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The Silver Crows Anthology


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The Silver Crows Anthology

8th of Gronna ag Droba, 438 E.S.  




Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Table of Contents

  • Knights of the Crow - Bogatyr Period

    • Tale of Ser Karl Amador*

    • Tale of Ser Erwin Bishop

    • Tale of Dame Lynette Mendez 

    • Tale of Ser Elimar Mondblume 

    • Tale of Ser August Barclay 

    • Tale of Ser Emil Barclay, Dame Emelya Kortrevich, and Dame Marie Ruthern

    • Tale of Ser Abraham Rutledge 

    • Tale of Ser Reinhardt Barclay 

    • Tale of Ser Walton 

    • Tale of Dame Mariya Vyronov

    • Tale of Ser Conrad Barclay


  • Odes of the Fallen
    • Ode of Konstanz Barclay
    • Ode of Josef Ludovar

    • Lament of the Fallen Squire


  • Additional Poems
    • The Unknown Knight
    • A Glorious Future Awaits


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf

Knights of the Crow - Bogatyr Period

Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


The Tale of Ser Karl Amador*



To defeat a Rimetroll, that was my quest. 

So, with sword, bow, and shield, I set out. 

Across the dense snow I searched far and wide. 

I reached a mound, one which was oddly shaped. 

Carefully raised my sword, then stabbed the hill. 

Much to my surprise, a troll laid within.  


Smacked off to the side as the troll stood tall. 

Raced to my feet, carefully eying it. 

The troll loomed, towering over my form. 

Quickly I lit a Carrion Cocktail, 

And threw it before the troll could react. 

Aimed for the head, but the beast raised her arm. 


Then with her right hand, grabbed me and gripped tight. 

Felt my ribs cracking under the pressure. 

I then tricked her into letting me go. 

It worked, the Rimetroll tossing me to the snow. 

Gear fell from my shoulder, into the cold. 

I climbed to my feet and gathered my stuff. 


Another cocktail I lit, aiming for her face. 

Even as I released it, it was too late. 

Flames cooked her legs, but she still ran towards me.  


Barely able, was I, to draw my sword.  

Before the bulky troll barreled into me. 

Wind fell my pipes just as my sword entered her. 


It was a crushing weight that consumed me. 

Yet even close to death, I knew my task.  

And it was then that the creature lifted. 

But this was not because she had fallen, 

Rather, the Rimetroll tossed me into the air. 


Luckily I landed on a soft mount. 

Then swifty, another bottle I threw. 

But alas, she did also hit me with Frost Breath. 

So the Rimetroll and I both lay dying. 

Her, severely burnt, and then I frozen. 

I would not give up, I would not give in.  


When it punched me with the last of her strength, 

I still did not yield, I would not falter. 

She breathed her last, my victory secured. 

But I would not die upon this great mount. 

For to my horse I called to take me home, 

Badly damaged, almost dead, but a knight. 



*A Knight of the Crow, not under the specified period. 

Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Erwin Bishop



Through the woods of Krusev I went, 

Up into the winding hills of Orenia, 

There I moved, my will unbent. 

Caught it in an animalistic pariah. 


Then the huge dulk noticed me. 

It’s horn dropped down toward the dirt, 

The beast charged, yet not would I flee 

Threw the shining oil at its feet, actions inert. 


The dulk slid down the mound to the water. 

After it I sprinted with the axe in hand. 

In the murky water, the fight for who was stronger. 

How many blows could I withstand? 


The fight raged on, each contender half submerged. 

Blows were exchanged in a viscous display. 

With every new hit, anger and determination surged. 

At the end of it all, it was I who won the day. 


Climbed upon its hairy posterior, 

Drove the point of the axehead down into its face. 

The creature roared and threw me off its figure. 

My weapon was held in an embrace. 


But there was no time to rest, 

For the creature turned and went at me once more. 

I lifted my sword in hopes to contest, 

When I woke up I laid upon the shore. 


I had finally killed the creature. 

Or rather, it has sacrificed itself. 

Pain contorted on every feature. 

The dulk was too large to carry myself. 


I cut off its head, satisfied after a grueling fight. 

I returned to the land that I love, a knight.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Dame Lynette Mendez 



Into the old forests of Krusev I delve, 

Searching through the pitch blackness. 

Betwixt dense brush and thorns I tread, 

Till I found that which I was looking for. 

To kill a pack of wolves, that was my quest. 


One thought to be simple task turned arduous, 

Memories of past events flooded my mind to haunt me. 

But I would not give in, nor let my courage be flayed. 

Many weapons I held at the ready, I made my way past. 


There I saw what I needed, a wolf stood alone. 

I steadied myself, ready for the strike, 

But all at once tables quickly turned against me. 

And in an instant, I was completely surrounded 

That simply lone wolf now joined by two others. 


Yet one was killed quickly by a flaming bottle of booze, 

I tossed it majestically, shattering upon the head of the beast. 

Then came the mother, deep growls flaring in violent anger.  


Then she pounced upon me, sword knocked from my grip.  

A sharp pain in my hand as she bit through my fingers. 

But all was not lost, for I stretched to reach my cold spear. 

I stabbed the beast from below, a tip piercing its fatty chest.  

The body fell lifeless upon me, the beast now lay dead. 


And though my hand may be useless, nearly torn off. 

The quest stood complete, and now home I did trot.  


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Elimar Mondblume 



I shall give it my all, I will not be bested. 

Watched as men scatter away from the fight. 

Flames all around, bodies on the ground, a challenger uncontested. 


The bold doppelganger stood untested. 

A ferocious beast, a hideous sight. 

I shall give it my all, I will not be bested. 


In the might of my sword, I invested. 

And our battle went into the night.  

Flames all around, bodies on the ground, a challenger uncontested. 


Just before the victory I wrested. 

A massive, spiked dragon did conquer the night. 

I shall still give it my all, I will not be bested. 


All my strength was being tested. 

On the ballista I hopped, aiming as it took flight. 

Flames all around, bodies on the ground, a challenger uncontested. 


Into its stomach the bolt had nested. 

Then plummeted from such a height. 

I gave it my all, I had not been bested. 

Flames all around, bodies on the ground, both challengers divested.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser August Barclay 



A simple task turned complicated. 

To hunt a pack of wolves within the overgrowth of Krusev. 

A mission of such basic repute flipped upon its head. 

To seek out the lot of wolves with the once mighty Krusev. 


I passed upon the stony statues of Kortreviches long dead, 

And brought myself to the edge of the forest, consumed by thicket. 

As I made my way in, I found myself searching around worn-down stead. 

I found the packs, murdered and bloody, yet it was not I that did it. 


In my unsureness, did I happen upon a Scyfling warrior with loosely woven thread. 

The grandson of a Braltian Chieftan with his own quest to complete. 

So, he and I talked for hours, sincerity plaguing our features at what was said.  

Duel would commence, the best warrior to prove their better feat.  


Yet throughout the bout, we did not realize that to us, a creature had been led. 

Alas, a gnarled beast, a skinwalker did lurch towards the warrior, now gravely injured. 

I did not flee or pause, instead, I took out my weapon, standing firm through the dread. 

Alas, the gnarled beast did fly towards me. This creature looked undead.  


Yet with motions as swift as I could, I sent my blade into it, the skull I did shred.  

It is the only way to kill the monstrosity, so I did it again and again, till it lay still.  

When the thing held no movement, only then did I sheath my weapon- covered in red. 

Several weapons had been used; their pieces scattered across the hill.  


It was then that I noticed the Hetvn on the ground, deep pains with every second. 

A warrior's death is what he asked for, so with my sword stroke, he took his final breath. 


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Emil Barclay, Dame Emelya Kortrevich, and Dame Marie Ruthern



We approached the Lost city of Balian. 

Our eyes stayed vigilant, scanning our surroundings. 

Everything we looked at was familiar, yet alien, 

A stone fortress, the moss growing thick upon the walls. 

Barely noticeable at first, the magical moss lashed out, 

A dense greenish sluggish thing whipped out at us three. 

Matching each of the three knights, three tendrils did spout. 

It wrapped around our feet, pausing us where we stood. 


Yet now was not the time to cower with fear. 

So quickly we fought back, slashing down upon the plant. 

It latched on to Emelya, pulling her to our rear. 

Down the sandy bank she went, while we stayed upon the ledge. 

However no bulky tendril could cut down these knights, 

With a fire, desire overtook, our bodies boosted with stamina. 

Made short work of the overgrowth, us three did reunite. 

And onward into the ruins we went or thought we would without problem. 


Then upon the bridge, a hundred feet above. 

Shouted a familiar voice, that of a frightened child. 

“Papa, up here!” the voice called, someone whom I love. 

Though our confusion took a hold, we had to stay calm. 

Nothing short of difficult would be reconnecting with Leon 

For the fortress of balian, was dangerous and dark. 

And it was then, a tendril formed, and reached out to him. 

It grappled him then threw him, luckily straight into us. 


And it was again, the magic spikes, drawing power to moss once more. 

Back-to-back the four of us stood, our weapons all in hand. 

Struggled with the ferocious weed, seemingly more violent than before. 

Each defender held their own, the tendrils quickly defeated. 

Further into the ruins we went, for the quest we still must complete. 

The enchanted moss tried its best, but our might was no match. 

By the time we reached the mage, all the magic was depleted. 

So, he stood defenseless, at the mercy of us four. 


It was an odd scene then, the old man begging us to leave. 

However, we would not be without the map. 

After deliberation, the man did give it, bound for reprieve. 

So, the four then journeyed home, their item had been found.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Abraham Rutledge 



I move through these woods at a snail's pace, 

Carefully scanning the terrain, looking for any trace. 

Then there, in the distance, a shadowy figure loomed 

Eyes, solid white, trapped behind, cries of the doomed. 

So, I readied my spear and prepared to fight in this eerie place. 


Eyes survey my surroundings, deciding the best maneuver, 

Knuckles grew white around my spear before I moved to skewer. 

Flesh like vines, blood like rope, they slither and contort. 

The massive bear shape, a normal man’s courage it would abort. 

Yet I am not a man, I will be a knight, to slay is the task of a squire. 


I hurled my spear in hopes to wound, yet it was to no avail. 

For it was engulfed, then shot back out, nearly missing my tail. 

The daemonic beast roared as I let out a water blast. 

Yet this only proved to upset the monstrosity, it ran to me fast. 

Snapped down on my atronach arm and shredded my mail. 


Even as this entity did consume me, I still battled with might, 

Even as this entity choked me, I didn’t lose the fight. 

For in this tense moment, I shoved the willow bottle down its throat. 

In an instant, there was a boom, I wore his guts like a coat. 

Despite armor and limb destroyed, I traveled home, a knight.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Reinhardt Barclay 



I will not bend; I will not break. 

Marsh of murky water and dread. 

Far too dirty, the deep green water, opaque. 


Everything I have worked for; everything is at stake. 

Sweat I have poured, to here it has led. 

I will not bend; I will not break. 


Everything tenses, feel the ground under me shake 

Scally green beast, a colossus, rears its ugly head. 

Far too dirty, the deep green water, opaque. 


From the side, a blind stop, I move to shank. 

Four times the monsters pierced, yet at me, it still sped. 

I will not bend; I will not break. 


It trapped me, snapped me, full body did ache. 

Swallowed me and dove, for a second, I thought myself dead. 

Far too dirty, the deep green water, opaque. 


Drove the sword into its neck, then the creature did quake. 

From the inside, killed the beast, it’s brain I did shred. 

I did not bend; I did not break. 

Far too dirty, the deep green and red water, opaque.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Walton 



The head of a Prairie Dulk, nothing less. 

I stalk them, carefully planning out every last move. 

I set up a pitfall trap, to separate one is mine to trouve. 

Keep it alone, leaving it with utter hopelessness. 


The head of a Prairie Dulk, nothing less. 

I attempt to frighten them, yet their stillness I did reprove. 

So at them, I shot an arrow of fire, so the situation was to improve. 

Finally, they disperse in a tizzy, overcome by senselessness. 


The head of a Prairie Dulk, that is my goal. 

I made noises to attract them from behind that thick shrub. 

With haste, the mother did look around for her assumed cub.  

And into the pit she fell, she was now entrapped in the bowl. 


The head of a Prairie Dulk, that is my task. 

I climbed down in, weary of the tusks and the strength of the beast. 

But that didn't pause my motion to mount it’s back. 

Then, in a swift motion, brought my warhammer down on its casque. 


Yet that is not the end of my story, 

For in my distracted victory, another Dulk did find its way to me. 

I was trampled, crushed as it drugged me around. Unable to get free. 

But there was a calmness inside of me, so I did not worry. 


In an instant, I smashed a bottle of Carron black upon its face, 

Then let it ablaze with my torch that had been dropped. 

Its movement came to a halt, the body then plopped. 

And though my body was broken, I had the head of a Dulk, nothing less.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Ser Conrad Barclay 



To kill a festering cave leech, that is my task. 

When my trial is complete, in glory, I will bask.  

The Oracle said this job must be done.  

So with an axe in hand, and a bow on his back. 

With a blessing from the pontiff, and bottles of flame in my pack. 

I will finish it swiftly, the day easily won.  


Into the Rimveld I went with everything I needed. 

I entered the monster's cave, the Oracle's words being heeded. 

Yet it was not long before I was joined by another.  

A figure donned in armor, clad from head to toe. 

Claim the beast was his kill, though my mission he would not slow. 

So with duel ensured, each warrior stood ready for the other.  


I doused the floor with flame, a hopeful deterrent to defend.  

But much to my dismay, this fierce knight was undead.  

He charged through the blazing fire and swung at me with all his might.  

I swiftly ducked to the left, the greatsword missing my neck. 

Back and forth we struggled, though I kept him in check. 

And when I sent an arrow into his back, the force did blight.  


He wielded a sword in one hand, and chain in the next. 

However I kept calm, I would not let myself get vexed. 

I threw a bottle of flame, though I was skewered as well.  

Cut off my own arm. I would never be forced to submit.  

Drove my axe into its chest, not until it was dead would I quit. 

Terror enraptured its form, the lanky, glowing beast fell.  


Finally it succumbed to flame, fire and all.  

Over the defeated ashen knight I stood tall. 

Even with one less arm, I knew I still must complete my quest. 

And so I took on the leech, sluggish and overfed. 

Then with my mighty axe, I chopped off his head. 

Returned home a true knight, I had finished my final test.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


Tale of Dame Mariya Vyronov



Of sand and stone it dwelt, manifesting in the thick heat.  

Fierce and bold, burrowing into the ground before its strikes.  

And so before the journey, about weaknesses I did inquire.  

No weapon could do damage, not swords, nor arrows, nor pikes. 

To kill this monstrous thing, that is what I desire. 


North of Savoy it dwelt, next to a ship deemed obsolete.  

The creature sat, bones jutting from its body like spikes. 


As the battle began I ran swiftly towards it, staying steady on my feet. 

Though it brutally attacked me, I would not retreat. 

I blocked the creature's blows, my soul filled with a courageous fire. 

When my axe fell, the beast let out a loud screech from its pipes. 

Even when I was struck in the shoulder, I was only filled with ire. 


An elfess came far too close, the creature made a strike. 

No hesitation could I now afford, the situation too dire. 

While I had to then protect her, I would let her cause me defeat. 

I pierced it through the eye, causing the beast to expire.  


I then raised my axe victoriously, my mission now complete. 

Through the toughest situations, I will always vire. 

So now I shall take my place among the other knights


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf

Odes of the Fallen

Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


The Ode of Konstanz Barclay


You are cold to the touch.

Eyes glossed and gray.

What vibrance once held in 

Those now pale cheeks.


Yet you look to be at peace,

Face not twisted or gnarled,

It holds expressionlessness.

Despite the end you suffered.


A Lord of green and blue

A squire till the end of days.

A man of great boldness.

Shall you sit peacefully in the Seven Skies.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


The Ode of Josef Ludovar


You sit upon the bloody cot,

Expression of pain contorting your face.

You succeeded, a trial passed.

Yet you still lay here dying.


It was pride that got the best of you,

Though through your own strength,

Completed your task.

And still you pass into death.


A Lord of great eagerness,

A squire till the end of days,

A man who never surrenders.

Shall you sit peacefully in the Seven Skies.



Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf



Lament of the Fallen Squire


The light has faded from my eyes, 

My will ripped from my soul. 

A mind races with only vapid thoughts. 

The haunting feeling of a loss of control. 


I have fallen here upon this stale ground.  

Why has my strength failed me? 

My silent plies for mercy falling on deaf ears. 

So after all I gave, darkness is all I can see.  


It is a quest I have failed, a task not succeeded. 

Perhaps a simple mistake, or words not heeded.  

Maybe by arrogance, or pride, or shame, I fell. 

So I linger here, death I am unable to repel. 


I wished to do more, to be a knight as I dreamed. 

But I have failed in that regard, a hope snuffed out. 

As blows were exchanged, and sweat dripped. 

It was I that was defeated by an unsavory bout. 


This is where we are, at the end of the line. 

I am unable to escape that which I have found. 

To be a knight, completing quests without fail. 

But now I have fallen here upon this stale ground.  


The light has faded from my eyes, 

My will ripped from my soul. 


 Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf

Additional Poems

Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


The Unknown Knight


I watched as you fell, 

The sword snatched from your grip 

As you tumbled towards the pit. 

Your body broken upon the ground. 


What right did I have to be saved by you? 

For I am no man of worth. 

Yet in front of me in armor clad, 

You defended me blow after blow. 


You stood tall while I coward from my demons, 

And so you were forced to fight them all. 


Shimmery moonlight struck your polished metal, 

As you battled in through the night. 

The glistening sweat radiating, 

While I hid behind your defense. 


How could you summon the courage, 

To fight for those you did not know, 

Even those who looked away 

Those with brittle and week fortitude, 

Or perhaps it is because of those 

That you choose to stand and battle. 

For in their hour of desperate need, 

How could they defend themselves? 


And so you step in, knight of the unknown 

Even as it cost you your life. 

The deed is done, the day is won, 

To you everything is owed.


Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf


A Glorious Future Awaits


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

Path set before the lot, leading them on. 

Leaving out the door, bursting through the gates. 

And no trial would be forgone. 


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

Though one of hardship and challenge. 

One that discourages and abates. 

A path on which many have fallen. 


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

But through the trials they wish to climb 

Reversing the decision of the fates. 

Grow to be someone worthy in time. 


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

They seek to master what they’ve been taught. 

To take their place beside all the greats, 

Combining both great strength and wise thought. 


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

When the time comes to replace those who came before. 

When they are put on their mentor’s plates. 

They will seek out everything they hoped to restore. 


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

They are but a humble page, young in their walk. 

A future knight, seen by all the traits. 

Filling in all the gaps and cracks with caulk. 


It is a glorious future that awaits, 

They are ready, willing, and able.  

And when proven worth by passing fetes. 

In time they will all take a seat at the table.



Harry Potter Anniversary Week- Day Six – Modern Witch's Bookshelf



Borris Iver Kortrevich KML,

Battle-Bard of the BSK, Knight's Bard, and Court Poet.

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Adele Emma Ludovar, Countess of Otistadt, Viscountess of Sezwesk, Baroness of Juliksburg, Lady of Ricksburg, Niece of one of the fallen, ex-player of another, etc, etc, likes these poems. She smiles upon reading the finished compendium, thereafter picking up her quill to insert a passage into the next Edition of the Kortrevich Bull Post.

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Ser Reinhardt Barclay smiles at the remarkable work the bard had created

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