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The Creeds of the Lion


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[!] The following document may only be found within Xannic strongholds across the realm, where’er they may be located. Wrought of fine parchment, hale and sturdy, it would be scribed of silvered inks - carrying with it a border of glowing blue, gleaming in the sunlight. 


Originally written by the Brotherhood of the Golden Lion, now inherited and adapted for modern times by the Order of the Golden Lion.


Enshrined within this text are the Creeds of Old, from the times of Vailor over three hundred years ago - sacred oaths we all once took, dwindled until we were left with only six, stripping away much of the spirit of our duty and the depth behind the vows we uphold. Once more, however, are we held to our covenant - and yet again, the Creeds of the Wingless Lion are made known to us in totality. Likewise are the oaths of old revealed - those once taken by the lines of Cross and Windsor, of the Greenward and Seawind, and of the Seekers who ensured our continued survival. Let it be known that we are held to the standard of our forebears and the laws of our predecessor Order. Let the past never be forgotten - and our vows to remain upheld, in utmost servitude to the Lord of Sunlight. 


Unity is Salvation,

Salvation is our Liturgy. 


Credit for the majority of the writing and outline goes to TehLulu and those of the Brotherhood of the Golden Lion for the original work, while a special thanks is extended to Papi_Pollo, RaiderBlue, Saffryie, Evonpire, and others within the Order of the Golden Lion for helping me to fill in the blanks and polish things up. This is part of an ongoing culture to revive much of the rich tradition and history of Paladinism, and to offer a great deal more depth to roleplay than would otherwise be seen.



The Sacred Creeds & Covenants of Xan

To be adhered to by all of Xan’s servants.



Creed of the Patron

May Xan protect us

And in turn we protect others

Let him be our shield,

So we may in turn be His sword,

ridding this world of darkness.


i. You are the child of the Maker, the Creator, the Divine, for it is HE whom made all the First, the Aenguls and Daemons, and the Second, the Descendants. The Four Races, the Second Children, the Descendants, given life divine by the Creator’s breath, have Xan’s shield and his sword. 


ii. Xan, Guardian by shield and defender of Order by blade, slayer of Chaos, the Golden Lion, given divine direction by the Creator, stands stalwart against forces of Chaos, taint, evil, and powers beyond mortal ken, in such magnitude as to disturb the balance, which threaten the Descendants.


iii. It is not the concerns of mortal wars which draws the Lion’s gaze, for always there is war amongst the Descendants for struggle is eternal, a curse of the Betrayer which cannot be given relief, a result of the first sins. So it is that mortal wars are not touched upon by the Lion’s Pride, for they are meant to be absolved by the descendants by whom they are waged.


iv. It is the will of Xan that all who serve him do so in totality; As such none may raise their blade in service onto any other organization of mortal or immortal origin, nor shall they give service onto any other Aengul nor daemon. Nor shall, in that same thread, any in service to him give reverence, worship, or praise higher onto any other than the Creator. Nor shall any equate Xan, servant of the Divine, onto the same level as the Creator-Of-All. Xan demands service, not worship.


Creed of the Brothers

He who stands with me shall be my brother.

And so, may we carry the light of Xan into the darkness,

swords in our hands and brothers at our side.


i. You have given yourself to the Order, and entered into service to Xan, servant of the Creator, defender of the Descendants. So too have your brothers and sisters in arms, men and women of every race who have thus forth sworn their lives to Xan and to the defense of the Descendants, who raise their blades to fight against Chaos. Know that they too are the same as you, and all who are sworn to Xan are equal, in worth and in might.


ii. Never shall a brother raise a blade against another, nor barbed tongue, nor flask of deceit. For all are brothers in arms, from lowly squire to esteemed Keeper. All will gird their heart and train their will, and shall the chaos plain within ourselves be leashed, a seed planted in all Descendants by the Betrayer be tamed, and never shall any brother allow that seed to sprout and bind their heart. And if it is known to one that another’s heart has been entangled, he shall make it known to the Elders or others, such that they may try to cleanse their fellow’s heart, or at least, prevent the seed from spreading elsewhere.


iii. Your status demands respect, not of you but from you, to any and all in service to Xan or those allied with him. Thus will all brothers show respect unto one another and unto all allies. So to is respect given onto our charges, those we are bade protect by our Patron, the Descendants, children of the Creator, and to them we will treat the same as any brother, so long as they still walk in the light, for those who have turned from the Creator’s love and shun the light in totality, those who seek chaos and the other Descendant's ends, shall be guarded no more.


iv. We deny the Chaos which seeks to claim all hearts, and in doing act in such a way as to not allow it to claim the heart of another. Thus a brother is wary of their ways, and careful in their words. A brother is calm in mediation, and passionate in their duty. Any act which disturbs another’s heart is shameful onto a brother. The purposeful agitation of another, harming of the physical, stealing of the material, or stressing of the mental, is shameful onto a brother. Thus that the Descendants are our charges, those whom we are sworn to protect, any of these offenses onto them is a grievance tenfold.


Creed of the Lion

As we give of ourselves to the Lion,

The Lion gives of himself unto us.

We swear these vows, clad in sunlight eternal, 

So that we may never again forget our covenant.


i.  The Order’s purpose is to serve, and so the Order does, the Golden Lion under the watchful eye of Xan. We are all sworn to Xan, and though each of us lifts our own blade, the whole of us represents him. So it is that each brother acts in hand with the other, and is wary of their ways, so as not to turn the eyes of the Descendants foul upon the Lion. Thus it is that all who wield the light in Xan's name are to be part of the Order, and though they may live apart from the others, still we are brothers and not estranged. Those who seek the Brotherhood for power, or honor, or those wants of base, shall be made to depart. 


ii. The purpose of the Order is in upholding the virtues of Xan, servant of the Creator. So it is that the Lion shall always defend Order and fight against Chaos, and never shall we succumb to internal feuds nor quarrels. And those who perpetuate them shall be banished, for they have broken the Creed of Brothers and the Creed of the Lion. Though after much penance they may return, still for the sin we shall turn our eyes from them and call them brother no more, fate all who break the Creed suffer.


iii. Never shall the Lion be beholden to any besides the Creator, the Divine himself. And so the Order, in service to Xan, never shall be beholden to any man, nation, or king. For the Order serves all men, all Descendants, to protect them from the ever-hungry maws of the dark. So it is that never shall the Order be allied with any one nation of men, for we serve to defend all descendants, and in doing so assist all nations, regardless of who wears the Land's crown.


iv. Always and eternity shall the Order stand stalwart, forever loyal guardians of the Descendants, bulwarks against chaos, to shepherd the lost, to comfort the weary, to cleanse the dark. Yet if we yield the light in perpetuity, if never we show weakness, then shall the shadows be beaten back and the light prevail. And as that evil that lurks, a curse given by the first sins, as it cowers and gorges upon the hearts of weak men, to the Descendants it may seem as though the Lion has little point. But lo, as the sand falls, time shall pass and once more the shadows will rise, a taint spread over the lands. Though we may be begrudged or scorned, though the Descendants may have forgotten, we shall remember. In piety and deference we shall outlast the scorn, and the Lion shall emerge once more, and the light shall banish the dark.


Creed of the Realms

As we serve Xan,

we serve Order,

not the men of law.


i. Though we shall not be commanded, we shall hold respect for the laws of those who claim the land upon which we walk, and whosoever of a land wears its crown shall have the Lion's obedience in matters of law, though not in fealty. Respect is required to be given to all Descendants, though it shall be given note to recognize the authorities of Kings, Princes, and noble folk, and greet them in manner appropriate, in dress and speech and action. Yet all the Descendants are equal in the eyes of the Creator, such that any disrespect given by a Brother to any Descendant, from the lowliest peasant to the highest king, is a sin most foul.


ii. Every endeavor shall be made to learn the speech and ways of the realms and their folk, and to respect the manners in which they live, presuming they are not in direct opposition to the Virtues of our Patron. All must be approached with open mind and open heart, for though we may not understand nor agree, all Descendants are the children of our Creator, and their ways shall be treated with respect. Places of worship shall be regarded with respect, though reverence saved for the Creator alone.


iii. Though no alliance of military might can be made with any one realm, for it is all Descendants whom the Order defend, offers of assistance can and shall be made. For it need not be said but shall be, that the Order stand vigilant against any who threaten the Descendants truthfully, in manners such as those made clear in the Creed of the Patron. And so it stands, with need for neither ink nor writ nor parchment nor oath, that always the realms and those who govern them may request the Order’s presence in matters which are their concern, with no payment either material or immaterial expected nor needed. Though it shall also be said that those lands which offer shelter and necessities to the Order in times of need shall be given the utmost gratitude of the Order and have the blessing of Xan.


iv. But woe, the hearts of the Descendants have been tainted by the Betrayer and his sins, and so they are prone to being deceived, as was the fate of their Ancestors. So it is that there may come a day when the Order seeks one sheltered by a realm. And though the Order will make the truth known to them, it may be that still they refuse to allow us our duty. Let it be known that we shall not seek violence against them, save in the most dire of cases that an entire land has fallen to the blight in their hearts, and even then those who still carry the light shall be given mercy and saved. When rebuffed by a realm a paladin will act as expected, and the Order shall convene and the Elders shall determine a path, and always the way of words shall be chosen first. And though it grieves us, in the cases of men of deaf ears and closed hearts, who hear not the words of the Order’s warnings, we may let lie, should the cause not be dire enough so as to upset an entire nation. And so these men shall reap what they sow, and what tainted blight they allow in their midst shall be their own curse to suffer, for it is Order above all else we uphold, for Order is the linchpin of the Descendant's survival. 


Creed of the Light

Into the darkness we humbly carry this torch.

With its light, we banish corruption and fear,

With its warmth we comfort the worn and weary

With this gift we purify ourselves and others.


i. The light is the fire in our hearts, the light is the wrath of Xan, the light is the Creator’s glory manifest, and with it we burn away the shadow, cleanse the darkness and all the taint within. The power of Xan is not used lightly, nor ever against the Descendants save for those corrupted and turned against their brothers. We wield the Light only in defense of them, only in service of Xan, or against those once-children of the Creator whose hearts have been made blackened ash, and turned to darkness.  Never shall the light of Xan be used against a descendant, except in the most extreme of cases of those poor souls misled by the evil present in all hearts. And yet so all attempts shall be made to cause no permanent harm, and all instances of such be made known to our Elders.


ii. The light is neither weapon, nor toy, nor tool. To us it is a sacred gift, dazzling, divine, seraphic, a blessing given unto us by our Patron, to ease the weight of our duties and empower us to better serve. This gift given unto us is given the utmost respect, and to be used only when necessary in completion of our duties. It is a lofty burden to bear, and never shall it be misused, nor foolishly. Nor shall we rely upon it, for that does disservice onto the Order and onto our Patron, to make light of the holy blessing bestowed upon us. Those who belittle its significance and disgrace our Patron by its misuse have committed a most grievous sin, and shall be turned away by their brothers, never to be forgiven nor their sin forgotten.


iii. Given unto us by the Patron were two things; Our purpose, and our power. Eternally intertwined, the one is tied to the other. The light, our power, given unto us by our Patron, shall be used only for the sake of our purpose, and no other. We stand for Order and so shall not use our gift in ways which may cause or further chaos. We stand as Guardians, protectors of the Descendants, and so our gift shall not be used against those we are wardens of, except in cases wherein their hearts have been turned black, and they have given to the influence of the Betrayer, source of all evil and malice and taint. So it is our power only to be used against these blighted souls, and no other, and only when it is right and proper.


iv. It is the right of the Elders to determine whosoever shall hold in their hands the blessed gift of our Patron. Though you may serve him and our Order, not all are gifted the light. Those who are gifted it shall learn only from those worthy of teaching it, and none other. The light has many uses, and those gifted it learn that most befitting their skill and rank. The boon of our Patron is not a right, and those arrogant enough to assume so shame the Order and are unfit to be brothers. You shall know you have sinned when the light is severed from you. Uphold the Creeds and your duties and you shall forever know it and the Order.


v. While it is said that the Order protects all Descendants from foulness, using the magic given to them by their patron, it should not be confused with offering said magic to just everyone. There is a difference between selling divine artifacts for personal gain and teaching those willing of Paladinism. Offering divine artifacts in such a manner, whether it is trading in coin, power or favours, is strictly frowned upon and shall not be tolerated by either the Order or its patron.


vi. A Paladin serves as an extension, the blade, of Xan’s will. As Aengul of Order & Guardianship, the forces of the dark that spread chaos and prey on the Descendant races must not be assisted nor permitted in their nefarious acts. The antithesis to Xan and his Champions, any Paladin who assists dark groups, participates in their misdoings, or observes without interfering as they harm innocents has forsaken their sacred vow to Xan and their duty. There is a fine line that can be walked, as far as tricking or infiltrating a questionable group. However, any participation or willful allowing in dark acts will result in this Covenant being broken.




The Oathed Creeds of the Order

To be adhered to by all who are sworn into them upon their Sunlit Path by their Mentor or Teacher. This list may be expanded upon in the future, as additional credos are adopted.



Creed of the Mentor

Xan has allowed me this gift,

so may I in turn give it to others,

spreading the light and banishing the dark.

The Creed that all who take upon the mantle of Mentor are sworn to, not to be confused with those gifted with the practice of Ordainment. It is their duty to find and train the next generation of Xan’s Chosen. 


i. The Elder pass their knowledge onto the young, for life is not eternal and duty may demand that we fall in the course of preserving it. Those who have proven their wisdom, devotion, and skill, shall then be known as Mentors, and shall teach those who know less. Yet it is that not all have the wherewithal nor patience for the dissemination of knowledge. So it shall be that those who are unfit to be Mentors shall not be given the duty, and those who become no longer fit shall be set aside for those better suited.


ii. Though it is the Mentor shall seek those to teach, they shall at any time teach only one; For the Brotherhood demands obedience, integrity, wisdom, and skill, and only with undivided attention and careful nurturing can these virtues be extolled upon those who seek to serve. Yet while the Mentor may choose their squire, they must not know pride in them, and should they not grasp the duty laid before them and wield it unquestioningly, they shall be found unsuited and asked to depart. Thus it stands as well that should they be found lacking by the Elders, the same shall apply.


iii. It shall be known that the gifts of Xan and his light are not what define the Brotherhood; Nay, it is our duty which makes us who we are. In upholding and extolling the virtues of Xan, in defense of the Descendants and enforcement of Order, we are the Brotherhood. So it is that the first to be learned is not the light, but the foundation. The history of the Brotherhood is long and storied, and our Creeds many, and these are what first are taught, and so too are taught the skills needed to uphold those Creeds and perform our duty. So it is that the Mentor teaches these things, and not the light.


iv. Such it is that when those squires first chosen by their mentors have proven themselves, and passed whatever trials laids out before them, they shall be offered a tether to our Patron, to be given the gift he bestows upon us for the completion of our duties. Upon acceptance of this, the squire shall be such no more, raised up to the rank of Initiate. Then it is they shall still report to their mentor, with whom they shall accompany on the field, though they will learn the art of the light from another Teacher, one who may have other students, but who will attend to their duty of teaching the light with diligence and care.



Creed of the Hunter

As the darkness encroaches into mortal lands,

It is our duty to oppose it in all quarters.

We carry a lonesome light into the endless abyss,

to fight and die where none dare tread.

The Oath taken by all Wyrmstalkers upon their ordination, harkening to the legacy of their namesake Apostle, and his sobriquet’s circumstances.  


i. We are the righteous arrow that scourges the Serpent. We are the blade which cuts through the Chaos. We are the enforcers of Order. We are the light in the dark. Never shall we surrender when the shadows advance. Never shall we let our blades leave our hands, ‘till death finds us and takes us to the Lion’s embrace. Though we may fall in the course of our duty, it is a fate we accept readily. Though we may find no thanks for our work, we ask none, for duty does not demand it. Grief and toil is the price we pay for all we are sworn to safeguard. 


ii. As the Dark and the Serpent would make prey of the Gray whom we are sworn to, so too does the Light make prey of their ilk. Offer no quarter to those who would unduly lay harm to our charge, and allow them no respite even on sunless nights and lightless shores. We are they who walk headlong into the Night of our own accord, who would willingly delve into the domain of Ash to make of it our own hunting grounds. Through steel and blood, all tools at our disposal shall be utilized to drive back the insidious spawn of Ruin that wish to lay waste to all Descendantkind. This oath is one sworn in blood, and so it shall be maintained until the twilight of the gods, and the final gasp of creation. To prosecute the Hunt is the holiest of charges bestowed unto us - may it be pursued with ruthless efficiency, for life and love, and for the faith we hold in our hearts. 


iii. However, the Hunter is not a merciless being. To those who would offer genuine penance, the blade of the executioner may be held from their necks - a mercy granted only once, as a gesture of utmost trust between the Wyrmstalker and their quarry. To all others, may only the kiss of an arrow embrace them. It is the duty of the Hunter to be wise, in this way. To guard oneself against all deceit, all manner of trickery and subversion, and to always hold the advantage over those who would trespass upon our mandate. Thus it is demanded of the Hunter that they not stray in faith nor conviction, for Salvation is their liturgical chant when all else fails them. Draw yourself into the arrow, until the yew of your bow is near to splintering, and ensure that the enemies of our Sunlit Lord are to never again threaten our charge. Dogma is to be thy companion, and the Path your only road. 


Creed of the Guardian

And so, may we carry the light of Xan into the darkness,

swords in our hands and brothers at our side.

One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness.

One last blade, forged in defiance of fate.

The Oath taken by all Vindicators upon their ordination, enshrined in the legacy of Marian Cross - the First Vindicator. 


i. We are the shield that guards the Descendants. We are the first and last line against the untamed hordes of Ash. We are heralds of hope, when all other hope has fled. Indomitable, we stand until the blood takes the lance from our grasp, until we can only crawl - and even then, we shall not falter. We are the fortress that acts as bulwark for Descendantkind, we are His knights and centurions. Never shall we succumb to fear, not of darkness nor of death, or of the pale slumber which shall embrace us when all life has left our mortal vessel. 


ii. We are not they who cast the first stone - for it is the charge of the Vindicator and the Guardian to act in defense of oneself and others first and foremost. However, should insult or challenge be levied unto oneself, it shall be met with equal fervor, and that any blade raised against the Vindicator or his charge be met with the rancor of the sun’s firstborn, and the conflict be resolved, be it of the battlefield or the courts. So it is decreed that those who take upon themselves this mantle hold steadfast against all adversity, and weather all manner of ruin and damnation in the pursuance of their charge; the protection of the Gray, to whom we are sworn. 


iii. It is the charge of those sworn to the Guardian’s Creed that their words are to be inerrant, as embroidered with gold and laden truth. May the faith of the Vindicator be proven through their action in pursuit of the Sunlit Path, and their deeds show proof of their servitude in the course of their duties. To inspire hope and camaraderie in even the meekest of the Gray, and to hold the line when all else seems lost. For if one’s faith in the Lord of Sunlight and their Patron is ironclad, they shall find victory and absolution in all quarters. To lay down one’s life for another is the greatest calling to be found - and through our actions, there shall be generations.



Creed of the Seeker

We guide the Lost,

as Xan guides us.

We lead in his name.

A Vow taken by a select few, chosen to carry the torch of the Lion’s everflame until their final breath, to ensure the survival of the Order. An honored title, held only by those the Lion’s Pride place absolute trust and faith in.


i. As the moon waxes and wanes, so too does the Order experience the same. It will rise, and it will fall. It is the duty of the Seeker that when the last light wanes and the mortar crumbles to dust that we shall build the Order anew - and stave off the setting of the Sun. The Lost shall be united once more, brother bound with brother, until once again the Order stands ready to face the hungering maw of the dark. To be dubbed Seeker is to walk not as a member of the Order, but as an ark of knowledge and experience held only by the eldest and most leal of all our kindred. 


ii. It is the covenant of the Seeker that all that is of the Order must be preserved, should the worst come to pass, and our brothers succumb to the ashen twilight. Thusly it is ordained upon the Seeker that the knowledge they accrue be utilized only for the good of the Order, and nothing more - to preserve what would otherwise have been lost, as was seen with the fall of Sheerok and the fracturing of the Lance. The Seeker is the Mentor of Mentors, the shepherd of the wayward flock, and so they too shall be recognized by their brothers and sisters, and thus given the respect demanded by their mantle. 


iii. However, so it must be said that not all of Xan’s chosen are to be burdened with this responsibility, for though the servants of the Lion may know much of what has come before, it is only those chosen few dubbed Seekers who are entrusted with its total preservation. When the time to fulfill their duty has come, the Seeker serves as mentor, Elder, and warrior - a final light, a remnant bastion of the Lord of Sunlight’s covenant given mandate to act as they see fit to restore the Order, and usher the coming of the Dawn. 


Creed of the Vestal

Through the salvation of others

we save ourselves.

With faith in our hearts,

We grant all the warmth of the Lion.

The vow of the priestly folk of Xan’s servants, tasked with remediation and the spread of His doctrines and Sunlit Path. 


i. It is the will of Xan that those bequeathed with wherewithal to offer remedy unto others do so without discrimination but pay heed to the protests of the less fortunate. Hold dear sympathy and knowledge for and of the lesions of adversity; for those who would fathom them might soothe them more completely. In compassion one must understand the perturbation of the wounded and junction permitting seek out auxiliary alternatives; know well the contemporary ministrations of care as you are an agent of mercy.  The facility of unwavering conviction is required by those who would seek to ease the suffering of their brother, offer no wanton discomfort unto the innocent who seeks your aid; regardless of offense unto you.


ii. Ignorance breeds misunderstanding, and so misunderstanding leads to hate and vitriol. It is the duty of the Vestal to remedy this seed of Ruin in mortal men - it is our charge to make known the cause and values of the Lion, such that they may never be misconstrued or twisted by the forked tongue of serpents and insidious snakes alike. We are the salve to the wound, and in our path, we are to forge peace and understanding, and help guide the Gray to the acceptance of the Divine. Embody rain in the summer drought, and be halcyon as the ashes that once fell upon Karlem’s blessed grounds. 


iii. So too is it the charge of the Vestal to offer comfort to one’s brothers and sisters, to embolden the faith of the Order and lend guidance in times of spiritual strife. They are to be fonts of worldly wisdom, for the benefit of the whole - to gird the spirit and make whole the piety of those wavering. Blessed be the Vestal, for so it has been seen that those of the priestly inclination are often the salvation of the Order, whether in crises of faith or times of crusade. To make whole of one’s comrades, so too must one be whole; strive for fulfillment and completion in all quarters, to know oneself in perfect clarity. Only through leal faith and utmost piety will thy mission be achieved. 



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A wingless lion is just a ******* lion.


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2 minutes ago, DixieDemolisher said:
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A wingless lion is just a ******* lion.



this lion had wings once but he fuckin yoinked em off to give to us, smh. 




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3 minutes ago, Valannor said:
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this lion had wings once but he fuckin yoinked em off to give to us, smh. 





He had four wings he gave away two you shitter


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((Some of these creeds make it look like paladins are all about to become rather one dimensional characters and seems like a good way to get a bunch of inactive paladin players as you force them to do nothing but paladin rp.

I don't believe any other magic is this restrictive on its players, seems kind of like you're trying to kill the magic or turn it into a clique.

Specifically talking about Patron creed #4

It will ruin so many characters its not funny.))

((Edit: it has been pointed out that this isn't lore and is just an orders cultrual post.. so.. guess never mind with what i said?))


Edited by Burnsider
OOC comments must be kept behind spoilers
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Rip the 4 wing lion is now 2 wings, get rekt


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1 hour ago, ScarletFrisket said:
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Rip the 4 wing lion is now 2 wings, get rekt



Nice trials


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Ellathor Vanari, who uses the quiet halls of the sacred gathering place of the Vigils of Light as a place of to do his paperwork and reminisce of events, came to find the parchment. "Hm..." He placed down his own paperwork and rested down against the wall in the hall, a hum leaving him as he red the creeds present on the papers. Time passed, the fire of his lantern now a dim light, The Vanari lowered his arm along with the parchment to the floor, so was Ellathor's gaze, thinking on what he red. "When the worlds needs a hero, what type of hero will you be? What type of hero will the world need...He hummed and looked at the parchment again. "I wonder what are the creeds of the Vigils"

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9 hours ago, Arashiha said:
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((Some of these creeds make it look like paladins are all about to become rather one dimensional characters and seems like a good way to get a bunch of inactive paladin players as you force them to do nothing but paladin rp.

I don't believe any other magic is this restrictive on its players, seems kind of like you're trying to kill the magic or turn it into a clique.

Specifically talking about Patron creed #4

It will ruin so many characters its not funny.))

((Edit: it has been pointed out that this isn't lore and is just an orders cultrual post.. so.. guess never mind with what i said?))




I don't terribly appreciate accusations of OOC malice and cliqueforming for what is a call to return to tradition that is well-founded in roleplay as a result of recent events. These creeds still allow people to act much as they wish in terms of Paladinism - simply because it reinforces the IRP notion held for hundreds of in-roleplay years throughout the magic's history that Paladins are not to be involved in mortal or immortal affairs that would take them from their obligations to Xan does not mean it makes anyone a one dimensional character. Doubly so when all of my persona's work IC has been to preserve the magic and its integrity, as well as its rich culture and history. 


We see these 'restrictions' aplenty in various religious faiths that are rooted in the magic communities which practice them, such as the primordial philosophies of Xionism and their laws, or the Druidic creeds followed by dedicated Aspectists. It doesn't at all ruin a character genuinely dedicated to the niche to follow the standards imposed over IRP centuries by their forebears - it only serves to define the experience by having a genuine code with defined limits that you must act within and shape your rp around. 


If there is an issue to be found in roleplay, I would ask that you address it in roleplay, as opposed to attacking me OOCly for actions taken in roleplay. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on discord, I'm usually available depending on the time of day and IRL circumstances at the time. 


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Freyr Vanari sits down in a quiet corner within the halls of the vigil and opens this new tome from his brothers and sisters of the golden Lion spending his day studying its pages "It is good they are trying to learn from our history, I hope they too remember of the lesson from old that cant be found in tomes. I agree most of these would benefit us and I will see my brothers and sisters about adding many to our own creeds." He would take notes on the book before carefully returning it to its place so others too could learn from it.

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22 hours ago, Arashiha said:
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((Some of these creeds make it look like paladins are all about to become rather one dimensional characters and seems like a good way to get a bunch of inactive paladin players as you force them to do nothing but paladin rp.

I don't believe any other magic is this restrictive on its players, seems kind of like you're trying to kill the magic or turn it into a clique.

Specifically talking about Patron creed #4

It will ruin so many characters its not funny.))

((Edit: it has been pointed out that this isn't lore and is just an orders cultrual post.. so.. guess never mind with what i said?))



There is nothing preventing Paladins from not following Creeds, there's no mental affliction like there was in the past. Redemption is also offered more than it was in the past. It can't ruin a character, especially if they simply reject the new Creeds, but if its caught then they may have to atone, which simply provides more dynamic roleplay to a character. 


To say that the original creeds with some additional flavor will make Paladins one dimensional characters is a bit insulting. if new creeds make a paladin inactive perhaps they weren't a paladin for the right reasons originally. 


All dark magic that adheres to Xionism is way more restrictive, Azdrazi as well,et cetera. Voidal magic has 0 culture, as does housemagery etc, whereas Paladinism has always been an intensely culturally based magic, or should be treated as such, instead of a power spike.


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