nation could pay, and here they are. trying to redeem themselves. Honestly, such a pity." The Anonymous one states as he simply burned the missive. Seeing this as the second idiotic mistake the Rustlers have done.

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"Welp." The weary dwarf lord would remark.

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The history and actions previously here have been lost to time; unless another recorded their story.

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A retired prince and former Praetor-Annilir by chance hears mention of the title Praetor and is sent briefly into a tirade about Caras Eldar. However, realizing the document referred not to a former Elvish state, the elf lord scribes a copy to leave on Evar'tir's desk - along with other tabloids of the day.



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Daisuke breaths a heavy breath, preparing to defend the rustler fort "...**** it, we ball."

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The lord grows impatience as he still awaits a response to his first letter. 

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An old elf just stares at the missive for a moment after reading it, which didnt take long for it was a brief text, before throwing it to a side and returning to his own business. "No longer my problem, good luck." he'd say under his breath, uncaring and focused on the leathers and silk he had gathered for his work.

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based conflict RP

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The Elvenessi Councillor would look over the missive, a giggle escaping her lips. "Ah, the Rustlers finally decided asking for outlandish things wasn't going to work?"


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