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The Last Breath [PK]


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The breath’s journey began with the cry of a newborn. A rowdy, tousle-haired baby finding its voice during its first moments in this world. Over the days, the cry morphed to laughter - a rousing ringing echoing through the halls. The breath continued, accompanied by pattering feet down long hallways, shifting into a myriad of questions and jest. Like a wild rose bush, the breath grew; wild, tangled with a thousand emotions, everchanging. Short, harried, sweet, tense, a long exhale of peace. A sigh lifted on the wings of the wind. A lingering voice faded into quiet laughter. 


The breath danced along the winding path, light and airy, cheerful, darting through the shadows that attempted to snuff it out and slipping through the grasp of overgrown brush seeking to ensnare. The path wound backwards and forwards, crested deep chasms and climbed over grassy hillsides until it bore the breath at last to a wide, green valley, filled with an emerald carpet of forest. A valley where the breath floated carefree, a leaf beckoned by the breeze, until it morphed into one last, cheerful laugh as it danced upwards into the sky. There, at last, it dissipated, only the lingering memory of the breath’s long journey remaining in the one left behind.


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The sun shone high above two figures resting in a field patterned with vibrant hues - reds, yellows, blues and purples - woven into the grassy carpet. They sought shade beneath a large oak tree, one that was more than happy to spread its leafy branches over the two gathered at its roots. The first - taller, strong, and bound with stoicism - helped the second - a wan, frail lady who looked upon the world with undiminished vigor - to sit and lean against the welcoming trunk despite the latter’s stubborn admonitions.


A knowing look displayed on the frail one’s face, a visage wrinkled with age and curtained by wispy, silvery tufts of wild hair. There was no fear there, only peace, as she chattered thoroughly and gesticulated with a veiny hand when sparse breaths did not allow her to articulate. A thousand stories, a thousand memories, all merged and unified and knitted into a conversation between the two companions, softening into a woven, lingering smile.


Weary emerald eyes drooped shut, kissed by the sun filtering through the oak tree’s canopy overhead. A hand rested over that of her friend’s, the one who sat with her, talked with her, had walked through so much of life with her. With one last smile, a whispered ‘thank you,’ a last exhale danced with the lady’s spirit hand in hand into the heavens.


Though death now caressed the wrinkled, gentle face, Nisreen’s shine was none the less bright.


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OOC Notes:


I’ve been hesitating on writing Nis' pk post because she’s been such a fun character to play, full of struggle and determination and problem-solving. All the silly things I love about rp. I’ve played her for - gosh, right at two full years now. But Nisreen is quickly aging (103 at time of death), her duties are complete, and I think it’s about time to wrap up her ending and give her a good rest.


A special thank you to the wonderful @Charbi (tho she’s no longer on LotC) and Space for giving me their daughter to play. Nis has been a favorite character to play thus far, full of all sorts of beautiful, tragic, chaotic rp and it is bittersweet to send her on. Thank you for the stories and the memories. <3


Another special thank you to @RMW01 whose character Astrid has been Nisreen’s best friend for forever and Nis' friend mentioned in this post. Thank you for all the ups and downs and twists and turns our stories have taken together. ILY <3


And finally, a thank you to everyone who’s touched Nis’ life and story in some way - there are so so many of y’all and I couldn’t even begin to name everyone. To try would be making a list a mile long. But thank you, no matter how small a part you played in this story - if your character ever interacted with mine in any way, whether it be from listening to her ramble in a tree to healing her childhood arthritis to pushing her into the mosh pit in Krugmar and breaking her legs to simply offering a bit of bread, it had an impact. I love you all.


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After reading the missive, a young Ruthern heir would freeze up. The dim light of a candle shining upon his face as he was sat within the confinements of his office inside the Kingdom of Balian. Few moments passed before a mixture of emotion rushed over the young man, whether it being confusion, aggravation, and sheer sadness. Demetrius moved to set the parchment on his desk, tilting his backwards ever so slightly till he had been face up to the ceiling, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Y will miss vy." Moving to the wardrobe which rested in the corner of his room, opening a draw in which he would go on to remove an Aurum Dagger, removing the sheath and inspecting it carefully. Bringing the small blade to place it against his forehead. It all coming down soon after, Demetri would wail, falling to his knees before the wardrobe and allowing the dagger to clatter against the hardwood flooring of his office. Going on to spend long hours inside, with only the small sniffle and distinctive sound of muttering to be heard outside the door.

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The battle worn woman remained idle for a few minutes more, sat beside the body of a friend who's hand she still gently held. The silence which fell after death was not unfamiliar to her, yet the calmness was. There was a deep uncertainty within her core, death did not phase her for it was violent- it was bloody- and it was born of the battles she had been within for most her life. Yet passing of age brought unease and unfamiliarity, a life gently concluded rather than torn from its pages. 
The metallic hand which held the growing coldness of Nisreens tightened, tears welling within the eyes of the woman. A unshaken demeanor cracking and breaking in unison with her heart.  

Later that night, she would gently embrace the body of her friend as she carried her home. A body, a friend, lay to rest within sacred soil which held the allies and friends the pair had grown to know at each others side.

"Thank you, Nisreen. You came to my side by chance, yet you never leaving it was something i truly strove for. We saw many years together, and i shall see many more without you." Her expression shifted once more, a usually stoic shiftless expression carrying a deep sadness to it. Tears tumbled down her cheek as she sat before her friends grave, speaking alone of memoires they shared. 

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A heart breaking could be heard through the de Astrea house, the missive held tight in an aging womans hands. Her long dark curls covering her face, the papers falling to the floor as sobs rang out. "..Nis..first mother..now you.." she sniffed, wiping her face as best she could sitting against her bed. The sobs only continuing.




Breaking could be heard from a home inside the Underlight Grotto, pots, cups..plates. Everything was being thrown in the home as cries were heard. "Why?! Why take her now?!" The redheaded 'ame shouted in pain from the heart break, her shield sisters daughter. Her family. The only thing she had left of her shield sister, her shield brother. The 'ames son crying from the next room the only thing causing her to stop her fit.

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An old sailor sits with her feet up on a table, a bottle of rum in hand. Nisreen herself had been long forgotten, but every now and then Charlotte would remember the trouble caused by their meeting, each time just giving a small smile and wishing the best for the poor woman.

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“There is a path to redemption, I have discovered it a long time ago.”


the Shieldess stood  within the walls of The small stronghold as she went outside and sat down for a hood cup of joe. She reminisced of the day her jawline told her of the Emerald knight, fallen before her. And then her Aunt who came in tears after failing to save the Ishte. 


“Nevertheless she’s with our lord now hopefully , our paths will meet again. And if not, then I hope in the next life we can share a good milkshake or cookies.”


the vigil stated once more a small  crocodile tear fell from her eye.

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Amidst an ancient purple wood, the tree whispered secrets, its roots winding, branches weeping, leaves falling echoing winds'  tales of Nisreen's final and last journey. The last Peak of sunshine carried fleeting memories of her niece, dancing like elusive butterflies, A golden ray, the last peak of sunshine, graced the clouds of seven skies, a stellar gem that adorned the firmament's peak. Yet, like a fleeting dream, sands of the kharasi dessert, it vanished, leaving a yearning void with the eldered girl. Where her memories would remeber, yet never united to her again, "maybe she would be reunited with her mother?" the thought crossing her mind. "Oui, that would be far better."

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A dainty 'ker sat alone out on the balcony in her larger home in Lurin, the only place she really considered home at the time. The sight of the city reminded her much of her time in Elysium, especially when her sister, Nisreen, was brought into the world. Her sister has always been her pride and joy, her right hand woman. The talks of their husbands of the time, their mother and how she could never stop working for a moment, to the making of the small snail doll to follow her tracks. The 'ker got to watch her grow into an amazing individual. Annore did not understand why she had to be the one cursed with long life of the mali, she watched each of those of her family dissipate. First there was Utata, then Umama, and now her beloved sister Nissi. The river of tears began to stream down the spotted face of hers, as she was the only one left to live out their stories and tell them, this will not be the end of the Reede de Astrea's.

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High above in the Seven Skies, Mehreen Al-Hattan embraced her dear friend and invited her for some long awaited tea.


"Come Uthkti, I'll make us some ma'moul while we talk. How I've missed you Nis."

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Fal'leon was left with his thoughts, with this pile of bound books, and not even a moment to thank the woman who had gifted them to him. Every time one of his human friends fell, he was reminded that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the ache that came with the loss of those he cared for dearly. 

He flips through the pages of the Lesson's he had been given, the news of Nisreen's passing a weight on his chest. One that not even the three bottles of whiskey by his side could cause to subside.

Tears well in his eyes as he mutters his thoughts to the silent room of his Seed Hall. "Ker'ayla, llir. Ye've fough' fer so long, ye've led such a wonderful life. I know ye said nae tae, bu' I shall miss ye eternally, an' shall ne'er ferge' ye. Yer books will 'elp guide those who come tae tha seed, I 'ope they can keep yer legacy alive. Goodnest, rest well alongside tha Xannic ligh' ye followed." He lets out a warble, and takes another long drink. "I'll pass on yer traditions, I swear i' tae ye."

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