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đź“š Mod Guide for 1.18.2


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Used to always look at @Polysemic's 1.17.1 Mod List post for when I was configuring for Almaris and was praying one would come out for 1.18.2 as I knew I was missing out on a lot of the good mods.


Literal life saver, thank you much man!

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Bumping for more attention

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has most of the server moved on from more player models? figura seems like a lot to learn, but i love mpm's simplicity D:

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1 minute ago, Nug said:

has most of the server moved on from more player models?

I couldn't say for sure, but I don't believe it's got a Fabric fork, so alternatives are used for Fabric versions atm.

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Can you put some color to this?
Otherwise, looks like a good list.

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1 hour ago, Nug said:

has most of the server moved on from more player models? figura seems like a lot to learn, but i love mpm's simplicity D:

I think there's a guide to downsize player models in the figura discord so u can do dwarf/halfling models.

It is a lot more complicated tho yeh.

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Prism would be perfect if I didn't have to install java 17 (Java will do everything but install java 17).

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i hope dynamic surroundings fabric version gets a 1.18.2 version some day. it's my favorite mod

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I'd recommend advancedchat to the list. It makes life so much easier.

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I launched my browser just so I could find an old post with list of mods, and I found this one. Respect king.

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6 hours ago, _Sheylo_ said:

Can you put some color to this?
Otherwise, looks like a good list.

Yeah you right homie, I formatted it all nicely and when I pasted it here it just all went to all unformulated black textđź’€so I just did the minimum and left it for the night cause I was busted down sexual style. Should be much better now!


6 hours ago, alexmagus said:

Prism would be perfect if I didn't have to install java 17 (Java will do everything but install java 17).

Something I actually love about Prism is you can just toggle between with Java version you wanna use once you've got both on your PC. So when I launch up an older MC version it'll be like "Oop, you ain't got the right java" and you can just go into the settings, under a java tab, auto detect all versions on your pc, and quick swap like THAT, love it!


5 hours ago, NotAPan said:

I'd recommend advancedchat to the list. It makes life so much easier.

GREAT CALL PAN! I actually had this on my list but somehow it slipped through the cracks, I'll be adding it shortly, appreciate you!

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dynamic surroundings isnt on 1.18 yet this is a lifesaver thank u

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imagine MY expression when i had ALL OF THESE MODS INSTALLED ON 1.19 and my face when 1.19 doesn't WORK ON AEVOS


0/10 server!!!



unironically S tier list for mods though, had some i didn't know about it so thanks king!


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HIGHLY recommend Bobby as well

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