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The Death of a Star [PK]

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Hey if you’re reading this, then I am dead. I did not expect to die so young you know, I wanted to accomplish so much more and I probably didn’t but hey! At least I'm probably free in the seven skies with my big brother so don’t worry about me, you hear me! Tell me something though…


Did I die a good death?



AGH! THAT WON’T WORK!a voice growled throughout the house of Faen-gil 2, the young man sighed rubbing his forehead before grabbing another sheet of paper, dipping the pen inside the ink before writing his letters again, behind him was a pile of destroyed papers in one corner of his room.


“Get the prince to the heart!” The knight-commander shouted, a breath releasing from Ezequiel's lips as he rested the bow by his side, his guard lowering for a second or more watching his friends fight the voidal beetles that continued to try and stop them from getting to the second heart linked to the beast behind it.

For a second, just for a second, he lowered his guard.



A buzzing sound came from behind him and before he knew it he was flying from his wheelchair. Ah…tell me something Eze, did you think you’d really be safe? 



He spat out blood, ignoring his wounds as he gripped his knife staring down at the creature in anger, I’m not dying today. He thought, his body swaying back and forth before speeding towards the creature aiming for its neck as he shouted “Utúlie’n aurë!” and down they went.


“MY SWAIN!” camulos yelled, his voice fading as the boy closed his eyes, his body slowly failing him.


Did i die a good death?



[!] Letters to those designated had arrived either on their doorstep or in their window, by what looked like an owl with white eyes before it flew off.


To My Pater and Mater


if you’re reading this then I am probably dead, the days we had together make me smile, but I don’t want you both to worry about me! Look towards the skies and know that your baby boy is with his brother, I don’t want Pater to overwork himself so mater, it’s your job to make sure that old man rests!


To My Nieces and Nephews


I was your uncle for a small amount of time but do know I loved you all very equally even though I dishonored the Kervallen name for just wanting to be free, I still stuck around.


To Tar-Caraneth and Tar-Consort peter


thank you for everything, for being my friend and I hope to see you beat Peter in that darkspawn trophy collection! Good luck and goodbye.

Okay Peter, don't tell Her Majesty what you read on this separate letter, but i have faith you'll win that darkspawn collection, KEEP GOING!! p.s: Thank you for everything.


To Princess Eriantiel


I need you to be strong for me. Okay, you’ve been my best friend since we first met, remember that time at your tenth birthday party I gave you a gift and presumably ruined your party as well, keep that gift and keep your head high, princess. i don't want to see any tears, cause i know you're strong so continue being strong.


To Glyndwyr


Take care, my friend, and make sure Eyrah and eri stay friends also take care of  Erin, she’s your new squire to replace me, and DON’T BE RASH always be smart in the choices you make, and try to stay alive.


To Arathor


you’ll always be my friend you know that Artie, even though you may dislike me I'll always consider you my friend and a brother in arms, eyrah has a few things for you so make sure you grab it from her, goodbye my friend. 


To The marsyrs


 you guys are my favorite family out of every citizen in Numendil so I made sure Erin could deliver tea to your house every two saint weeks, if she forgets please remind her. And Lemyariel, even though your words may have been harmful I forgive you, I always did enjoy you as a friend perhaps you didn’t see it that way so it’s fine. Rossiel, if I had to recount how many times you told me to stop forgetting my cane my brain would hurt, still thank you really.


To Eyrah and wilhelm


 thank you both really I learned so much from you both and it makes me realize I did not spend enough time with you Wilhelm but take care of that cane I gave you. Eyrah, from the moment we met I knew we would be good friends, and look how far we came so I thank you.


To Master Baerte


 okay old dwarf even though I’m dead does not mean I broke my promise, i think you’ll enjoy Erin, she’s a bit….sarcastic and hrm... How do I put this without getting killed by Nico..she’s a good friend and a good smith but she also needs a mentor so teach her well.


To Phaedra and Nenar


you two will always be my favorite sisters thank you for everything without you two I’d probably never get to care so much for nature or wildlife, thank you for worrying about me and protecting me even at my lowest moments, thank you so much also don’t get damn killed, please.



“You’re a good man,” Arathor murmured, the dagger hovering over his friend’s chest before the blade pressed into the dying man’s chest and the petals of calahdril fell around the now dead man, a pang of silence throughout the city of numendil for a moment until the bells rang, announcing a great friend, a courageous man with a good soul had passed onto the seven skies.





“Thank you for being my friend, Aevos.”



OOC Note: I had a blast playing this character and watching him develop throughout the years, so thank you to those who helped me grow him, thank you to @ECS1999and @LMFC, thank you to the numendil gang and the norland gang, thank you to my friends really, thank you.


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Eriantiel stared at herself with a somber gaze, studying her appearance through the mirror. She smoothed out her black dress, brushing it off with her only hand. Her face was covered in layers of makeup, concealing any bruises and cuts she had. Ruby earrings dangled from her ears, trying to distract anyone from the heavy powder. The princess didn’t feel like herself, nor did she see herself in the reflection.

“I will avenge your death, even if it costs me. They’ll die by my hand. I promise Eze, you’ll be at peace soon.”

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"Damn," remarked Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, a woman of few words as always.

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Sir Ephrem gets the news, seems the man grows used to losing kids as he sighs and continues with his day. It's not that he is not sad, he is, it is the unfortunate feeling of getting used to this situation.

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At the foot of the Willow in Formindon's courtyard, Glyn emptied a patch of ground. The shovel cast aside, he arranged the armor of his friend out, along with his sword, as if he were there, clutching the blade close to the empty chest plate.


"Here you lie a hero of Formindon. Perhaps not in body, but in spirit. Your surcoat will lie here, your heraldry forever woven into the fabric of this good green land.

Your banner shall be entrusted to another, I will not let thy name die. The red and gold shall fly wherever we ride, in the name of GOD, and the radiant star. Forever will you be a part the roots of my home, and from your virtue shall sprout the peace we all strive for."


The Knight Commander rose then from his knees, taking up his shovel, before covering the armaments of his fallen friend.



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Chi Kagura Hope Stroheim got the news from her family members. The woman couldn't help but cry to herself. Chi had nothing to remember the boy by. Only the few memories of the boy smiling so wide. It made her heart ache. 
Only staring out a window from time to time but she knew nothing would happen. 

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Wyn simply raises a glass, seems his family continued to dwindle...yet in their final moments did they always shine so bright.

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Emelia Kervallen - wherever she was - glanced up as the general 'letter of death' was delivered via owl. Shamefully, she had never met her younger sibling. She cast a glance to her own son, brows furrowed as he played with a wooden sword, before she went back to reading.

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Phaedra had not given him a hug when he'd asked for it. Not a real one. It was a half-assed embrace, one that read of her annoyance at the situation, her aggravation of his stubbornness. As much as she'd hoped her cold demeanor would deter him from wheeling off into battle, it didn't. As much as she'd hoped her shitty attitude towards him that day would get him to reconsider, it didn't. She'd come to regret that in the hours, weeks, months and years following.


Her regret wouldn't bring him back.


She hadn't gone into the portal after they had made a mess of the distraction. She was the only one. Perhaps if she'd been stronger, kept a better eye on him, forced him to return to the city with her, he'd have lived. The what-if's linger as long as the regret does. 


"Why isnae anyone doin' anythin'-?!"


She hadn't even gotten to say goodbye. She hadn't gotten to apologize. One moment, he was laying on the bench with shuddered breaths, the next, completely gone by the hands of those near. It would take a few hours for the shock to wear off, to fully understand what had just happened.


Then the boy's last words come to her in the form of a letter and the guilt increases ten-fold. She'd never called him her brother, not out loud, but there was some part of her that had always felt protective of him, that had found his strange quirks endearing. Any annoyances were tolerable and, really, isn't that what younger siblings do? Annoy the hell out of you, then wiggle their way back into your heart the moment after.


The thought tears her up from the inside out.


She tries with utter desperation to write down her memories of him, to immortalize his image to stave off the inevitable, but all that strikes the pages of her journal are tears. She never gets more than a few trembling letters written before the rivulets soak the page, time and time again, until finally, it hurts too much to keep trying. Her weakness, however, rips her apart perhaps most of all, for she had nothing else to remember him by; just her memories and the emotions connected. And a promise. A single promise.


She wouldn't die until his death gets avenged.


In the years following, for however long the druid has, Phaedra would cling to her fading memories of him. Time works against her condition, seeking to erase him from her thoughts, just like it always had her parents, her other family members, her friends, her achievements, her failures, over and over and over again. It would take decades, but, eventually, it would be as if the boy had never existed in her life. And yet...


And yet...


For the rest of her time in the mortal realm, there would not be a single game of dice gone by that a small pang of loss would not find her, as if something was sorely missing. She would not know why such a wave of emotion would wash over, but it would come without fail. Perhaps it would be brushed off, but it would return in full force the very next game. When she wins, the urge to turn and tease the ghost of a memory would steal her breath away. And with loss? Well...


That loss would always come with a small sense of an older sibling's pride.



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He called her sister. That boy did. Her. Sister. A woman so many times his age she could have been his great grandmother at least seven times over, likely more. It was a strange thing to hear the title Sister from one so young. Yet there was some reassurance in that. Some odd comfort not felt for decades or more. The pain and suffering, the loss and heartbreak which twisted and changed her over the years wasn't seen by that boy.

He was so different from the elves. He didn't see someone centuries older. He didn't see someone bent by age and sacrifice. He saw a young woman. Full of promise, full of strength. A woman whose body and soul he viewed as worth protecting.

She was there, when he took his last breath. Yet she couldn't watch it. She didn't dare. That boy who called her Sister, that boy who brought a smile to her eyes, he wasn't the body there on that bench. 

He was the boy who laughed and ran around the square. He was the boy who asked questions on every new thing he saw. He was the boy with the gentle hands, who sought to care for and protect every vulnerable thing he saw. He was the boy whose bravery and strength brought him so far, he died amongst the stars.


He was the boy who would always be a Friend.
He was the boy who would always be her Brother.
Ezequiel was the Man who would never be forgotten.

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