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The Cingedoz Tradition

Ibn Khaldun

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( Pronounced seen - GEHD - oz )


The Cingedoz tribe consists of a core of Highlander humans with additional members who have sworn to adopt the tradition, keep the language, and practice the values that set the Cingedoz apart from other Highlander cultures such as Lechian, Norlandic, Radaghastian, & Rathonian.  The full endonym for these Highlanders is Cingedoz hal'Trewandunon, translated from Sprækjom to Common as The footmen of the wooded redoubt is considered an archaic endonym as decades have past with the Cingedoz comfortably residing in the savannahs and canyons of Old Savoy. 


They are known for being adventurous, entertaining the thrill and challenge of navigating precarious situations and the unknown, but always carrying with them a yearning for home which leads adventuring Cinged to return to their settlement for rest and recuperation. The Cinged, being both bold and adventurous, has an endearing affection for whatever weapon and shield they can find and are known for being creative in both combat and in precarious situations. It is a common tradition that a Cinged vacationing back in his or her settlement after an adventure will write a saga to keep for memory’s sake.






Any recent recounting of the Cingedoz must begin with the revival led primarily by Gaisorix hal'Cingedoz aided by fellow tribesmen including Arminius, Dumnoric, the Elvellyn Lysandros, & Uortigernos. The Cingedoz first regathered on the isles of Daeland, now known as Vistulia, under chieftain Gowthur Douglas. A period of ten years of peace permitted the Cingedoz to raise the first of many runestones which are still found across the bridge to Vistulia. In this period, trade flourished until the start of The Great War.


The conflict, referred to by the Cingedoz as The Great War, embroiled most of Almaris and the political entities therein in a war waged involving Elvenesse, Haense, Krugmar, Oren, & Urguan. Daeland, a vassal under Old Savoy, teetered between restraint and clandestine mercenary involvement in the war which earned the err of the court in San Luciano. Sensing growing consternation from the Savoyards regarding Gowthur's engagement in The Great War, Gaisorix decided to migrate the Cingedoz to the Jarldom of Dunrath in the North. He would declare verbally his intention to remain firmly out of the war after being struck down and injured in a failed raid on the Ephesian countryside.


Dunrath and its surrounding environs protected it from much of the wartime activities, occupying the mountains south of the old Norlandic capital of Varhelm. Gaisorix and the Jarl of Dunrath, Dughlas Sutherlann, maintained a very pleasant relationship with Gaisorix providing for the improvement of defenses outside Dunrath proper with an earthernwork wall and stout watchtower. Dunrath positioned itself as one of the few trade hubs unaffected by war and enjoyed relative prosperity even at the height of conflict between the many nations of Almaris. Twenty years passed until the war ended and fortunes turned for the Cingedoz in Dunrath.


Gaisorix hal'Cingedoz, riding on the success of trade during the war, recognized the potential for more profits with the end of the war. The ability to ferry caravans relatively unmolested led him to venture to the town & motte of Arichsdorf where he met the Baron Manfred of Arichsdorf. He learned of a potential conflict that would involve Dunrath if Oren decided to press a claim for the Norlandic throne on behalf of the Baron. After a series of diplomatic meetings, Gaisorix received promise that Dunrath would be left unassaulted if Dunrath did not intervene on the passage of Oren's host. Dughlas Sutherlann, loyal to Norland, refused the terms which resulted in Gaisorix seeking to migrate once again.


In old age, Gaisorix felt a greater sense of responsibility for the whole of the tribe and wanted to not involve them in a conflict that had neither effect nor purpose for the Cingedoz. This time, the Cingedoz would revisit the Isles off the shores of Old Savoy to find another Highlander culture flourishing. The Piast Casimir Vilchyc of the Radaghastians met with Gaisorix and urged his tribe's return and a place at the table regarding decision-making. Gaisorix accepted this and led the Cingedoz to settle on the isles once more - occupied now by the Cingedoz, the Daelish, & the Radaghastians.


Prosperity and conflict intermixed as the now Vistulians vied to protect their isles from the consequences of an early association with the Horde. Gaisorix took on the role of Chief Merchant of the Clandom during the war.  After the war, Gaisorix died in battle in the dread city of Kivdrona with his son Brennus taking the mantle as leader. The Cingedoz, as of the year 91 Second Age, reside in the Crannogtown of Vistulia just across the isles themselves.





Surviving Cingedoz (Living in Vistulia or adventuring): Brennus hal'Cingedoz ( @Langobardi), Bodbmakos hal'Cingedoz ( @Privet ), Azigate ( @Witchweaving ), Ceolwulf hal'Trewehled ( @TN_TURKEY ), Lurana hal'Cingedoz ( @Hopeful ), Britius hal'Cingedoz ( @Endovelicus)


Dead or Missing Cingedoz: Isolde ( @koanda), Uortigornos ( @Norgeth), Arminius ( @Cloakedsphere), Gaisorix ( @Langobardi ), Senex ( @HistoryChap ), Ambiorix ( @Jihnyny ), Dumnoric hal'Cingedoz ( @FallingGuy ), Guinevere hal'Cingedoz ( @Rattussmackus ), Cathubodua hal'Tulach ( @lemonke ), Rinya hal'Tulach ( @KrisppyKreme ), Aeline hal'Tulach ( @LillyPapaya ), Cormack hal'Cingedoz ( @RyuTheCoolest )







I wanted to write a shorter post regarding the Cingedoz, a quick reference if you will.

The Cingedoz are loosely based on proto-Celtic & proto-Germanic cultures such as the Belgae, Gaul, Suebi, and the language has been derived from a mixture of Brythonic, Proto-Germanic, and Gaulish. This is intended to be a laid-back group whose members are more concerned with creating beautiful landscapes, scenery, and generally being conducive to fun roleplay for others with a number of us being older players who avoid politicking. We don't care to have "activity requirements" nor impose any.


If you are a player who likes the intention behind this group, please feel free to contact me for more details and how to get involved. Please don’t feel it necessary to dedicate a bunch of time to this project; this group is intended to be laid-back and plans for the long-term. If you are a player who wants to enjoy the game unadulterated from OOC drama and open to collaboration, give me a ping over Discord: gaiusmarius8#0788


Helpful threads include:

1. Cingedoz Culture thread: 


2. Historical Narratives of the Cingedoz thread: 

3. Discord: https://discord.gg/zFpsXmGVQN


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"Leadership passes from the Chieftain,

From Brennus to Lurana of same kin.

The Chieftess leads the tribe from the White Hill,

From above the Dwed for a new homeland to till"

Rixnemeto cambosiz di Rixuiro,

Di Brennus en Lurana havalonijoz.

Rixbena lǣwijoz Cingedoz di Brigwindosdur,

Ver Dweduronoz abo niujus lendhan waxijozoz.



Two figures stood beneath the translucent light of an aurora rippling across the night sky like a banner caught in wind. They stood on the precipice of a glacial outcropping that stood over the entrance into Khron'Hundmar and adjacent to the modest village of Brigwindosdur. A man, appearing twice as old as the woman opposite him, rested a relaxed palm on the other's shoulder and they stood there in that half-embrace and half-distancing motion with the men speaking audibly.


"You ask of me the authority to lead our tribe as if you are half-expecting me to spit out a retort. I have no retort to give, but rather a sigh of relief," Brennus conceded. The woman looked up to him, her painted face failing to hide her astonishment.


"Lurana hal'Cingedoz, this authority has no crown to covet nor kingdom to encompass with my heart like a dragon hoarding gold. We are a small folk, an honest folk, a folk few and far between and whose wandering makes it hard to corral us and the wonders we conjure are the treasures of our eyes as opposed to the mundane life of the larger kingdoms whereby the tracts of vast lands are the only things worth coveting."


Lurana looked past Brennus as if her mind's eye conjured image upon the very leather laid against his shoulder.


"Lurana, I am but Bardnemetoi. Honored Bard, my leadership only being that I picked up where my father Gaisorix left off when he died in the dread city of Kivdrona. I prefer marking our runestones with animated engravings rather than counting coin or herding people. If you have the mind for it, the will for it, the desire for it; I will gladly give up my being Rix of the tribe - of being leader. I shall aid you in the ways that has most defined me, but will gladly call you my leader."


Brennus embraced Lurana like a father would a daughter. The two stood awhile longer upon the outcropping as the snow picked up. The new chieftess had been chosen and her first decisions would be to send word to all Cingedoz to return home. The tribe lives, the tribe survives, and now a new leader seeks for the tribe to thrive. The chieftess decided to migrate the tribe from Brigwindosdur in the far North to the single hill on the far plain stretched between the forests of the Elvellyn of Celia'nor to the Arentanian Alps shared between Haense and Aaun. The Cingedoz live now in the quaint village of Danuglas the Green Vale.



Introducing the new leader of the Cingedoz, @Hopeful. I will still be in the background writing lore and stories. You can join the Cingedoz Discord here: https://discord.gg/W5xzVHVH


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