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I Did Something Really Stupid


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Everyone makes mistakes.
It’s in our nature to make mistakes.
You aren’t human if you’re perfect- if you don’t make mistakes every now and then.
Sometimes it’s little things that you forget in a day, but sometimes, like this time, you make a mistake so big that you'll never forget it, it’s part of your past now…

That being said, I joined Lord Of The Craft, the #1 premium Minecraft fantasy roleplaying server a year ago today.
Ask me anything, I guess.

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Fruit is your best friend. You can not deny. 



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first off, ILY GENNNNNNNNNN! So happy you're apart of the Habibi Squad!

Now question :>
What has been your fav rp, and who's murder was your favorite?

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happy 1 year o-o you're stuck now C:

a n y w a y s, do you have 1. a favourite LOTC Char and 2. any super Memorable LOTC moment


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Did you...
walk to burger king?




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Gen!! Nestro loves ya a lot and am happy you're part of the habibi squad! Congratulations on your 1 yearr!!

Like my famous quote goes "Every Sultan must have a Generic, I have two" - <3


I guess my question is, What's the best memory made on this server?

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whos your favorite character you've played/made so far?

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10 minutes ago, Nestro_Miner said:

What's the best memory made on this server?

Any memory in the oasis. It's lowkey my favorite place on LotC, definitely wouldn't be the same without it, and I'm so glad I randomly agreed to play Ibraheem's daughter


14 minutes ago, Lucille said:

should i make an ama

I don't know what that is so let's go with yes


13 minutes ago, discojazz said:

first off, ILY GENNNNNNNNNN! So happy you're apart of the Habibi Squad!

Now question :>
What has been your fav rp, and who's murder was your favorite?

Ily Jazzy <3
My fav RP has probably been the chaos I've been causing on Andora, really anything with her is great! She's gotten super fun to play. And @carebear was the best murder, of course! Rosa wouldn't be Rosa without it!
(And yes, I'm always walking to burger king)


13 minutes ago, LillyIsMalding said:

o you have 1. a favourite LOTC Char and 2. any super Memorable LOTC moment


6 minutes ago, captain delta said:

whos your favorite character you've played/made so far?

Rosalind's been my favorite by far! She's lived the longest of all my chars, and I love me some psychopath rp
And I'll never forget my very first rp in the oasis, when some normal family rp turned into the emir almost getting killed by a camel. It was a perfect introduction, and definitely one of the most memorable


10 minutes ago, Heart_Spam said:

Why does this look like clickbait?

Because stinky Hattans can't read *eye roll*
(Jk jk- Ily heart, you're one of the coolest people I've met on here o7)

16 minutes ago, mrfruit_4 said:

Fruit is your best friend. You can not deny. 

Get good, you're just salty that I'm Nestro's favorite 

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Oh my god is that The Rosalind!?!? 

What is 2 + 4?


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6 minutes ago, Vegan_Comedy said:

What is 2 + 4?

I'm not doing your math homework for you smh

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Only Hamad can truly click bait


(Love ya gen. U rp is best rp)

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