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E X O D U S 






Spoken, on the 7th, of The First Seed, Year 153, of the Second Age, marked by the slaying of Gazardiel by Drekur’Ungri, and Murdok’Lak.




Sha-mog-ob Krug, Pukhl-Izg, Sha-gûkr-naakh-ob Krug, Izg-diisum, Sha-grizh-ob Krug, slai-izishu, khlaar-izish rad.

To  My Horde, I address this;


My Silence on this treachery is broken; the Rebels have brought Zhara forces onto the sands of the Ilzdalgumu to unseat me. Let there be no lie spoken, the forces that come for my seat as not of Uruk origin, there is no face save the Bullgoth and Swampgoth whom I recognize as my people. Those who follow Grubnakh betray Krug for a Rex brought to power by Zhara hands. I did not deny them their “Klomp”, as has been painted, the Wargoths voted against them in our Klamor. As has been our way since my Predecessor, and is the process I abided by, under Ar-Borok’Akaal. If they had gained the Clans’ blessings I would have fought them with glee. However, I do not believe that would have changed the outcome, given that Mercenaries and rogue Urukhim stand on my Gate, and have been since the Klamor when my life was threatened.


The accusations of my Clan’s Buurzdom do not fall on deaf ears either. While, most false, or manipulated understanding or poor understanding of the Akaal ideology. These have served only to fuel the conflict against my seat further. Ignored, is that I am implicated in none of these lies made by any. The Death of Ar-Borok’Akaal was a heroic sacrifice to allow us to burn San’Valka, and the Mori’Quessir invaders within. To imply anything but such is to bring great dishonour to The Blood Rex’s name.


I have decided to bring upon myself a state of Exodus from the Horde. I call for the Clan Akaal and any loyal to me to follow suit with me in this Self-Exile. I do not judge my Kin who stay in San’Brîu, under the watchful eyes of the Ilzdalgumu ilz. As, if I was in such a possess to be able to maintain the Status Quo, I would. But, there is a Buurzdom beyond salvation inside the Horde, we see Uruks now driven by these delusions, who’d rather an Inferi touched by the Betrayer Spirit be a Rex or an Olog, chalked full of delusions, be their Leader. They may fight their battle without me. I make this choice, as I’d rather see my Clan live, and my Kinsmen thrive to fight the coming Buurz.


To  Allies, I address this;


Do you want your wish with this “New Horde”. Remember well, to watch for the Serpents in the Sand and do not forget the Infernic Ally of Grubnakh. I leave the Rexdom and what is left to Grubnakh’Lak.






Uruk ir-taar

rpRpe49XpmMeW6wvicbqbKm1jWsDlJ11uyl7tDtZXt1BPliq9lSwDLysuUAQ2rnkRnMWF3OU9OzIFA7l3-lx8cSuW1_aadf5QR7DrbE_vrCrBG0shwqKLik5BK0ET9vNa85dZqvgZfpdzBQZi-pjXgo Kybal’Akaal, “The Ram”, Azh-ob Zgur’thruk-al, Piz-ob Leyd, Groth-Uruk, zaabr-ob karn rar-ob Urin, A-Horde.





As of this post, I give permission to have Eokamaster3111 assume the role of PRO of the Iron Horde at his own leisure.


So, this is the part where I reflect on being an NL/Realm Leader? Huh… So, I’ll open up by saying that I am grateful for DrunkPapaBear first, for the opportunity of being open to me being NL in the first place, and for humouring me along the way to it. Especially since Krugmar in Atlas (Right at the End!) was the first community that I had joined on LOTC. It was a large step for me in terms of what I’ve done on LOTC, and I’m glad to be able to lead a historical mark on the server’s story. Likewise for the tremendous support my community has had in nurturing the persona. However, I’m sure as most past NLs can attest to, it is incredibly stressful for not really a lot of payoff/satisfaction. There were definitely some highs and times I genuinely enjoyed leading this community, and I still really like my community and wish them all the best.  However, there are definite lows where you’re really questioning why the hell are you stressing so much about a Mineman Game. 


 Just, in the past few weeks, the amount of free time I’ve had has been dwindling rapidly due to post-pandemic life kinda taking off. This has also sucked a lot of my motivation to play LOTC, as often, I felt like there was a mandated amount of hours a week that I had to be on LOTC or else I’d be a bad NL. I wish Eoka all the best and I hope the ensuing RP is fun for everyone. But, overall, I feel like I’ve been an overall good NL for the community for the most part. 


To clarify, Kybal is still very much alive and well, and still has plans. As IRPly this is a pseudo Schism for anyone who has strong opinions to either side IRPly.


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Hannes Steelguard was disappointed that Kybal'Akaal had decided to run away from his opponents instead of standing his ground and fighting for what he believed in and what he thought was right 


"Running away with your tail between your legs, are we?" Hannes chuckled as he read the missive, going off to celebrate the bloodless victory with his comrades!

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The missive was clutched between the metallic claws of the Bullgoth, rapidly burning into cinders once the creature had finished carefully reading the missive. "A coward to the very last. Afraid ob my flame. Afraid ob our army. Afraid ob Kor's grasp."


The minotaur looked out from the mountainside, examining the empty city of San'Briu with a cold scowl. "Kybal'Akaal. I will hunt you down. I will hunt your clan to extinction. I will destroy everything you have ever loved. For your dishonor stains the blood of your kin dark as night."

Edited by Vilebranch
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Pamphilos stood upon the high hill of Sulianpoli, he cast his gaze down to greater krugmenistan that lay flat before them. With a heavy brow, and a chest full of fire, he sighed.


"At last, for the time to raise arms was to come, with righteous warriors upon both sides, yet even in the face of the coming pure tides, it seems that the Akaal have yet to see plainly to what had happened. If they has sought to truly fight, to prove their honour, then why is it that they were refused? The Rex would ne deem a goth's dishonorable decision worthy of thought. For truly, to honor himself, he would fight to keep his klans prestige..."


The glorious bronze hoplite frowned, turning to his lads, their panoplies polished, cruel spikes sharpened, and wide shields painted. He raised his hands and spoke


"Its over lads! Pack it up! For we have taken victory! Raise your torch! Raise your amphorae! For we must salt the land of Krugmenistan with the blessing of purity, so ne impurities may rise!"


He lifts his spear of victory, and a vessel of great blessed salt, and he lead the way. For purity must come, and with it, a ladly statement.


"Bronze age now! Krugmar Igne'sae!"

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Rap’Lur states (translated from blah for my convenience) “I’ve never heard of voting to permit a Rex klomp in my life… nor have I seen someone so avoidant of battle to exile himself to deny his enemies a fight.”

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Jenny threw the missive upwards in a fit of disappointment from comically large chair far too big for her as papers flew all over "WHAT?!? THEY STOPPED BEFORE THE BEST PART!" She'd yell at the paper like an indignant sports fan watching a soccer game on a small TV "AAGGGHHH THEY CANCELLED MY NEW FAVORITE REBELLION!" 

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Gazhnahk'Akaal scanned over the missive she was handed, letting out a heavy sigh as she read.


"Thiz waz an inevitable fayt. If thiz iz what Kybal haz chozen to do, then Mi zhall follow. Zubmitting to ah Inferi or Olog rex iz ah unfathomable notion, Kybal'Akaal iz dah only Rex Mi will lizten to."


Gazhnahk crumpled the paper and tossed it to the ground as she stomped towards an eyeless uruk to deal with him.

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Within a deep slumber in her bedroom, in her mind lies Ember sitting with her spirit Pil’ri in the astral plane, as her bright starlight shines above, the spirit foreseen this happening, yet simply looks down at Ember- the Elfess was in deep meditation. Though she opened her eyes to look upon the lesser as they both looked down the mountain towards the Horde. 


For some reason, they saw it up in flames but not of revolution, or war… 


“What have they done…” said ember

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