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To Love Is To Consume [PK]


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The young Thelin would receive the letter while working diligently in the comfort of his shop. The messenger left him soon after to read his mother's words in silence. He was not always fond of his family, and even less so his father, but there was always a soft spot for his mother. There was always something warm about the way she carried herself around him, and for that he appreciated her despite all. 


The letter felt heavy in his hands and much to his surprise he began to cry. When he was able to collect himself again, he'd leave the comfort of his shop intent of sending a much needed letter. 

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A Monsterous Zar'akal lurked at the side of Velkuzat's legions from within Moz Strimoza, and beside him flickered the image of the first successful and true Naztherak - the first to spread the modern arts. Through the curtains of ash and cinders the clashing armies of zevn, zekul, zar'kiel, zezimar, and zar'kiel were seen. Rivers of blood ran throughout this realm, bodies stacked high only to be consumed by ever larger beasts.


A price demanded, a price payed. A test of faith was accepted without question for his lord, Velkuzat.


"That structure down there." The Zar'akal lofted a singular finger towards a stone ruin where fighters of Drazhana lingered. "My first act as an ascended being for you, o Lord." He glanced sideways at the spectral and crow tainted being to his left and received a nod of confirmation along with a few simple words. "Do not spare any." And he would not. Soon after, the Zar'akal would destroy the structure and those inside, leaving only ruin. His first act, one of dedication. His first step towards complete and total hell. Now it would not be long before Velkuzat permitted him to return to the descendant lands, and it would not be long before he was goaded into larger acts of violence.

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Grisha sat in his office chair with his scuffed black boots kicked up onto his desk. He pondered the fact that he had never caught the Inferi who had troubled the town of Illivira.

Bondage, he considered in quiet contemplation. How many have led fleeting lives? Far from the light of Acaelan. Grounding their souls in the Nether.


Each torch in his room flickered, the flames glowering at him with a fiery intensity, and intensifying his thoughts.


Pity the fool who readily makes decadent peers, he decided. To consort with evil from time to time to maintain peace is no sin. But to readily engage with Iblees and cavort with his servants, now that is irredeemable.


The Ferryman flipped a coin and then checked it on the top of his wrist. He saw the glowering bearded face of a Mareno soldier bearing a half-axe.


Death, then.



I know you've had this persona awhile. I commend the PK, and I feel like this new trend of people killing their characters is ultimately a positive one. Good luck with your next roll!


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As the girl was torn away through that hellgate she yielded herself to slumber atop a clement farmer's bedding of spoiled straw.

And dreamt, she did, of her opulent court and the rewards the king would bequeath..

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A letter falls at the feet of an old hag. One final request. How long had it been? She'd forgotten so many faces, so many names, but not this one. The hag is unsure what to make of this news, but sets out from her stretch of the woods, baubles jingling on her walking stick.

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