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“The Church is growing bored.” Remarked a young Galbraith heir whom was inked out all along his arms. 

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Holy Ser Gerard would approve this message from Heaven!

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"A punishment long deserved"


Such spoke a dragonkin, gazing upon the parchment.

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A tiny devil read on and groaned. Dawning his disguise of a fake yam nose and stolen glasses.

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Lenora gawked at the missive "May their hate burn themselves out and my the human descendants that actually agree with this die upon this hill with no change to change their course" and with that she tossed the paper into the flames of her fire place



Sorry for the hate posting. I hope your characters live happy lives!! Honest


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As the blind man could not see, he would not be informed of such decision. After a long while of standing in front of the missive, a kind Samaritan read it aloud for him. 

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"Frankly, et's taken far too long to come to this. These fools and monsters have always been given forgiveness, or the benefit of the doubt, and they have always taken advantage of such. They acted the innocent on Almaris, now here on Aevos near sixty years later. Ea am sure they acted the same in centuries past. Amaya es only the latest example." Viktor var Ruthern remarked sourly, signing a Hussariyan. His youth was painted with memories of devils acting as pests, and the same folk have proven themselves enemies even decades later.

Edited by ContestedSnow
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"Those poor outcasts. . ." A creature laughed at the misfortune of those cursed Descendants.


"The walls of Hexicanum are always open, should you find no-where else to go. I could use some more proper students of the Void."

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"Shit." A aging Galbraith frowned as he read the flier - recalling his conversations with Mircalla not a day or two ago - one of the more relevant cursed children. All things considered, the devil was a kind soul despite his ... prejudices. "Our diplomacy with the non-canon realms that house them is bound to be interesting. Poor souls. Literally."




"Perfect," rattled an ancient, ancient woman.


In more secluded spots where the notice had been laid, another poster was jailor's-moss-glued beside it. It read ... "TO THE DEJECTED AND CURSED; THE HUMANS MAY CAST YOU OUT, BUT WE WELCOME YOU. THEY CALL YOU DEVILS - EMBRACE IT!", alongside directions to send a pigeon to one 'Serthekhur'. Eye-burning sigils surrounded the advertisement, scrawled in blood.

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"oh no, god forbid we address the actual issues of the darkspawn epidemic, lets just let the undead, frostwitches, and actual demons continue to run a muck, our real enemy is obviously people with tattoos and devils who had nothing to do with the murder of queen amaya, we truly live in an enlightened era. ******* brilliant."   

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“In the end…” an exhausted Baalial glances up from the missive at his mother, sat at a worn old desk where a myriad of strewn up letters and crumpled parchments surrounded him. “You were right. It’s another genocide.”




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Ser Uther, an aging Adunic hedgeknight shook his head in disapproval.


"Pushin' those already predisposed t'evil further into the hands of the Arch-Enemy all but condemns them."

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"...I do not remember Karl III banning the Inferi from the city, when they bore down on Karsograd." The Watcher remarks as those cosmic eyes flicker over a copy, more them amused.


"First ink, now this - it's just a Cat. I thought she wasn't a threat?" He shrugs to himself in the isolation of his own apartment, carefully folding the missives atop another report - one mentioning something about Twelve Crowns, and other possible remarks he might tell at his next comedy appearance. 

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