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XXXVI Session of Royal Duma

Office of the Lord Speaker

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            Issued and Confirmed by His Majesty King Sigismund III


            2nd of Tov and Yermey, 411 E.S.



The XXXV Session of the Royal Duma is hereby called into session by His Majesty, King Sigismund III of Hanseti-Ruska and the Aulic Government. 


Members of the Royal Duma shall include:

  1. Herzen Eirik Baruch @Gusano
  2. Herzen Rhys var Ruthern @Nolan_
  3. Herzen Johann Barclay @Frymark
  4. Komit Aldrik Kortrevich @Zanthuz
  5. Vikomit Aleksandr Amador @Etow
  6. Bossir Johann Ludovar @Raijen Stars
  7. Bossir Sigmar Mondblume @AmazingAzura
  8. Bossir Otto Morovar @Mio
  9. Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay @MissToni
  10.  Royal Alderwoman Theodosya Mondblume @marslol
  11.  Grand Maer Analiesa Ludovar @_mady07
  12.  Lord Palatine Eirik Baruch @Gusano



Upon the first sitting of the new session, the Lord Speaker shall select a Royal Inquisitor from amongst the members of the Royal Duma. Following this the members of the Royal Duma shall elect the Lord Handler amongst themselves in a vote overseen by the Lord Speaker.



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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 5th of Tov and Yermey, 411 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Barclay

Royal Alderman Mondblume

Lord Palatine Baruch



Komit Kortrevich

Grand Maer Ludovar



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 411 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. Welcome to the newly elected, those of vy that are here. As is tradition with the first sitting of a session, a Lord Handler must be elected from amongst the members of the Royal Duma. The Lord Handler is someone vy trust to carry out the duties of the Lord Speaker if they are otherwise unable to perform their duties. Does anyone wish to nominate themselves or another?”


-Royal Alderwoman Barclay raises her hand-


Viktor Barclay: “Bit difficult without enough actual House Representatives..”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Perhaps that's a complaint to air with vyr own Lord then, Representative Barclay.”


Sofiya vas Ruthern: “Well, if there are none here maybe auwn of ve Alderwomen would be up va ve task?”


Erika Barclay: “Are Aldermen or Alderwomen rather allowed to nominate themselves?”


Sofiya vas Ruthern: “Or Lord Sigmar?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “They are. Any permanent member of the Royal Duma may nominate themselves.”


Erika Barclay: “Then Ich would like to nominate meinself.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Dobry. Does anyone else wish to nominate themselves or another or shall we proceed to a vote on whether Royal Alderwoman Barclay be made Lord Handler?”


Viktor Barclay: “I support a motion to vote..”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Seconded.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I would remind vy all that if a nominee is niet to vyr liking, vy may vote against them and this tabled for the next sitting where, hopefully like the Representative Barclay mentioned, there would be more permanent members of the Royal Duma. With that we will proceed to the vote.”



Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay for Lord Handler

By the Royal Duma



Representative Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Vikomit Amador

Representative Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Representative Morovar

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume

Representative Lord Palatine






Representative Barclay



Komit Kortrevich

Grand Maer Ludovar


 Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay has been appointed as Lord Handler by the Royal Duma.


Rhys var Ruthern: “Following that, it is up to the Lord Speaker to appoint a Royal Inquisitor from amongst the permanent members of the Royal Duma. As such I will postpone such an appointment until more of them are in attendance. Thus the floor is opened to the chamber now for the presentation of Bills.”


Viktor Barclay: “Not a bill, but a point of order. Or at least something I'd like on the record..”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Da, on vy go, Representative Barclay.”


Viktor Barclay: “Candidates for 'Grand Maer' must be a resident of Karosgrad, and in nominating herself Analiesa Ludovar put her residence as 'the Palace Apartments'.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Are the palace apartments niet within the city limits?”


Viktor Barclay: “I deem it an… unfair loophole.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Dobry thing that is merely vyr opinion, and irrelevant. She has a residence within Karosgrad, simple.”


Sofiya vas Ruthern: “How so? Ve Palace apartments were instated for Nobles to reside within the city.. Which makes them a resident of Karosgrad.”


Erika Barclay: “Ich agree with Lady Sofiya and Princess Anastasya”


Rhys var Ruthern: “It has long been held that that is acceptable, Representative Barclay. The Majority of Grand Maers in recent times and before my own tenure as Lord Speaker have utilised the Palace as a residence whilst working as Maer of Karosgrad.”


Viktor Barclay: “I merely wished for it to be put on record that it is an unpleasant reality that such a thing would prevent a Brotherhood hero from an opportunity in governance. That was all, before I was rudely interrupted and pounced upon by a pack of wolves.”


Sofiya vas Ruthern: “Ve voters of Haense did niet seem to mind. In fact, they prefered Lady Ludovar.. Which is why she is now ve Grand Maer.”


Viktor Barclay: “It is a common theme that this election was decided on a single issue, rather than who was actually being voted for..”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Order!” He bangs his gavel to garner the attention of the chamber. The matter has been addressed and nie issue is found as is the precedent set. We will be moving on from it now, Representative Ruthern and Barclay.”


-Representative Viktor raises his hand-


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone have a Bill or topic to- da, Representative Barclay?”


Viktor Barclay: “A little birdie has alerted me to the fact that Analiesa Ludovar already holds the office of Court Chamberlain. I want this on record. Thank you. Put all my stuff in 'bold' on the transcript too. And in a nice colour.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “What relevance does that have to anything, Representative Barclay?”


Prinzenas Klara: “By that logic, nie peer could run for Lord Palatine.”


Viktor Barclay: “It's going in the transcript, move on Lord Ruthern. You don't run for Lord Palatine, you're appointed.”


Anastasya Baruch: “I would like to mention - for the transcript, that any position within the Queen's Council does niet affect the Royal Duma.”


Viktor Barclay: “I'd like the transcript to know this is irrelevant to my aim with having my previous statement in the transcript.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Vy do niet command me in this chamber, Representative Barclay. And I would remind vy that it is I, and I alone, who decides what is and is niet in the transcript. This is vyr final warning, Representative Barclay. One more use of unacceptable language or irrelevant statements and vy will be removed from the chamber. Now! Does anyone have a Bill or topic for debate they wish brought up at this sitting?”


Viktor Barclay: “Do the newly elected individuals have nothing?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Nie? This is rather upsetting, the first sitting and niet a single idea for a debate or Bill is to be presented?”


Viktor Barclay: “I long for the Maership of Samuel Starling.”


Anastasya Baruch: “And I long for vyr removal from this Duma sitting, Representative Barclay.”


Viktor Barclay: “I motion to end this duma session. There's naught for me to miss if I leave, clearly.”


Erika Barclay: “Ich am preparing a bill or two for next Duma, was a bit busy planning House Wars to do this one”


Rhys var Ruthern: “We were heading that way anyway, Representative Barclay and that is niet something vy can motion for. Duma dismissed.”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 8th of Joma and Umund, 412 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Barclay

Royal Alderman Mondblume

Lord Palatine Baruch



Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Grand Maer Ludovar



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 8th of Joma and Umund 412 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order! Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the nomination of Iulius Vernhart as Jovenaar. Is Firr Iulius Vernhart present?”


-Iulius Vernhart makes himself known to the chamber-


Rhys var Ruthern: “Do vy wish to make a statement to the chamber before they vote or answer any of their questions?”


Iulius Vernhart: “Da. Ea vould.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now calls upon Iulius Vernhart to give their opening remarks to the chamber. Come up the front, Firr Vernhart.”


Iulius Vernhart: “As stated, mea name am Iulius Vernhart. As Lord Ludover suggested, Yam looking take up the title as Jovenaar. Ea believe, that in order for a stable society to be held, there must be law and order. This means, there must be those who seek out justice when there am a violation of such laws. An unbiased man or woman, who seeks to hold truth above all else. Ea believe Yam one of those men. This am why Ea have been going through the required training and schooling for such a position. That am why Ea stand her before vy all today.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated questioning. If there are any.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea would like to say, as the High Justiciar, Firr Vernhart is one of mea brightest wards and Ea trust him more than most. Ea can assure he will do a great job.”


Johann Barclay: “Firr Vernhardt, what do you reckon to be the most important section from the Haurul Caezk?”


Iulius Vernhart: “Well every section am equally as important as the next. For how can vy extend a ruling, if vy do niet have the complete guide?  However, it should be said that Jura I Krima am often where we find ourself the most, as it gives a list of each offense that may be found.”


Johann Barclay: “Mm.” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “Anymore questions? I will take that as a nie. We will now proceed to a vote on whether Iulius Vernhart should be made a Jovenaar or niet.”



Jovenaar Nomination of Iulius Vernhart

By the Office of the High Justiciar



Representative Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Representative Mondblume

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume

Lord Palatine Baruch






Bossir Ludovar



Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Morovar

Grand Maer Ludovar


 The nomination of Iulius Vernhart for the position of Jovenaar has been accepted by the Royal Duma.


-Tavisha Morovar attends to represent House Morovar-


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Grand Maer Eligibility Bill of 412 E.S, written by Royal Alderwoman Barclay.”


-Lord Speaker Rhys var Ruthern pauses, frowning up at the noisy Prinzen Sergie and Lady Aloisa Barclay in the Royal Box-


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now calls upon Royal Alderwoman Barclay to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Erika Barclay: “As we all know, Duma is meant to be a place for nobles and commoners to debate on laws for the kingdom. And royalty is meant to often hold an unbiased stance for these things, which is why I see it fit to advise the crown to deny royalty from the position of Grand Maer. Although Prince Franz and his son did well, they did not make it easy for others to contest for the spot due to how much popularity a prince holds in such things. Along with this, the Grand Maer position can be a gutt way for commoners to get into Duma and government, getting to make a name for themselves instead of just staying farmers. But how can they do so when they have to compete against both nobles and royalty for such?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah don' think popularity has anythin' in particular t' do with yer status. Besides, ah don' believe in restrictin' the political process, either.”


Johann Ludovar: “When was the last time a royal family member ran for Grand Maer…?”


Eirik Baruch: “They haven' ran since Otto Morovar did, Lord Ludovar.”


Johann Barclay: “This is not the main problem I see with Maership. Prince Otto and Franz have both been the finest Maer's we've had, and no matter whether or not they have some popularity from their status - they live in Karosgrad and actively see its infrastructure, and such. The issue with Maership I see is Nobility, not Royalty. Nobles live in their keeps, most of the time, not in the city. For example - And I mean no offence - The Maer Ludovar had moved to the city just a few saint's days before being elected the Maer of it, and she lives in a completely free apartment. So, what I think should be the fix here is to have Nobility buy themselves apartments and actively live in the city to be able to become Maer.”


Eirik Baruch: “In wha' way do ye think this'd be remedied, Lord Barclay?”


Marie Ruthern: “To add onto some former statements - Ea do niet think royals should be restricted from the opportunity of Maership simply because of their royal birth, da.”


Johann Barclay: “They should be aware of Karosgrad, its infrastructure, people and such. You don't get that sort of view from Reinmar or Valwyck, for example.”


Eirik Baruch: “Aye, ah agree. Personally, ah don' believe in restrictin' the electoral process much, perhaps the only requiremen' should be havin' lived in Karosgrad fer a set amoun' o' time?”


Johann Barclay: “Neither does that view come from moving to your free noble apartment just a few days before elections, so you can mark an X down to that section. They should have lived for a set time at least, ja. But having purchased a apartment should also be, in my opinion necessary.”


Erika Barclay: “The point of mein bill is to exclude royals from Duma, but if du all want royalty in Duma then Ich suppose it could be changed to making it so that they have had to been living for a period of time in the city before running for Duma?”


Johann Barclay: “Sure.”


Eirik Baruch: “Apartmen', residence, aye? It does nae matter the type, as long as ye've lived here for long enough.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea agree.”


Tavisha Morovar: “Ea second Johann's statement in regards to nobility living away from the capital, and not witnessing its daily needs.” She nodded towards the men, ere clearing her throat as to add “Furthermore we shouldn't limit the options of the commonfolk during elections, as they should have the liberty to choose whoever represents them better, be the candidate peasant, royal or noble - such a choice should be sourced in merit. What we should instead do is to update the requirements for one to run to  Grand Maer, including this about them living in Karosgrad. And assure all candidates have enough space and funding during their campaigns: Helping fund the poorer ones, and limiting the funds of their richer peers. Alongside keeping an eye out for bribing. Threats, and the like.”


Eirik Baruch: “Well, ah reckon this needs a lo' o' work t' address the feedback given, so ah think we should… ye know, table it fer now, aye? Anyone who has wishes can communicate them t' Alderwoman Erika.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “That is already a requirement, Representative Morovar. Bribery, threats and advertising on crown or public property without permission is prohibited.”


Erika Barclay: “Alright, I have made some changes, thought?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone else wish for this to be tabled?”


Tavisha Markov: “Da, hence why we should continue to watch out for it, as such are more common coming from candidates belonging to the upper class than the lower ones.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah did motion t' table it so it can be properly reworked with appropriate feedback from everyone, instead o' rushin'.”


Erika Barclay: “Ich would actually like for it to be tabled too, so that Ich can work more on it.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “As the presenter of the Bill desires for this to be tabled, we will respect her wishes and table this for a future sitting of the Royal Duma.”



Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone else have a topic of discussion or Bill to present at this sitting however?”


-A stranger calls out from the galleries-


Unknown: “Are those above allowed to suggest topics?”


Erika Barclay: “Du can suggest topics to the alderwomen or peerage to present things for du, Ich believe”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Royal Alderwoman Barclay is correct. If there is nie more presentations? Nie? Dobry. Duma dismissed.”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On the 5th of Tov and Yermey, 413 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Barclay

Royal Alderman Mondblume

Grand Maer Ludovar

Lord Palatine Baruch



Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 413 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the Grand Maer Eligibility Bill of 413 E.S, written by Lady Erika Barclay. The chair now calls upon Royal Alderwoman Barclay to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Erika Barclay: “As du all know, this bill was originally completely different. But now Ich have changed it and made it to be about excluding those who have nicht lived in the city for a minimum 4 years of been a citizen of Haense for the same amount from the position of Grand Maer. This is to avoid nobles or citizens from other nations to run for this position and sit on a title whilst they either live in their keeps and never see or experience the city or keep such a title when not even being a proper citizen of Haense.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Anastasya Baruch: “I motion to vote.”


Eirik Baruch: “Seconded.”


Otto Morovar: “I do niet!”


Johann Ludovar: “Saying someone who does niet live in Karosgrad is niet a proper citizen of Haense is quite out of place ea would say but Ea get what vy mean.”


Otto Morovar: “Do we have a definition of what living in the city means? Surely it's far more than just owning a house -- but if it is such how will that be regulated and measured? Otherwise… I'll just live in my keep with a dusty house in the city.”


Eirik Baruch: “Otto. Yer a peer. Ye can nae be Grand Maer.”


Erika Barclay: “That is nicht at all what Ich said Lord Johann, Ich was talking about per say someone from Oren” she said, looking to Johann


Otto Morovar: “It was a rhetoric- point still stands.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Do vy niet already need to have a home within Karosgrad to be Maer?”


Erika Barclay: “It is stated in the bill Lord Otto, that du must have owned a property for a minimum four years as well as being a citizen of Haense. So Ich assume that, and checking if they are registered in the census?”


Analiesa Ludovar: “There are enough positions peer's can take in Duma giving the lower class more of a chance to be eligible to the Grand Maer title would allow our lower class to represent themselves more.”


Anastasya Baruch: “As far as yam concerned, this just seems to cease the opportunity for wig-wearers to trot into our Kingdom and claim Maership.”


Otto Morovar: “I just see it as another hoop to jump through, if a new and ambitious person arrives within our city just at election time then they will be unable to run.”


Erika Barclay: “And to also make it so that the person must have lived in the city for some years to avoid a noble quickly buying a property just to be eligible for the position.” 


Otto Morovar: “What could've been their major break within Hanseti-Ruska will be stripped away!”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah personally still don' believe in restrictin' the electoral process anymore than necessary, t' be hones', system ain' exactly broken at the momen', and this bill is mostly based in wha' ifs.”


Analiesa Ludovar: “If they are truly dedicated they will stay to become eligible.”

Erika Barclay: “Lord Otto, Ich believe they can run for the position of Royal Alderman then. The Grand Maer is to do with the city, so the person running it should know and have lived in it for a while.”


Eirik Baruch: “Also the concep' o' citizenship, has been, and still is, inexisten' legally in our country. It's always been tha' way.”


Anastasya Baruch: “They can still run for a seat on the Duma as an Alderperson, nie?”


Erika Barclay: “Ja.”


Otto Morovar: “I just do niet see the purpose of adding hoops to jump through. I do niet think the issue this bill aims to fix is really an issue.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Would it niet be preferable for someone so new to the city to be introduced to the royal Duma as an Alderperson first, as opposed to Maer? Assuming that they do niet meet the proposed requirement, obviously.”


Eirik Baruch: “They are two inherently differen' positions, so ah'd wager tha' it doesn' really work as equivalen' t' each other.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Da, the latter - and arguably more important position - should be held by someone more experienced.”


Otto Morovar: “If someone spends three years within the city and the elections come up -- I'd say three years is a good time to get a grip on the city, it would mean you've paid tax many times over. They'd still niet be able to run for Maer! I've said my piece.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah'd motion t' vote, again.”


Anastasya Baruch: “I second the motion to vote.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Any objections to the motion?”


Erika Barclay: “Third”


Analiesa Ludovar: “Fourth.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be proceeding to a vote on the Grand Maer Eligibility Bill of 413 E.S.”



The Grand Maer Eligibility Bill of 413 E.S.

By Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay



Representative Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Bossir Ludovar

Representative Mondblume

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume

Grand Maer Ludovar



Bossir Morovar



Lord Palatine Baruch



Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador


 The Grand Maer Eligibility Bill of 413 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma.



Rhys var Ruthern: “The Grand Maer Eligibility Bill of 413 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma.”


Otto Morovar: “Cannot believe the Grand Maer's plot for re-election is working!!”


Analiesa Ludovar: “Yam a peer, I believe that would make me not eligible to run in the next election.”


Eirik Baruch: “Yer nae a Peer.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Vyr niet a - da.”


Eirik Baruch: “Yer nae anywhere close t' bein' a Peer.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Tribune Advisory Bill of 413 E.S, also written by Lady Erika Barclay. The chair now calls upon Royal Alderwoman Barclay to give their opening remarks.”


Erika Barclay: “As du all know, part of mein campaign was to make it easier for commoners to enter into government. And what Ich noticed and heard when speaking to those of nicht noble blood was that they found it difficult to compete with nobles that ran for royal alderperson or Grand Maer. Ich believe that we should bring back the tribune position to ensure that they have at least 1 seat so that they do nicht always have to worry about competing against the big noble families of Haense. Duma is often known as the entryway for commoners to get into government and make a name for themselves if they do nicht want to be a soldier in the BSK. Danke, that was all.”


Otto Morovar: “Quite ironic considering your last bill added more hoops to jump through!”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Johann Ludovar: “What if nie commoner runs for Duma that time?”


Erika Barclay: “Then Ich suppose it is only there for when they do run? Though for most Duma's Ich have seen there has been at least one commoner running.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea think there is nie need for more seats but give more chances for current seats. Like bonus points for commoners in votes or give priority over nobles.”




Anastasya Baruch: “What if only one commoner runs.”


Eirik Baruch: “WHA'?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Bonus points!? Are vy trying to circumnavigate our democracy!”




Anastasya Baruch: “Godani Eirik, vyr going to blow out my eardrum.”


Eirik Baruch: “Me allegiance is t' the Duma, t' democracy.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea suggested something out of the top of mea head nie need to go overboard.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I have failed vy.”


Grand Prinzen Karl: “These old Aulic Councilors are losing the plot.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Karl do niet interrupt.”


Erika Barclay: “Any other points after than Lord Johann’s? Ich couldn't hear the rest afterwards. Sorry, ah'm in shock.”


Eirik Baruch: “Wha' are we even discussin'? Ah've los' the plo'.”


Otto Morovar: “In recent years hasn't there been a lack of running's anyway.”


Anastasya Baruch: “What if only one commoner runs. Do they just automatically get on?”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah'd jus' say if ye wan' t' add more commoners in the Royal Duma, allow more Royal Alderman seats, bu' nae need t' impede on the democratic process.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Niet to be classist, but there's a lot of commoners I do niet want with a seat.”


Otto Morovar: “Hear hear!”


Anastasya Baruch: “I motion to vote.”


Eirik Baruch: “Samesies. Ah mean, ah second.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Any objections to the motion? We will now proceed to a vote on the Tribune Advisory Bill of 413 E.S.”



The Tribune Advisory Bill of 413 E.S.

By Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay



Herzen Barclay

Representative Mondblume

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume

Grand Maer Ludovar



Representative Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Morovar

Lord Palatine Baruch






Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador


 The Tribune Advisory Bill of 413 E.S has not passed through the Royal Duma.



The Duma Riot of 413 E.S.




-Simonei Barkov, a common man, illegally enters the chamber-


Simonei Barkov: “Is ridiculous, vyr all nobility, the high folk of Haense! Yam of outrage! Vy spending time, bickering among selves, what about the common-lot? They took our farms, our lands that vy promising us would be safe! The Imperial took my family's stead, our home!”


Anastasya Baruch: “They're allowed to talk now?”


Simonei Barkov: “Vy let them take our livelihood!”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Silence!”


Grand Prinzen Karl: “The imperials took his farm! Give him a farm, Royal Duma!”


Eirik Baruch: “Listen here, farmer, ah'm the grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grea'-grandson o' a peasan', who was awarded nobility later on in life.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Emma - I know I told vy vyr niet to feed anyone vyr cooking anymore, but I think vyr son deserves some right now.”


Koenas Emma: “Vy think?”


Eirik Baruch: “Wait. Ah forgo', tha' isn' true. Ah'm tha', bu' replace peasan' with a sain'. Divine blood.”


Simonei Barkov: “Silence? Silence? Yam done being silent, always with you nobles, silencing the people's word! Yam a victim of vyr laziness! They took our heart and soul! My farm! My family!”


Anastasya Baruch: “Actually, nie - nie I take that back. Sergei leading would be worse.”


Grand Prinzen Karl: “I believe in Biharist principles. To take a man's farm is to kill him, or something like that.”


Johann Ludovar: “Firr, what is it vy wish for? What is it vy protest?”


Otto Morovar: “But give the man his farm!”


Eirik Baruch: “So fuckin' true, Karl.”


Koenas Emma: “Karl, ea have been doing some undercover practice… vy know….”


August Barclay: “Ja, why nicht give him his farm?”


Ivan Barrow: “Give this man his farm!”


Tavisha Morovar: “Give him the farm!”


Eirik Baruch: “GIVE THIS MAN A FARM!”


Simonei Barkov: “Is not about farm! Is about dignity!”




Otto Morovar: “It's about the principle!”




Johann Ludovar: “Yam a steward.”


-Simonei Barkov climbs atop the chamber table-


August Barclay: “Ser Reinhardt!”


Analiesa Ludovar: “Ea...”


August Barclay: “Get him ein farm.”


Ivan Barrow: “Give him a big farm!”


Anastasya Baruch: “Thank Godani.”


Grand Prinzen Karl: “The Lord Speaker is a symbol of oppression!”




Reinhardt Barclay: “Sounds like sanoism to mich.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Eirik shut up.”


Simonei Barkov: “Look at me, witness of what vyr policy is doing! My people suffer, toiling in fields for our homes and places! Vy left us rotting in the hell of Lower Petra, will vy leave us rotting here at home?”


Koenas Emma: “Ana, he's spending all vyr money.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Are there- why is this man on the table?”


Eirik Baruch: “Ana… Please, don' be so rude t' me, ye know ah'm sof'.”


Anastasya Baruch: “He's niet, Emma.”


Simonei Barkov: “Suffer for vyr lie, and do what is right by common folk of Haense!”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Firr, please step down from the table.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Eirik sit down.”


Eirik Baruch: “Tha's me own money, aye. Oh. Alrigh'.”


Johann Ludovar: “Nie, but the Seneschal is niet very good with updating our lists. Ea will nag him about it, maybe there is a free one.”


Eirik Baruch: “Sounds good!”


Reinhardt Barclay: “Firr, please get off the table.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Ser Reinhardt, make sure this dobry man does niet hurt himself coming down.”


Eirik Baruch: “Where's the High Seneschal! We need t' expand our agricultural sector! More farms! Ah'm writin' a bill abou' this, ah think.”


Ivan Barrow: “He stands on the table until he gets his farm!”


Otto Morovar: “I agree! We need more farms!”


Eirik Baruch: “More farms!”


Simonei Barkov: “Politician, all of vyr faulting! Vy take, and take! Strip us of our voices, and then lie when vy say protection is coming! Through vyr teeth vy lie, lie, and lie!”


Otto Morovar: “We need to revamp our farming district to better sustain the common man!”


Ivan Barrow: “Stop the government's oppression of farmers! For the Farmers!”


Otto Morovar: “For the people!”


Ivan Barrow: “For the common man!”


Simonei Barkov: “My family, my kin! We were promised safety in Petra, that the army we pay tax for would protect us!”


-People from the galleries begin illegally entering the chamber-


Eirik Baruch: “Someone escor' the Lord Speaker before this rio' takes his life! There's a rio' in the Duma! Somebody help!”


-Ser Reinhardt Barclay takes out a baton-


Reinhardt Barclay: “Herr, step down from the table please.”


Simonei Barkov: “Vy lied, vyr a lying rat of a man!”


Eirik Baruch: “Protect the Hauchprinzen!”


-Ser August Barclay begins trying to pacify the rioters along with Ser Reinhardt Barclay-


Ivan Barrow: “Knight brutality! He's going to beat him! Down with oppression!”


-Lord Palatine Eirik Baruch begins escorting the Grand Prinzen Karl out of the chamber-


Anastasya Baruch: “Emma - do move out with Karl.”


-Koenas Emma begins following behind her son with a retinue of BSK guards-


Loarmir of the BSK:  “Shall I escort this man out?”


Reinhardt Barclay: “Firr, please.”


Unknown Rioter: “Knight brutality!”


Johann Barclay: “I do think the Lord Palatine is having another stroke. Just … get the man off the table.”


Reinhardt Barclay: “Escort him out.”


Koenas Emma: “Karl is perfectly fine!”


Marie Ruthern: “Oh - Oh Godani.”


Simonei Barkov: “Do niet touch me oppressor! They took everything from me, and vy will follow them as dogs?”


Grand Prinzen Karl: “FIGHT THE POWER!”


Reinhardt Barclay: “Off the table at least.”


Otto Morovar: “Karl is exceedingly smart, he seems to understand the struggle of a common farmer.”


Eirik Baruch: “KARL! YE ARE THE POWER!”


Johann Barclay: “And do not beat him.”


Simonei Barkov: “My farm, my home! My home!”


Johann Ludovar: “Firr, vy were offered a new farm!”


Grand Prinzen Karl: “I do not associate with that.”


Erika Barclay: “This is nicht the way to go about it, please come down.”


Reinhardt Barclay: “Ja.”


Ivan Barrow: “His home!”


Reinhardt Barclay: “Du can get ein new farm.”


Eirik Baruch: “Karl has jus' rescinded his righ's t' the throne. Tha's… cool?”


Emma Karenina: “Nie, nie, Eirik. Uh.”


Reinhardt Barclay: “The lord Palatine just offered to buy du one.”


Otto Morovar: “Back when I was a boy my papej never gave me money! He made me farm the farms to gather my own grain! I know his struggles!”


Ivan Barrow: “Back when I was a boy I used to stone oppressors like you!”


Unknown Rioter: “Bull hinky! These nobles ain't worked an honest job ever!”


-Lord Speaker Rhys var Ruthern is escorted out by two BSK guards-


Rhys var Ruthern: “Duma dismissed, it seems we’ve been overrun!”


-Lady Sorina Luceafăru sneaks past the rioters and retrieves the Black Bulava-

-The rioters are eventually removed from the Royal Duma Hall and the Nikirala Prikaz-


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Ser Reinhardt Barclay remembers the flustercuck that last session of duma was 

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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On the 5th of Tov and Yermey, 414 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

Bossir Mondblume-Luceafăru

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Barclay

Royal Alderman Mondblume

Lord Palatine Baruch



Bossir Amador

Grand Maer Ludovar



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 414 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the Karenina Law of 414 E.S, presented by the Crown. The chair now calls upon Lord Palatine Baruch to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Eirik Baruch: “Hiya! It is good to see so many people today, as we hopefully take a monumental step in the history of Haense, one that I have been eagerly awaiting, at least since the birth of Isabel, and perhaps all of my life. Today, we vote to finally grant the women of Haense the ability to inherit lands and titles on the same grounds as their male counterparts, certainly a necessary step in the progress of our nation. We have too long suffered at the hands of obsolete traditions. The Karenina Law shall implement succession by absolute primogeniture for all the landed titles of the peers of our Kingdom, so that the boys and girls of our laws will inherit by the same rights, regardless of their born gender! It is due time for this.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Marie Ruthern: “There's hardly anything to debate here. Ea motion to vote.”


Anastasya Baruch: “I second the motion.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Ea happily third.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone object to the motion? We will now proceed to a vote on the Karenina Law.”



The Karenina Law Bill of 414 E.S.

By the Crown



Representative Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Representative Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

Representative Mondblume-Luceafăru

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume









Bossir Amador

Grand Maer Ludovar


 The Karenina Law Bill of 414 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma unanimously.



Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Definitions of Punishment Bill of 414 E.S, presented by the Crown. The chair now calls upon Lord Palatine Baruch to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Eirik Baruch: “Hi! I'm back! This bill is pretty simple. In our law, we have exemptions for punishment for the mentally unsound and for children. But we do not define punishment in it! So, I defined punishment! Also bear in mind that this does not mean that other types of consequences cannot be issued by the High Justiciar. They can. All this means is that those four specific things are held to be a standard, and cannot be applied to children or the mentally unsound. I'm sure none of us like executing kids, so let's go ahead.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Erika Barclay: “Ich motion to vote as Ich see nein need to debate this”


Marie Ruthern: “Nie need for a debate, ea second the motion.”


Anna Luceafăru: “I see a reason to debate this.”


Johann Ludovar: “Hmm? Why is it?”


Eirik Baruch: “Let's debate, then.”


Anna Luceafăru: “Although I understand the need for clarification and I'm in support of clearing out vagueness - what I am uncertain of is coupling punishments for children with the mentally unstable or afflicted.”


Eirik Baruch: “What do you mean exactly?”


Anna Luceafăru: “Look at these punishments- banishment, imprisonment, execution - do you see any of these besides a fine fitting for a child?”


Eirik Baruch: “Children are exempt. That is why we are making the distinction of what is a punishment and what is not.”


Johann Ludovar: “That is exactly what the bill says. Those are the things they can not get.”


Eirik Baruch: “The law particularly notes that children are free from it.”


Erika Barclay: “These are punishments that will NICHT be given to children and the mentally unstable or afflicted Ich believe?”


Eirik Baruch: “Yes.”


Anna Luceafăru: “If children will be spared for such severity, then I shall be more inclined to accept this. Pardon my misinterpretation - it's not so easy to efficiently read these documents in just a few moments.”


Eirik Baruch: “The law states that. Let he who is under the age of sixteen be free from punishment. That is why we are making this distinction.”


Anna Luceafăru: “In what situation would a child ever deserve death?”


Erika Barclay: “Ich motion to vote again after the clear up of the misunderstanding of the law”


Sibylla Barclay: “Ich motion to vote as well.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Are there any objections to the motion? Nie? We will now proceed to a vote on the Definitions of Punishment Bill of 414 E.S.”



The Definitions of Punishment Bill of 414 E.S.

By the Crown



Representative Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Representative Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

Representative Mondblume-Luceafăru

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume









Bossir Amador

Grand Maer Ludovar


 The Definitions of Punishment Bill of 414 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma unanimously.



Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing His Majesty's letter to His Royal Duma on the matter of the previously passed 'Regaln der Heraldik Bill of 409 E.S.’ His Majesty wishes for a clarification on how these heraldic changes, which would affect almost every noble born citizen, are to be properly implemented and by whom. His Majesty also wishes for a 'clear and efficient system through which they may adhere to the requirements of the Bill'. The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


-Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay raises her hand-


Rhys var Ruthern: “It is unmoderated debate, Royal Alderwoman Barclay. Feel free to speak.”


Erika Barclay: “Might Ich ask what it is about? As Ich do nicht quite understand it from reading this.”


Anna Luceafăru: “It seems that there is a requirement for house sigils to be designed? His Majesty is curious to know how artists of heraldry will be available to the nobility, should we need to meet these requirements.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Ward, pass out these copies of the original Bill.” He demands of Maric, floating the Heraldik copies the Ruthern's way.


-Speaker’s Ward Maric var Ruthern begins dispersing copies of the ‘Regaln der Heraldik Bill of 409 E.S.-


Erika Barclay: “Ich see, so the question is to find artists then?”


Eirik Baruch: “I believe it is how we’d be able to implement this in a way that all houses can afford and be able to partake in it. So in a way, finding artists, yes.”


Erika Barclay: “Do we know anyone willing in the kongzem?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I believe that is the issue His Majesty has stumbled across, Royal Alderwoman.”


Eirik Baruch: “That is, I believe, one of the doubts in this, yes.”


Anna Luceafăru: “If this is passed, will it be a requirement for all houses to have a fitted sigil to these guidelines? It seems that it will only be catering to a specific few artists capable of making these heraldries, if that is the case.”


Eirik Baruch: “It has passed already, Lady Mondblume. The question is more how we are to implement it now, if we are to, at all.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Only if the Koeng gives Royal Assent for it to pass into law, Representative Mondblume.”


Eirik Baruch: “If the conclusion that is to come away from this is that it is virtually impossible to implement, then I assume the King will not give it Royal Assent.”


Anna Luceafăru: “I see no efficient way for the houses to reach a heraldic artist, I can only see a monopoly forming over this style if the King grants this.”


Erika Barclay: “Could the Kongzem try and find a man or woman willing to learn and then offer them support until able to do so perhaps? A free education of sorts and in return they will do them?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “A free education from whom, Royal Alderwoman Barclay?”


Sibylla Barclay: “To ein person willing to learn. Like she stated.”


Eirik Baruch: “I would see it fit that this be only published as guidance for those wanting to further the ways of heraldry for themselves, but this should in no way be enforced by the Crown, especially if such is hard to accomplish.”


Anna Luceafăru: “I agree with His Excellency.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Da - but who would do the teaching, Ladies Barclay?”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea agree with Eirik as well.”


Sibylla Barclay: “If nicht one ist able to be taught or able to teach it to others, then should it really be enforced? Like what Eirik stated, if it ist so hard, it should nicht be.”


Erika Barclay: “At least nicht until a proper artist has been found, ja. Ich do believe House Barclay has previously had one of such talents in their Duchy. Though Ich am nicht sure if the man is still alive”


Anna Luceafăru: “Still, even if there is one man - it is not widespread and impractical to enforce, even if its taught to others.”


Erika Barclay: “Ja, Ich agree with it being a guidance instead of a requirement.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I feel the chamber has reached a consensus and nie need for further debate. Duma dismissed.”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On the 6th of Tov and Yermey, 415 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

Bossir Mondblume-Luceafăru

Bossir Morovar

Bossir Amador

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume

Lord Palatine Baruch



Herzen Ruthern

Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Grand Maer Ludovar



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 416 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the Jovenaar nomination of Vikomit Nikolai Kortrevich by the Office of the High Justiciar. The chair now calls upon Nikolai Kortrevich to give their opening remark and remain standing to answer any questions the chamber may have.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “For the last couple of years I have been working under Lord Johann in the office of the High Justiciar to reach for the position being discussed here today. Having finished all the necessary classes and tests needed to ascend to the position. I have been able to witness multiple court cases as well as sit in as a prosecutor for one, I think ea have the confidence for the position”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Is that the end of your opening remarks, Vikomit Kortrevich?”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Aye.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Dobry. The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated questioning.”


Markus Morovar: “Does it typically take that long for you to think up adequate replies, Vikomit?”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Lord Morovar, sometimes it does at this time of saints day.”


Eirik Baruch: “They do say justice is blind, I guess Nikolai is halfway there.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Halfway aye, one more bad accident and I'll be perfect for it.”


Johann Ludovar: “I motion to vote.”


Filip Amador: “Seconded.”


Markus Morovar: “Thirded.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Any objections to the motion? No? We will now proceed to the vote on whether or niet Nikolai Kortrevich is to be made a Jovenaar.”


Nikolai Kortrevich Jovenaar Nomination of 415 E.S

By the Office of the High Justiciar



Herzen Baruch

Representative Barclay

Bossir Amador

Representative Morovar

Royal Alderwoman Mondblume

Representative Lord Palatine






Komit Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume-Luceafăru

Vikomit Kortrevich



Royal Alderwoman Barclay

Grand Maer Ludovar

Representative Ruthern


 Nikolai Kortrevich’s Jovenaar nomination of 415 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma.



Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Northern Market District Advisory Bill of 416 E.S, written by Lord Filip Amador. The chair now calls upon Bossir Amador to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Filip Amador: “My haeseni companions. For far too long, the 12 shopping stalls on the northern wall of this glorious palace have sat in silent waiting. At current, there is no purpose for these stalls. I propose to his majesty ag his duma, to allow these shops to perform their godani given purpose. This being, boosting the economic activity of our nation, providing extra tax to the crown, and finally, giving our allied nations more space to sell their wares.” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Eirik Baruch: “What is the issue with the stalls? Like, specifically?”


Prinzenas Klara: “Don't the Amadors own one of those stalls?”


Filip Amador: “They don't. They're not owned by anyone.”


Johann Ludovar: “I do not think we ever prevented buying these stalls? It is just that no one asked for them.”


Eirik Baruch: “I will inform the High Seneschal to officially put them up for sale immediately.”


Filip Amador: “Dobry”


Eirik Baruch: “I don't see any reason to debate this further with tha' in mind. Nor to vote on it, really.”


Johann Ludovar: “Da…. There is no real reason to vote or have it as a bill, just speak to the high seneschal.”


Filip Amador: “Ah. Do we need to vote then, or will the opinions of 2 aulic councilors be sufficient?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Is your wish to retract it and nie one has any objections, That is allowed.”


Filip Amador: “No objections. Dobry ideas, your excellencies.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone else have any other Bills or points of discussion to raise at this sitting of His Majesty's Royal Duma?”


Filip Amador: “Lord Speaker. Could I speak with you after this sitting?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Da, that's fine, Bossir. Does anyone have anything else? Duma dismissed.”



The Northern Market District Advisory Bill of 415 E.S

By Bossir Filip Amador



It was resolved that the Lord Palatine would instruct the High Seneschal to open the shops for purchase. Therefore, no vote was necessary.


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Filip Amador runs his happy irises along each line of his good work as he walked the gardens of Mondstadt, not blinking a single time from beginning to end. He would chuckle occasionally at the memory of some of the chamber's outbursts as well as he and his fiancé's whispers while the session was in motion.
Suddenly, his hip bumped into one of the raised flower-beds, causing some dirt to spill off onto the middle of his freshly cleaned garments. "AH! ****." he mumbled to himself, holding the precious paper which he had contributed high into the air as to avoid getting dirt onto it. With the other hand, he brushed the dirt and bits of root and flower stems away from the cloth overwear, making a near silent fwoosh sound as the particles were launched away and carried to the ground via gravity.
Filip would then bring the transcript back to the center of his frame to view it while he continued on the Mondstadt path to the lake where he took a bench seat and curled into a ball. The parchment would be placed under his head as a pillow, crackling slightly when hit by the exhale of the Amador patriarch who finished reading it, thereafter letting out a soft call of "duma dismissed" as he drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.
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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On the 5th of Tov and Yermey, 416 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

Bossir Mondblume-Luceafăru

Bossir Morovar

Bossir Amador

Royal Alderwoman E. Barclay

Royal Alderwoman T. Barclay

Lord Palatine Baruch



Grand Maer Ludovar



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 416 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. We will now be discussing proposals on what to do with the vacant building on Whaler's Way. His Majesty wishes to hear the Royal Duma's suggestions for what it may be utilized best for. The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Erika Barclay: “Whaler's Way is nicht the best area for shops Ich presume?”


Eirik Baruch: “Aye, we'd like to know wha' ideas ye lo' have fer it. Main one is t' turn it into stores.”


Marie Ruthern: “Ea believe that is a dobry idea - more stores insinuates more room for economic growth. More taxes paid, vy know?”


Prinzenas Klara: “We could put shops downstairs and apartments upstairs, like Marus' Arch?”


Erika Barclay: “Where is Whaler's way again?”


Prinzenas Klara: “It's the road the clinic is on.”


Eirik Baruch: “It is the building next to the bank, Erika.”


-Filibert Applefoot takes the floor, cries of “Midget!” and other abuses are heard from the gallery- 


Filibert Applefoot: “Lo folks! Oi'm 'ere on behalf o' Honehhill, as elder o' da shire, ter discuss meh pe'i'ion ter da Koeng abou' yar people's farmlands.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “It is niet vyr time to speak, Firr Halfling.”


Filip Amador: “It's niet vyr turn, Filibert.” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “In fact, why are vy in the chamber at all?”


Eirik Baruch: “It used to be the Barbanov-Baruch Political Consulting Office before the two of them went cuckoo.”


Erika Barclay: “Oh, then ja. Ich agree. More shops would be grand there, Ich for some reason mistook it for the docks.” 


Filibert Applefoot: “Oi'm elder o' Honehhill, o' course oi'm allowed ter a''end dese sor's o' mee'in's!”


-Filibert Applefoot takes a seat again, to more abuse from the gallery-


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Perhaps establishing an educational institute?”


Eirik Baruch: “We already have the academy, Nikolai.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “How often es et really used?”


Eirik Baruch: “It's an entire building dedicated to this purpose, I don't think we need another. It's not used, but we don't need to assign more space for a new educational institute.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Ea only suggest since this new building es more centralized within the main square, en ea have observed the academy en Elysium that seems to be doin well - Ea vas under the impression that shops were the original idea for the space years ago.”


Eirik Baruch: “It was specifically a mall, which was decided would not be able to work properly.”


Erika Barclay: “Shops are more important as they bring back to the economy, we already have an academy. People just need to use it.”


Prinzenas Klara: “Again, what about splitting the space into apartments and shops?”


Otto Morovar: “This is regarding where the failed mall project is da?”


Eirik Baruch: “We're only here to gather ideas, so we won't make a concrete decision tonight.”


Marie Ruthern: “Ea think they should be shops, perhaps a few apartments thrown in, da.”


Otto Morovar: “Could we not return it to the building it once was? One large shop and return the two houses - obviously splitting the large shop into two smaller sized ones.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone have any different suggestions other than shops and perhaps some apartments?”


-Suggestions for the site are opened to the gallery-


Viorel Mondblume-Luceafăru: : “Don't you think that a ministry for both foreign affairs and civil service is needed?”


Erika Barclay: “There already is one, Ich believe”


Otto Morovar: “Well. We do also need a new City Hall after the tavern took up the old one.”


-Sorina Mondblume-Luceafăru raises her hand-


Rhys var Ruthern: “Let us hear what the Lady Mondblume-Luceafăru has to say.”


Sorina Mondblume-Luceafăru: “Well perhaps a-a special place. Like um…a city garden or a pretty sanctuary?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Anyone else?” 


Marie Ruthern: “Offices, perhaps.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone object to it being turned into shops and apartments? Nie? Dobry, we will move on now.”



Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Patron Saints of Nobility Bill of 416 E.S, written by Lady Erika Barclay. The chair now calls upon Royal Alderwoman E. Barclay to give their opening remarks.”


Erika Barclay: “Right, so we all know that religion has a high place in our nation. Which is why Ich would find it gut for the noble houses to choose a patron saint for their house that will represent their ideology, culture and morals. Which Ich am certain the Church can help with.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Eirik Baruch: “Do most houses not already have patron saints or holy figures associated with them?”


Erika Barclay: “Ich believe nicht everyone does from what Ich could see when Ich looked into it.”


Eirik Baruch: “Is there any particular reason it needs to be mandated by law? I'd have thought it should be a fairly commonplace practice.”


Filip Amador: “Perhaps the bill ought to advise the crown to suggest each noble house to pick one.” 


Eirik Baruch: “I'm not against the bill, just seems an odd thing to have mandated by our law. Perhaps the Church itself should suggest that nobility pick patron saints? Seems like a thing to come from the Church and not the Crown, either way I support the initative.”


Filip Amador: “On that point, ea'd agree.” 


Erika Barclay: “But will they all pick a patron saint if it is nicht mandated by law or suggested they do so?”


Eirik Baruch: “Probably, yes, if we're as devout as you say.”


Filip Amador: “Ea certainly would.”


Eirik Baruch: “I remember that the Fiddler Emperor of Oren mandated such a law. So maybe the thought just reminds me of him.”


Feodor May: “Philip the Usurper…”


Rhys var Ruthern: “He did indeed, Herzen Baruch. His required that all Imperial nobility choose a Saint and construct a shrine to said Saint on their land.”


Marie Ruthern: “Some houses have multiple saints that they choose to represent themselves with.”


Erika Barclay: “The bill could be changed to instead advise the Crown to suggest the houses that do nicht have one to choose one? Instead of forcing it?” 


Filip Amador: “Da, ea motion to vote on that, if there was no further commentary.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Do vy wish to change it to be a proposal that suggests that houses, who have niet already, pick a patron Saint, Royal Alderwoman?”


Erika Barclay: “Ja, Ich do.”


Eirik Baruch: “If it does pass, I think it'll just be issued as a Palatial Decree or something along those lines. We'll see, I suppose!”


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now proceed to vote on the Patron Saints of Nobility Proposal of 416 E.S.”



The Patron Saints of Nobility Proposal of 416 E.S.

By Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay



Herzen Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

 Bossir Amador

Royal Alderwoman E. Barclay

Royal Alderwoman T. Barclay

Representative Lord Palatine






Bossir Mondblume-Luceafăru

Bossir Morovar



Grand Maer Ludovar


 The Patron Saints of Nobility Proposal of 416 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma.



Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Karenina Accord Statue Proposal of 416 E.S, written by Lady Erika Barclay.”


Erika Barclay: “As we all know, the Karenina Law passing marked itself down as a very important day in the history of our kingdom. And it could nicht have been made possible without all of those who worked hard and helped to make it a reality.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now calls upon Royal Alderwoman- nevermind.”


Erika Barclay: “Ich therefore believe that a statue should be made to show acknowledgement for all their hard work, what Ich have in mind for the statue is for it to be of Lady Haense herself as who best to represent all of Haense than her?” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Filip Amador: “Ea don't know if anyone here would disagree with such a bill, ea motion to vote.”


Theodosya Barclay: “Seconded.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Nie objections or anything to add from anyone?”


Johann Barclay: “Nope!”


Eirik Baruch: “Let's vote!”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Alright, we will now proceed to vote on the Karenina Accord Statue Proposal of 416 E.S.”



The Karenina Accord Statue Proposal of 416 E.S.

By Royal Alderwoman Erika Barclay



Herzen Baruch

Representative Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Ludovar

Vikomit Kortrevich

Bossir Mondblume-Luceafăru

Bossir Morovar

Bossir Amador

Royal Alderwoman E. Barclay

Royal Alderwoman T. Barclay

Representative Lord Palatine









Grand Maer Ludovar


 The Patron Saints of Nobility Proposal of 416 E.S has passed unanimously through the Royal Duma.



Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Knoxville Deconstruction Bill of 416 E.S, written by Lord Filip Amador. The chair now calls upon Bossir Amador to give their opening remarks.”


Filip Amador: “Da. Put simply, Knoxville is abandoned, and has been for some time. Ea believe that the land, instead of being a constant reminder of the nachezar destruction of many decades ago, ought to be returned to its previous state of natural flora and fauna. Or even perhaps another suitable purpose deemed by His Majesty. - But for certain, its current iteration serves nie use to anyone, and should therefore be removed, with the ascent of His Majesty, if he should choose to grant it.” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Erika Barclay: “Ich do nicht see a need to debate on this, Ich motion to vote”


Filip Amador: “Seconded!”


Eirik Baruch: “Sure, yes, it should be deconstructed. Dunno why past administrations haven't. Where are we going to get the labour for the process from, though?”


Otto Morovar: “Would it be the House Amadors prerogative to lead the deconstruction?”


Filip Amador: “Da.” 


Eirik Baruch: “Otherwise I'll have to crack my old back doing it.”


Otto Morovar: “How long would it take? Roughly.”


Filibert Applefoot: “Oi guess oi could do et.”


Filip Amador: “Ea wouldn't want vyr excellency's bones in any strain because of it, Lord Palatine Baruch.”


Eirik Baruch: “As long as there's actually someone willing to do it besides myself, I don't quite mind.”


Filip Amador: “Ea could take the initiative to hire laborers for the task. Meaning; it could take anywhere from a single month to perhaps three or four, to answer Lord Ghaestenwald's question.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “It seems it has all been agreed upon, I see nie need for a vote on this.”



The Knoxville Deconstruction Bill of 416 E.S.

By Bossir Filip Amador



It was resolved that Lord Filip Amador would take on the responsibility and oversee the deconstruction. Thus, no vote was necessary.



Rhys var Ruthern: “Now! Before we proceed to hear from the Honeyhill representative, does anyone else have something to present at this sitting?”


Erika Barclay: “Can Ich make a small statement before this ends about my previous bill?” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “At the end of the sitting, Royal Alderwoman, It's vyr time to present vyr petition, Firr Halfling.”


Filibert Applefoot: “Well uh, Lo, Oi'm Filiber' Applefoo', ah Elder o' Honeyhill, oi'm 'ere ter talk abou' meh pe'i'ion ter give up da unused farmland belonging' ter da crown ter Honeyhill, dose fields ou' near da windmill tha' 'r nay a''ached ter aneh home 'n par'icular. Oi've no'iced dey are nay used vereh much, an' since us weefolks make more use o' our fields an' 'ave plans ter do more wif 'em, oi was dinkin' maybeh some o' 't could change 'ands.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Herzen Baruch, do vy wish to answer this one?”


Eirik Baruch: “Uh, what? What exactly are you saying? Sorry, not used to that accent.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “He is wishing to expand the Honeyhill land onto unused farms near the windmill, just outside the city walls.”


Filibert Applefoot: “No' da ones juus' ou'side da ci'eh walls, dose public fields 'r used more, oi'm talkin' da ones closes' ter Honehhill, T'ar beh ah field t'ere tha' yew big folks own an' oi've 'ardleh e'er seen 't harves'ed 'er cared for, since naybodeh realleh 'as aneh responsibili'eh fer 't.”


Eirik Baruch: “You're going to have to show me, I'm not exactly sure where these fields are. You propose they be given to your people, or?”


Filibert Applefoot: “Oi do propose dey beh given to meh people, aye, weh can trade 'em fer some hay 'er wool if yew so desire. Wish fer meh ter show yew where 't be? Oi'm tired o' si''in' all cooped up 'n dis buildin' anehways.”


Eirik Baruch: “I'll have to see where they are first, aye. We have plans to expand the farmland that we have and build more farmhouses to make sure it's all used.”


Filibert Applefoot: “Well, whoi da delay den, le' us ge' goin!”


Filip Amador: “Is duma dismissed?”


Eirik Baruch: “Right, right. The Aulic Council meeting will proceed when I'm back.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Let us hear what Royal Alderwoman E. Barclay had to add first.”


Erika Barclay: “Well it was simply to say that if anyone else had other ideas for what the statue might be of other than Lady Haense then Ich will be happy to hear them after Duma is over.” 


Rhys var Ruthern: “With that, Duma dismissed!”


Edited by Office of the Lord Speaker
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