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[Amendment] Blood Magic


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18 hours ago, FlemishSupremacy said:

Honestly, yeah, remove the spell. It's just used to cast it on people during events while being totally hidden to just troll and disrupt events. "haha, i will go to this court session and make everyone's eyes bleed. My tell? oh it's breathing out through my nose a bit harder than normal."


Blood mages deserve nothing but being called pvp on if they do this

Another banger take from Flemish

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11 minutes ago, PXY said:




I originally had a suggested redline to require it to show a noticeable tell but opted to omit that due to the lore specifying that that subsection wouldn't require them. 

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Guys im so cool Im going to make everyone's nose bleed at this massive human event

guys its so quirky look the nose bleeds

this was top tier bait btw

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I raise you one further. Remove Blood Magic.
It's used to farm items and vampire players don't deserve anything nice since it's 2022 and they still haven't made an evil kingdom.

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23 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:


It happens on other occasions, not just at large events


(apologies, just want a small bit of chaos) kiss my arse you want a small bit of chaos you silly bollocks. Not wasting my time at an important RP event pissing about for 5 emotes because some silly bloke wants 'a small bit of chaos'. Apologies and all, taking the piss to be frank. Remove the ruddy thing or, as Flemish and somewhat PXY said, make it so it can actually be properly countered and the person doing it to be irritating at a large event can be dealt with. Sure use it on a small scale for your 'distractions to escape' or something but if it's going to be used just to be irritating and piss people off at large events at least give us the ability to stab the **** out of them and give them consequences for being silly *****.


Forgot to add; Wanker!


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36 minutes ago, Borin said:


(apologies, just want a small bit of chaos) kiss my arse you want a small bit of chaos you silly bollocks. Not wasting my time at an important RP event pissing about for 5 emotes because some silly bloke wants 'a small bit of chaos'. Apologies and all, taking the piss to be frank. Remove the ruddy thing or, as Flemish and somewhat PXY said, make it so it can actually be properly countered and the person doing it to be irritating at a large event can be dealt with. Sure use it on a small scale for your 'distractions to escape' or something but if it's going to be used just to be irritating and piss people off at large events at least give us the ability to stab the **** out of them and give them consequences for being silly *****.


Forgot to add; Wanker!


No need to get angry, we're all friends here hen x

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13 minutes ago, alexmagus said:

No need to get angry, we're all friends here hen x



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lot of people malding about this in the comments


sometimes disruptions happen in events, i remember hearing about some human rpers complaining about having a dragon sighting over their city when they were in the middle of their tea party


edit: I personally don't think a resolution to this would be to out right remove the spell, but reworking some of its mechanics could do some good.  I've seen this spell used more than just to disrupt events, can be a neat form of intimidation or inducing fear rp, ect

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1 hour ago, Borin said:



You never did end up rping the effects of the spell, hmmmm. Though, I also ended up not bothering to make you rp it just like a few others. As I said, it's not just in big events, though it can be. I've used it in small groups as well, that was the second time, I believe, I've cast that during a "big event", at least the first time it caused some entertaining rp. Also the same event, maybe 15min later, had someone try to assassinate one of the nobles, I'd say mine was tame compared to the like 50 people who jumped up and emoted *draws sword

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I think it having less visible tells than illusion magic, a magic which relies entirely on your target not knowing you are casting it for the most part, is a little silly.

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1 hour ago, MeteorDragon said:


You never did end up rping the effects of the spell, hmmmm. Though, I also ended up not bothering to make you rp it just like a few others. As I said, it's not just in big events, though it can be. I've used it in small groups as well, that was the second time, I believe, I've cast that during a "big event", at least the first time it caused some entertaining rp. Also the same event, maybe 15min later, had someone try to assassinate one of the nobles, I'd say mine was tame compared to the like 50 people who jumped up and emoted *draws sword

You really think some people want to sit and spend 5 emotes doing that when we want to get on with what we're going to sit there for 3+ hours doing? It's not enjoyable or constructive for anyone, really.


5 emotes, with no risk to yourself at all. Taking the piss really.


'not bothering to make you rp it', seriously? Oh how dare you not surrender your free time against your will to sate my desire to cause chaos for chaos sake without consequence?! The gall to not do the 5 emotes I'm arbitrarily forcing upon you at your expense, gaining nothing at all for my pleasure!


Take your own advice.



What happened with the assassination attempt was, to be honest, decent roleplay, made sense and wasn't some one-sided attempt to cause chaos for chaos sake - It actually had consequences for some characters, on both sides of the coin. It doesn't matter if it was 'tame' or not. He acted in roleplay, and he got consequences. Something for both sides, for both Cherskavy characters being hunted, characters such as the Cardinal Jorenus who now has a scar skinned on her face, and the RP in general - the peace treaty was then hashed out over, and named for, the would-be assassins blood on the platform.

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The chaos of seeing who is and is not butt hurt over some harmless bleeding is a riot.

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21 hours ago, Laeonathan said:


If I'd have my voidal mage do any funky magic in a Haense court everyone see it because the eyes glow bright blue.

Flemish is right. IMO Blood magic needs a proper tell so it's not used for trolling.


You don't need to glow eyes or have visible distortion when casting void magic either, just droplet of sweat or cracking your fingers can do. Long as it is a tell and people can notice. This is all redundent however if the spell states it has more effects and stuff to cast.

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I cannot wait to go into a human event and give everyone HIV with the snap of a finger and the focusing of my eyes upon a potted plant


somehow rukio's set the forums on fire by proposing this simple and not at all controversial amendment...

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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