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A Call for Sailors and New Friends Alike


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A Call for Sailors and New Friends Alike
[!] Flyers have been posted far and wide across Aevos!




Hark Ye! 

Do you wish to become a pirate like me - a good pirate-!? Look no further for I, Isilme Sylvaeri, am on the hunt for lliran- and potential crewmates! Through the guidance of myself, a future sailor- the best Amathine has ever seen!, my lliran will become exactly like me; the best. 

Perks of joining my crew, and being my friend, are as follows;

             I. I am very fun to be around. 

             II. I have many bird lliran, who like to use me as a perch, and birds are good lliran because they are very useful

             III. My haelun is a very experienced sailor who can help teach you to be a sailor too.. if you ask her nicely, I’m sure. 

             IV. Pirates have the coolest clothes, and accessories, meaning hats! All my pirate lliran will have cool hats! And what’s not to like about hats!?

             V. We can spend a lot of time at the beach! And learn about the animals 


If you wish to be a part of my super-cool-future crew, send a bird my way. I read all my letters and will be sure to reach out to every last one of my potential lliran-crewmates! 



Isilmë Norväyn Sylvaeri, 
Pirate Princess-Protector of the Amathine Seas
 and Master of Birds!



Reach out to me if interested or have questions




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Nisma Al-Habib read the missive eagerly, ready to join her new friend on their adventures! "Abi! Ummi! I'm gonna be a sailor!" A slipper was thrown her way!

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In Nor’asath, the missive was plucked from the notice board, eyes looking over the message. “Pirates? My namesake was one of those once.” The elfess said to herself, looking over to her wife. “A change.” @MokoMochi

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The riptide druid stares at the missive for a moment "Ah seems like my side of the family has an infection for this" the elfess mused.

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“Mother, mother, I’m gonna be a pirate!” A young Aaunic boy excitedly called from outside a humble seaside house. “…That’s nice, dear.” Came a muted reply from the kitchen.

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"What.." utters a High Princess

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The elder Oyashiman had the missive read aloud to to him by his dear cousin, taking a long sip of his freshly brewed tea as he pondered, "Sounds like it could be quite the adventure, doesn't it?" 

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Elanor sat on the bed of her room, reading it. She tilts her head down and her eyes widen, "Woah... Sure, why not, **** it." Elanor shrugs then, deciding that this is where she'll probably meet Vallei's child for the first time.

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