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Issued and averred by

Her Serene Highness



Greetings, children of Canondom!


I am Catherine, or Catriona, or Cat, and I have no friends. Well, I have friends- the sheep lady, the sheep she gave me, Grammy, Uncle Konny, and a few others. I would like more friends. So please come join me for a CAMPING TRIP! I will get tents set up, we will have a fire, and we will play games. I would appreciate the attendance of devout canonist children as stories of heretics are scary, we can tell scary stories too. I am small, so I understand if older children do not want to come play little kid games, but I can make sure there’s an older children tent in the corner with older children things.


Please come be my friend.

To be held at the gardens of the Petran Palace.


Invitations have been sent to:

 The Children of the Commonwealth of the Petra,

 His Majesty, King Edmund II of Aaun, his siblings, and the children of Aaun,

 His Serene Highness, Prince Ivan of Haense, his siblings, and the children of Haense,

 His Serene Highness, Prince Aleksandr of Balian, his siblings, and the children of Balian,

 The children of Numendil,

 The children of Veletz,
 The sheep girl

 Those cousins Grammy mentioned

 The Theonus children

 My Stassion cousins

 The Viscount of Mies and his brother and any other siblings


[Saturday the 23rd of September at 4pm EST]



Her Serene Highness, Princess Catriona of the Petra, Archduchess of Vallagne

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The young lady was alone at home, staring daydreamily upon the ceiling as slippered feet kicked back and forth. Daydreams of rainbows and unicorns ran rampant, as per usual. A knock at the door though, had her flinging up with excitement and as she accepted the invitation, the Lady Catriona Baruch gasped. "Someone else has me name?!" The nine year old bounced about in her excitement, crimson braids fluttering out behind her as she pushes past the poor courier, door flinging shut behind her as she scrambled to find one of her dearest friends, Fiona. "Fionaaa! Fionaaa! Look, ah got a invite! An' she has me name too!"


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"Mother, father!" cried out the young Aurelia of Stassion, following her brief interaction with a courier in which she received the invitation now flying about in her hands and raised high in the air above her. She sprinted about the halls of Castle Aurelian, her hurried footsteps echoing about, as she attempted to find either of her parents to share her excitement of the news. "I also have no friends, just like her!" The child's smile promptly faded at her own remark, yet returned within the minute that she glanced back down upon the invitation's contents. 



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Adrian Temesch looked over the invite before running to find his older brother within Petra. "Brother look!" He exclaimed, a joyful smile on his face as he found his brother, Anthony. "We're invited! It looks like it should be good fun too! Maybe the others would like to join us on the trip as well!" He suddenly handed the invite over to Anthony, allowing him to read over it for himself. 

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59 minutes ago, Eryane said:

"Mother, father!" cried out the young Aurelia of Stassion, following her brief interaction with a courier in which she received the invitation now flying about in her hands and raised high in the air above her. She sprinted about the halls of Castle Aurelian, her hurried footsteps echoing about, as she attempted to find either of her parents to share her excitement of the news. "I also have no friends, just like her!" The child's smile promptly faded at her own remark, yet returned within the minute that she glanced back down upon the invitation's contents. 




Prince Richard, Margrave of Stassion looked to his daughter momentarily saddened by her remark of having no friends, but smiled simply saying whilst looking between his wife and daughter, "I believe this to be a perfect occasion for young Aurelia to meet others and build long lasting friendships hm?" @Marshi @Eryane

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Princess Sibyl would bear a huge grin upon her face as she beckoned for her siblings and friends, going to find them to let them know of the party that was occuring soon!

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