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The Ship Sinks


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“I believe the Daelish promise of neutrality was the ship that sank. We shan’t forget how those Daels stood upon the walls, bows loaded and arrows pointed at our Prince. Quite the neutral land, da?” Commented the Ruthern of Savoy, passing on the missive to the next. 

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A bronzed hoplite nods in approval, hearing the news of the beautiful daelish men. "Truly, there is no other species of Valah worth his salt, more than the hyperborean Daelish man"

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I still believe peace is possible, but when they march on our city for the second time we will again defend it "Llewelyn comments"

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Adalrich Barclay shook his head. "Daeland broke their own 'neutrality' the moment they let traitors and Orenians into their city und refused the Liege's men entry."

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Alec had no stomach for killing men. He didn't like it, it went against his Canonist beliefs, and to be quite frank, he wasn't even quite good at it. But despite all of that he still found himself as a hero that many began to rally behind, whether he liked it or not. And so did the idle winds blow in favor of revolution as the peasantry cheered: 


There goes the neighborhood...


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Borys shook his head "We should blow up the birdge and let those rats starve" He'd huff

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2 minutes ago, clonky said:

“I believe the Daelish promise of neutrality was the ship that sank. We shan’t forget how those Daels stood upon the walls, bows loaded and arrows pointed at our Prince. Quite the neutral land, da?” Commented the Ruthern of Savoy, passing on the missive to the next. 

Tends to happen when you go somewhere with a group of soldiers and bandits, its not very appropriate if ye’ are tryna be peaceful don’t ye’ think thats a problem?” Spoke the Daelish Lord. “Come fight us yourself instead of sending your cats to claw at our legs if ye’ really want us gone.” 

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"Such shame bloodshed has been brought upon the very people that swore to defend the Argent Sun. How the mighty have fallen..." Vasileia muttered as the missive was read towards her by courier. "They wonder why order was enacted, because of chaos like this that sows harm to our people."

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Rolf Perea frowns, being unsure of what to think. He had not been around when the fighting had broken out between the Prince and the Daelish, but he knew that soon enough he too would be caught up in all of this. "GOD, to think a man like me would be caught up in all this."

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Colm Aitchison huffs, his bloodthirsty eyes in a daze, with blood splattered across his body, his axe stained with even more blood. "Blood 'as behn spilt en neutrahl grounds, war es teh beh fought." Colm says in the aftermath after slaying 100 of the enemies soldiers.

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5 minutes ago, TryaxReck said:

Alec had no stomach for killing men. He didn't like it, it went against his Canonist beliefs, and to be quite frank, he wasn't even quite good at it. But despite all of that he still found himself as a hero that many began to rally behind, whether he liked it or not. And so did the idle winds blow in favor of revolution as the peasantry cheered: 


There goes the neighborhood...


Grisha snapped an arm into the air, screaming. ALEC, HERO OF THE COMMONERS!" 

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The Sultan of Kharasi released a sigh at this missive, he would order for his secretary to create a draft and have it sent, it would appear a meeting of the South was an order.

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