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VIRTUE 5:3-6: I am the Lord GOD without peer. I poured the brine into the sea and the sweet water into the rivers, and I created the fire of the desert and the soft breeze that cools it. And as I have created for you the struggles of the world, so too do I create the struggles of the spirit. And as I have created the struggles of the world and the spirit, so too do I bring their remedies.



VIRTUE 4:9: So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not be idle, nor forget your duties in favor of sloth.


So it is said I have died.


The writings of a man who can only sign these craven allegations with a lone letter should not justify a response from one who puts such value to his name and time as I do. But a man does not come to preside over the Queen’s Court without knowing the power of a rumor, and so let me quash this one before it bears any rotten fruit. 



VIRTUE 7:8: So I am the most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not judge your own virtue, be it great or small, for all fall short of Me.


There is no refute I might make on the matters of my virtue that would not defy GOD, and as I was baptized as a child of His faith, so I shall die as His to judge. Have I lied, which is to sin? – does a man draw breath who has not? I have sought and shall seek forgiveness for mine, and pray that I leave this realm better for having lived upon it, which, if the rise and fall of my chest now is any indication, I still do.


If it is anyone’s will to test me of my living humanity, by all means: lance me with aurum and salt my blood. I welcome you. Please use a sharp blade and do not cut too deep, if it can be helped; I imagine my wife will be displeased if I scar. 



VIRTUE 3:9: And so I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.


I am no brother to any who still draw breath.


Still, there was a time I thought we might wait until my dear lady mother had passed on to the Skies above before setting forth to see your head once more adorn the walls of the North, if only to spare her the entire burden of your corruption. 


Woe, it is now without doubt that your vicious hand made me her last son, and furthermore that your destroyer’s gluttony will not be abated until even I am brought to ruin. One must concede to your tenacity in completing this damnable endeavor you set yourself upon: but I take some insult that you think it should be so easy.  


Know I yield nothing and to none but my GOD. I serve no force above Him and nothing of his Creation before the CROWN, to which I have dedicated my life’s service and intend to dedicate all the rest, too. 


You claim to have felled me once, and yet I stand. Whom, I wonder, willed it?




Grand Lord of Hanseti-Ruska


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The poor Queen's desk overflows with piles upon piles of missives; she's bound to have whiplash. 

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Virgil found himself in a rare fit of laughter, leaning back on his chair as he inspected the response. This only feuled his hunger more. He took a knife and brought it down onto the paper with force, pinning it to the desk. It was on.

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"You know," said an Alchemist, fiddling with a pen. "On one hand, the accusations of a man too afraid to even enter Valdev ought not to be taken very seriously. On the other hand, no man who quotes from scripture so extensively can ever truly be trusted." She looked to one of her taxidermied rabbits, which only stared at her with blank eyes, and did not provide a response. She frowned. "Fair enough. I do like Fabian. Dear Virgil is so..." Her lips pursed. "So unimaginative. Really, he could have made his accusations with much more flair. Probably would have worked better, too." Having decided which side she would take (and she always took sides,) the Alchemist set out to write a letter...

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Liridona Amador is concerned for her brother in law's family. She quickly begins penning a letter to Aleksandr to check on him, although is soon interrupted by her youngest son's wails.

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"It is with this," A simultaneously vengeful Countess Colborn mutters, "That a line has been drawn in the sand. As the youth say," She grumbles, setting about consulting her maps and accounting books, "The game is on."

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1 hour ago, critter said:

I imagine my wife will be displeased if I scar. 

"He has a wife? I thought... Oh well" Sterling continued to read the missive. "You have my blade Fabian, should you need it."

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"Hm..." Hums a pale vasoyev, frail and sickly in her smaller stature. Setting the missive down atop her desk, the woman wraps herself in a thick shawl as she rises from her seated position - heading down the hall. A sigh is released from her crimson colored lips as she ducks into a darkened room, keeping quiet. Heavy footsteps are heard, and the front door creaks open.

Those footsteps come to a halt just behind her, and the dame's anxieties ease as she leans back against the armored man.

"So this means war?" Her voice is barely audible. The man gives no reply, only wraps his arms around her. The shepherd's pale gaze remains glued to that sleeping figure buried beneath layers of thick fur blankets.

As his chest rises and falls, she cannot help but notice the striking resemblance he bears to 
his father.


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