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The Speaker Speaks His Last [PK]

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Fionn Castaway sighed deeply at the news of the death of his dear friend "Guess retirement didn't last long." he muttered as he sat on the same balcony he rested on when he heard the news of the man's retirement, wiping the occasional tear off his cheek and opening many a bottle as he reminisced on the times the two had "I'll miss tú, lad. Enjoy the seven skies. If tú're up there, that is." a weak chuckle would escape his mouth, as well as the tears as they started to pour, and he would go silent as he drank his sadness away.


Leon, on the other hand, would lie in his cell, a weak smile on his face as he remembered the man's death "A worthy cause, I'd say. Shame the ***** behind me, whoever it was, got me before I could get away. But ah well, I got somewhere with my plan at least. Godan's will is all, as the Princess made me realise." A weak chuckle escaped his mouth too, but for a different reason, before he went back to sleep, dreaming about the trial he would so thoroughly enjoy.

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Farewell my dear Elisabeth.” She said to her daughter as she closed the door of the Halcourt Manor. She hadn’t spoken to her daughter in some time since her marriage and subsequent moving to Haense. Haense. It was a place she hadn’t thought of in such a long time. Adalene thought of Igor and her son she had left behind, Dimitri quite often despite her lack of visiting. She always figured she would have more time to visit them, that one day she might marry Igor even, she was simply awaiting the day she could. Her daughter had told her of the Lord Speakers passing during the visit, The Baroness would of course remain with a stoic look, concealing any emotion regarding her daughters words she mentioned merely in passing. As she shut that door, her daughter on the other side she would fall against the door, silent tears flooding her cheeks, sure to remain silent to keep from drawing her husbands attention. She hadn’t seen the man in years, not to mention her son. “Adalene?” her husband would call “Are you alright?” Olivier asked of her. The husband she didn’t want but she had learned to love, the husband who had helped her bring her dearest daughters into the world. “I’m fine I just… I missed Elisabeth is all.” She replied to the aging Baron. She recalled how during her last encounter with Igor she asked him to watch over her daughter in these foreign courts she would soon join. The Baroness couldn’t hold her tears, rushing up to her sole room to hide herself from further questions. She regretted it all, everything that happened with Igor, but didn’t wish it hadn’t happened, instead she would regret having not married the Lord Speaker in her youth, having not married the man who brought her the only son she would ever love, having declared the other three as disappointments long ago, she regretted not living a life of true love, and true friendship. It certainly meant more than any silly title. The only thing left for her in those moments was simply to sit and wait, wait for the day they will reunite in the afterlife.

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Aylin de Astrea's heart leapt into her throat at the news. No...this couldn't be true, could it? 
She pushed out of her seat and paced her room, her mind a daze and trying to recall the last time she had seen him. It had been...far too long since her friend called on her for tea and talk of the the occurrences between their two nations. 

The Badawi donned her cloak and slipped away, out of Elysium and through the frozen wilds before finally finding the road to Karosgrad and into the ballroom they danced in to no music. She sniffled, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as she watched the ghosts of her dear friend Igor and her former self glide gently around the dancefloor. 

"Alright, but promise you won't laugh, da? My one true goal in life is to make as many people as I can smile." He had said here, the memory of which, indeed, lifted a corner of her lips as she said:

"Well old friend, I trust that you managed that goal and more. Here is to you." 

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Pontifical Reservation

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Ruslan Baruch had sat in his office, gently thumbing the head of one of his turtles. A red haired Ayrian servant entered, delivering the sad news before departing. The Duke of Valwyck was not close with Igor Kort, though he saw the former Lord Speaker as a man he could somewhat respect. He exited his office, leaving towards a nearby mountain with bagpipes in hand. When arrived, he'd say a few words. "A good enough man, Ah' suppose. Wha'ever flaws he had, he deserved a better death. May ye' find rest, Lord Speaker." With that, he blew on the mouthpiece of the bagpipes for a few moments before heading back towards Karosgrad.

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[OOC] thanks for making me cry with your post eric (all jokes aside, thank you for the lovely rp I had with Igor. <3)


Just before the life left Igor’s eyes, Prinzenas Petra emitted a bloodcurdling scream that could only be described as one of pure grief and horror. She fought against her father’s restraint to tend to the wounded Igor, but to no avail.


Briefly, they’d locked eyes as Igor lay dying on the floorboards in front of her. Time seeemd to stop in that moment - for both Petra and Igor, perhaps.


“I’m . . . so proud.” As if offering Petra the reassurance she always needed in her youth, and in his last breath, her lifelong mentor emitted these three words. 


He was gone, then.


“Igor, Igor nie … -“ was the only utterance that seemed to be managed by the traumatized girl. She chanted it, even after his final breath was drawn. Chanting was soon replaced by wails and screams of utter grief. The girl was then ushered away from the scene thereafter, screaming until her throat had gone hoarse and crying ‘til she could no longer shed tears. 


Assessing her state, her bright, yellow debutante dress had heen stained in blood - blood that was not hers. No matter how many times the dress would be washed, those stains would never disappear, not from her mind nor her heart. Instead, Petra would don black for the next year. She hardly left her chambers, only occasionally leaving to eat, though she could hardly stomach anything. Nightmares plagued her slumber every night, in which she would relive the sacrifice Igor made for her - a consistent reminder that he died to save her life. She could hardly live with such guilt, as it plagued her almost as heavily as the grief of his death did.


Petra had dealt with grief before. It was not an unfamiliar feeling, but losing someone so close to her made her feel like she was drowning in it. Her father took note of such, and sat her down for a talk. It was then that Petra decided that she would live her life for Igor - the one he had sacrificed his own for. She would not want to dishonor his memory and the sacrifice he made for her - and so, she lived.


It was painful for the first few days, and it most likely would be for more to come, but she lived. She read and she wrote in the book her mentor had so graciously gifted her. Upon a blank page, the first one that Igor had instructed her to write on, she tentatively grasped her ink-soaked quill and wrote a rather simple beginning in this book that held so much meaning. The words, however, held a magnitude of their own:


”I live.”

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     Abraham tucks his formal suit away. "I will never go off duty. If I wasn't off duty, I would have been up there, I could have responded quicker. Maybe he would have lived." He shuts the door quietly as he speaks to himself, looking out of his attic window that overlooked the barracks. Abraham overlooked the cells with a sour frown, perhaps feeling the anger of vengeance for once. "That man dies, one way or another. Either he dies at the end of a rope, or I drown him in the lake.. and I know that no soldier will argue with it. Petra didn't deserve to have her day ruined, she didn't deserve any of this. Igor didn't deserve it either." He tossed his gift for Petra into a drawer, never wanting to remind her of that pain that came from her debutante.



Formatting on mobile is terrible sorry I couldn't put more


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Some peculiar Elfess would sigh, some lengthy trail of smoke escaping her lips in an exhale fraught with weariness - some Elven adage might escape the crimson, but even still, none could say what it meant. From her maw then leapt some distinct utterance of tepidly restrained rancor, the words slipping past grit teeth and storm-kissed fury. 


"A fine life reaches its conclusion - though death's hand comes far too early... Why, GOD, do you take only those with kindness in their hearts, and ne those with malice in their gaze?" Thusly inquired she of the Almighty, though alas; naught in the way of answer or response might be found. 

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Gavel crafters throughout the Kingdom mourned for the death of their best customer.

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Though only brief acquaintances through a sparse conversation once in awhile - his mark had stuck - leaving a particular individual to wonder. Once in a blue moon would the wine-addled thief pondered upon whether or not the certain Raevir lived his life fullheartedly or contentedly. It was always a sporadic contemplation, and she had hoped he lived deliciously. 

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A poet of some renown wandered the unclaimed lands of the world, the elven woman donned in pink robes. "Perhaps one day... one day I'll become a politician like the Speaker had recommended..."

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"Mm," pondered Franz, sat leaned against a willow tree in close proximity to Ghaestenwald. "Igor had been falling for years, if I recall?" He questioned the tree, which, should you be in doubt, did not respond. "Downhill ever since he became Speaker, really. I respected him when we were younger, though, I suppose the reasons behind his tomber en disgrâce will remain beyond me."

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